No in the morning, the crow was silent in the home.Today, my father and mother have urgent things to go out. They can only go home at 12 pm.Let me sleep again ...
I don't know how long I slept, and I felt a hot cyclone in my face, and kept spraying into my face.I was immediately awakened.A turn -found a black -gray head beside the bed and staring at me strangely!
I was so scared that I got out of bed!And the fluffy item seemed to be scared accidentally, and immediately shrunk back to the brain, and chewed it with no care.I rubbed my eyes lightly and looked at it carefully, it was actually a big panda!Ah -Big Panda-
"Oh! Oh my god!" I shouted again.The giant panda actually chewed ingredients, which happened to be my bamboo mat!What should I do?Tell him not to eat?Will he listen?Will you bite me?... I dare not come up with all the sounds, and I was ready to climb out of the house quietly in advance.And when we rushed to the wall lightly, it seemed a bit not right.In the game map hanging on the wall, the two pieces of Sichuan and Antarctica have become vacancies, and the small animals on the original map are gone.
Despite confusion, it is not harmful to me to escape.Just when I opened the door door quietly and prepared to escape in advance, a air conditioner came on, and I couldn't help but snore.Oh my god, many emperor penguins!They occupy the fabric sofas and dining tables of our living room, and the naughty one still heads back and forth.At this time, there was an emperor penguin opened the door of the room I opened and saw the giant panda inside.Is it black and white, but you are bigger than me, is it your neighbor? Why have I never seen you? "The giant panda also stared at the emperor's penguin with curious eyes.
Then, all the emperor penguins heard the order, and one of them had only been on my side, and they all gathered together to "find relatives" by the giant panda.Seeing that scene, I just laughed.
Just when I was at a loss, I looked up at the number clock, and it was almost 12 o'clock.Seeing the mess in the room and the living room, I was in danger. I took out the game map and said to the giant panda and emperor penguins, "Please, go back to your home!"
At this time, the electronic doorbell "Ding Dong Ding Ding, Ding Ding Ding Ding" sounded. As soon as I turned around, the house was quiet for a moment.Let's see the giant panda and the little penguin really returned to the topographic map ...
When we opened the door, my mother saw the situation at home and waited for me to answer her with weird eyes.But I don't know why the living room is full of ice stigma, and the broken bamboo mat with my room.
I stretched my hands and shrugged. Can you believe it?Who would firmly believe that I encountered such an incredible morning!
1、一个:一个读音为yí gè,是指1.表数量。单个。用于人和各种事物。 2.整个。 3.用在动词和补语之间,表示程度。 4.跟名词﹑动词结合,用在谓语动词前,表示快速或突然。一个 yī gè词典解释:1.表数量。单个。用于人和各种事物。 2.整个。 3.用在动词和补语之间,表示程度。 4.跟名词﹑动词结合,用在谓语动词前,表示快速或突然。分词解释:各种:1.指诸多物类。 2.犹言各式各样。名词:表示人或事物以及时间、方位等的词。多数汉语名词有同数词、量词组合的功能,而一般不同副词组合,在句子中主要充当主语、宾语、定语。程度:1.法度;标准。 2.程限;进度。 3.文化﹑教育﹑知识﹑能力等方面的水平。 4.事物发展达到的状况。谓语:对主语加以陈述,表示主语怎么样或者是什么的部分。汉语中,谓语一般在主语之后。如在“天气炎热”中,“炎热”即是谓语。动词:表示人或事物的动作、存在、变化的词,如‘走、笑、有、在、看、写、飞、落、保护、开始、起来、上去’。...一个怎么造句,用一个造句»
2、早上:早上读音为zǎo shàng,是指早晨。 早间早上 zǎo shàng词语意思:早晨。[early morning] 早间分词解释:早晨:1.指从天将亮到八﹑九点钟的一段时间。 2.指上午。● 上 shàng ㄕㄤˋ◎ 位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼上。上边。◎ 次序或时间在前的:上古。上卷。◎ 等级和质量高的:上等。上策。上乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。◎ 由低处到高处:上山。上车。上升。◎ 去,到:上街。◎ 向前进:冲上去。◎ 增加:上水。◎ 安装,连缀:上刺刀。上鞋(亦作“绱鞋”)。◎ 涂:上药。◎ 按规定时间进行或参加某种活动:上课。上班。◎ 拧紧发条:上弦。◎ 登载,记:上账。◎ 用在名词后边,表示时间、处所、范围:晚上。桌上。组织上。◎ 用在动词后边,表示开始、继续、趋向、完成:爬上来。锁上。选上代表。◎ 达到一定的程度或数量:上年纪。◎ 中国古代乐谱的记音符号,相当于简谱“1”的高音。● 上 shǎng ㄕㄤˇ◎ 〔上声〕汉语声调之一,普通话上声(第三声)。◎ 下● 早 zǎo ㄗㄠˇ◎ 太阳出来的时候:早晨。早晚。◎ 时间靠前,有一定的时间以前:早退。早恋。早慧(幼时聪明)。早衰。早逝(早死)。◎ 时间在先的,从前:早期。早春。早已。...早上怎么造句,用早上造句»
3、难以置信:难以置信读音为nán yǐ zhì xìn,是指不容易相信。难以置信 nán yǐ zhì xìn词语意思:不容易相信。分词解释:不容:1.不能容纳;不能宽容。 2.不允许。 3.不免,难免。 4.无须。相信:1.互相信赖,信任。 2.单指信任对方。 3.指互相信得过的人。 4.认为正确或确实,不怀疑。容易:1.做起来不费事。 2.轻率;草率;轻易。 3.犹言轻慢放肆。 4.疏忽;糊涂。 5.谓某种事物发展变化的进程快。 6.指发生某种变化的可能性大。...难以置信怎么造句,用难以置信造句»
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