
时间:2022-08-01 14:02:47 | 来源:语文通



My grandfather is a retired employee. After retiring, he has many people's hobbies.Sometimes when you listen to Chinese opera, sometimes playing cards.He can always allocate his leisure time, you see, he is obsessed with a woodworker again.


For the first time, he caused hobbies to woodworking, and it was first a year ago.There is an old man in the yard, sitting under an old locust tree every day, blasting, attracting many people to see the excitement.My grandfather was in one of them. He often saw many hours at first glance, forgot to eat, and forgot to go home.When he saw a piece of wood beside the public bed, he was nervous and anxious for a while, and stretched his eyebrows for a while. As long as you couldn't see him, he would be able to find his shadow under the old locust tree.


It didn't take long for him to have a lot of attention to the woodworkers. He was not in line with the viewing. He was preparing to do his ability to practice in advance. One day, he asked his mother to buy a set of woodworking sets for them on the Internet. After submitting the orderLogistics details.


After the delivery, the grandfather's technical nature has done a good job for everyone and praying for the card.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceThat piece of wood with different shapes changes under the grandfather's hands, becoming a lot of interesting gadgets.


It didn't take long for the grandfather to download woodworking video teaching on the Internet, and began his way of self -study.


This is my grandfather, a proper woodworking fan.



1、外公:外公读音为wài gōng,是指外祖父。 ∶外祖父外公 wài gōng词语解释:外祖父。[(maternal) grandfather] [方]∶外祖父分词解释:外祖父:母亲的父亲。俗称外公。● 外 wài ㄨㄞˋ◎ 与“内”、“里”相对:外边。外因。里应(yìng )外合。外行(háng )。◎ 不是自己这方面的:外国。外路(同“外地”)。外族。外省。外星人。◎ 指“外国”:外域。外宾。外商。◎ 称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚:外公。外婆。外甥。◎ 称岳父母:外父。外姑(岳母)。◎ 称丈夫:外子(亦指非婚生之子)。◎ 关系疏远的:外人。◎ 对正式的而言,指非正式的:外号(绰号)。外史(指正史以外的野史、杂史和以叙述人物为主的旧小说)。外传(zhuàn )。◎ 传统戏剧角色名:外旦。外末。外净。● 公 gōng ㄍㄨㄥˉ◎ 正直无私,为大家利益:公正。公心。大公无私。◎ 共同的,大家承认的:公理。公式。公海。公制。◎ 国家,社会,大众:公共。公安(社会整体的治安)。公众。公民。公论(公众的评论)。◎ 让大家知道:公开。公报。公然。◎ 封建制度最高爵位:三公(中国周代指“太师”、“太傅”、“太保”;西汉指“大司徒”、“大司马”、“大司空”)。公子。公主。◎ 敬辞,尊称男子:海公。包公。诸公(各位)。◎ 雄性的:公母。公畜。◎ 对长辈和年老人的称呼:公公。外公(外祖父)。◎ 姓。...外公怎么造句,用外公造句»

2、木工:木工读音为mù gōng,是指1.古代官名。 2.指建造房屋木结构或木器制造的工艺。 3.伐木工。 4.指建造房屋木结构和修造木器的工匠。木工 mù gōng词语解释:1.古代官名。 2.指建造房屋木结构或木器制造的工艺。 3.伐木工。 4.指建造房屋木结构和修造木器的工匠。分词解释:工艺:①将原材料或半成品加工成产品的工作、方法、技术等:工艺复杂ㄧ工艺精细。②手工艺:工艺品。官名:①旧时称在乳名以外起的正式名字。②官衔。制造:①将原材料加工成为可供使用的物品:制造兵器|制造业。②有意识地造成某种氛围、局面:制造事端|制造轻松气氛。木器:供餐桌厨房和其他家庭用途的各种木制品。...木工怎么造句,用木工造句»