
时间:2022-11-09 13:25:44 | 来源:语文通



经典的春节放烟花的作文 篇1春节放鞭炮作文 篇2过年放鞭炮作文 篇3有关于春节放鞭炮的作文 篇4过年放烟花的作文 篇5

经典的春节放烟花的作文 篇1


The Spring Festival is coming, and I can finally set off firecrackers! On that day, I bought a lot of firecrackers, as well as all kinds of fireworks, including thorns, small butterflies, spray flowers, honeysuckle, and many more... I was so happy, and I looked forward to the night coming soon!


When I got home, I thought of the fireworks that I had let off a few days ago. Although each of them had a short time to set off, they all had some reverse thrust. I thought, "Although each of them had a small reverse thrust, it can add up


Just do what you say. I got scissors and adhesive strips from my toolbox, and prepared a hard paper shell, two disposable wooden chopsticks, a disposable paper cup, a big thorn flower, and four small thorn flowers.


First, I cut the cardboard shell into four largest circles with scissors, make the wheels of the car, cut the disposable chopsticks as wide as a paper cup, and then pass them through the paper cup. Then, install the four wheels separately, and the car body is complete. Next, put four small fireworks through the bottom of the paper cup, fix them with adhesive tape, and tie the fireworks to the upper part of the car body, so that the ejector part is complete!


In the evening, my family went to set off fireworks. Of course, I was the most active. I took my pocket full of fireworks and firecrackers, and ran to the place where the fireworks were set off in the community with my own "colorful fireworks cart".


Along the way, firecrackers and ceremonial flowers lit up the sky and decorated it with colorful colors. We hurried to the place where there were already a lot of people. We started to put flowers in a slightly free place. I carefully put the car on the ground and lit the lead wire with a lighter. I saw that the thorns, accompanied by the sound of "billy crackle", sent out dazzling sparks. My colorful fireworks car slowly moved up and ran faster and faster. Finally, like flying, the sparks gradually went out and the car disappeared in the distance.


In this boiling night, we enjoyed the fireworks in full bloom in the sky. After putting other flowers, we reluctantly went home. On the way back, everyone said that my colorful fireworks cart was quite good. Next year, I will make more special fireworks for everyone to watch and add more joy to the Spring Festival!

春节放鞭炮作文 篇2


Tonight is not an ordinary night. It's New Year's Eve.


I was eating snacks with relish. My father called out, "Let's go, let's set off firecrackers." As soon as I heard the word "firecrackers", I jumped up with excitement. I immediately called my mother to catch up with my father. We started to set off firecrackers downstairs. I put a string first, "Pi Li Pa La". At that time, I felt like a magician. When I lit a firecracker, I held one end of the firecracker in my hand and turned around with the firecracker. It was like magic. My father then released a "flying missile". The "flying missile" seemed to be a free golden bird, with a golden thread on its tail and music in its mouth, flying freely in the air. After a while, it looked like a bird injured by an arrow and dived down quickly. "Look, our technology has been so successful for the first time!" Dad said proudly.


My father and I danced with joy. It's my mother's turn to let it go. My father and I are wondering, what will my mother put? Looking back, "Oh my god, when did you dare to set off such fireworks?" Mother smiled and lit the fireworks, "Bang! Bang!......" The fireworks were colorful, like colorful flowers dancing in the air. Fireworks have been put out in our laughter.


I feel very happy tonight! I think: you must be as happy as me!

过年放鞭炮作文 篇3


I hate setting off firecrackers, but my father insisted on pulling me down to set off firecrackers today. I had to go down with a long, red shell firecracker. When I asked, there was an unpleasant smell. But I was afraid, but I had to listen to my father's order.


When I came downstairs, I only saw my father take out a short, yellow pattern small lighter from his pocket. He checked, checked and pressed it several times, and lit the firecrackers. I quickly walked from the back of the firecrackers to the window on the second floor with a loud "dong" sound in my ears. I was scared to death, and only needed to make one sound each time. My heart was beating fast. "Dong Dong Dong" sounded several times, as if it had been hit. I asked my father, how loud is this firecracker? Father said, "A thousand rings.". I was surprised and said, "I can't be sure. I just quietly counted. It's only over 20." "What is written on it is inaccurate, and we can't believe it." The sound was gone, our firecrackers were off, my father went for a walk below, and I went upstairs directly. My mother had just come down from drinking water at this time, and did not go downstairs when she saw me coming up. Suddenly, I heard the sound of "Dong Dong Dong" firecrackers again. I hurriedly pulled my mother's clothes and hid behind her. My mother said, "Don't be afraid. My mother is here. The firecrackers are far away. Look, it's OK." My heart finally let go. When I got home, I finally let it go while doing my homework. I thought: Next time, don't let it go, or I'll be scared to death. But it will be released every year during the Spring Festival. It's really annoying.


I hope I will never be asked to set off the annoying fireworks again. It would be nice for me to watch a fireworks show.

有关于春节放鞭炮的作文 篇4


New Year's Day, New Year's Day! 20XX years have passed, and a new year is coming. I was very happy. After the New Year's Eve dinner, I couldn't wait to set off firecrackers with my parents.


We first put out two boxes of red flags. The golden beams rushed into the vast sky and burst out many fireworks: some like golden fishing nets, some like glittering swords, some like blooming flowers, and some like fairies scattering flowers.


My father prepared small fireworks for me, and I held them in my hands. After my father lit them for me, the sparks were everywhere, and I was very excited. I walked around under the tree like a butterfly.


Setting off firecrackers is really fun, and it gives people endless aftertaste. I hope that in the new year, my grades will be as high as fireworks.

过年放烟花的作文 篇5


The night of February 17 is New Year's Eve. My brother and sister and I went to the roof to set off fireworks.


For safety, we first lit candles to ignite fireworks and firecrackers. We first ignited the "Zhentian Thunder", which flew high and blew loudly. It is really "Zhentian Thunder". Then we released a few "Patriot Missiles", one after another like golden dragons soaring into the sky. We also put on a fireworks called "Flower and Bird Music", which is composed of seven small fireworks. Each small fireworks has more than 20 rounds, about 150 rounds in total. The fireworks released are red, yellow, blue, green, purple... colorful fireworks sparkle in the night sky, which is very spectacular.


We are going to let off several strings of firecrackers, but some of them did not sound after igniting the leads. I didn't understand why it didn't ring, so I went to ask my mother. My mother said, "Maybe it rained yesterday and the firecracker was damp. Take it to the fire and bake it." Dad said quickly, "Don't bake it, or it will explode. It's very dangerous. Just take it to a ventilated place."


This fireworks display, I know that it can bring joy to people, but also very dangerous, we must be careful to set off.