
时间:2022-07-30 13:19:03 | 来源:语文通



well!I complained with the best friend "Deng Rubao": "Deng Rubao, save me! I want to copy the content of the text with the original paper tonight, and I don't even have half of the original paper.Let ’s!" What? "Deng Rubao wanted to jump excitedly," Because after I finished, I was still going to ask you to borrow it? "" Can't you, only buy it after school! "Who is the two of us?"Speaking from a big song.


After class, I couldn't wait to call my mother: "Mom, I am out of school, can you pick me up?" "Why? I want to cook!"The original paper! "" I have eaten meals to buy you. "Hearing the boredom in my mother's tone, I did not resist it.


I have finished writing other jobs, and I have copied the content of the text, so I asked my mother to buy the original paper.


After a while, my mother returned home with the original paper.I was trying to complain that my mother was too slow. In the case of delaying my homework, I inadvertently heard a sentence when my mother experienced the lesson and taught the younger brother: "I work so hard during the day, and I need to cook rice quickly at night for everyone to eat for everyone to eat.You need to guide you to write your homework after eating. My sister said that the original paper is required.


Gui and guilt all flooded because of this simple sentence. In my mind, I couldn't help but flash like that interface: under the moon with yellow bending, a middle -aged woman wearing solid clothes and pants was for better.Buy the original paper for the child; trips on the road of the book store.Although it was winter, her face still had "countless" sweat, and her eyes "fell" because of trembling.


I couldn't help it since then, and ran to the bathroom, letting the tears of "ignorance" flowing out.


If Father's love is a sea, it gives everyone a happy harbor, then the mother's love is a boat, carrying everyone to mature from teenagers; if dad's love is raised, it is the sailing of everyone to set sail, then the mother’s sincerity’s sincerity’s sincerity, Will ignite everyone's expectations ...



1、母爱:母爱读音为mǔ ài,是指1.母亲对于儿女的爱。 2.母亲疼爱儿女。 3.泛指以母亲的感情爱护下一代。母爱 mǔ ài词语解释:1.母亲对于儿女的爱。 2.母亲疼爱儿女。 3.泛指以母亲的感情爱护下一代。(1) [maternal love]∶母亲对子女的爱(2) [motherliness]∶属于母亲的或母亲应有的温柔、热情或慈爱分词解释:对于:介词,引进对象或事物的关系者:我们对于公共财产,无论大小,都应该爱惜ㄧ大家对于这个问题的意见是一致的。感情:①对外界刺激的比较强烈的心理反应:动感情ㄧ感情流露。②对人或事物关切、喜爱的心情:联络感情ㄧ他对农村产生了深厚的感情。儿女:①子女:把儿女抚养成人◇英雄的中华儿女。②男女:儿女情长(指过分看重情爱或与家人之间的感情)。母亲:1.子女对生养自己的女子的称谓。俗称妈妈。 2.比喻养育人的某一群体或事物。 3.泛指生儿育女的妇女。...母爱怎么造句,用母爱造句»