
时间:2022-06-20 14:00:03 | 来源:语文通



Waiting is a monotonous mood, indifferent and calm, and the expectation is intentionally giving, deliberately reaching out to pick the stars, but unfortunately, the time is not.


There was a small fruit tree in the garden, and when the fruit was mature, the small round fruits were red like small glass balls.Take a bite of sweet and sweet fragrance is the favorite of the family.


In the spring, the green green fruits are full of branches, and they seem to be more sweet and delicious than the cooked red fruits.I picked down a insect's leaf, sprinkled them into the mud, and just came back when I came out. I asked her if the green fruit was delicious?


I was busy with housework. I pulled off a small green fruit from the treetops, tender and smooth, moisturizing like jade.I held it and waited for it to become hot, so I bite very happily, astringent and bitter! I didn't expect the green fruit to be a pseudo -gentleman!The mother who witnessed everything told me at that time: "Learn to wait, wait for the water to come, and the cure is familiar. The expected results are often happy, and the fruits of temptation prematurely will often only get frustrated and lonely.


Later, I understood: the expectations will always occur steadily at the due time.


The good -looking green fruit in life should not be touched immediately. They need sun exposure and need to be brewed, injecting enough efforts and expectations to become sweet and free.


Are you anxious because of the exam, so you may wish to look forward to its end while working hard."Like a movie, people who have seen the introduction will not really look forward to the development of the story. The green fruit can only be sweet and delicious only after experiencing the baptism of the wind and sun.Pushing, only those who can expect can really enjoy the sunset!



1、一点:一点读音为yì diǎn,是指1.汉字的一种笔画。常指书画中的点画。 2.表示甚少或不定的数量。 3.一经指点。 4.一方面;一部分。 5.一小时。一天中的第一和第十三时,也称一点。一点 yī diǎn词典解释:1.汉字的一种笔画。常指书画中的点画。 2.表示甚少或不定的数量。 3.一经指点。 4.一方面;一部分。 5.一小时。一天中的第一和第十三时,也称一点。分词解释:不定:1.不安定;不稳定。 2.没有一定。 3.不住;不止。 4.副词,表示数量大,说不清。一方面:1.指有关的几个人或几件事之一。 2.连用。连接并列的两种相互关联的事物,或一个事物的两个方面。指点:1.以手指或其他物点示。 2.评说;指责。 3.指示,点拨。数量:1.事物的多少和长短。 2.指事物的多少。...一点怎么造句,用一点造句»

2、期待:期待读音为qī dài,是指期望;等待。 期盼;等待期待炮弹爆炸期待 qī dài词语解释:期望;等待。[anticipate;await;expect] 期盼;等待期待炮弹爆炸分词解释:期望:①对未来情况寄托希望或有所等待:期望能有成功的一天。②又称“数学期望”、“均值”。概率论的基本概念。指随机变量ξ取值的加权平均数,其权数就是相应的概率或概率密度,常以eξ表示。期望由它的概率分布唯一确定,它反映了随机变量取值的平均,是随机变量最重要的数学特性。等待:1.不采取行动﹐直到期望或意料中的人﹑事物或情况出现。 2.犹等到。● 期 qī ㄑㄧˉ◎ 规定的时间,或一段时间:定期。限期。期限。学期。◎ 量词,用于刊物或其他分期的事物:第五期。◎ 盼望,希望:期望。期冀。期盼。期待。◎ 限度:“征敛无期求索无度”。◎ 必,决定:“期死,非勇也”。◎ 〔期颐〕指人活到一百岁。◎ 地质学上指在一个国境内或一个大区域内,小于“世”的地质年代单位。● 期 jī ㄐㄧˉ◎ 一周年,一整月:期年。期月。期服(古代丧服名,要穿一年)。● 待 dài ㄉㄞˋ◎ 等,等候:待到。待旦。拭目以待。◎ 以某种态度或行为加之于人或事物:对待。招待。待遇。待人接物。◎ 将,要(古典戏曲小说和现代某些方言的用法):正待出门,有人来了。● 待 dāi ㄉㄞˉ◎ 停留,逗留,迟延:你待一会儿再走。...期待怎么造句,用期待造句»