我是90后 作文500字作文【优秀9篇】

时间:2022-09-29 13:18:22 | 来源:语文通

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我是90后作文 篇1我是90后作文 篇2我是00后作文 篇3我是90后作文 篇4我是90后作文 篇5我是90后作文 篇6我是90后作文 篇7我是90后作文 篇8我是90后作文 篇9

我是90后作文 篇1


Speaking of our family, that's really "the waves of the Yangtze River pushed forward, one generation is stronger than the first generation."My dad and my mother are authentic "post -60s" representative consultants, and me is an authentic "post -90s" image ambassador.At home, I came to open my mouth and stretched out my hand, just like the national first -class protection of animals, which was particularly closed.I also played the patron saint of the "post -90s".


Guardian one:


"I'm a girl, a cute girl ..." I couldn't help humming in the mirror.


At this time, the highest leader of our family came over and laughed at me: "It should be‘ I ’m nervous, boring and idiot’!


My face was "一下", and the roots of the ears were turned straight to the back of the ears, and said, "People are a little girl after the 90s, how can you slander me like this?"


"Yes, yes, you are the" post -90s ", the most glorious generation, and the most naive generation!"


"Mom-" I made a heartbreaking roar, "You can slander my personality, but you must not slander my 'post -190s'!"


Immediately after a second of silence, a minute of hilarious: hahahaha ...


Guardian 2:


Bad!How can I bring this test papers with 78 points home?How to explain to my parents and moms, they won't be able to beat me?Oh my god!Guanyin, Rulai, Jesus ... Come and save me!


When I got home, I was in my expectation. When my parents just stepped into the door of the door, I couldn't wait to ask my results. I had to make the test papers frustrated and told them to see it myself.I see clearly.

我是90后作文 篇2


Everyone said that the post -70s are a diligent generation, the post -80s is a mature generation, and the post -90s generation is a naive generation.Some people say that our post -90s generation is a generation in honey; some people say that we are decadent and ignorant after the 90s.But I think we know how to endure hardships and stand hard work, and at the same time, we are also very personal.


People say that post -90s have full personality and unique thinking of post -90s. At the same time, we have an international perspective and we have extraordinary innovation ability.We know how to unite and cooperate, and we have the courage to take responsibility ... These are the basic abilities and spiritual quality that the post -90s generation should have, and it is also the pride and pride of the post -90s generation.


"Innovation is the soul of a nation, the driving force of the country's prosperity and social development, and the cornerstone of talent growth." I think this sentence in the book is very well written. As the new generation of the post -90s, we must make innovation into a new generationOur habits show our value, and we will definitely become the talents of the country after the 90s.


"Toughness, our vitality; responsibility, we should take responsibility; confident optimism, our expression; the sunlight, we are the post -90s." These sentences just reflect the lively character, meticulous thinking, diverse diverse of our post -90s generation, diverse thinking, meticulous thinking, diverse diverseSpecialty.In the future, these conditions are enough to allow us to perform talents in the society and show off our glory. We are confident that "my world is the master, I am talking about my site."


We are the darlings of the new era. We must constantly enrich ourselves, improve ourselves, armed the mind and wisdom, and pack ourselves with charm and ability, stubbornly struggle in adversity, and move forward in the storm.


This is the "post -90s"!

我是00后作文 篇3


There is a group of children who are naive and unswerving. At the same time, they are elusive for a while. They are like changing weather. They are rebellious, willful, inferior, but they are also confident ... One of these children isI, a member of the post -00s.


Rebellious me


After 00, I also have rebellion.In adolescence, I started to have my own thoughts, and wanted to get rid of the bondage of their parents and teachers, thus giving birth to rebellion.Gradually, the advice of parents and teachers was used as a wind in the ears. My life disappointed with my parents' lives, and it also made the parents a lot of anger.Parents can only sigh and say: When they grow up, their wings are hard, they can "fly".


I willful


After 00, I was a bit willful and longed for freedom.There are often some harsh requirements to parents for no reason, and they are often embarrassed.Honestly, what is always inconsistent with the parents, and also likes to talk to parents.Parents can only shook their heads.


Inferior me


After 00, I also have inferiority.It may be because of society, school reasons, family reasons, etc. The influence of various aspects gradually caused me to have a bad psychology -inferiority.I feel that I am not as good as others, I feel worse than others, and sometimes I am afraid of associated with others.


Confident `me


After 00, I am also confident.In terms of learning, society, and so on, there are also confidence. Most of these confidence come from the support of friends, teachers, parents, etc. They are the source of confidence ...


This is me after 00.

我是90后作文 篇4


I am a post -90s, and I live in a good life of "clothes to reach out, meals to open my mouth" every day, but at the same time, I was deeply buried in the ocean of the test paper, and I couldn't breathe.


What I carried in my eyes is the score, the test paper of the white flowers, the parents' nagging in my ears, the cold pen and ruthless textbook are held in my hand.EssenceCan they understand: the practice questions are unwilling to be restrained by the test paper, and they are unwilling to be restrained by the tuition class?I sat in front of the desk, and in the bright moonlight, the machine's author practiced questions.I trembled with both hands, lowered my head, and everything blurred.I don't understand, is it me to complete this massive test questions with my hands, or this ruthless question to occupy my happy childhood?


I do n’t need pressure. That ’s only I ca n’t breathe. I do n’t need to say ideas. It will make me lose the chance of perception alone. I do n’t need a large number of test questions, that will only make me.My childhood lost meaning. I don't need a tuition class. That will make me lose the most beautiful time. I only need to grow, grow in happiness, and grow up carefree.I hope to fly to a kingdom, a happy kingdom, without parents, no extra -curricular tuition classes, no massive test questions, only laughter.


A long time ago, I was forced to have great ideals, but now I am willing to become the most ordinary thing in the world.Ren time flies, the vicissitudes of the sea.Like a tree, when people need him, they turn into a chair and continue their careers.Like a bridge, bowing on his waist to make people step on, like candles, sacrifice themselves brings light to people.Just seek the quietness of life, live and calm.


I looked up outside the window, looked at the bright moon, looked at the rippling lakes, and looked at the tender green weeds by the lake. I told myself, why not?

我是90后作文 篇5


My broken shell day was in the warm spring of 1999. It not only became a new little citizen on the planet, but also a lucky and busy post -90s generation.


It's really lucky!Relatives treat us as little emperor and princess, even if it is not, you are still the pearl of their palms.Look, children in many families can be said to be KFC Pizza Huts and McDonald's frequent visits. They have a small meal in three days and a big meal of five days. In addition to the normal one -day meal, these foods are enough to make children fat and fat.It's.Moreover, no job at home does not allow to do, what children want, there is no style we should have in the post -90s.Of course, it is not that we are lucky to be bad. Watch: computers, television, air conditioners, such advanced devices make our lives better.Not only that, the post -90s children also sat in a beautiful school to receive good education, and their learning supplies became more and more advanced!


When it comes to learning, we are busy as a post -90s.


Needless to say, it is not necessary to go to school on Friday. It is mainly after going home from school, and the homework appears in front of us like a hill. Some children do homework or even do late at night!well!After five days of school, we must let us take a break!We are tired!However, adults are very energetic and have reported us a lot of tuition classes, such as Olympic, composition, English; there are many special classes, such as piano, dance, calligraphy, etc.The burden on the back was a lot of heavy, and we couldn't breathe.Some children want to resist, but dare not, after all, after all, it is a storm!We really hope that our parents have time to take us to the park to play!


We were lucky and busy.However, in any case, we must not lose our deserve style, let us create a better tomorrow for the motherland in the 90s!

我是90后作文 篇6


After the 90s, this word undoubtedly said that we were born after 90 years.In the eyes of the older generation, we are ignorant and new.And what I want to say is that we are also the pillars of the motherland after the 90s.


Think about the three college students who sacrificed themselves to save others. They are representatives of the post -90s generation, and they are also proud of the post -90s generation.They proved that our post -90s generation is not as what others say, we only know how to enjoy it. We also have the spirit of the older generation of revolutionaries.


Chinese college students have been known for their hard work at Harvard University and do not ask "political affairs". Now it is some post -90s college students to conduct a series of activities to strengthen Chinese voices at Harvard University. Many American students have changed their changes in China to Chinaview.This is the power of our post -90s.


Our post -90s generation is happy. The country has implemented nine -year compulsory education for us, so that many children who can't afford to learn have entered the school; our post -90s generation is happy, and we have a spacious and bright classroom and a comfortable learning environment; weThe post -90s are cheerful. We live in a safe and peaceful age.


I believe that one day, our post -90s generation will use action to make others change their views on us. Please believe that the post -90s will be the pillars of China; the post -90s will be the hope of China; the post -90s will be the pride of China.


Here, I want to shout with my weak voice: "I am proud and proud for me for the post -90s.

我是90后作文 篇7


I am a post -90s, and I am the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning. It is full of energy, flourishing, and exuding a youthful light, and my ideal shines in my heart.


I am a happy post -90s, I grew up in an unparalleled era!As the saying goes: "There are difficulties in the Quartet, and the support of the eight parties." This year, our country has suffered a disaster -Yushu earthquake again.How many people lost their relatives on that day and how many people spent their despair.Every day, someone was rescued from the ruins, and people's hearts healed little by little.Because medical staff cannot communicate with them, they cannot learn more about them. At this time, a 10 -year -old boy stood out and followed the medical staff every day. Whenever he walked to a patient, he always comforted himThey would also help them get water. When the reporter asked him why he was a translator, he said, "I just want to do my best effort."He also sang the most famous songs in them, sang, and they all cried ...Then, then, then


"Because of this Yushu earthquake, we donate some money to them!" The teacher said that for two days, our school held a donation ceremony. Although we donated less money, there was a heart, hoping that Yushu's friends would recover soon.


I am a post -90s, and I have a gratitude, so I am proud!

我是90后作文 篇8


With such a generation, they have publicity, extraordinary creativity and imagination, naive and lively, carefree, this is our post -90s generation.


We are full of personality and unlimited charm, we love life; enjoy knowledge; we are brave and fearless, standing up, because our name is the post -90s generation.


We actively spoke in the classroom and explained that we have seen that our first calves are not afraid of the tiger's strength. Dare to fight with the wandevity, I live and indifferent, so that sometimes the teacher will be seen by our other insight, but we will still be active by us.Thinking is amazing and felt that we were born in the 90s, and later students were described as later.


After class, we were vibrant and smiled.Listen, who is talking about current affairs?Look!Who is reviewing his homework seriously, and who is playing and playing, hee hop?That's right, it is our post -90s.


In the false saying, we return to nature, indifferent minds, and when the noise of the earth gradually pollutes our soul, we will immerse our hearts in nature and return to the green light of simple and happy.


Sometimes we can also be sentimental, holding hands with both hands, looking up at the sky, and reading: Youth is a bright and sad type of sadness. Who has not sentimental youth?Appropriate sadness will leave us different memories.


Some people will comment on the post -90s: (post -90s) The generation that leads to the retreat of celebrities is ‘the most decadent generation in China’ or another concept: the 1960s work hard.70 years strived for development.The 1980s went downhill.In the 1990s, I saw these post -90s texts collectively collapsed, and I would only smile without explanation, because time proves everything, we will use action to prove that everything is because our name is the post -90s!

我是90后作文 篇9


What is like what is like, this is not fake at all.In our house, her mother is a snake, and she is particularly afraid of cold.As soon as it was winter, the work of washing and buying vegetables fell on his father because his father was a tiger.Sleeping at night, my mother always uses an electric blanket, but the mother has a bad cough in these days. The doctor said that using electric blankets can easily get angry, and the cough will increase.But don't sleep with electric blankets at night when sleeping at night and not to sleep warmly. How uncomfortable!How to do it?


By the way, isn't the "Three -character Classic" say that Xiang Jiuzhi, can you warm the seat?I also come to learn 9 -year -old Huang Xiang to help her mother warm the quilt!


I quickly washed my feet with hot water, hot and warm, I paved the quilt, took off my coat, quietly came to my mother's room, slowly drilled into the bed, and wrapped the quilt tightly.After a while, the bed was covered by me.I hurriedly shouted: Mom, come and sleep!My mother came over and said in surprise: Why did you go to my room?


I want to give you warmth!I blinked my mother.


My feet are cold, don't you be afraid of me iced?Mom couldn't help laughing.


It doesn't matter, I'm a monkey, I'm not afraid of cold, let's come!I said proudly.


Well, I will let you taste the taste of eating popsicles in winter!My mother entered my quilt happily, so warm!Mom said.


I clamped my mother's feet tightly with two calfs.ah!Mom's feet are really as cold as ice.My mother was afraid of cold, and wanted to pull her feet back.I hurriedly said: Mom, I did this when I was young!Mom hugged me excitedly, kissed my face and said: You are really the warm water bottle of your mother!I proudly said: I am not only your warm water bag, but also Xiao Huangxiang, post -90s!