
时间:2022-09-13 13:09:53 | 来源:语文通



最后一个儿童节作文 篇1最后一个儿童节作文 篇2最后一个儿童节作文 篇3最后一个儿童节作文 篇4最后的一个儿童节作文 篇5最后一个儿童节作文 篇6最后一个儿童节作文 篇7最后一个儿童节作文 篇8

最后一个儿童节作文 篇1


The bell sounded at 12 o'clock, " Liuyi " passed, and the heart was broken ...


Today is " June 1 ", the "Liberation Day" of children around the world. For me, this is the last Liuyi . I really hope that time will always stay onOn this day, it was a child as before, but it was a child, but.Helpless, time is an independent variable after all.


From the beginning to the present, recall it.I feel naive!

曾经觉得,不加糖的咖啡好乏味,现在才知道,是自己不懂得品味; 以前认为,在烈日下流汗得滋味很狼狈,如今才明白,是自己不懂得体会; 从来都说,自己没什么优点,至今才发觉,是自己没有懂得欣赏的眼。

I used to think that coffee without sugar is tedious, but now I know that I do n’t know how to taste it; before I believed that sweating was very embarrassed under the scorching sun, and now I understand that I do n’t know how to experience it; I have always said that I have no advantages.Only now, it is the eyes that I have not knew how to appreciate.


I used to have too many happy time, I didn't cherish it.There are too many " Liuyi " I didn't care.And now I regret it-so much wasted before.


Childhood, childhood, these two intoxicating words; memories, memories, are about to die in an instant!


remember?The poems written on the mountains; remember?The promise made by the sea; do you remember?That morning prayer and night and childhood peaks.At that time, did I look forward to growing up every moment?But why did I feel so reluctant to my childhood this night?


A person, facing the mirror carefully.It seems to see the explanation in the mirror-it turns out, I really grow up!

总是不明白, 为什么那些美丽的日子远远的离去了; 无法用言语形容,美好的回忆不能第二次开始; 未曾想过,就这样轻易的失去, 心痛自己只有这样放弃。

I always don't understand why those beautiful days have left far away; I can't describe it with words, and beautiful memories cannot start for the second time; I never thought that it was easy to lose, and my heartache could only give up like this.

哭了,发现自己原来是那么渺小, 笑了,觉得自己其实还算幸福。

Crying, I found that I was so small, I laughed, and I felt that I was quite happy.

叹叹气,告诉自己一定会长大; 点点头,承认自己还会怕黑; 挥挥手,对所有的回忆say goodbye!

Sigh, tell yourself that he will grow up; nodded, admitting that he would be afraid of darkness; waved his hand, and Say Goodbye for all memories!


Looking at the brightest Arctic Star in the sky, you can vaguely see the future outline.Silently made his wish to him, ---- The beautiful ending of fairy tales will definitely belong to me!

最后一个"六一"过去了, 我已不再是小孩。

The last " Liuyi " passed, and I was no longer a child.

最后一个儿童节作文 篇2


My last Children's Day.


Children's Day is here, there are a lot of reluctance in my heart, because the last Children's Day means that my child's life is over and farther away, but how many comforts have I had in my childhood life?what!My last Children's Day, you have gone!I went to youth, oh!My childhood, beautiful childhood, meaningful childhood, worshiped!


hey-hey!I wrote it randomly, don't be true!Ha ha ha!

最后一个儿童节作文 篇3


"Haha, Su Jiayi forgot the words again." "Yeah, see how Tang Hao finished ..." What do you want to know?Then please take a look at the big character "Six · One Gala" on the blackboard.This is our last June and One Children's Day, and it is also our farewell party before graduation.


"Think of the past, sweet and sour, looking up at the future of glory ..." This is Zhang Yi reading "The Alma Mater of Love" in aloud.At this party, there should be many programs like other classes, eating snacks, drinking drinks, and watching the show.But the teacher does not allow food and drinking to watch the show. This has made the students quickly lose half of their interest. Everyone complained that the fourth class, the six classes not only have food and drink, but also makeup. Why can't our class be?In fact, the teacher also makes sense, because we do n’t watch the show with what we eat, so it ’s better not to open.Although it cannot be eaten, the show is also delicious.Tang Hao's group of "Touch Porcelain" laughed at us; Zhang Yilang recited "The Alma Mater of Love" made us think of the past.June 1 spent in laughter.


When I got home in the evening, my parents gave our sisters and brothers with two gifts. I got two books I wanted.Annie on the Gill Wall.I like to read both books, especially "Annie on the Green Hill Wall". I like it the most.Orphans Annie Sheri was adopted by a good -hearted person, and the storyline buckled in a ring ... I think a fun book, no matter how many times you read it, still like it.


In the last Children's Day, I appreciated the show, read a good book, and satisfied my wish.This day is over, my young age is coming, my middle school era is coming, and my new journey has begun!Chen Baoqi, I wish you good luck!

最后一个儿童节作文 篇4


The last Children's Day of Elementary School passed, and I was going to junior high school. I didn't nostalgia in my heart. My last Children's Day.Because I have already hated elementary school life!


The classmates of the same class are all about 14 years old. In the eyes of adults, they are all children, and they do not understand the world.But there is already a dispute between another classmate!


I remember when I was in the fourth grade, a new classmate was one year older than me.She is the niece of the vice president, and the classmates all found that the teacher made her three -pointers.


She and I have a good academic performance. I should have got along well and exchanged their learning experience, but therefore had a "struggle".


I went to school late in the morning, but I would try to go earlier as much as possible at the day of the day. Although I was still too late, I tried to work as much as possible.One or two sentences, but I think most of me still read it seriously; there are a lot of my friends. Sometimes I have more time to play with this, and sometimes I play with this time. Maybe sometimes I don’tPlay with her and left her. She showed all kinds of dissatisfaction and glanced at me from time to time. The elementary school student composition "My Last Children's Day".


She grabbed these handles and tall the teacher to the teacher.


That morning, she and some female classmates were around the teacher, what was talking about!Xiaoya told me that they said bad things in front of the teacher.I glanced there. Sure enough, the teacher looked at me angrily. She usually had a good impression of me. When she heard them, it would be angry!


I also glanced at the teacher, and I was very angry. I don't think I have done anything worse than them. They are not qualified to say me!


In the afternoon, the teacher told me to go to her office: "Today, Xu Lu told me that you are usually very late for the day, and you are chatting with your classmates early, and it is not good to get along with your classmates.Goodbye to that classmate again, you are wrong, not only bad for yourself, but also affect other students. I think you should understand! "


A kind of anti -rushing up.Where is she better than me?The wicked first sued!The teacher criticized me regardless of green soap, and she didn't figure out the situation at all!However, there is no need to explain to the teacher, and the explanation is to cover up herself. She already thinks so much. I still have something to say, "Yes, I am such a person."


"Go back first."


I cried when I returned to the classroom, and I felt very wronged.After looking at Xu Lu, she was smiling with some classmates.


I don't cry again, I think, the world should be like this.I seemed to see the red dust!


The next day, the teacher reconciled us.After this matter, the surface is good, but there are many "dark fights".


In the last Children's Day, I remembered this. I am still very happy because the world should be, isn't it?but


It's more regrettable ~~~~~~ Unfortunately my last Children's Day passed, and I am no longer a child.Unfortunately, my elementary career will make me disgusted ~~~~~~~

最后的一个儿童节作文 篇5


On June 1, 2022, the school held the "June 1" ceremony. This is the holiday of our children and the last Children's Day for our primary school.First of all, we held the awards ceremony of excellent students, and then we started the morning songs and laughter.

我们全班精心准备很多自编自导的游戏,我和蔡冠勋参与了“你比我猜”的游戏,由蔡冠 勋 比我来猜。首先,他做了一个瞪大眼睛张大嘴巴的动作,我立即脱口而出“目瞪口呆”!答对了,我很高兴。接着,他又做出即唱歌又跳舞的动作,我连说好几个词都答不对,眼看时间快到了,我灵光一闪说:“能歌善舞!对吗?”结果我答对了,后来还得了第一名,拿到了奖品,我心里很高兴,心想——这真是一个令人难忘的儿童节。同时也祝我们的同学友情到天涯海角都青春不老。

We carefully prepared a lot of self -directed games in the class. I and Cai Guanxun participated in the game "You better than me", and Cai Guanxun would guess than me.First of all, he made a wide stare of eyes and opened his mouth. I immediately blurted out and "stunned"!I answered right, I am very happy.Then, he made an instant singing and dancing action. I even said that several words were wrong. Seeing that the time was coming, I flashed and said, "Can you sing and dance!" As a result, I answered it. Later, I answered it. LaterI also got the first place, I got the prize, I was very happy and thought -this is really an unforgettable Children's Day.At the same time, we also wish our classmates friendship to the end of the world.

最后一个儿童节作文 篇6


To commemorate our last Children's Day, the last day of childhood.I think we should take pictures of nostalgia and let us remember each other.You can also shoot a documentary "Each of us holding a paper plane in our hands, running into the blue sky, a snow -white paper plane, full of our dreams in the blue sky ..."


Let's remember this last Children's Day, the last day of childhood.

最后一个儿童节作文 篇7


Children's Day is here, and the classmates are particularly happy. I am also like this, but I am a little sad because this is the last Children's Day of our primary school ...


And this last Children's Day is also different from the previous children. I used to sit on my own chair, eat and drink, watch the movie, it can be said to be a kind of enjoyment, but this time it is different.This time it was dumplings. At the beginning, I had some questions. What was fun to make dumplings, and I didn't like to eat dumplings. It was really.


In the afternoon, we went to the second floor of the cafeteria and sat in a good seat.


Shu Xilong took out his beef filling and smelled the fragrance.After letting him take out the dumpling skin again, because it has been rolled, we can directly jump over the rolling noodles, but when we encounter trouble, Shu Xilong's dumpling skin is dry noodles ... Say, Shu XilongLet Wang Meijing pick up the water again. After a while, Wang Meijing came, and we continued.


I dipped some water with my fingers, and then "padded" the water on the edge of the dumpling skin, and then put the stuffing, so that I put it hard, and a fat baby was done.continue!I follow the original steps, but this time it was troublesome, because I exposed the stuffing ... Put the stuffing more, and I handed some stuffing with a spoon to Aunt Liu (nickname).Do a fat doll.


A long time later, countless fat dolls appeared on the table, as well as the sun.(That is, a dumpling skin is put on the filling, and then puts a dumpling skin from above, and then the pressure is completed.) Start the dumplings. We patiently waited for the fat dolls that were cooked.


Finally waited, the fat dolls of butter oil were displayed in front of our eyes, oh, good.It's delicious, everyone says delicious.Someone who didn't even want to see dumplings even ate more than a dozen ...


The last June 1 was over. Although it was not graduated, there were still some regrets.

最后一个儿童节作文 篇8


Unconsciously, my last Children's Day came silently. He came quietly, but we sent him away.

中午(儿童节的中午),我来到课室,哗!班里已经焕然一新了,文艺委员和几个女同学早已把班级打扮得漂漂亮亮的了,我心想:这个六一 一定更加热闹。

At noon (noon on Children's Day), I came to the class room, wow!The class has been renewed, and the literary committee members and several female classmates have already dressed the class beautifully. I thought: This Six 1 must be more lively.


After two classes, the students' long -awaited moments finally arrived, and the "Qing Liuyi" event in each class could finally start!


The literary committee members put all the gifts to the podium and sent gifts to each classmate. After a noisy, they immediately started to play games. Among them, "stepping balloon" is the most interesting one.composition


At the beginning of the game, I signed up for "stepping balloon".I, the squad leader, and Zeng Ruifeng, the other group, and the other group was Chen Junming, Long Wei and Lin Weihong.The rules of the game are: each person has two balloons on each foot. In that group of the balloon on the opponent's foot, all the balloons have burst into victory, and a group of victory can get the corresponding gift.


Deng we took the balloon state on the feet. After the host shouted, I was immediately attacked by Long Wei, but he didn't step on it. I stepped on the two on his right foot. Lin Weihong borrowed it again.Fortunately, I flickered quickly. He stepped on one, but he was counted by the squad leader. It is really not as good as heaven!After bringing a melee, there were only me, Chen Junming and Lin Weihong left on the field. There were two goals left on the feet of Chen Junming, and there was one left on Lin Weihong's feet.composition


The two of them attacked me together. I was unexpected. Lin Weihong was going to step on me, but Chen Junming was broken by Chen Junming.Essence


I first launched an attack. I didn't expect to step on the one on his right foot. He also respected me unwillingly.After three hundred rounds of war, he was still unharmed, and he couldn't hurt me.At this moment, I went on my left foot to step on, but I stepped on the rope on his foot to step off the ball and stepped on the ball again. In the end, our group was because ofMy efforts have won, and the corresponding prizes are also obtained.


The games that are buckled on the ring are constantly being carried out. From the classroom of the first (8) classroom, there are laughter and applause in the classroom of the first (8) class.The last sixteenth and sixth was sent away by our laughter and applause. It was our last Liuyi Children's Day and the most unforgettable and happiest Children's Day!