
时间:2022-09-22 13:23:18 | 来源:语文通



野菊花 篇1关于野菊花的作文 篇2关于野菊花的作文 篇3

野菊花 篇1


In a warm afternoon, took out the wild chrysanthemum tea from the mother, and a few dead wild chrysanthemums were sprinkled at the bottom of the transparent glass, injected into boiling water, and saw wild chrysanthemum swimming in the water, slowly surfaced.After some time, I comfortably opened my body and exquisitely, slowly slipped down in the most beautiful posture, fell into the bottom of the cup, lying obliquely on each other, and completed the most beautiful transformation in life.With a little enchanting beauty, the beauty is suffocating and fascinating.


Langzhong seemed to return to the childhood of the wild chrysanthemum.The wild chrysanthemums in the mountains, bathing the sun and sucking rain dew, just like that, grow freely, and grow freely.As if a group of beautiful elves invited each other, attracted by the lakes and mountains here, stayed in succession, and couldn't bear to leave, so they took root and blooming, sowing enthusiasm, and spreading the beauty.The day of wild chrysanthemums is a sweet day.The flowers with the color of the sun, some closed their eyes shyly, as if the first love girl, looking forward to, waiting, she dared to taste the taste of love; some opened their eyes slightly, as if they just woke up from the deep sleep.In retrospect, I was intoxicated and I didn't want to go out of a beautiful dream;


亭 Golden skirt, white jade skin ", there are thousands of attitude and enchanting. The breeze is brushed, like a mother's hand stroking you, the wind brings some sweet fragrance of wild chrysanthemums, mixed with grass flavor, and each each. The fragrance of flowers is brewed in the slightly moist air. The younger, I like to lie on the slopes of the golden wild chrysanthemum alone, hide my face in the flowers and tender leaves, and quietly tell my joy to the wild chrysanthemum. My sadness. , My dream, my desire. Wild chrysanthemum shook his head gently, shaking his body, as if listening, thinking, comforting. I was happy, sad, and confused when I was young. Soothing, diluted, gently came like a cloud, walking quietly. When I was happy, I would pick the largest and most beautiful flowers, compiled into a gorgeous flower ring, wear it on my head, sing loudly, dance, and feel like I was also one of the chrysanthemums. It wasn't until I heard that my mother was anxious and stubbornly called the child. Chrysanthemum petals, smiled and blame my play ...


"Jielan Ningxianshu, shore chrysanthemum shines in the morning light. Lugoi Xiaoxiao laughed, the wind was shallow and fragrant. The fine leaves were light and green, and the round flowers were tender and yellow.When it was open, when a golden, the hard -working farmers raised the bamboo basket and picked it home with a blossoming wild chrysanthemum, cleaned, dry, air -dried ...The effect of fire and clearing the liver.Every year, the mother always makes a large dusty wild chrysanthemum tea. Throughout the year, the aroma of wild chrysanthemums in our tea cups ...


Today, staying away from my hometown and working abroad, my mother never forgets to bring me wild chrysanthemum tea from my hometown, and came to warm greetings and cordial ding.The wild chrysanthemum tea in my hometown seems to be the fragrance of motherly love ...

关于野菊花的作文 篇2


Have you ever seen the wild chrysanthemum that grows on the hillside?Do you like the wild chrysanthemums in the mountains?Yes, it really does not have that beautiful flowers, nor does it have a fascinating body; because it is just a Popp small wild flower.


I especially like wild chrysanthemums.When I was a kid, I lived in the grandmother's house in the countryside; in the autumn, once the wild chrysanthemum blossomed, my grandmother and grandmother took me to the mountain to play.I saw the yellow wild chrysanthemum, full of hillside, and the small green leaves of the wild chrysanthemum set off the small yellow flowers; although it did not have a charming fragrance, no peony's grace and gorgeous, but its vitality was strong, and the flowering period was also the flowering period.It was very long. In the late autumn and early winter, the flowers faded, but it still bloomed.


My grandmother told me that there are many uses of wild chrysanthemums.That day, I climbed up the hillside to pick flowers, fell accidentally, and scratched the skin on my feet.On the wound, I felt less painful, and it was cool.Grandma said that wild chrysanthemum has the function of disinfection and hemostasis; before liberation, the poor could not afford the medicine, so they used dried wild chrysanthemum to wash the wound with water; wild chrysanthemum was still a Chinese medicine, which could clear heat and defeat the fire, and cured a cold; I did not expectThere are so many uses of wild chrysanthemums!


Later, my parents picked me home and lived. I couldn't always live in my grandmother's house. I always remembered the wild chrysanthemum in my heart, so I took a lot of home.My mother taught me to wash and dry the wild chrysanthemum and make tea.I have drank black tea and green tea, but I have never drank wild chrysanthemum tea.After soaking a cup, a faint fragrance came; after a taste, I just felt refreshed.


When the hillside is full of wild chrysanthemums, I will climb the hillside again to pick the wild chrysanthemum.

关于野菊花的作文 篇3

去年秋天,爸爸妈妈 www.huzhidao.com 带我去秋游,我们刚来到了一个山坡下就有一股香味,扑鼻而来,闻着这淡淡的扑鼻而来的香味,真是令人瞬间就感到心旷神怡!

Last autumn, my parents www.huzhidao.com took me to autumn tour. As soon as we came to a hillside, there was a fragrance. It was scent, smelling this faint fragrance, it really made people feel refreshed instantly!


I asked my mother: "Where's the fragrance of my mother?" Mom said, "Look!" Looking at the place where the mother's fingers, wow!It is a large chrysanthemum.We climbed up the hillside, and we saw a large area of wild chrysanthemums. They raced to open up, showing their beauty.Dad said, "Let's pick up some of them to make chrysanthemum pillows." Mom took out a bag, and we started picking together.I felt dazzling for a while.Watching this is very beautiful, and the one is also beautiful, I don't know which one to pick it.The round flowers and coins are generally small, and many small petals are arranged neatly around the flowers. The pale yellow flower stamens are densely covered in the middle, such as stars, such as clouds, like pinks, such as Dai. Although it is not dazzling and beautiful, it is also exquisiteThat's how.I saw so many wild chrysanthemums on the hillside, and I couldn't wait to take them home.


We picked the wild chrysanthemum home and dried it, and some of them were made into chrysanthemum pillows. The other part of the chrysanthemum was used to soak in water. The chrysanthemum water had a faint fragrance.Wild chrysanthemum is like Cinderella, I like wild chrysanthemum!