
时间:2022-06-08 13:47:39 | 来源:语文通


Summary: Follow my heart, don't let foreign objects block the pace of chasing.When the lighthouse is hidden in the fog and it is difficult to find, the equipment with the fine equipment will eventually lose its direction.On the 200m freestyle of the Incheon Asian Games, all the audience and the media condensed the focus on the "peak battle" of Sun Yang and Park Tae -hyun.When the audience was surprised by the "dark horse" gold, would there be some more feelings?



Title: Follow my heart


No one is asking why Huaer can reveal fragrance, why fish can dive in the water, and why birds can soar in the air, because each small grass has the expectations of flowering, each small fish has a longing for the sea.Each bird has the desire to fly in the blue sky.The tendency of my heart, dreams, follow my heart, can outline my life without regrets.


Follow my heart, don't focus on the eyes of others.But Ding Zeng said: "Don't care about the words of others, like a well -standing tower, never tilt by storm." No one thinks that a deaf can be achieved in music, and Beethoven will eventually become the king of music;No one believes that a farmer can be implicated with science and technology, but Yuan Longping has achieved the myth of farmers; everyone laughed at the literary dream of a bad child who dropped out of school halfway, but Han Han was undoubtedly successful.The bird's ambition of knowing Hongzhong, Xun and Xue Diu are difficult to understand 90,000 miles high.The ultimate goal of life is undoubtedly the realization of the dream, and if you want to realize your dreams, you must follow your heart.


Follow my heart, don't let foreign objects block the pace of chasing.When the lighthouse is hidden in the fog and it is difficult to find, the equipment with the fine equipment will eventually lose its direction.On the 200m freestyle of the Incheon Asian Games, all the audience and the media condensed the focus on the "peak battle" of Sun Yang and Park Tae -hyun.When the audience was shocked by the "dark horse" gold, would there be some more feelings? The envy and even jealous of the success of others would not be beneficial to themselves, and inferiority and cowardice were not desirable.Following my heart and doing my own business, success knocked the door inadvertently.


However, following my heart does not mean that I can do whatever I want.Following my heart is to adhere to a belief, adhere to a goal, and adhere to a direction, and what you want is to let the sinking, the pride, and the unrestrained desire.Following my heart, even if I couldn't reach the top of Mount Everest in the end, the scenery on the road must be enough; as I want, even if I can't live for a while, it is difficult to escape the fate of the body.The director of the Energy Bureau Liu Tienan is not because of his own desire, regarding the law and morality as a grass mustard, is it eventually ending up? Performing stars Ke Zhendong and Fang Zuming are not because of unscrupulous time and virtue.Is it a batch of officials who fell off the horse not following the love of the party and the party, and after being gradually lost to the arrogance of the arbitrarily, they walked away?Following it closely, one end fell into, and he was not allowed to come back.


Sulor's fishing in Lake Waldon, Cang Yang Jiacuo brought Bai Lu to the snow, Su Zi Yiyu Rain Ren Ping Lifeng ... Following my heart, high standards and distant and quiet, the heart is as directed, and there is no fruitfulness.No regrets.Follow my heart without complaints and regrets.


Teacher comment: The article leads the central point of view in the natural -type ratio, and the image is vivid.Come down and point out that following my heart is not free to do, full of philosophical and speculative colors, the end of the point, short and powerful, echoed at the end, and the structure is compact.It can be called a model of the "Cross Pork Belly Leopard Tail".



1、优秀:优秀读音为yōu xiù,是指(成绩、品行等)极好:成绩优秀|优秀学生。优秀 yōu xiù词语解释:(成绩、品行等)极好:成绩优秀|优秀学生。(1) [excellent;outstanding;fine]∶出色,非常好优秀作品(2) [superior]∶品行、成绩等非常好优秀儿童分词解释:品行:品性、行为:品行清正。成绩:1.成功的业绩;成效。 2.今亦指工作或学习所取得的成就﹐收获。极好:1.显著或非凡的。如:极好的职业。2.极为有利的。如:极好的机会。...优秀怎么造句,用优秀造句»

2、作文:作文读音为zuò wén,是指1.撰写文章。 2.指学生的写作练习。作文 zuò wén词语解释:1.撰写文章。 2.指学生的写作练习。(1) [write a composition]∶撰写文章(2) [composition]∶学生的写作练习分词解释:学生:①在学校肄业或在其他教育、研究机构学习的人。②向老师或前辈学习的人。也用于弟子对老师或前辈的自称。写作:1.犹写成。指作诗文﹑绘画等。 2.书法和文章。 3.写文章;创作。文章:①单独成篇的文字作品:写文章。②文辞:文章尔雅,训辞深厚。③礼乐制度:考文章,改正朔。④花纹色彩:五色文章。⑤比喻隐含的意思:话中另有文章。⑥比喻可做的事;可用的办法:还有文章可做|抓住一点大做文章。练习:①反复学习,以求熟练:练习心算 ㄧ练习写文章。②为巩固学习效果而安排的作业等:练习题ㄧ练习本ㄧ做练习ㄧ交练习。...作文的近义词,作文的同义词是什么»

3、高中:高中读音为gāo zhòng,是指高级中学的简称。 大学与初中之间的一个学习阶段高中 gāo zhōng词语意思:高级中学的简称。[senior high school] 大学与初中之间的一个学习阶段分词解释:简称:①较复杂的名称的简化形式。如中专(中等专业学校)、奥运会(奥林匹克运动会)。②简单地称呼:化学肥料简称化肥。高级中学:我国实施的后一阶段的中等教育的学校。简称高中。● 中 zhōng ㄓㄨㄥˉ◎ 和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:中心。当(dàng)中。中原。中华。◎ 在一定范围内,里面:暗中。房中。中饱。◎ 性质或等级在两端之间的:中辍(中途停止进行)。中等。中流砥柱。◎ 表示动作正在进行:在研究中。◎ 特指“中国”:中式。中文。◎ 适于,合于:中看。● 中 zhòng ㄓㄨㄥˋ◎ 恰好合上:中选。中奖。中意(会意,满意)。◎ 受到,遭受:中毒。中计。◎ 科举考试被录取:中举。中状元。● 高 gāo ㄍㄠˉ◎ 由下到上距离大的,与“低”相对:高峰。高空。高踞。高原。高耸。高山流水(喻知己、知音或乐曲高妙)。高屋建瓴(形容居高临下的形势)。高瞻远瞩。◎ 高度:他身高一米八。◎ 等级在上的:高级。高考。◎ 在一般标准或平均程度之上:高质量。高消费。高价。高档。高手。高能物理。◎ 声音响亮:引吭高歌。◎ 敬辞,称别人的事物:高见。高就。高论。高寿。高堂。高徒。◎ 热烈、盛大:高昂。兴高采烈。◎ 显贵,道德水平高:崇高。清高。高风亮节。高尚。高雅。高洁。◎ 宗族中最在上之称:高祖。◎ 酸根或化合物中比标准酸根多含一个氧原子的:高锰酸钾。◎ 姓。...高中怎么造句,用高中造句»