
时间:2022-06-25 13:39:32 | 来源:语文通



Of course, the top of the mountain is of course, so under the shower, all people are refreshing, without because of it, so there is no reason to fall in love with the mountain climbing.


I still remember that Ma Renqifeng was a long time ago, and it was very excited when I went. Since the end, I was full of the excitement and stepped into the journey.


Because it is a theme activity, there are many people, which are bigger than me, and they are smaller than me. They do n’t know, and they do n’t care. After all, they go to climb mountains. This is a key place.


On there, the tour guide told you a lot of detailed introduction to the natural strange stone heterogeneous peaks. There was no interest. The section of the mountain climbing was the best. I remembered that I remembered it to the mountain.


There is a Maozhu Paradise under the mountain with fresh air. It has the taste and soil taste, which is comfortable and refreshing.


Going up again, there is a temple. The stairs in front of the temple pay attention to the university to ask. There is a lotus in the middle of the middle of the temple. In the middle of it, we pay attention to what it is.


When it was about to reach the peak, a three -forks happened. The tour guide asked from the distance or the nearby road. These spiritual children decisively chose the road from Yuan.


It is not clear why, so far it is still weird. I was not happy to hear this response, but when I saw these flowers and trees, I changed my mind and wanted to put myself in the mountains and forests.I am very happy to be afraid to arrive at the station, it is likely to get used to daily life in big cities.


At the top of the peak, there was a dangerous road, very easy to fall, and gradually, it went down the mountain without intuition.


There is a slide on the top of the mountain. We came out of the slide road. The slide road was different. It was made of natural marble. What was interesting was that there was a way to walk in the middle of the middle.Go to the stigma paradise, although there are no equipment, but returned to Park.


There are also Fuding at the foot of the mountain, there are some Buddha statues, I have seen some, and there is no impression.


On the way home, the car was stunned, noisy, and there was nothing quiet.Because of being very tired, I still resist these people.Now think about it, if you get a child as a child, maybe more noisy than them.



In a hot day in the summer vacation, because my father and I had no air conditioning there when I was too hot in my hometown, so I decided to play, and I had not played with Ma Ren Temple nearby, so we decided to go there.It's a wrong decision to come now.Dad also called a bunch of relatives and friends, driving two cars and set off.


After half an hour, we arrived, and there was a cable car after buying the ticket, but none of us sat, but chose to climb the mountain.After walking forward for a while, I saw the light makeup moon lake, named after the shape of the moon. At this moment, the lake surface is as calm as the mirror, the magnificent Yangtze River, and the turbulent Yangtze River.Standing at the foot of the mountain and looking up, the towering mountain peaks are lined with blue water and blue sky, which is really a clear and beautiful scenery!


After one morning's efforts, we finally climbed to the top of the mountain, overlooking the distance, the mountains continued, and then looking at the side, all kinds of strange stones stood up. Look, this piece is like a peach.Native


There is a glass practice on the top of the mountain. After walking the glass practice, my aunt, cousin, and my nephew sits down the mountain with a long slide; grandparents, my uncle took the cable car down the mountain; father and mother and his friends drifted down the mountain.


Everyone who climbed the mountains and climbed on this day, hurried out to find a buffet restaurant for dinner. After eating, everyone returned home.



In the summer vacation, my father took me and my mother to "Ma Renqifeng".The sun in the midsummer was red and hot. Early in the morning, it couldn't wait to release strong energy. It burned the ground hot, and the clear sky was cloudless. The blue sky was huge and hung in the sky.


After two hours of drive, we came to today's play attractions- "Ma Renqifeng".


Looking at it from a distance, the peaks and mountains are stacked, magnificent, and the mountains are towering into the clouds. The top of the sky can be seen faintly.Walking along the goose's path and the jasper steps all the way up, countless colorful small flowers bloom on the hillside, and the two sides of the trail are on both sides of the trail.The prestigious, beautiful, all kinds of dizzying.


Follow the curved trails all the way forward to the hanging bridge and the flowing water.In the small pond on the side, the fish chased and played in the water, and you chased me.Many tourists who were attracted to step by step, some were still eager to try, and they rolled up their pants and ran into the pond.Looking at the adults, I was envious one after another.After the permission of my parents, I also got into the water and learned the posture of an adult, but the little fish were very cunning. Obviously, when I caught me, I slipped away from my hand. I was sweating.It turns out that catching fish is not so easy.After listening to the adult's suggestion, I opened my hands slightly and slowly approached the small fish, and my feet closed together to block the retreat of the small fish.It seemed to show his parents, but he accidentally fell, and the whole body was mud, and the abominable little fish also slipped away, causing the adults to laugh.


Then we came to the top of the mountain and walked to the glass boardwalk. At first, I didn't dare to leave. Under my mother's laughter, I closed my eyes and stepped up.Go forward.When I walked to the middle, I looked down and found that it was not so scary. The thick glass was very strong, and there were fences around.So I walked away without any illness.The different mentality is very beautiful and spectacular.I accidentally found that there were fruits like a spaying ball at the foot of the mountains in the distance, which was very curious.So I begged my parents to take me to pick it up. When it was knocked down with a branch, it turned out to be the chestnut. In the end, we harvested a large bag.


The good time is always short. Unconsciously, the night fell, and strolled with my parents on the foot of the mountain. The night was like water, the stars above the galaxy shone, and the clear light paved a layer of soft light and shadow, such as one, such as a oneThe meticulous tulle, closed the breeze of the eyes and blew the green grass incense. The night was reluctant to return to the hotel, looking forward to playing again next time.



In the early morning on Saturday, the small reporters of the Dajiang Evening News gathered at the entrance of the South Auchan supermarket, ready to participate in the Ma Renqi peak trip.


After more than an hour's drive, the young reporters finally came to Ma Renqifeng, walked into the door, and came to the "Five Blessing Magic Palace". Each little reporter went in and took a card. For the time being, we thought it was a pass.There are five square stamps on the card, and there is a blessing on the seal, namely red, yellow, blue, green, and purple, which is equivalent to a seal at a pass.Entering the "Five Blessing Magic Palace" is a maze. If you look down from top, it is the labyrinth of the four large characters of the "Five Blessing Magic Palace".


As soon as I entered the door, I found a fork and walked in. I found the blessing stamp in order and collected five colors of "blessing".I still had a lot of detours with my mother in it, and also took many wrongdoers. This was difficult to collect all, because only by collecting all five blessings, everyone could get a gift for each person.In the end, with my mother and I worked together, I finally found the exit and finally received two gift rewards. At that time, I had a sense of accomplishment because of pride, because this was obtained with my own hard work!


After playing all morning, when the lunch time, the little reporters went to dinner, and the lunch was mainly local natives.After eating, we went to the jungle through the jungle through the jungle.I think the first few levels I think are very simple, and the back is simple, mainly because the middle part is a bit difficult. Several times, my whole body was hanging, but in the end I still walked down step by step. Finally, I thought about the entire process.If you think calm and carefully, find a way, it is easier to pass.


Through this Ma Renqifeng one -day trip, I understand that if you encounter difficulties, you must solve it yourself, and you cannot rely on others.



Zhejiang at the Humble Administrator's Garden is a national 5A -level scenic spot.do you know?Now, let's appreciate the beauty of the Humble Political Garden.


After walking in, it is green that you can see you, but you can't even see a grass.At that time, the hot summer was hot, and here, the tall and strong green trees covered the hotness of the sun for the tourists, leaving us a cool and refreshing.


Walking on the road of stones, occasionally seeing one or two strange stones and plants that have not been seen before.Due to the large number of trees, there are many varieties, there are more trees, and there is no impact of the trace of garbage and modern chemicals, which makes it look beautiful here.


Before Xiao Feihong, the bridge forms beautiful and the lines are natural.With the small lake that is not deep or shallow, the clear one can see the bottom.From what angle, it is beautiful.After passing the bridge, I suddenly saw a building, the door was open, and it was crowded with people.I went in curiously to see, and I saw two big characters engraved on the card card: "Tianquan" was a well, and the water full of water was only one meter. If it was not too dark, I think I can all canAlways see the bottom.


Leaving the building and walking on a small road.The pond on the roadside is full of lotus leaves, and there are lotus flowers with buds, which is really beautiful!It's amazing.


Crossing Shimen is another beautiful scenery.This is potted plants. Although it is not as lush as it just covers the sky, there is also a charm: the sun shines on these plants, large and small potted plants and bright sunlight, and a pleasant scenery.


When I walked out of the stone gate, I hit a strange tree with red leaves.Whether it is the trunk or the branches, it is curved.The trunk is dark brown, and the red leaves are very beautiful. We were attracted by its charm and coincided with it.


Everywhere has their beauty and unique charm.In the Humble Administrator's Garden, you can appreciate more than one scenery, but the beauty of every plant.


Chinese culture is profound, and the monuments are left everywhere.Humble Administrator's Garden has been retained intact. There are not many beautiful scenery. Have you been infected by its beauty?