
时间:2022-06-30 13:02:58 | 来源:语文通



There are many interesting things on the campus every day. One of them is that you still remember that you still remember the "tug of war".


In order to better shape the spiritual essence of everyone's team collaboration, the teachers made a "tug of war competition".


Teachers divide our class into two teams ------- to watch the team and tug of war team.I was very fortunate to be divided into the tug of war team. The physical education teacher took out three thick thin hemp ropes and gradually straightened and put it in the middle of the stadium.That rope needs thicker than my arm.There is also a red ribbon in the middle. The rope is the sixth grade twelve classes like a tiger. The rope is our class.


The first tug of war is needed to start. The teammates of the two teams stared at the team of the other side with their ropes. Everyone wanted to show their skills in the tug of war.


Just listening to the "gradual" of sports teachers, everyone immediately dragged the rope, and I couldn't immediately apply "supernatural ability" to win the other party. Everyone in our class was afraid of slackness. Because the teammates of the other party were very strong, our class worked hard.Pulling my life, my eyes were afraid of looking at other areas, and they kept staring at the red ribbon on the rope. I was afraid that the red ribbon would be dragged away. I suddenly realized that the red ribbon was like a small turtle.Climbing, crawl, do we say that our class is going to win?Suddenly, the twelve uses the strength of the whole body to pull the rope. At this time, our class was pulling hard, and the twelve class was lying on the ground. Our class won.


In the case of the midfield, I cheered with my best friends and cheered.


Time is like water flowing quickly. The midfielder came to an end, and the second tug of war began. Our class may be like the first.


Standing as well as the field, only listening to a sound, our class is like a "beast", each of which shouted everyone's publicity "one, two, one or two".It has already been exploded. I can't care so much, and everyone's confidence has only one defeating the enemy.


Everyone persisted for two or three minutes. Everyone was exhausted, and the soles of their feet gradually trembled. At this time, our class suddenly pulled and everyone won.


This tug -of -war competition made me understand what unity is the energy and what does it mean to abandon at will. This time, I will never forget.



Yesterday afternoon, our class played a fierce tug of war.


We divided into two groups, and each of our groups were eager to try, and in the other group, they squeezed into one and discussed how to deal with us.


At the beginning of the game, the signal gun of the sports teacher rang, both sides used the strength of breastfeeding, and both sides had a fat man, namely me, and brother Wang Yitong.At the beginning, the rope arrived at our side for a while, and to the enemy for a while. Suddenly, the enemy made the killer and said, "Look, there is an airplane in the sky!"I also said excitedly: "There are really planes, or helicopter!" We looked up, really, but this made the enemy organic while pulling it hard, we lost, hey, I didn't expect meFang actually had a "spy".


The second game started, and I also told our team members how to use killer. When we were flawed, all the members jumped across the air and won all at once.Everyone laughed.


The perception that this game brings me is to be united and not proud, so we can tie the hand.



This afternoon, we held the tug of war and relay -the tire version.First of all, we arrived on the basketball court in the class. Then, I shoulder the task of the whole class on behalf of the class. We drawn the six classes that defeated in our hands last year in the tug of war.


As a result, we went to the "battlefield" with nervous and excited mood, raised the heavy rope, and was ready to start war."Du!" A whistle sounded, and the two of us suddenly desperately fought to our team as if hitting chicken blood, and the onlookers yelled and encouraged the team they were looking forward to.Because there are more people encouraged for our class, we live up to expectations and finally succeed.Unfortunately, when I was against the fifth class, I did n’t know if the other party cheated or we was too weak, and lost in the championship.


However, for our face, we have turned the tide in the relay race -the tire version. Although we are at a disadvantage, don't forget that the ability of our class will be behind!Later, the long legs of our class got our ranking first place from the last place. We all jumped up happily.Running and running.


This time the quality expansion is really discouraged and happy!



On Monday, all students in our class 2 (3) went to the Fengyu playground and class 2 (2) classmates to play tug of war.


Everyone came to the playground, and the students participating in the competition picked up the hemp rope, and only listened to the whistle of Teacher Tian. Everyone took the strength of breastfeeding and pulled it to their class.I tightened the rope, my body leaned back, clenched my teeth and pulled it hard, and my hands were drawn, but I still had to do my best.


The teacher picked out more than a dozen children as cheerleaders.The children of the cheerleading team shouted loudly: "Come on in three shifts! Three classes will win!"


The game was fierce. Although our class lost to the second class, I was sad, but I secretly determined that I must win next time.



"Come on! Come on! Come on!" On Wednesday morning, the shouting and cheering sounds on the playground were endless. The fourth grade tug of war was hot. Next is our fifth grade competition.


"The fifth grade tug of war is starting now!" The principal announced solemnly, "First of all, the fifth grade fourth class men's group and the fifth grade third -class men's group started the competition!"


Our classmates all stood up. After listening to the principal's announcement, it was really eager to try.Marseille found the mysteries in the previous groups, so when the game was about to start, he told us the skills of tug of war, and we all remembered it firmly.


"Start!" With a order of the judge, our heads were struggling to stand up, and their feet were forward, facing the sun, frowned, and kicking the ground hard.All of us used the power of milk, gritted our teeth and kept working hard.When the two sides were deadlocked, a classmate shouted, "Remember the skills!", This shout, we suddenly realized that the tactics of the front and the tactics in the back were really effective.


Li Chengming's eyes in front of me entered a sand. He ignored his eyes, closed his eyes, grabbed the rope with both hands, and pulled it violently. Our class was driven.As soon as we pulled, the red rope in the middle was pulled over by us.


"We are victorious!" The classmates yelled loudly.The classmates were so tired that they were so tired. Some of them were lying on the ground at once, and some looked like a discouraged ball. The classmates who watched on the side shouted happily.


This competition made me understand a truth: the collective power is irresistible.



On Monday afternoon, the school held a tug of war. The teacher let us all move the bench to watch the battle.We arrived at the playground, arranged neatly, and then sat there and waited.


Our class sees the students who are sitting at the forefront, all of which are rubbing their palms. The teacher went to insert it. We were the third appearance, compared with the fifth grade and sixth class.


The first to appear was the fifth grade and seventh grade seventh class.The fifth grade third class sent a person with strong strength in the back, sending 5 tall students in front.The same is true of grades and seventh class.The judge shouted: "Start!" The students on both sides were struggling, and both sides were dragging themselves.The red cloth moved to the left, moved to the right for a while, and finally won the third class in the fifth grade.


The second session was the first class of the fifth grade to the fifth grade and the two sides.The game then started.


I saw a fifth grade athletes gritted their teeth and closed their eyes, kicking back.Seeing the fifth grade in the fifth grade can't hold it, the fifth grade is victory.


When we arrived in our class, the teacher asked Zhang Zun to press the rope head behind, because he was the most powerful, and he pulled the tail of the rope at the back. Zhang Zhou and other five people were in front.Press rope.


It is about to come to the field. The teacher led us to stretch his neck, press the legs, move the muscles, and prepare for the game.With the password of "Start!", We gritted our teeth and kicked the ground with our eyes closed, and our hands were grinded with blood. We kept hand -in and dragged us desperately.The fifth grade and sixth class of the sixth class did not show weakness. The two teams pulled away. Under Zhang Zunzheng's rhythmic slogan inspiration, our class wins.


We are very happy. After a while we have to compare with the fifth grade and seven classes to compete for the championship.Just when everyone talked about how to defeat the fifth grade and seventh class, "Class" Lou Lipeng said the bad words of Zhang Zunzheng and scolded Zhang Zunzheng.Zhang Zunzheng did not want to fight anymore, and was discouraged by the teacher to play.


"Start!" The referee made a order, and a more difficult game opened.Zhang Zunzheng's mood was not good. He only took care of it, forgot to shout the title, and later shouted, and he shouted that he was not very loud and powerful. We could only pull it more vigorously.But the fifth grade and seventh class were too faceless, and we pulled us over at once, and we lost.


Zhang Zunzheng lowered his head and burst into tears. Everyone sprinkled his anger on Lou Lipeng, breaking Lou Lipeng's nose.


We only won the third prize, very angry, but we also realized the joy of success and the importance of unity and morale.



Today, we held a tug of war.


At the beginning of the game, I held the rope with both hands, and my body kept tilting back. I thought it was the model of the Pizza Tower in the distance.I kept pulling back.I closed my eyes and grabbed the rope.My two feet retreated a little bit.The two legs seemed to carry 10,000 tons of boulders and kept shaking.Two arm muscles are like machines that run at full speed, constantly shaking.There seemed to be countless stones on the arm.The rope moved slowly like a turtle, and the palm of his palm was slightly tingling, like a root of wheat mang, and sent out a tingling.The sun shines on my body, sweat keeps low, and gradually I start to make my strength.I thought that the tug of war is indeed a method of exercising the ancient army.But my legs moved forward unconsciously. At this time, the classmates began to shout: "123, pull! 123, pull! ..." Every time I count it to "3", I am struggling, and the team members also have me.The same, we leaned back, and the rope was dragged by us.


"We won! We won us!" The shocking voice passed to my ears.My tight face also smiled.


Then the girl vs girls started.I ran to the enemy Dang Lala.However, I am not a team thief. I shouted hard: "Reduced oil! Reduce oil! You will lose, we will definitely defeat you." They seemed to be angry with my words, and I made the effort to eat milk.Dropping back, some girls hung themselves on the rope, like a praying mantis who wanted to climb up.As a result, our team lost.I was a little bit in my heart, and my face was too fast.It didn't even get a minute.In the next game, I replaced myself to refuel, but the result was still lost.I can only comfort myself: "Who makes our team girls ladies?"


This time tug of war, it's really interesting!



"One or two! One or two!" The hot -looking tug of war kicked off on the playground.


The students stood on both sides of the rope, their legs were open, their bodies leaned back, and their hands dragged their ropes to their own camps.Everyone has a whole body strength, tight eyes, muscles tightened, and grinning teeth.The battle on the field is stuck. Regardless of the victory, there will often be a long heat -fierce stage. Until one party is panting, the other party can enter the other side before deciding the victory.


In the first two innings, they basically won the same side, because Xiao Zhang was sitting in the town, and the other side couldn't help him.As long as Xiao Zhang made a force and pulled the rope back, the classmates on the other side fell to the ground one by one, just like the Domino card, the picture looked a little funny and bitter!


However, the classmates on the other side are not discouraged. They actively deploy the strategy and confirm the slogan "One Two! One Two!" Every time when the word "pull" is shouted, everyone will work hard together.It is guaranteed not to be dragged.In addition, they arranged a classmate to run in the back in the back in the back, because the running was better to work harder.In order to inspire everyone's fighting spirit, the teacher made a decision to "defeat opponents and reward three awards" in a timely manner. Suddenly, "morale rose". Everyone was determined to defeat Xiao Zhang and shame before the snow.


starts, Xiao Zhang here starts to work, and the classmates on the other side shout out the neat slogan and start to work together.Sure enough, after a while, many of the opponents had a situation of poor strength. Once again, they successfully won the victory of this competition.


Although it is a small game, it is a miracle for these students.It seems that people's potential is really infinite. If you don't work hard, why do you know that you must not work?



On October 30th, Thursday afternoon, Teacher Chen asked the squad leader to prepare for the team activities, and suggested that students can conduct tug of war.In the second and third classes in the afternoon, our tug of war began.


Everyone must know that tug of war. Take a strong and longer rope and find the center point as a mark. Which team is close to the center point and over the prescribed distance, the team will win.This is a game that requires strength and unity.


Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it has reached the tug of war.The students were eager to try and excited.Some do warm -up exercises; some are guessing the results; some discussions how to pull out ... The squad leader and sports members bring the rope together. The rope is as thick as my little arm.Just one word: rough.


The competition officially started, and we first played a men's and women's mix.I saw the county leader "321". Each of us pulled backwards. At first, there was no movement. After a few seconds, the rope seemed to understand our voice and moved to us very well.We are very relaxed. We have won the game without any effort.


What impressed me most was the peak confrontation between our girls.I only heard the squad leader say: "Two teams girls compete, standing in their respective positions, the game begins, 3, 2, 1, start!" I stepped forward my right foot, left my left foot, and the squeak was clamping the rope.After one hand, the strength of the milk is pulled backwards.At first, the rope moved to the other side, and then the rope moved to us again. The two teams were comparable.At the last moment, another team of girls, like the outbreak of the universe, dragged the girls of our team at once, we tried their best, and could not pull it back. As a result, they won.


This time the tug of war gave me a huge inspiration: as long as it is united and mutual help, it will be able to solve difficulties.Everyone work together to do more with less.



300 words about tug -of


On Tuesday afternoon, our class played a fierce tug of war with the third class on the playground!


Teacher Wang first taught us to move us in the classroom, the slogan of shouting.After teaching our movements, Teacher Wang chose the tug of war and cheerleaders, and took us to the playground!


As soon as I saw several senior team members in the third class, I couldn't help thinking: Do we win the third class?At this time, the players of both sides were preparing to be in place, only to listen to the "squeak" whistle, and the game began!I saw Fan Shuchen holding the rope hard!His body was half squat, holding the rope with both hands one after another.Her feet are like in the pit, as stable as Taishan, kicking her legs in front of her legs, and unable to pull up!His expression is as serious as the opening meeting!I also saw Ren Yifei's expression very nervous. I saw that he clasped his fists tightly with both hands, his fist was placed on his chest, his legs were tight, and he kept shouting to cheer.Teacher Wang also shouted, dragging back his hands, as if he participated in the tug of war!Listen to a whistle again, the game is over!Our class lost!We are all frustrated!At this time, Mr. Wang called us over and told us that there were only three grades, and there were still many opportunities in the future!


I know this: victory or defeat is a common thing, and you must unite to do things!


About tug of composition 300 words 2


Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like shuttle.We welcomed again, the tug of war in 2014.This time, because some of our classmates said that I did n’t work hard last time I was in a tug of war.Let the teacher not let me participate in this game.I feel a little disappointed. I don't know that the teacher let me not let me participate?My heart is full of doubts!


In the afternoon, because of the King of Tug River in our class, Yu Zikang, he was sick and did not come to school.But we also have confidence to win the first place.The first game: We played in the 7th class first, and we easily won the first game.In the second game, we lost because of great care.Don't be discouraged, there is still a chance!In the third game, we learned a lesson and pulled the rope to us hard.we won!We confront each other ...EssenceWe are wonthe again!We went to the finals and competed for the championship.Unfortunately, we lost, 2: 0 records.


In the end, we fought the runner -up!Although we have not won the championship, we have won the second place, which is better than the class that has not won the second place.


300 words about tug -of


After two months of school, the school has held large and small, different competitions. No, today there is a tug of war for girls in junior high school, which is scheduled to be on November 4th in the afternoon, saying that it is compared in extracurricular activities. Both sides of the competition are Seventy -1 and Seventh Class. In the get out of class, all students in the two classes got off the playground at the fastest speed. The students who participated in the competition worked hard. The students who did not participate in the competition shouted "cheer" outside the field. I saw Shen Ling on the playground. But because it was an opponent, I did not chat with her in the past. After a while, the participants were ready. With the referee, the two sides began to fight. At the beginning, you won't let me, I won't let you. La la las members also sounded with the rhythm of their tug of war. "Come on, come on, come on, come on ..." "Oh! We won!" Everyone was happy. The classmates of Class Seventy -two were defeated. There was a complaint on his face. After the game is over, my class will eventually win the championship with 2: 0. Thinking about there is a game in the back. It is comparison with Seventh and 6th. I can't help but worry, because I listened to the other class that the six class was very powerful. However, I believe that the power of our class will definitely be better than winning them. Come on, class seven.


300 words about tug of composition 4


On Wednesday afternoon of the previous year, we launched the school games that do not start.


As soon as I played the number, I rushed to the class and went to see the tug of war in I hope for a long time.We first played four years and two classes.All of the students in the second class are highly physically and strong. I really worry about our classmates. With the order of the sports teacher, the game begins.The red rope is in the east for a while, and in the west for a while. The audience's heart mentioned the throat. Seeing that the red rope is about to pass the border, but the other party has the strength to eat milk. The red rope is pulled over. Our class is.The classmates wanted to turn the tide, but they did not help. The first was lost according to us.


This second game is extremely fierce.Looking at Cao Shanyi in our class, his face was red, and his strength was made; if you look at Liang Daoyu in our class, his first angel seems to be born for tug of war.You must win this time.It has been two or three minutes in the game, and it is still regardless of winning or defeat.what!Unexpectedly, the other party suddenly worked hard. The classmates in our class fell down.


In this tug of war, there were failures and success.We must not be proud of success or discouraged by failure.If you find a way to change the future, not too much attention to the past.


About tug of composition 300 words five


In this summer, the most memorable, the most exciting tug of war in our school, the first game is our class and 5 PK. At this time, the students were nervous because most of the 7 class was [ Elite] The competition began. The students were right to the feet and leaned back. This is the skill. The teacher said to us. The competition started. The students used the power of nine cows and two tigers for the honor of the class. Seeing that we are going to win, but we are not as good as everyone, we lose, and the first 5 class won. At this time, we understand that the strength of the individual is small and the collective power is infinite, so we are this this, so we are this this, so we are this this, so we are this, so we are this, so we are this, so we are this, so we are this, so we are this, so we are this, so we are this, so we are this, so we are this, so we are this, so we are this, so we are this, so we are this, so we are this, so we are this, so we are this, so we are this, so we are this, so we are this, so we are this, so we are this, so we are here The current morale increased greatly, only listening to the classmates shouted, refueling, and finally we won, 1 to 1, a tie, and finally the teacher said, add another game, I saw the students cheer each other, cheer up with each other, cheer each other to cheer each other and cheer each other. But this time the red rope actively ran to class 7. In the end, everyone's hope was broken, and the students were dying. We lost this time in the tug of war, but the next time we will win. After all, failure is the mother of success. If there is failure, there is success!



On a sunny Thursday, our school held a sports meeting, which was the ball running and tug of war.The most intense one is the tug of war.


First of all, the third and fifth classes were on the court. They pulled up hard, and their faces were blushing. Seeing that they were so fierce, we couldn't help shouting: "Come on! Come on!" The final result was that the fifth class won.Compared with the second class of our class, our classmates go all out to use the strength of the whole body in their hands.Among them, I was the most desperate. I spent the power of nine cows and two tigers, and finally pulled the rope a little bit.In the end, our classmates shouted together: "One two, one or two." We pulled up vigorously, and finally pulled the rope over.After one game after another, our class won.


In the end, our class won the first place.We are happy to bloom!


I think: as long as we do something with our heart, we will succeed!



Today, the weather is particularly clear, and the dark blue sky is like washing.The sun was warm, and the wind blows gently.The life on the campus is full of life, and the students are watching a unique tug of war.


When the radio came out: "When the first and second classes are prepared for tug of war!" Under the command of the team members immediately, the team members entered the designated position in the field.They pulled the posture, the thick long hemp rope of their hands, nailed their feet firmly on the ground, leaning backwards, waiting for the order.As a team captain of the Lara, my heart jumped, and I was really worried about our class.


At this time, the commander made the flags, and the crisp whistle "hopped" sounded, only listening to the "嘣" for a while.It looks like a while.At first, the strength of the two sides was relatively balanced, and the red silk in the center of the rope just swayed around the middle line.After a while, Red Silk slowly moved to the second class, and the audience's shouts were getting higher and higher.My heart is about to jump out, I can't wait to run over to help.At this time.As soon as I jumped, I waved and shouted, "Come on in one shift -oil!" Suddenly, the morale of my team members was loud, and they all stood up, and their faces were flushed.Seeing that the red silk moved in the direction of me again, the second class was anxious!I saw a few big men who were furious lions.They screamed straight, but they did not cooperate well, and they were unevenly strong.Our team members worked together and worked hard, and the red silk of the rope finally passed the boundary.We jump, so happy!Then, we exchanged the venue for another game, and finally won the second class 2-0.


He is interesting!We are immersed in the joy and joy after the game.



During extracurricular activities today, we played a fierce tug of war with Class 3 (2).


The athletes in our class came to the competition venue in a full spirit, waiting nervously and anxiously for the game.With a order, the game began.Our class suddenly made them caught off guard, and almost let us pull it over.Our cheerleading team is cheering for us loudly.We concentrated their strength under the teacher's password, and worked together to use their strength.However, due to lack of experience, everyone was uneven, and we lost this game.Our mood was particularly lost, and some students shed tears sadly.


In the evening, I also had a dream, and dreamed that we had a third grade (2) Class of the Grand Court.Unsurprisingly, this time we achieved victory, and the students were happy to embrace together. It was really happy.



Just today, a exciting tug of war began.This is the competition between our one and four groups of classmates and the second and third classmates. I have vowed with the classmates in the group: Here we must make a decision, never defeat our opponents, and never stop!


Without the ringtone of the class, we had come to the venue with great interest.Seeing that in the center of the field, a colorful long rope was quietly exposed to the sun bath.The referee was polite. As soon as he grabbed the rope, held it in his hands, and simply talked about the rules of tug of war with us, and the game began.


As soon as we fought eight rounds, I only said that the most intense one.This time, the boys of our one -sided group and the two -three groups of the two or two groups performed PK, while the girls were on the side as cheerleaders. Before the game, our teammates Xiao Wang, Xiao Xiao, kept cheering for us.To improve our morale, for example: If you lose, you can't read a book. You can use my anger to use your anger and then the game will start.


Just listening to the referee, we shouted the slogan "123 to 123 to 123", holding the rope tightly, and dragging it back hard.Suddenly, the rope fiercely dragged forward, and the opponent suddenly tried to win a wonderful victory.But how could we give him a chance? As the saying goes, "A drum, and then decline, and exhausted."So, after he was exhausted, we immediately stepped up, leaned back, his body paused, and his mouth shouted "晦 呦 呦 呦".I just felt the rope slowly came to us.Our strength is even more full, and the slogan shouted even more!Finally, the rope completely passed the dividing line!we won!We cheered happily and did not forget to show off our results to the other party, so we won this game.


This game, we tasted the taste of victory, and also made me understand that anyone has a role, and only unity will have victory.



In a cloudless, windy and beautiful afternoon, under the organization of the monitor, we came to the playground downstairs to play a fierce tug of war.


First of all, the first game was in the first game. There were twenty people on each side of the rope. Before the beginning, everyone did a preparation movement: some hands twisted left and right with both hands;;One by one, I want to play well in the next game.


The game begins soon.Everyone pulled up the rope, and as the monitor's order, the groups and horses pulled the rope in their direction.All of them have made the strength of breastfeeding and want to win the victory of this game.But the rope seemed to be fixed by magic and motionless there.At this time, Xiao Zhang shouted the slogan: "Three, two, one, pull; three, two, one, pull!" The red center point of the victory just now gradually moved to us.Close to us in one step.So everyone shouted the slogan even more, and successfully covered the other's slogan.The last distance was the last, and our team once again contributed to the victory of the first game.The team cheered.


The second game was not as lucky as just now. Pulling and pulling, the team members of our team gradually couldn't hold on.Moved to each other.Seeing that the other party was about to win, my heart was like fifteen buckets to fight water -seven up and eight.Sure enough, in the end, our team lost the second game.


The tense and exciting class tug of war ended in the laughter. The classmates united and worked hard in my mind.



"Come on"!"come on"!With the sound of cheering, there is nothing wrong, there is nothing wrong.We are playing!A few times?What's wrong with winning?What will happen below?What will happen, let me talk about it for everyone!


Today is a sunny day! In the afternoon, we held a tug of war, and we were all very excited because when we were just entering school, because of the epidemic. We can't do it in the seventh grade, and we want to take a good look this time. See what the junior high school sports will look like! Maybe because of time, I moved the tug of war to this afternoon. We are very happy. We are happy because we have confidence to win. Although I do n’t know the game, we are the last comparison. We are still happy because other classes are not fat, some are high. Why are you happy? It is because our class is fat, and there is more than one. I asked Xiao Chen a question. You said that a fat man and a thin number ratio, we all know that the fat man will win, but if it is a fat man with no strength and a strong energy of a strong energy What about the skinny ratio? Xiao Chen said: I also think that fat people will win. I asked why I answered like this? Xiao Chen replied: Why is the fat man called a fat man? Because the fat man has great strength and the thinner strength is small, we have won two games, and they really win. Although the first round is the eighth grade, the second round is compared with the ninth grade.


This time it was okay, but there may be people who are more powerful than us next time.As long as we work hard and have confidence, no matter how many next time we will win!



On December 25, the third (4) and third (1) class of our class played a warm and intense tug of war at the playground.


When I came to the playground, I saw a thick and long hemp rope in the middle of the playground, like a long giant snake, lying quietly on the ground, and there was a red belt in the middle of the rope.The boundaries were drawn on both sides of the playground.The interesting students have discussed the results of the game.


After a while, the referee announced the rules of the game and then the game began.The referee raised Xiaohong flags high, glanced at the players on both sides, and the audience immediately quietly.The classmates widened their eyes and watched this fierce game.


"Dudang-" A whistle, the rope was tightly stretched, and it didn't move. The players held their breath and pulled hard. Look! The players in our third (4) class were pulling more vigorously. ... Red belts shake back and forth, and move towards Class 3 (1) little by little. I was in a hurry, I stomped my feet again, and waved again. I shouted for our third (4) class: "Come on! Come on!" Divided rice, ah! Only half of my feet, I was anxious, I couldn't wait to come forward to stop. At this time, the cheerleaders in our class also shouted, "Come on! We will win!" So the team members of our class doubled, closed their mouths, flushed, and fell back. Third (1) team members were unforgettable and gradually let go of the rope on their hands. The red belt stopped, and the team members of our class pulled backwards, only listening to the sound of "beep-", and the red belt exceeded the prescribed boundary. All the members of our class smiled happily, one by one, and one by one came out. : "We won! We won!"


Suddenly, there was a burst of joy on the playground.A nervous and fierce game ended in this burst of laughter.



In early March, our school held a tug of war. The purpose was to cultivate our team spirit and exercise our bodies through the competition.


As soon as he heard the news, the classmates cheered.Later, after discussing and carefully selected by the teacher and sports committee members, 15 "strong men" were selected among boys, and "ten 铿 roses" were selected among the girls to represent our class to participate in the competition.

经过多场比赛,复赛时候到了,你看我们班的男队员个个精神抖擞,斗志昂扬,满面红光。比赛马上就要开始了,队员们蹦蹦跳跳,活动身体,有的队员向手心吐了口水,然后两手搓了搓,真像电视 上参加体育比赛的运动员。

After many games, it was time for the rematch. You see that the male players in our class are shaking, the fighting spirit is high, and the face is red.The game is about to start. The players bouncing, moving the body, and some players spit out their hands, and then rubbed their hands with both hands, really like athletes participating in sports competitions on TV.

只听裁判一声“预备——嘟。”比赛开始了。观看比赛的同学齐喊:“1——2——3,加油!”郑老师在向拔河的同学喊:“压绳,不要让绳上来,注意压绳!”队员们个个都咬紧牙,抓紧绳,使出全 身的力气向后拉。在最后的周攀索性一边把身体缀起来,一边向后扯,他把脸憋得红通通,真想一只大苹果。而观众这边呢,有的的同学似乎比队员还紧张,就大喊起了“加油”;有的同学神情紧张, 紧盯着绳子中间的红绳,密切地关注着红绳的进退;有的人急的想帮队员们一把,伸出手但又把手缩了回来。经过激烈的比赛,我们班最终取得了决赛权。

Just listening to the referee "Preparation -Dudes." The game began.The classmates who watched the competition shouted: "1-2-3, come on!" Teacher Zheng shouted to the classmates of tug of war: "Press the rope, don't let the rope come up, pay attention to the rope!", Hurry up the rope to pull the strength of the whole body backwards.In the last Zhou Pan, he decorated his body and pulled backwards. He pushed his face red, and he really wanted a big apple.And the audience's side, some classmates seem to be more nervous than the players, and they shouted "refueling"; some classmates look nervous, staring at the red rope in the middle of the rope, paying close attention to the advancement and retreat of the red rope;The people hurriedly wanted to help the team members, stretched out their hands but shrunk back again.After fierce competition, our class finally achieved final rights.


When the girls were in the game, due to lack of experience, some people did not pull the rope, and the girls were all overwhelmed.


In the finals, the boys in our class and the third class boys competed for the runner -up. When we were about to win, the classmates in our class accidentally fell. As a result, we only got a runner -up. It was a pity.


In this tug of war, although our class only got a runner -up, we did not regret it at all, because we went all out! The tug of war has enriched our extra -curricular life, but also allowed usTeam consciousness, tug of war is really interesting.



I look forward to it for a long time. We finally look forward to the Winter Games and wait for the long-awaited tug of war.


Before the game, I secretly thought, classmates, come on! The game is about to start, and I saw that the students in the opponent's class all flung, as if they would win!


With a whistle, the participants in our class pulled the hemp rope together; their bodies fell backwards, and everyone made it strong, and their faces rose red ...


In the first game, our class won; the second game did not know whether the opponent was small, or they were not ready. Our class quickly won.


After entering the second round of the game, our opponents were unexpectedly strong. Each of them had a tiger and bear, and even girls with elegant and elegant style and deeds were no exception. They were like a big tiger.


The game began again, and our team members pulled hard as before: our pair of small hands were bruised by the thick hemp rope, but we were all conscious, because at this moment, we only had two in our hearts in our hearts.Word: Victory!


Seeing that we were going to win, suddenly the opponent was like God's help, and we flew to the ducks in our mouths.Even so, we are not discouraged, because we know, staying in the mountains, not afraid of no firewood, there is still the second game!


In the end, we lost the game, but I understood a truth from it: to have good results, we have to rely on strength!



In the next semester of the sixth grade, we ushered in the first tug of war.That morning, the sun was bright, and the face of each tug of war team was red.


Before the competition, the teacher also called us some tug -of -war skills, and some parents contributed tug -of -tank gloves to the class.On the day of the sixth grade tug of war in this day, the students raised their heads one by one, and the opposite competition was about to begin.


The opponent of our class is six (1). Six (1) classmates in the class also came to the playground with excitement. Everyone, with the whistle of the referee, I saw the two classmates stood up and pulled themselves. After a while, I saw the face of the players on both sides flushed, but regardless of the small red flag tied to the center of the rope, it drifted to there for a while ... There was the last five seconds left. Five! Four! Three! Two! Two! One! I saw the little red flag floating at us. When my classmates saw the results of the game, they were full of fun and cheering. But the three innings and two wins are just the beginning. So the second game began. The whistle sounded again, and the players on both sides still made every effort to the Fang Fang, but because our classmates made the strength of the last game too strong this time, this time, there was no strength. Class 6 (1). The third game is the most critical game, because this game will determine the final winning or losing of our tug of war. The players are also very spiritual. The whistle sounded for the third time, and at the beginning of the six (one) class occupied the upper hand. But we do not show weakness. After hard work, we finally defeated and won, and the time is coming. Five! Four! Three! Two! Two! One! We let Xiaohong flag float aside again. In the end, we won the game in three games.

拔河,让我知道了“人心齐 泰山移”,只要团队中心往一处想,就一定能成功!!!

Tug of war, let me know that "people's hearts are moving together", as long as the team center thinks, it will be successful !!!



1、拔河:拔河读音为bá hé,是指中国民间传统体育活动。源于古时水乡拉纤和水军操练活动。比赛时地上划两平行线为河界,由人数相等的两队各执长绳的一端分站河界两边。绳中段扎一红带为标志,垂直于河中央。双方奋力拉绳,以把标志拉过己方河界者为胜。欧、美各地亦盛行。 一种体育比赛,两队在一条大绳的两端用力拉,拉过规定的界线为胜拔河 bá hé词语解释:中国民间传统体育活动。源于古时水乡拉纤和水军操练活动。比赛时地上划两平行线为河界,由人数相等的两队各执长绳的一端分站河界两边。绳中段扎一红带为标志,垂直于河中央。双方奋力拉绳,以把标志拉过己方河界者为胜。欧、美各地亦盛行。[tug-of-war] 一种体育比赛,两队在一条大绳的两端用力拉,拉过规定的界线为胜分词解释:盛行:流行、传播得快且广:街上盛行遮阳帽|庚午之岁,疫疠盛行。奋力:充分鼓起劲来:奋力拼搏ㄧ奋力抢救落水儿童。操练:1.以队列形式教授和练习军事技能。 2.练习。 3.犹实践。中央:1.四方之中。 2.中间。 3.古指国君。 4.今指国家政权或政治团体的最高领导机构。 5.古代以五方配五行,中央表土,土色黄,故又以中央代表黄色。...拔河怎么造句,用拔河造句»

2、比赛:比赛读音为bǐ sài,是指在体育、生产等活动中,比较本领、技术的高低:象棋比赛ㄧ比赛篮球。比赛 bǐ sài词语解释:在体育、生产等活动中,比较本领、技术的高低:象棋比赛ㄧ比赛篮球。分词解释:本领:技能;能力:有本领ㄧ本领高强。篮球:①球类运动项目之一,把球投入对方防守的球架铁圈中算得分,得分多的获胜。②篮球运动使用的球,用牛皮做壳,橡胶做胆,也有全用橡胶制成的。...比赛怎么造句,用比赛造句»