
时间:2022-07-22 13:25:22 | 来源:语文通



Every time you wipe your body, you are all fate. In your life, you do n’t know how many people who do n’t know how many people can stay in memory, but also a few people.


On September 1, 2014, four or seven people constituted a class and became a new group.In the first few days of the new semester, I couldn't write down all the names, but there was only one person, but I wrote down her name.She is very tall and looks pretty. The most unforgettable thing is the two live broadcasts she laughed.


She is very passionate. As a Chinese class, I know that I know the weight of myself. I usually go to homework with another classmate J, but at that time, J was "pressed" by work and could not be born.People who have not been familiar in the class, even if they understand, they will not learn to let go of their own jobs that have not been done to hand in their homework.I stood in the position and tried to bring the stupid son with one person, but this was really difficult, and I sat on the table and chairs heavily, leaking my breath.Suddenly, the practice of the table was less than half a pile of practice. Looking up at her, it was hard to imagine her.


"Go, I'll help you!" She smiled and exposed two live broadcasts.


"Okay, thank you."


On the road to assignment, I don't have a lot of words, and I don't know what to say.However, she is not as elegant and quiet as I imagined. In turn, she is a "talk".The two of us were unique and answered.In September, where I was still irritable, I knew her.


Her test scores are very good, and they are far ahead.She often assists her classmates to deal with doubts, and every time she patiently interpreted the problem -solving ideas.She often helps teachers to do something meaningful.The words on the board are neat and odor, which also stems from her hand.


Time is like a white horse, and the time for this class is about a hundred days.At the time of class, I was sitting in the position, watching the classmates noisy, watching them and laughing, because I would no longer nostly, which class I used to be together for six years, and I would no longer miss the intimate pot friends at that time.EssenceHere, I still have pot friends, still in such a harmonious class.And she will also become a deep mark in my memory.


The composition of a class is not easy.How short life is, the largest number but nearly a century.All kinds of people will be encountered during the period.Some of them are in mind, some, but for a moment.



I met you was the most beautiful accident, and Sun Yanzi sang the most beautiful voice in this world.


How many times can I meet in my life?Teachers and students are met; how many times can I meet in my life?Friends are met; how many times can I meet in my life?The family members met in their lives.


When I was in elementary school, my body was weak, like a sick seedling, and wearing a warm sweater every day often suffered from a cold. Although it was not a serious illness, the small cold was very annoying.The small and crowded medical room was filled with the smell of disinfection potions, and the door was vomiting.The doctor's surname is enthusiastic and thoughtful, and immediately received the model as soon as he entered the door.I am often used to staring at the potion bottle and see the drop of dripping drops along the straw into my blood vessels.There are either a large number of people in the infirmary or deserted.Most of I choose to patronize this small infirmary at the deserted moment.It was raining, the weather became cold again, and the back of the hand was cold and cold when the infusion was clear. I do n’t know when the weather was clear.


A middle -aged man rushed to a motorcycle and rushed to the wind, the door was pushed away, and I retracted the gaze of the bottle.The middle -aged man called a doctor as soon as he entered the door. At this time, I was quite shocked to turn my eyes to the man, and the face seemed to have known each other.I whispered to the man with a boldness: "Teacher." He looked at me in surprise. We looked at each other and showed a smile at each other.It was only two minutes when I met at that time, and when I saw the middle -aged man left, I left with a good time, and I remembered that he accidentally asked me a question just now.


"Do you dare not raise your hand in the classroom?" The reply I wanted to blurt out at the time. What the teacher was late, but after all, I didn't say it because I never changed it!I remember when the position was edited at the beginning of the month, everyone was very excited. The position was twice once every two months. This time it was obviously a bit unexpected. My table was you.Wen Jing's people finally came together. "People who didn't know said hard:" Hey, you see, she sat in the last row again! "Obviously, the seat was scheduled according to the results.The grades of elementary school should be said that in addition to mathematics, the class teacher and mathematics teacher are really like a god. If we think that we may have the opportunity to have each other, so we have synthesized a friend.


I was a neighbor with you at first, and you are serious and serious than math teachers.You are energetic, and you are no less than one of the best students in the class.Everything has its own planning, and there are their own arrangements.Take off the serious and indifferent appearance, the more I find that you have a tender heart, you are willing to help others, kindness and innocence.You lit my passion with kindness, and you ring my numbness with enthusiasm.You, my best friend.It was only two years in a hurry. How can I match the chance?


Meeting you is the most beautiful accident in my life.



He is not a flattering classmate; he is not a student with excellent grades; he has no outstanding appearance; he has no outstanding expertise.He is just an ordinary person. He is ordinary to sit in his seat to watch writing homework, and rarely play with other students in the class.In this classroom, he didn't have him, and no one didn't pay attention.However, a trivial matter left him the deepest impression in my heart.This is because that little thing made me see his beautiful heart.


I remember my right arm was accidentally fractured, and my life and learning were greatly affected. The most unexpected thing is that the wide and heavy bracket on the arm makes wearing a jacket the biggest trouble every day. On the first day of returning to school, the students were scattered as soon as they were from school. help. And when I was working hard to pack my schoolbag, I suddenly realized that the classroom was empty! Looking around, only he was still writing homework quietly. "Well, forget it!" I thought, he looked like he looked at him every day. I worked hard to "eaten myself", but I couldn't wear it. In a hurry, something touched with his right arm, a painful pain trembled. "Ah!" I couldn't help but whispered, showing a painful expression. "It's okay?" He put down his pen and hurried over to help me. "No ... it's okay!" I gritted my teeth and calmed my teeth. "You don't have to worry about me, I can do it myself!" Then, I barely smiled and ignored him. However, he did not walk away and whispered softly. Said, "I'm not at ease like this, let me help you!" He took the initiative to pick up my coat, showing a caring expression on his face. "It's really not necessary, you stay away from me!" I said impatiently, a fire in my heart spit on him. "Oh, I'm sorry ..." His face suddenly became red, turned back, and lowered his seat back silently, and didn't talk to me anymore.


I realized my mistakes at once, but didn't want to apologize.If this was not a fracture, I rushed to the football field early.Now like this, I still have a stomach and have no place to complain.Thinking that you can wear it yourself, but the reality is cruel.No matter how comparison, it can't be worn, which makes me more and more angry.Finally couldn't help it, he dropped his clothes to the ground and shouted loudly, "Who am I recruited!"


He looked back at me, full of concern, but quickly lowered his head, trying to avoid my eyes, as if making something wrong.At the moment of my eyes with him, I regretted it and felt a shame about my wrong behavior just now.Preparing with the thought of humiliating, I immediately stepped forward and said, "I'm sorry, I just didn't deliberately, can I help me put on clothes?"He raised his head, raised his mouth, and smiled friendly."It's okay! I know you are not easy. If there is any inconvenience in the future, you can find me." He said.I was shocked by the unexpected conversation, but I didn't know what to say for a while, but I was impressed by my heart.He stood up, picked up his clothes from the ground and shook, "Come, you can wear it slowly" ...


From then on, he took the initiative to find me every day after school, and sometimes joked and encouraged me.After several contacts, I found that his heart was so kind, and his heart was so warm!The fracture had a lot of negative impacts on me for a while, but it also made me re -know a classmate and a friend.He is classmate L -a seemingly ordinary but very sincere friend.I am proud of being able to "know" him again, and I am grateful for his generosity.I believe that such friends may not share Ronghua with you, but they will definitely be able to go with you hardships.His beautiful heart moved me, affected me, and convinced me: this beautiful heart will definitely warm more people!



1、同学:同学读音为tóng xué,是指1.同师受业。 2.同师受业的人。 3.清代严禁文人结社,禁用社兄﹑盟弟等称呼,于是文人之间改称同学。 4.在同一个学校学习的人。 5.对在校学生的通称。同学 tóng xué词语解释:1.同师受业。 2.同师受业的人。 3.清代严禁文人结社,禁用社兄﹑盟弟等称呼,于是文人之间改称同学。 4.在同一个学校学习的人。 5.对在校学生的通称。分词解释:文人:1.古称先祖之有文德者。 2.知书能文的人。称呼:1.叫。对人呼唤其身份﹑名称等。 2.表示被招呼对象的身份﹑地位﹑职业等等的名称。通称:1.通常的称呼。 2.一般的说法。受业:①跟从老师学习:受业于师门。弟子对老师也常自称“受业”。②传授学业。参见“受⑤”。同师:1.一起师事;同从一师。 2.同一师承。...同学怎么造句,用同学造句»