
时间:2022-07-15 13:49:22 | 来源:语文通



Edison's invention once said: "Successfulness -very simple, no matter what, anyway, you can't allow himself to be a little bit deadly." Because I deeply understand it, the success is near a unremitting nearby.If you can face difficulties with a smile and overcome difficulties, then success is very simple.


That was a literary performance in the fifth grade, and I reported a new project of a small host.The first two weeks of the game, I have been carefully prepared.I watched the host of the children's show every day, and then learned their appearance to carry out training.I presided over a bunch of "children audiences". My father was a jury. My mother recorded the whole process of my hosting with the surveillance camera. From this, I found that I did not have enough training.I recorded my hosted tone with the charged machine and found my instructor, and asked her to help me find out of the area inadequate and changed in many aspects.Let her instruct me in many aspects of the extreme.


The days of the game arrived inadvertently.I was still led by the teacher to wait for the competition hall.Take a look at the previous contestants: give up, request timeout, error ... Then look at the serious and serious expression of the jury, I can't help but knock on the drum: otherwise because I give up, let's forget it.Later, my mother came from my ear: "I often encounter difficulties in daily life, and frustration. If you can face it bravely, you will have the self -confidence, guts, and energy of defeating difficulties and frustrations.Then you can get success ... "


After listening to my mother's quotations, I suddenly realized, picked up my self -confidence again, and faced the difficulties with a smile.I was calm and calm, and the place where I came to the microphone gradually hosted confidently.I used a loud voice, a quiet smile, a smooth and beautiful sound, full of enthusiastic language expression, and won the five -star praise from the jury.They showed a satisfactory smile and nodded without the place.They looked at each other and nodded one after another to write good comments in the competition table.Although I can't see the content above, I firmly believe that it must be praise for my five -star.After all the competition was over, they said to me, "Everyone sees your language expression ability and the ability to communicate at the sensitivity. Especially when you admire you, you can face the difficulties with a smile. I hope to make persistent efforts.


Get rid of the competition hall, I feel that the bright sun is extremely warm, because I succeeded!Everyone wants to succeed in life's hard work and hard work, and it is not easy to succeed, but if you can face difficulties with a smile and overcome difficulties, then you will be close to your eyes and close at hand!



1、取得:取得读音为qǔ dé,是指1.召唤到。 2.得到。取得 qǔ dé词语解释:1.召唤到。 2.得到。分词解释:得到:1.能到,可到。 2.获得。召唤:呼唤。● 得 dé ㄉㄜˊ◎ 获取,接受:得到。得失。得益。得空(kòng)。得便。得力。得济。心得。◎ 适合:得劲。得当(dàng )。得法。得体。◎ 满意:得意。扬扬自得。◎ 完成,实现:饭得了。得逞。得志(多指满足名利的欲望)。◎ 可以,许可:不得随地吐痰。◎ 口语词(a.表禁止,如“得了,别说了”;b.表同意,如“得,就这么办”)。● 得 děi ㄉㄟˇ◎ 必须,须要:可得注意。◎ 极舒服,极适意:这时要能洗上凉水澡,就得了。● 得 de ㄉㄜ◎ 用在动词后表可能:要不得。拿得起来。◎ 用在动词或形容词后的连接补语,表示效果或程度:跑得快。香得很。● 取 qǔ ㄑㄩˇ◎ 拿:索取。取书。取款。窃取。◎ 选择:选取。取材。取景。取道。取样。◎ 采用:采取。听取。吸取。可取。取精用弘。◎ 得到,招致:获取。取经。取偿。取悦。◎ 消去:取消。取缔。...取得怎么造句,用取得造句»

2、成功:成功读音为chéng gōng,是指1.成就功业或事业。 2.成就的功业,既成之功。 3.事情获得预期结果。 4.成效。 5.收获。 成就功业、政绩或事业入于太庙,还矢先王,而告以成功。——宋. 欧阳修《新五代史.伶官传.序》成功 chéng gōng词语意思:1.成就功业或事业。 2.成就的功业,既成之功。 3.事情获得预期结果。 4.成效。 5.收获。[succeed;achieve success] 成就功业、政绩或事业入于太庙,还矢先王,而告以成功。——宋. 欧阳修《新五代史.伶官传.序》分词解释:事情:1.事物的真相;实情。 2.事理人情。 3.人类生活中的一切活动和所遇到的一切社会现象。 4.犹工作,职业。成效:效果;功效:成效卓著|初见成效。预期:1.预先期待。 2.事情发生之前的日期。获得:取得;得到(多用于抽象事物):获得好评 ㄧ获得宝贵的经验 ㄧ获得显著的成绩。...成功怎么造句,用成功造句»