
时间:2022-06-14 14:10:43 | 来源:语文通



At this time, on the podium of "Excellent Students", I couldn't help tears under the rain. With the cheering of the audience, I thought of the teacher who evoked me ... but the bell class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class, the teacher was in class.Call the name to the podium to get the day test papers.When the teacher read his name, he nodded slightly to me.Doubt in my heart: "My primary school scum, why did the teacher laugh for me?"


Back to the sitting seat, opening the paper, it is also a result of no pass. The evaluation saying: "The word is very careful, if the next time I can pass it, it will be stronger!" At the endAfter a moment, then turned around, and the happy mouth rose crazy and almost laughed into two seams.After returning home, I said to my parents seriously, "I want to study hard, I want to struggle!" My mother poked her head from the restaurant's kitchen and said with a smile: Oh, did my daughter learn about it?"What irritating?" "I don't tell you."


After speaking, I gradually did my homework.From now on, I work hard every day to complete the work. The teacher's light -like smile and encouragement have taken root in my heart. I want me to have sufficient driving force to study every day.The score came out, and I was very excited in my heart when I received the papers. Do you think that the high scores and new comments will occur this time?I carefully opened the paper, or did not follow, and suddenly my emotions fell into the trough.Read the papers in a lost manner, and find that there are also evaluations behind the paper!Teacher: Look at you diligent!Start again, the teacher believes that you can.


The teacher's encouragement came in my heart like a military drum: "I want to continue to work hard and defeat all the difficulties, I can do it!" I thought so much.That's it. I struggled day by day, and the teacher's evaluation and encouragement never were missing. I became an excellent student in the first seat of the class collective in a general elementary school.


Teacher , thank you for your encouragement and application of repeated encouragement and application to make me like a warrior, "The heroic heroes are traveling in the sky! Thank you for evokeing me, and if I have the infinite future, I will have the infinite future.Potential.



1、唤醒:唤醒读音为huàn xǐng,是指①叫醒:他把我从睡梦中唤醒。②使醒悟 :唤醒民众。唤醒 huàn xǐng词语解释:①叫醒:他把我从睡梦中唤醒。②使醒悟 :唤醒民众。分词解释:民众:人民大众:得民众者得天下|唤起民众千百万。醒悟:1.亦作“醒寤”。 2.谓从麻醉﹑昏迷﹑睡眠等状态中清醒过来。 3.在认识上由模糊而清楚,由错误而正确。● 醒 xǐng ㄒㄧㄥˇ◎ 睡眠状态结束或尚未入睡:如梦方醒。◎ 酒醉、麻醉或昏迷后神志恢复正常状态:醒酒。◎ 泛指头脑由迷糊而清楚:醒悟。觉(jué)醒。清醒。提醒。猛醒。◎ 明显、清楚:醒目。醒眼。● 唤 huàn ㄏㄨㄢˋ◎ 呼叫,喊:唤起。唤醒。叫唤。召唤。呼唤。...唤醒怎么造句,用唤醒造句»

2、鼓励:鼓励读音为gǔ lì,是指激发;勉励:车间主任鼓励大家努力完成增产指标丨大家的赞扬给了他很大的鼓励。鼓励 gǔ lì词语意思:激发;勉励:车间主任鼓励大家努力完成增产指标丨大家的赞扬给了他很大的鼓励。分词解释:勉励:劝导鼓励:互相勉励|勉励学生认真钻研学问。激发:①刺激使奋发:激发群众的积极性。②使分子、原子等由能量较低的状态变为能量较高的状态。指标:反映社会现象在一定时间和条件下的规模、程度、比例、结构等的概念和数值。由指标名称和指标数值组成。以绝对数、相对数或平均数表示。如国民生产总值若干亿元,人口净增率千分之几,职工平均工资若干元等。大家:1.犹巨室﹐古指卿大夫之家。《书.梓材》:“王曰:‘封,以厥庶民暨厥臣,达大家。’”孔传:“言当用其众人之贤者与其小臣之良者,以通达卿大夫及都家之政于国。”蔡沈集传:“大家,巨室。”《左传.昭公五年》:“箕襄﹑邢带﹑叔禽﹑叔椒﹑子羽,皆大家也。”《国语.晋语一》:“大家邻国,将师保之。”韦昭注:“大家,上卿也。”后即以称豪门贵族。 2.奴仆对主人的称呼。 3.宫中近臣或后妃对皇帝的称呼。 4.犹言大作家;大专家。 5.众人;大伙儿。...鼓励怎么造句,用鼓励造句»