
时间:2022-11-17 12:49:09 | 来源:语文通



庆祝中秋节作文 篇1庆祝中秋节作文 篇2庆祝中秋节作文 篇3祝国庆节中秋节作 篇4国庆中秋作文 篇5

庆祝中秋节作文 篇1


Grandma often said, "Look at the full moon on August 15." In Grandma's words, "August 15" refers to the lunar calendar. Tonight, the moon will be round like a white plate, and its color will become varied.


When night fell, the moon rose. Her face seemed to be completely white, but a closer look showed that it was slightly purplish, but it was not like it. It seemed to be pink; Like a red plate hanging in the sky. But when I looked carefully, I felt that the moon was slightly blue, but it was not pure blue, but mixed with a little green. Maybe the moon girl had a new look, right?


The moon girl will not only change all kinds of makeup, but also has the ability to "hide".

在远处观看,可爱的月亮姑娘时,她似乎穿着一层薄薄的白纱,但走近一看;她又像是躲在白色的草丛中。我一个不留神,又不知道她藏在哪堆“草丛”中 ,是低的那堆?是带有微红的那堆?还是蓝绿色那堆?不对!应该是白里透红那堆……过了一会儿,云都散开了,月亮姑娘躲不住了,所以只好“原形毕露”,她大概是害羞了吧?怪不得两脸颊红彤彤的呢!

When looking at the lovely moon girl from a distance, she seemed to be wearing a thin layer of white yarn, but came closer to have a look; She seemed to hide in the white grass. I am not careful, and I don't know where she hides in the "grass", the low pile? Is it the pile with slight red? Or the blue-green pile? incorrect! It should be the pile of white and red... After a while, the clouds were all scattered, and the moon girl could not hide, so she had to "show her true colors". Maybe she was shy? No wonder both cheeks are red!


Looking at it, I can't help thinking of a fairy story - Chang'e flying to the moon. In ancient times, Chang'e and Hou Yi were a loving couple. Hou Yi was rewarded by the Queen Mother for shooting off nine suns to eliminate harm for the people: a pill of medicine. The Queen Mother said, "After taking this medicine, you can not only live forever, but also become immortal." Later, Feng Meng, a disciple of Hou Yi, learned about it. He took advantage of Hou Yi's absence to get the medicine, but he got entangled with Chang'e, who was kind-hearted. Chang'e thought to herself: If such a person eats the medicine, would it harm the villagers? So Chang'e took the medicine and flew up to the sky to become an immortal.


Later, in order to commemorate this beautiful and kind woman, people had the Mid Autumn Festival.

庆祝中秋节作文 篇2


On the Mid Autumn Festival, our family went to Pingjiang Road to visit my grandfather. Pingjiang Road is a long and ancient road full of charm. It is also full of memories of my mother and me.


Every time I went to Pingjiang Road, my mother couldn't help talking about things when I was a child. My mother and uncle lived in Pingjiang Road from birth to their twenties. I still remember the interesting stories of childhood. When they were young, they chased and played all the way from the alley of Pingjiang Road to Pingjiang Road; Children of all sizes took small bottles to the river to catch tadpoles; Holding 4 cents in his hand, he ran all the way along the sound of the ice lolly peddler, and then picked a big shade by the river on Pingjiang Road, sat on the stone bar and licked the ice lolly in his hand.


The Mid Autumn Festival is one of the most enjoyable activities for my mother and uncle when they were young. They cut the moon cake into several pieces and put them in a white porcelain basin. They put seasonal delicacies such as oranges and Honglingjiao on the table of the Eight Immortals. Mother's grandmother narrowed her kind eyes and said, "Good, take it and eat it.", So the children took what they liked and stuffed it into their pockets. On the Mid Autumn Festival Eve every year, the elders always tell many fairy tales to the children.


And I lived there for 4 years. I remember one Mid Autumn night, my mother took me for a walk by the river. The beautiful moon was hanging in the sky like a lemon. She followed us as we walked. We walked across Pingjiang Road and turned into the alley, and she followed us. I asked my mother, "Why does the moon follow me?" Mother said: "Because you are good, it likes you." At that time, I was very happy to hear my mother say so. Even the moon in the sky likes me. Can you not make me happy? But it's silly to think about it now! But I remember when my mother held my little hand, I felt so warm.


Although there is no round moon in this Mid Autumn Festival, my mother's hands are still warm. Autumn is still blowing on my face. The sound of the ancient zither in the distance is still melodious. I look at the old people surrounded by children with bright lights in the neighborhood. It's another warm and happy holiday!

庆祝中秋节作文 篇3






祝国庆节中秋节作 篇4


On the first morning of October, I woke up naturally after sleeping, just like a happy deer, brushing my teeth and washing my face as fast as possible... I went outside to welcome a beautiful day. Eh? What's that? Oh, so, someone got married. It's good to choose the National Day to get married! And the sound of firecrackers is not only congratulations on marriage, but also congratulations on the motherland mother "__" 's birthday.


With my good mood, I read many books. I also went to see them marry the bride and got several wedding candies by the way. When the evening came, I was very excited, because I was going to the bookstore! To the bookstore? Is it necessary to be so excited? I know a lot of people want to ask this question, but for me, a little bookworm, I haven't been to the bookstore for a long time, but suddenly I can go to the bookstore. What a huge SUPRISE! Well, I admit, there is not only one reason, but also one reason... How exciting it is to ride a bike to the bookstore from a long distance! But... when I got on the bike, I regretted it. It was really a way to exercise people's ability to handle things calmly. At the beginning, I had a hard time going uphill. I used all my milk to let me ride uphill. Suddenly, a downhill gave me a real shock. If I didn't want to call out on the street, my father told me to brake slightly, otherwise it would be easy to crash. I tried it. It seemed like it was true. Besides, After a period of adaptation, I felt quite comfortable. Facing the wind, it was a wonderful feeling. "Hoohoo" finally arrived at the destination. I went into the bookstore, picked a book I liked, and sat there to read. I was deeply attracted by the plot of the book, as if I were the character in the book. I read greedily, just like a hungry person on the bread, but everything was unsatisfactory, Time passed by minute by second. With my reading time, the time to go home was also slowly approaching. I reluctantly put the book back on the shelf and rode back home, thinking: When I grow up, I must ride my bike to the bookstore without my parents!

国庆中秋作文 篇5


With the golden wind and clear sky, we welcome our motherland in this season of fragrant flowers and fruits__ I feel very happy to join you in wishing you a National Day on your birthday. Here, I would like to say proudly to my mother: I love you, China!


Ah! The Yellow River and the Yangtze River run thousands of miles. What a splendid nation you have nurtured!


Five thousand years of glorious history and world-renowned Chinese civilization are impressive. Oh, my motherland, the trickling rivers are your elegant long hair, and the long mountains are your strong backbone. You have mountains and fields of treasure, you have beautiful landscapes, you have the magnificent Forbidden City, you have the Great Wall stretched by winding flies, and you have eight wastelands. You still have a lot... In your vast land, generations of Chinese people have created a splendid oriental civilization with their own hands.


However, we will never forget that the Chinese nation has also experienced many vicissitudes and sufferings, and our motherland has also been bullied and humiliated. We can't forget the flame of the Garden, the hat of "Sick Man of East Asia" that was fastened on every Chinese head, the sign at the gate of the park that "Chinese and dogs are not allowed in", and the blood of 300000 compatriots in Nanjing that has dyed the Yangtze River red. The earth is in _, The Yellow River is crying, but the Chinese people will never be overwhelmed.


Humen destructed opium opened the prelude to the Chinese people's anti aggression. The flag of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the thunder of the Reform Movement of 1898, the broadsword of the Boxers, and the gunfire of the Revolution of 1911 all demonstrated to the world that the Chinese nation cannot be humiliated and the Chinese people cannot be bullied. The cry of the May 4th Movement and the establishment of the CPC are more like thunder breaking the night sky. From Nanchang to Jinggangshan, from Yan'an to Xibaipo, "a single spark can start a prairie fire". The Chinese people just used millet and rifles to create a brilliant new China, and we, the oriental giant, finally stood up again!


After 56 years of ups and downs__ Our motherland stands firm in the east of the world after years of hard work. The Chinese people are enjoying a peaceful and prosperous age that has never been seen before. The ship of socialism with Chinese characteristics is cleaving the waves and moving forward with its head held high!