
时间:2022-07-08 13:27:06 | 来源:语文通



Yingying Moonlight, I hold a cup of the clearest; Bai Luoheng Yu Huai, I have a warmth of the warmth;The most brilliant; a long road to life, I want to pick up the most important in the world -friendship.


In a person's life, if there is no friend and no friendship, there will be a sense of powerlessness.If there is no friendship, there is no sincere friend, and there will be no goal of pouring my own mind ...


Over the years, I have a naive friendship. We are basically intimate, and the emotions are particularly good. Because she is many months older than me, it is one year higher than me.Although her academic performance is not very prominent, her popularity is pretty good.Tell you a secret: Everyone has a little relative relationship.


I still remember that I followed her to her grandmother. She asked me to follow "Grandma", so the old man and my association were pulled a lot, and the smile and the ground were enthusiastic.


It's not too late, and there are no buses that have not returned home, and "grandmother" is forced to live in her.At night, we went to sleep together.I couldn't sleep, and she helped me tell me a charming short story. I gradually fell asleep, but she kept awake ... I thought she would kick off the quilt. When she woke up, she couldn't move.I couldn't help it.I kicked the quilt and saw her covering the quilt when I was half a dream and half awake, lest I was cold.My heart came with a warm current, and my eyes flowed excitedly.


It was 8 o'clock when I woke up in the morning.I was lazy in bed, but she woke up very early and brought me hot bean paddle for me. I said with excitement and excitement, "Thank you! You are my best friend!" ThenAs soon as I finished speaking, I burst into tears and hugged firmly, how could they be separated!


But now, she is more and more strange to her association.She became more and more grasped and understood me, but she sold me again and cheated me again and again.Because of this.I really understand: there is an eternal, innocent friendship, so hard and so hard; there is a friendship that cannot be erased, so happy, so warm; losing a affectionate friendship, is it, is it, isSo sad!


Lonely life, who will listen to the clear voice in your heart?In the future, who will appreciate the wonderfulness in your eyes?Shan Jingjing, Shuiyingying, played a song "Han Gong Qiuyue", shocked the mountains and rivers, and the waves were exciting.Therefore, Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi appreciate this encounter.Life has a good friendship with heart and spleen!



If a person has friendship, he will not feel lonely, and his life will become colorful.Because friendship is the creator of dreams, it blooms beautiful youth flowers in life and releases a faint charming fragrance.--Inscription


This year's snow seemed to be particularly impatient, and the cold wind blows mercilessly. The tall poplar trees on the campus twisted their waist and made a whine sound.


Early in the morning, I was awakened by my roommate's voice.As soon as the head stretched out of the bed, I felt a coldness.Open the window and look out, the white piece in front of me.Oh, it turned out to be snowy.The roommates were excited about the snow that arrived in advance, but my heart was as cold as snow outside the window.Because my grades have gone backwards.But what makes me even more sad is that getting up early and late before the exam, but the grades have gone back 10 times, and my hard work has not gained a lot of gains.Everyone greeted me to play outside, but I was reluctant to go out for fear of cold.


My friend asked me if I was sick, and I barely smiled and said, "It's okay."The boss scratched his head and said slowly, "Wouldn't you be unhappy because of the decline in grades? It doesn't matter, we work hard together, and the results will always go up.It's not good, this time it is not very good, can we work hard together? "Then, everyone came around and told me about their own learning methods, and encouraged me not to give up.I thought everyone was attracted by this sudden Ruixue and didn't notice my emotional changes, but I didn't expect everyone to care about me so much!Although it is January now, there is a warmth in my heart.


"Go, go snow fight!" The boss shouted, everyone responded, and quickly rushed out of the dormitory to the playground. I couldn't help but join the game team.Playing, I seem to forget the unhappiness in my heart just now.Coke was very sad, I accidentally tripped, and my legs fell off a large piece of skin.Just as everyone was at a loss, the head teacher just passed by, and quickly called a few students to send me to the medical room.After the doctor bandaged me the wound, asked the class teacher to rub my legs more, and told me not to do strenuous exercise.As soon as the words fell, the head teacher began to rub my legs, rubbing and asking me not to hurt.I said, "Teacher, don't you blame me for not taking the test?" "Silly child, the teacher saw you so hard, and he liked you too much. How can you blame you! In the future, if you don’t understandYou are. "The classmates around me also asked my injuries. At that moment, my heart was full of movement.


With you, my world is always hot in spring.



1、友谊:友谊读音为yǒu yì,是指朋友之间的亲密情谊。建立在利益一致和相互信任的基础上。表现在情感(如相互了解、相互同情)和行为(如相互支持、帮助、援助)等方面。是一种纯洁美好的感情。 朋友间深厚的感情、亲密的关系友谊长存友谊 yǒu yì词语解释:朋友之间的亲密情谊。建立在利益一致和相互信任的基础上。表现在情感(如相互了解、相互同情)和行为(如相互支持、帮助、援助)等方面。是一种纯洁美好的感情。[friendship;amity] 朋友间深厚的感情、亲密的关系友谊长存分词解释:纯洁:纯正清白:思想纯洁|组织纯洁。现在:1.存在。 2.指目前活着。 3.现世,今生。 4.眼前一刹那。与过去﹑未来相区别。后泛指此时﹑目前。相互:两相对待的;彼此之间的。帮助:替人出力、出主意或给以物质上、精神上的支援:互相帮助ㄧ帮助灾民。...友谊怎么造句,用友谊造句»