
时间:2022-10-31 13:03:53 | 来源:语文通



优秀的小学作文300字 篇1初中优秀作文400字 篇2优秀的小学作文300字 篇3优秀的小学作文400字 篇4优秀的小学作文400字 篇5初中优秀作文400字 篇6

优秀的小学作文300字 篇1


My father mysteriously wrote me a word "Le" on the paper. Ask me what to read this word? I said, "Read YUE, the music of music." Dad smiled and said: "This word also reads LE, happy." I'm curious, why put music and happiness together?


Music makes me happy and worries me. I like the violin. When I practice it, my father often criticizes me for being careless, and the voice is not beautiful at all. How can I be happy? I think there are many pieces of music that are very sad, just like "Two Springs Reflect the Moon". How to interpret them with happiness?


But music makes me feel happy more. Like Mozart, his music is like the spring wind blowing through the forest, and a spring 'breath comes to my face, making me feel the strong spring. Schubert's music is like the happy singing of birds in the flowers, which is pleasing to the eyes and refreshing. Beethoven's music is very powerful and exciting. It seems that a pair of wings can make people fly freely.


The band is a group. When we get together, cooperate with each other, and play beautiful and moving music, we are no longer alone. We become ambassadors of spring, elves of summer, angels of autumn, and goddesses of winter. We interpret happiness with music.


Ah! I love music, I love the happiness music gives me!

初中优秀作文400字 篇2


My next door neighbor has a daughter named Fangfang. She and I are good friends.


Fangfang is the same age as me this year. She has dark and shiny hair, a red glass hair clip on her head, a pair of big watery eyes on her delicate face, and she is always so smart. She has a slightly cocky nose and a small mouth. When she smiles, she has two small wine pits on her mouth, which is very lively and lovely.


She loves learning. I remember one time, I went to her home to play with her after school. When I came in, she was doing her homework. I asked why she didn't go out to play. She said that she had not finished reviewing her lessons, so she could go out to play only after reviewing them. I thought: should I go home and take my homework to her home to review her lessons with her, or go out to play by myself? After a ideological struggle with myself, I decided to go back and take my schoolbag to study with her. What is more important than learning? So I went home and took my schoolbag and went to Fangfang's home to study with her. After we reviewed, she and I went out to play hand in hand. On the way, I thought: I must take Fangfang as a good example for me to study hard and make progress every day.


Until now, when I am lazy and lax in my study, I will think of her serious study as my motivation to make progress. It can be seen that a good friend has a great influence on one's life!

优秀的小学作文300字 篇3


My family has a turtle, which is very cute and naughty. It has an oval head. On both sides of the oval head, it has a pair of dark and bright eyes, a sharp nose, a mouth that is almost too small to see, and a thick skin rolled around its neck, like wearing a scarf. It carries a heavy "house" on its back. Every time it encounters a wrong direction, its limbs and head quickly shrink in. What a turtle!


My turtle likes to eat shrimp. Once I put it in it, it ate it with relish. The tortoise is very sleepy. Once, I found it lying there motionless. I tried to touch it, but it didn't respond. I touched it again, and it moved. What a lazy turtle!


The tortoise is so naughty. Once when I went to school and forgot to close the door of the room, the tortoise climbed out of the bowl and went to the room to hide under her mother's computer desk. At night, my mother was using the computer. Suddenly, she heard a strange voice coming from under the table. My mother took a photo under the table with her mobile phone. It was the turtle. I asked Grandma to come in and put the turtle in the goldfish bowl to see how it would climb out in the future.


This is really a cute and naughty turtle!

优秀的小学作文400字 篇4


At the end of the semester, the school sent a notice about the Olympic math competition. My mother also encouraged me to participate. Although I didn't have similar training, I was very confident in myself and made a winter vacation plan for myself, which is to keep practicing, increase my feel and go all out.


The time for the exam is getting closer and closer. I work hard every day on my exercise book. There are some difficult and simple questions. If I don't know the questions, my mother will try to use simple questions first, step by step, to guide me to come up with solutions. In repeated practice, I learned some problem-solving skills, and also learned new concepts of area, perimeter and volume in advance.


On the day of the exam, I was both excited and nervous. When I arrived at the examination room, I found that the students I had not seen for a long time also came to participate in the competition. It was good to work together. During the exam, I answered carefully, and made a mark to grasp every minute and every second if I could not. This test is divided into two parts: basic test and challenge test. Most of the basic tests can be successfully completed. The challenge test really opened my eyes. It turns out that mathematics can be so flexible.


With the opportunity of this exam, I can experience setting goals and working hard to achieve them. No matter what the results are, I will leave a mark if I have worked hard, and I will challenge again next time.

优秀的小学作文400字 篇5


Who has ever noticed my sadness? I always wear the mask of a smile, and no one has ever failed to wear his own mask. When we grow up, we have already lost the innocence of childhood and the innocent pure smile. The joy of childhood has long passed away and will never return. When I was in primary school, I thought I had been studying in primary school for a long time and didn't know how to cherish it. When I received my graduation certificate, I was stupid. How come time is so fast? In a twinkling of an eye, we all graduated. Time flies by. I still remember our ignorance and happiness when we were young.


The summer of that year was a sad season, because we graduated. We cried, laughed, hurt, and wronged together... On the day of graduation, we reluctantly looked at our classmates. I left my own handwriting on the classmate record and shed tears sadly. When we received the diploma, many memories of our past flashed through our mind.


Come to a new school, come to a new class, meet new classmates. When I came to the new class, I was very sad. I ran into my former classmates and now they become so strange. In the classroom, everyone talked and laughed, all of which was irrelevant to me. I started to feel scared because I didn't know anyone. Fortunately, there will be a classmate I know, so I feel relieved.


With the passage of time, a month passed, I also met many students, but I was still sad. Because no one paid attention to my injury and pain.

初中优秀作文400字 篇6


Autumn is a beautiful season, a cool season and a harvest season.


Mountains and forests are full of color. Wild geese line up and wave their wings in the sky. They say goodbye to white clouds reluctantly and fly to the south. The boundless rice fields are as golden as the sun in the autumn sun. The sea of rice is sometimes high, sometimes low, sometimes slow, sometimes urgent. The farmers couldn't help laughing when they saw the golden grain they had bought with sweat.


Each tall ginkgo tree stands like a tall soldier on the ground, two, three or four pieces in one piece. The leaves of the ginkgo tree float down, "brush, brush," which is the parting voice of the leaves and the tree mother. People walk along the "Golden Road" with their feet, and can't help admiring the beauty of autumn. When there are many people watching autumn, they become "mud and dust".


In the orchard, persimmons are bright red, like lanterns hanging high on the trees. You squeeze me to touch the fragrant pears and compete with people to pick them! Clusters of grapes hung on the vines wrapped around the wooden frame, like strings of priceless pearls. The farmers sat in the yard and ate fruit with relish. The autumn wind brings cool air and sweet scented osmanthus trees.


The golden autumn gingko, fragrant with cinnamon and rich fruits, add the color, fragrance and taste of autumn to the hardworking farmers.


How beautiful autumn is!