Discarding tenderness like water and letting go down. It has no such settlement and gradually restless.
——The composition title
Sitting at the table for a long time, suddenly felt sore on his neck.I moved to the window and couldn't help but be attracted by the scene now -on the hillside on the west, there was a round of orange red sunset.At this time, it will no longer have the booming in the afternoon, but I want me to clearly feel that an old man's body is unpredictable calm and calm.
But seeing the sunset slowly calmed down, there was no dryness, and the focal length of the ring and humidity was released in peace.The vast sky highlights the level: the west is eye -catching, and there are colorful clouds in the middle of the middle, as if being wiped out by others, and the east, gradually dimming, highlighting the twilight of the starlight, the black sturgeon gradually gradually gradually gradually, and the black sturgeon gradually gradually gradually gradually.Swallowed during the day, and the sunset seemed unwilling to stop.
It was panting hard, trying to take away the black cricket, and spit out a brilliance.It is closer to the hillside, and the color tone will not be harmonious, but it is getting hotter and hotter. It passes the temperature through the woods, passes through the brick and tile kiln, transmitted into my face, and reflects it in its dazzling glory. I am.Suddenly, it is exactly a valuable spirit.
I can't help but think of Sima Qian, think of Sima Qian, and think of thousands of pioneers of reforms. They are constantly struggling and diligent from beginning to end. Although they have not escaped the fortune of death, they have left the final noise and glory as the sunset.
Look, the sunset has been blocked halfway, but it shoots a stars like a branched arrow. The star continued to widen, and it continued to stretch the distant black buns and gradually faded away.When the setting sun ends and the world is calm, the life of the day comes to an end, and only the color paste with light purple is painted with water.The setting sun is finally comforting ...
From the sunset, I understand something more or less.correct."The sunset is not good, just near dusk." If the sunset lives more time, maybe it will continue to leave a lot of hard work with an upright feeling, and there will be a lot of feelings that move my inner guitar strings.
From today, I need to diligence. I think, otherwise, when I move down the sunset in my life, I should bring my remorse and leave.For the next decades or hundreds of years, I must leave some of the glorious brilliance than the sunset, some items that are kept in mind the world.That may be something, and it may be a spirit of hard work.
Although the sunset seems to be ordinary, it has a special meaning for me and grandpa.
In the evening, I faced Gaoyou Lake and stood at the sunset by the second bridge of the canal.The afterglow of the sunset sprinkled on my body, reflecting my cheeks.The pulsating light touched my feelings for a while.
I remember when I was a kid, Grandpa always liked to play with my young hands everywhere.The most place to go is the second bridge of the canal.Grandpa told me his favorite sunset there, because it symbolized the end of the day, and the new day is coming.It leaving people's past and appearing with people's hope.Seeing this sunset, I thought of a better future.At that time, I didn't understand these words at that time, but I nodded slightly.Perhaps I was influenced by Grandpa, I fell in love with the sunset.I always like to pull Grandpa to find the sunset. Grandpa said cheerfully, "Okay! Okay! Grandpa accompany you!"
Grandpa's love for me is meticulous.When I made a mistake, my dad would scold me, but Grandpa would not be able to tell me why it was wrong; when I ran and fell, my grandmother would help me, but Grandpa would teachI will never forget.
Two or three weeks ago, I dialed a bunch of familiar phone numbers with deep thoughts.Grandpa's kind voice came from the phone: "Yue, is there any clothes in the cold recently? Is there any serious clothes in class? Have you been angry with your parents and mother ..." This is the first time I have been with Grandpa since the school.Although there are only a few words, they can't hide the joy and excitement of his old people.Suddenly, my heart seemed to overturn the five flavors, sweet and sour, bitter and salty, and I lost my voice.For a long time, Fang Zhizhi said, "Yeah ... Ye, I ... I miss you!" "You have to hurry up to learn now. I and your grandma are very good.You come back, Grandpa makes you delicious ... "I shed tears and nodded hard.
The sunset -carrying Grandpa's strong love for me.
The setting sun gradually fell down, and it was replaced with colorful Xiaxia. The last bit of afterglow was sprinkled on the lake of Gaoyou Lake.
The sunset touched my heart!
1、夕阳:夕阳读音为xī yáng,是指1.指山的西面。 2.傍晚的太阳。 3.比喻晩年。 傍晚的太阳夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。——李商隐《登乐游原》夕阳 xī yáng词语解释:1.指山的西面。 2.傍晚的太阳。 3.比喻晩年。[the setting sun] 傍晚的太阳夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。——李商隐《登乐游原》分词解释:晩年:1.年老之时。 2.末年。太阳:太阳系的中心天体。银河系的一颗普通恒星。与地球平均距离14960万千米,直径139万千米,平均密度1.409克/立方厘米,质量1.989×10^33克,表面温度5770开,中心温度1500万开。由里向外分别为太阳核反应区、太阳对流层、太阳大气层。其中心区不停地进行热核反应,所产生的能量以辐射方式向宇宙空间发射。其中二十二亿分之一的能量辐射到地球,成为地球上光和热的主要来源。傍晚:(傍晚儿)临近晚上的时候。...夕阳怎么造句,用夕阳造句»
2、心灵:心灵读音为xīn líng,是指①内心;思想感情:心灵深处|美好的心灵。②心思灵敏;头脑灵活:她生得性慧心灵|心灵手巧。心灵 xīn líng词语意思:①内心;思想感情:心灵深处|美好的心灵。②心思灵敏;头脑灵活:她生得性慧心灵|心灵手巧。分词解释:得性:《诗.小雅.鱼藻》“鱼在在藻”毛传:“鱼以依蒲藻为得其性。”后以“得性”谓合其情性。灵敏:灵巧敏捷,反应快:灵敏度高|灵敏机警|手脚灵敏|心思灵敏。心灵手巧:心思灵敏,手艺巧妙(多用在女子)。内心:三角形内切圆的圆心。是三角形三条角平分线的交点,到三边的距离相等。内心在三角形形内。...心灵怎么造句,用心灵造句»
3、触动:触动读音为chù dòng,是指①碰动:不小心触动了暗藏的机关。②外界某种因素而激发(思想、情感等):这幅画触动了他的思乡情。触动 chù dòng词语意思:①碰动:不小心触动了暗藏的机关。②外界某种因素而激发(思想、情感等):这幅画触动了他的思乡情。(1) [touch sth.]∶接触到;碰;撞他在黑暗中触动了什么东西,发出响声(2) [stir up sb.'s feelings;move sb.]∶因某种刺激而引起感情变化这事触动了他的心病分词解释:激发:①刺激使奋发:激发群众的积极性。②使分子、原子等由能量较低的状态变为能量较高的状态。因素:构成事物的要素。也指对事物起决定作用的原因和条件:这是造成事故的主要因素|调动一切积极因素。...触动怎么造句,用触动造句»
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