
时间:2022-09-15 13:28:34 | 来源:语文通



六一儿童节的作文100字 篇1六一儿童节的作文100字 篇2六一儿童节的作文100字 篇3六一儿童节的作文100字 篇4写六一的优秀作文100字 篇5六一儿童节的作文100字 篇6写六一的优秀作文100字 篇7

六一儿童节的作文100字 篇1


If someone asks me how it is, how bad it is.Originally, my mother still wanted to take me out to play, but I had a fever again, so I couldn't go anywhere.very unhappy!


After a few days, my illness was getting better, so my mother took me to the cinema to watch "The Pirates of the Caribbean · Death without a testimony", and replenished my bad mood.


I will exercise more in the future, and never have a fever and a cold!It's too uncomfortable to get sick!

六一儿童节的作文100字 篇2


On the day of the happy Children's Day, after I went to the water park to play a few thrilling far away, I was anxious to fish.I was very excited to catch the big goldfish for a day in the prescribed time.


Then I bought a fish tank and more than twenty small fish in Nan Park. After returning home, I put them together. I didn't expect the big fish to eat a few small fish.Fortunately, I found it early. At present, I have raised the big fish.I passed a happy June 1st, thank my parents.

六一儿童节的作文100字 篇3


After more than an hour, we started the garden tour.We rushed out happily. After three hours after the tour, we ended, and we all returned to the classroom.We sat on the chair to rest. The teacher bought us ice cream and eating. After we finished eating, we ate lunch. As we dinner, we watched TV while eating.After we finished eating, we got out of school.


This day is really happy!

六一儿童节的作文100字 篇4


Today is the festival of our children -Children's Day of Children's Day. My parents and I returned to Shantou and met my sister Yan Yi, and I miss it with me.Puppy deer!I'm so glad!Our family go to vermiculite to play!


We sang and danced, still swinging, and playing sand with our younger and sisters, so fun!The deer saw that the big dog was fierce, and always called!We hurriedly held it away.I'm so glad!

写六一的优秀作文100字 篇5


I really want a "doll". One day, my mother went out and held a box. I didn't know what it was?


My mother asked me to close my eyes and asked me to guess. I couldn't guess. My mother asked me to open my eyes, wow!


I was surprised, it turned out to be the "doll" I wanted!I am very happy.Mom said, "I wish you a happy holiday! This is a gift I gave you" June 1 ".

六一儿童节的作文100字 篇6


Today is Children's Day. The school was preparing to engage in activities, but God rained for a whole day.


Alas, it's really bad, but fortunately, Teacher Shen, the head teacher, sent me a blessing. I'm so happy. Here, I want to borrow this Children's Day for Children's Day. Thank you Teacher Shen sincerely. Thank you Teacher Shen.I teach patiently, thank you!

写六一的优秀作文100字 篇7


Today is the long -awaited day of Children's Day. Everyone came to school with a fierce manner. The entire campus was filled with a festive atmosphere. Our school was sitting on the big operating field. Many classes staged wonderful programs. WeThe chorus performed "Happy Flower".


In the afternoon, we ate a good meal and went to the cinema to watch a movie by car.A happy day, soon passed, let's greet the next Liuyi!