
时间:2022-08-16 13:22:08 | 来源:语文通



I went to Uncle Ang Summer Camp on July 30.This time I realized the hard work of farmers and my parents' hard work, let me introduce you what I did in the past three days.


On the first day to the summer camp, everything was still cute: green Laoshan, blue sea, tall buildings.This is really a paradise.We are playing the game. The first game starts: each of us has a semicircular pipe, everyone loses into a team, and it is even a victory for rolling.Finally, after an hour of hard work, we finally succeeded.The second game is the leader of the captain. The rules of the game are to say a vegetable name for everyone, and the elimination is not eliminated.Captain, unknowingly passed by the happy day, we still endlessly.


The next morning, accompanied by the rock of the rooster, I woke up from my dream. Today's activity project is outdoor sketch.After having breakfast, we came to the river. Some children were spraying water with water guns in each other. Some people were swimming, and some were doing other things.We started sketching, with a stone wall, and the water flowed from top, and the sound was elegant and natural.I have a lot of painting, and I can't wait to include these beautiful scenes in my scroll.


The third day is the most important. When I get up together, I think I want to cook myself today.We went to buy food together after our morning exercise.We only have one hundred yuan, and we must cherish it.After we entered the vegetable market, the dazzling goods came into my eyes.There are all kinds of endless vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, winter melon, green peppers, loofah and so on.We went back after we bought food.At the stage of cooking, the cola chicken wings made by Jiao Wenting were the most popular.The green pepper fried meat made with my classmates is also very popular.Let the water in the pot be dried first and put a little peanut oil.After the oil is hot, put the cut green peppers, wait for the green peppers to be half cooked, add pork belly, then add the sauce, salt, soy sauce and other high heat for a while, and finally the low heat will be completed for a while.I smelled the fragrant green pepper fried meat, but it was proud.


Unconsciously, the time passed was so fast, when it was time to go home, it was still all.At noon, we packed our luggage and went home!


I am very happy to go to the summer camp this time, and I want to go again!This time I experienced life, letting me know the hard work of farmers, my parents' hard work, I have to share the housework for my parents and mothers in the future, and reduce the burden!



Today, I participated in the military summer camp.Sitting on the car, looking at the mother outside the window, I was thinking -I don't know how hard it will happen in the future, and I don't know what will happen in the future. After all, it is the first time that I have left my parents' independent life for the first time.


Military training is about to begin. The teacher first divided us the bedroom. What made me very happy is that I even divided the good friends Zhu Xuanfeng in a bedroom, haha.


At the beginning of the military training, "Standing for me!" The severe voice of the instructor surprised us. After that, it seemed that the instructor was really amazing.


"Li Zheng! A little!" "Looking right! Look forward!" The hard training was carried out.I am not afraid of being bitter and tired again! I gritted my teeth and started the "standing like a pine" posture, and spent the nervous and fulfilling morning.Finally, it's time to eat lunch, what? Standing and eating? Forget it, it is quite interesting, but this is also very interesting!


After another afternoon training, I encountered an unprecedented difficulty and was washing clothes."Washing clothes?" God, I was "Little Emperor" at home. I never washed clothes! I didn't know how to get started, and I had to "catch the ducks on the shelves" and washed my head.I made some water first, but I didn't know how to get started, so I asked my classmates with an open mind, first pour the washing powder in the basin, then put the dirty clothes in the water, soak it for about 5 minutes, then rub the clothes with my hands.Thinking of the clothes really washed, and then took the clothes well.Not bad, I learned to wash clothes myself.


It's time to take a bath, "Ah! It's cold water!" God ...



Military training is really bitter, but it is also very fulfilling, so that I know many things to do things. Military training is the same as learning. Only by not afraid of suffering or difficulty, double hard work, can I get good results, work hard, and harvest.Use this spirit to be used in future learning to be a person who contributes to society.I like military training!



In July, I participated in the summer camp of the military.

In July, I participated in the summer camp of the military.


In this activity, I became bold and learned a lot of housework to be completed independently, such as toilets, cooking, cooking, and weaving straw hats; we tried many military equipment, such as gunboats, tanks, and grenade throwing grenades.It is amazing that everything is amazing. It turns out that their power is so great!

In this activity, I became bold and learned a lot of housework to be completed independently, such as toilets, cooking, cooking, and weaving straw hats; we tried many military equipment, such as gunboats, tanks, and grenade throwing grenades.It is amazing that everything is amazing. It turns out that their power is so great!


What impressed me most was to go to picnic, and we washed and cut off the dishes ourselves.My task is to peel the bean horns. I can get my best to this, and I will be peeled soon.When I saw a few students next to it, I was spilling out of the eggs, and the eggs were sprinkled out, so I hurried forward to help, and the egg paste was ready.Although we were very careful in preparing dishes, there was still a classmate who accidentally cut his hands because of cutting tomatoes and shed a lot of blood.Everyone does its own things, and the order is orderly. After a while, all the ingredients are ready.

What impressed me most was to go to picnic, and we washed and cut off the dishes ourselves.My task is to peel the bean horns. I can get my best to this, and I will be peeled soon.When I saw a few students next to it, I was spilling out of the eggs, and the eggs were sprinkled out, so I hurried forward to help, and the egg paste was ready.Although we were very careful in preparing dishes, there was still a classmate who accidentally cut his hands because of cutting tomatoes and shed a lot of blood.Everyone does its own things, and the order is orderly. After a while, all the ingredients are ready.


Our instructor helped us cook. He turned the iron pot proficiently up and down, add oil and feed. After a while, the fragrant meals came up.Eating the meals we participate in, I feel particularly fragrant.

Our instructor helped us cook. He turned the iron pot proficiently up and down, add oil and feed. After a while, the fragrant meals came up.Eating the meals we participate in, I feel particularly fragrant.


Although this summer camp is very intense and tired, it is very meaningful. He exercised our physique and hone our will.During this period, many classmates cried because they couldn't stand the environment and could not stand the environment here, but I held it strongly and spent the seven days of suffering.This is very meaningful!

Although this summer camp is very intense and tired, it is very meaningful. He exercised our physique and hone our will.During this period, many classmates cried because they couldn't stand the environment and could not stand the environment here, but I held it strongly and spent the seven days of suffering.This is very meaningful!



Today, the tour guide of the summer camp loves us to the Badaling Great Wall.Looking from a distance, the Great Wall is like a dragon, flying in the mountains of Chongshan, and I still remember that the Great Wall is a testimony of our history.


When we got out of the car, we were like a bird who came out of the cage and discussed the Great Wall. Everyone guessed the appearance of the Great Wall. I ca n’t walk for a long time, I do n’t know if the Great Wall gets up and does n’t get up and gets up. As soon as we reach the door, we plan to rush in, but we have to watch and check the tickets. We have to follow the ticket gate. The slogan of "Chong Ah" rushed up, and I ran up with a swaying mood. After watching the beautiful scenery for a while, I borrowed a friend's phone with my mother. The four of us climbed up together. The slope of the Great Wall was very high, and the stairs were very high. It was difficult to climb. It was too far away to climb for 10 meters. Also took out the camera. Everyone put a few POSS separately and started to take the scenery. Because the technology is not good, I almost delete one according to two photos, huh! When we climbed for a while, we had to rest for a while. We were still sitting at the ventilation of the Great Wall. It was really like a natural air conditioner, which was very cool. At about 150 meters above, Dai Yuhang couldn't stick to it and didn't climb. So only three of us continued to climb up. When it was only 50 meters away from the Hao Hanpo, I couldn't climb, and I planned to go on, but the words of my father suddenly sounded in my ears: the Great Wall is not a good man, and the Great Wall is a good man. It's! With this belief, I persistently climbed to the good Hanpo.


On the way down from the Great Wall, my mood was particularly relieved, because this was a difficult thing I completed with the encouragement of my loved ones.Looking at the scenery outside the vent: the Great Wall is like a dragon in the green ocean, which makes my mood more pleasant. I ignored the poisonous sun and hummed a small song all the way.Because today is a bumper harvest, today I have learned that everything must be persistent. Only in this way can there be good results.


Today is a happy day, and it is a bumper day.



Today, I am particularly excited because I am going to Universal Studios!I can see the shooting place of many famous movies with my own eyes. Among them, there is my favorite "Harry Potter" shooting place. You can also buy a wand, which is great!


We first took a sightseeing car and entered two "magic caves".First of all, when we arrived at Jurassic, we saw the "living" bully dragon. We wore 4D glasses, witnessed it with Vajrayana, and frightened us.Bad spiders came over to help again, waving their long legs, "hitting" us panicked, I really wanted to escape quickly.Immediately afterwards, it was out of hole.


After a while, a military reserve appeared.Originally at the carnival, some people attacked. Many bullets flew over and the car would be sprayed.Every time it is sprayed, it means death.There are gunfire everywhere, a little scary.


After taking the sightseeing car, we went to the place of shooting in "Harry Potter".After lining up for an hour, we finally entered the castle of Hokswog.The air -conditioned suddenly rushed over.The staff here are wearing robes and school uniforms.When we put on the bag, we walked into the mysterious magic school.


There are really oil paintings!There is really a branch hat!They are talking to themselves.


After walking for a while, we arrived at the place where the 4D roller coaster.When we got in the car, bring 4D glasses, we entered the time tunnel.We crossed Harry.Potter era: they are playing Quididic.


We follow Harry.Behind Potter, with the roller coaster, rising, simulating flying brooms, like real!It will be a bit uncomfortable, but it is very exciting.


Suddenly, a dragon appeared on the venue, spraying water and fire at us angrily.We quickly hid in a cave.It's not good, we hid in the spider's old nest.The spider sprayed our face.After a while, an undead appeared, so scary!We hurriedly drilled out of the hole.


Quidicy is still going on, and Gryffindor is the first.We traveled back to our world again.


Hush -It's so thrilling, so fun!


In the afternoon, we went to a small roller coaster.Not very exciting.


In the evening, I thought about it and bought a bikini swimsuit to swim.Swimming feels great!The water in the swimming pool is still warm, soaking in it.But after swimming, we were very cold, and we hurried back to the room to sleep.OK, bye!


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On the afternoon of September 14th, Tiangong was not beautiful, and suddenly there was a heavy rain, but this could not affect the enthusiasm of our little reporters.They wore small red hats, wearing red vests, and walked into the Changzhou Museum with great interest.Mysterious historical exploration journey!


As soon as they entered the Cixi cultural relics special exhibition, the young reporters were immediately attracted by a large number of precious cultural relics. They held their breaths one by one, widened their eyes and looked carefully.The Summer Palace felt the extraordinary royal style.From 1891 to 1908, as the owner of the Summer Palace and the highest ruler of the late Qing Dynasty, the Empress Dowager Cixi spent most of the last 18 years of life in the lake and mountains of the Summer Palace, or dwelling dinner, or Yushan Youyou, or wishing birthday.Celebration, or governing the country.This exhibition is divided into four major sections of residence, elegant, entertainment elegance, longevity worship, and imported from Qizhen, covering many aspects of clothing, food, housing, and transportation.The little reporters went all the way and admired all the way, combining the things they saw with the explanator or the vivid explanation on the exhibition board, as if seeing the luxurious living life of Cixi, and also had the historical and cultural background of the late Qing Dynasty culture and the historical and cultural background of the era.A deeper understanding and perception.




All the way to find "treasures" and harvest all the way, little reporters have said that this activity has opened their eyes, and learned a lot of knowledge that cannot be learned in classrooms and textbooks. It has increased their interest in learning history and understanding cultural relics.This line!



On May 2nd, when I thought of going to spring tour tomorrow, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep.I woke up at 6 o'clock the next day, so I hurriedly asked my grandmother: "Is it raining?" Grandma said, "No rain." As soon as I heard this sentence, my heart finally let go, II hope it will not rain later.Wash your face and brush your teeth, have breakfast, have a small backpack on your back, step out of the house, and walk towards the school.


"I'm getting in the car!" The classmates found their seats for themselves. After the seat was quiet, the car drove. My heart was so nervous. When I thought of the scenery of the meeting, my mood changed from nervousness to excitement.In the car, the students were divided into two groups and started singing competitions.Singing "Cloud" for a while, singing "Yong Goose" for a while, sang for a while, and the car finally arrived.


We got out of the car and lined up the team into the zoo, and the teacher took us into the sea lion performance field. We started to find a seat again, so everyone sat down and started waiting for the sea lion performance. After waiting for a while, the sea lion performance began. We saw a little sea lion out of the door, and then the host aunt began to introduce this little sea lion, and after the introduction, we started watching the sea lion performance. This little sea lion is terrible! It will pick up the circle and the ball. What is even more exciting is that it will jump up and roll over a thunderbolt. In the end, the host announced that the performance was over, and we were unwilling to walk out of the performance field. The teacher brought us the Asian elephant, and the teacher let us stop to see the Asian elephant. "Elephant is so big!" I looked at it that the elephant was more bigger than the big stones around it. The elephant always threw his nose and stomped his feet as if exercising. After watching the elephant, we also saw chickens, ostriches and animals like geese. The teacher brought us to a place to watch a special bear. There are two types of bear here, namely black bear and brown bears. Let's look at the bear together. First of all, we saw a small house under a triangular glass. The bear kept touching the railing and seemed to want to go out very much. We came to another glass triangle house again. Everyone scrambled to find a good position for ourselves to see a bear. Everyone ran beside the railing, and saw a wet land under the railing. There was a slide on the land, and there was a bear on the slide. The bear kept saliva, and the sliding ladder was full of saliva. At this time, Everyone looked at the land below, and there was a black bear climbing there. Suddenly the black bear on the slippery ladder slipped off the sliding ladder, as if to find its companions. At this time, the teacher asked everyone to line up and then move forward.


However, this time we did not go to see any animals. The teacher brought us to an open space and let everyone start eating.The table ", everyone took out their own food and talked, and handed it to the other party.Just as we were about to finish eating, the rain suddenly drifted in the sky.Some classmates shouted, "It's raining! Hurry up." Some students hurriedly put the remaining food into their backpacks.The teacher began to lead us. We walked out of the zoo and got into the car. After about an hour, we finally went to school.At this time we found that the light rain point just now has become heavy rain.The teacher asked us to put on the raincoat, got out of the car back to the class, and began to count the number of people. After confirming that no one was lost, the teacher took us out of the classroom and sent it to the pick -up point. We finally went home.


This time the journey has ended. I think of every thing I saw to come to the zoo again, but the next time I have to wait until autumn.



In July, I participated in the summer camp of the military.

In July, I participated in the summer camp of the military.


In this activity, I became bold and learned a lot of housework to be completed independently, such as toilets, cooking, cooking, and weaving straw hats; we tried many military equipment, such as gunboats, tanks, and grenade throwing grenades.It is amazing that everything is amazing. It turns out that their power is so great!

In this activity, I became bold and learned a lot of housework to be completed independently, such as toilets, cooking, cooking, and weaving straw hats; we tried many military equipment, such as gunboats, tanks, and grenade throwing grenades.It is amazing that everything is amazing. It turns out that their power is so great!


What impressed me most was to go to picnic, and we washed and cut off the dishes ourselves.My task is to peel the bean horns. I can get my best to this, and I will be peeled soon.When I saw a few students next to it, I was spilling out of the eggs, and the eggs were sprinkled out, so I hurried forward to help, and the egg paste was ready.Although we were very careful in preparing dishes, there was still a classmate who accidentally cut his hands because of cutting tomatoes and shed a lot of blood.Everyone does its own things, and the order is orderly. After a while, all the ingredients are ready.

What impressed me most was to go to picnic, and we washed and cut off the dishes ourselves.My task is to peel the bean horns. I can get my best to this, and I will be peeled soon.When I saw a few students next to it, I was spilling out of the eggs, and the eggs were sprinkled out, so I hurried forward to help, and the egg paste was ready.Although we were very careful in preparing dishes, there was still a classmate who accidentally cut his hands because of cutting tomatoes and shed a lot of blood.Everyone does its own things, and the order is orderly. After a while, all the ingredients are ready.


Our instructor helped us cook. He turned the iron pot proficiently up and down, add oil and feed. After a while, the fragrant meals came up.Eating the meals we participate in, I feel particularly fragrant.

Our instructor helped us cook. He turned the iron pot proficiently up and down, add oil and feed. After a while, the fragrant meals came up.Eating the meals we participate in, I feel particularly fragrant.


Although this summer camp is very intense and tired, it is very meaningful. He exercised our physique and hone our will.During this period, many classmates cried because they couldn't stand the environment and could not stand the environment here, but I held it strongly and spent the seven days of suffering.This is very meaningful!

Although this summer camp is very intense and tired, it is very meaningful. He exercised our physique and hone our will.During this period, many classmates cried because they couldn't stand the environment and could not stand the environment here, but I held it strongly and spent the seven days of suffering.This is very meaningful!


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Once our dance class held a summer camp, and then my dad signed up for me. Listening to the teacher said that we were going to Wulongshan to play, and the teacher also told us that we would wear sports shoes when we went.


We went to the bus. When we arrived in Wulongshan, we all changed their camouflage clothes. First, we went to the amusement park of Wulongshan first.When we arrived at the amusement park, we first played the pirate ship and the maze again. In the end, the rotating Trojan we played was two layers, but the second layer was broken. This was played by us below 1.4 meters.After dinner, we held a party and we stayed at the hotel for one night.Then the next day we went to Wulong Mountain's water park, and we played the waterway slide.


I think this summer camp is very good, and I am still very happy!



Because I couldn't participate in the summer vacation camp of the school, this made me regret. In July, I was very busy. Therefore, in order to relax, my mother asked me to participate in the trip to the Three Gorges Summer Camp on August 12.


This is the first time I have left home alone to go away.


The weather at that time was particularly hot.In the summer, the sun is hot, the sun is baked in the ground, knowing it, as if it is hot! It's about to turn me into baking! "Many housekeeping dogs spit out my tongue and gasped, as if inSaid: "What is the hot weather today? I'm almost hot!"


As soon as I saw the travel car coming, I was very excited. The teacher took us into the car.After getting in the car, I took the items on my body, just like my parents outside the window, waved and said goodbye, not to mention that I also said goodbye to my father.


When the car was driving, only the students whispered in their seats.The car was full of joy and jokes. On the way, we kept talking.


"What's your name?"


"How much did you bring? '


"What book do you like to read?"




Finally, when I arrived, I looked up.


The next day, we went to Zhonghua Garden, first, some young Chinese crickets in 12 tanks.Then let my door watch their mothers and dads.Is it really big? The guide is about 3 meters long, 3 meters wide, and the mother of Chinese crickets is 4.4 meters long and 3 meters wide.


On the third day, I went to the Three Gorges Dam to watch the dam.The water of the dam surged down and tens of thousands of lotus.It's spectacular!


On the fourth day, we went to Chexi, where there are so many waterwheels, we also went to play waterwheels!


On the fifth day, we finally came back.Where is it? I think it's okay. There are too few places to visit. I hope there will be more projects next time.



On Tuesday afternoon, the weather is clear.I go to the sixth Lake West Lake West Lake Boxia Camp -see the past and present life of Slender West Lake.


As soon as I walked into the thin West Lake, I felt cool.The sun is like a fire outside, and the green trees in the garden are overcast. The purple, red, and yellow wild flowers on the roadside are not afraid of heat, and they still smile.The tour guide said: "If you come early, you can see the big red petals of Begonia fly around."


Walking, "Looking there", the guide pointed at the distance. I looked down at her fingers, and I was amazed for a while. The pond with hundreds of meters long was full of pink lotus.This lotus flour is red, red with yellow, and is very different from the lotus you see everyday. I am busy asking the tour guide.She proudly said: "This is the unique lotus variety in Yangzhou." I was amazed by listening, and I couldn't help chanting.


Walking along the river for fifteen minutes, we went to the right."What is the one in front?" I asked the tour guide, and the tour guide smiled without saying a word, pointed at the top of his head.I looked up and saw the two big characters "Xu Yuan" above, and suddenly realized.I looked at the garden, sitting quietly between several red houses in a pond. The water was covered with tall and tall towering ancient trees. A stone bridge was set on this small pond.Bird Ming was sprinkled from the sky, and the whole garden was decent and very delicate.


Out of Xuyuan, we came to the last stop, the historical and cultural memorial.


The trip to the West Lake is over. In this event, I knew the history of thin West Lake and Yangzhou, and I also saw a lot of amazing beauty.I think it is precisely because of the inheritance and maintenance of Yangzhou people from generation to generation that can inherit valuable historical and cultural heritage like Slim West Lake. We must cherish the wealth left by our ancestors and make more people like thin West Lakes.Yangzhou made her make a brighter light in the process of modernization.



This is the first time I have participated in the summer camp. It just happened to catch up with the World Expo again in Shanghai. It is a chance to meet for a century. I am lucky to encounter it.


On June 19th, I embarked on my summer camp on my parents' escort with excitement.Outside the train, the beautiful picture rolled under my eyelids, and the speech in the car rose one after another.That night I was "insomnia."




This time the Expo is worthwhile!



The summer vacation arrived, I participated in Longteng Mountain Summer Camp.The night before going to the summer camp, my mother and I packed my luggage. I was very excited, but at the same time, I was a little nervous. After all, this was the first time I went away alone!

The summer vacation arrived, I participated in Longteng Mountain Summer Camp.The night before going to the summer camp, my mother and I packed my luggage. I was very excited, but at the same time, I was a little nervous. After all, this was the first time I went away alone!


Early the next morning, my classmates and I got on the bus, and laughing and laughing along the way.After three hours of journey, we finally reached our destination.The instructor distributed military uniforms, hats and belts for us, and divided us into four teams. I was assigned to the fourth team.

Early the next morning, my classmates and I got on the bus, and laughing and laughing along the way.After three hours of journey, we finally reached our destination.The instructor distributed military uniforms, hats and belts for us, and divided us into four teams. I was assigned to the fourth team.


When I came here, I found that my life here was completely opposite to what I imagined.We must get up on time at seven o'clock every day. After washing, we have to exercise and run, and every time we are tired of breathlessness.You can't picky here, and the quantitative breakfast must be eaten.In the morning, we have to stand in military and practice dagger exercises.Standing in the army is easy to do and difficult to do. We have to look up and look up, look ahead, legs together, with both hands close to pants, we cannot move within the prescribed time, let alone speak.As soon as I stood for five minutes, my legs began to tremble, and the large sweat beads flowed down from the forehead, but I finally persisted.

When I came here, I found that my life here was completely opposite to what I imagined.We must get up on time at seven o'clock every day. After washing, we have to exercise and run, and every time we are tired of breathlessness.You can't picky here, and the quantitative breakfast must be eaten.In the morning, we have to stand in military and practice dagger exercises.Standing in the army is easy to do and difficult to do. We have to look up and look up, look ahead, legs together, with both hands close to pants, we cannot move within the prescribed time, let alone speak.As soon as I stood for five minutes, my legs began to tremble, and the large sweat beads flowed down from the forehead, but I finally persisted.


In the afternoon, I played interesting games such as slippery grass and real -life CS, and the most impressed by the real -life CS war.The instructor divided us into the red and blue teams, and the students were ready to go out for a long time, eager to try.With the instructor's order, our blue team quickly occupied a favorable terrain and launched a tense and exciting gun battle with the Red Team.I cooperated with my teammates to "kill" two enemies, but in the end we lost the game with a difference.I was unwilling to fight back again.

In the afternoon, I played interesting games such as slippery grass and real -life CS, and the most impressed by the real -life CS war.The instructor divided us into the red and blue teams, and the students were ready to go out for a long time, eager to try.With the instructor's order, our blue team quickly occupied a favorable terrain and launched a tense and exciting gun battle with the Red Team.I cooperated with my teammates to "kill" two enemies, but in the end we lost the game with a difference.I was unwilling to fight back again.


In the summer camp, I also learned to stack the army quilt, washing clothes, and made many new friends.Here and my friends and I greet various challenges, so that I know the significance of unity, persistence and bravery.


This is really an unforgettable summer camp!

This is really an unforgettable summer camp!



The summer vacation arrived, I participated in Longteng Mountain Summer Camp.The night before going to the summer camp, my mother and I packed my luggage. I was very excited, but at the same time, I was a little nervous. After all, this was the first time I went away alone!

The summer vacation arrived, I participated in Longteng Mountain Summer Camp.The night before going to the summer camp, my mother and I packed my luggage. I was very excited, but at the same time, I was a little nervous. After all, this was the first time I went away alone!


Early the next morning, my classmates and I got on the bus, and laughing and laughing along the way.After three hours of journey, we finally reached our destination.The instructor distributed military uniforms, hats and belts for us, and divided us into four teams. I was assigned to the fourth team.

Early the next morning, my classmates and I got on the bus, and laughing and laughing along the way.After three hours of journey, we finally reached our destination.The instructor distributed military uniforms, hats and belts for us, and divided us into four teams. I was assigned to the fourth team.


When I came here, I found that my life here was completely opposite to what I imagined.We must get up on time at seven o'clock every day. After washing, we have to exercise and run, and every time we are tired of breathlessness.You can't picky here, and the quantitative breakfast must be eaten.In the morning, we have to stand in military and practice dagger exercises.Standing in the army is easy to do and difficult to do. We have to look up and look up, look ahead, legs together, with both hands close to pants, we cannot move within the prescribed time, let alone speak.As soon as I stood for five minutes, my legs began to tremble, and the large sweat beads flowed down from the forehead, but I finally persisted.

When I came here, I found that my life here was completely opposite to what I imagined.We must get up on time at seven o'clock every day. After washing, we have to exercise and run, and every time we are tired of breathlessness.You can't picky here, and the quantitative breakfast must be eaten.In the morning, we have to stand in military and practice dagger exercises.Standing in the army is easy to do and difficult to do. We have to look up and look up, look ahead, legs together, with both hands close to pants, we cannot move within the prescribed time, let alone speak.As soon as I stood for five minutes, my legs began to tremble, and the large sweat beads flowed down from the forehead, but I finally persisted.


In the afternoon, I played interesting games such as slippery grass and real -life CS, and the most impressed by the real -life CS war.The instructor divided us into the red and blue teams, and the students were ready to go out for a long time, eager to try.With the instructor's order, our blue team quickly occupied a favorable terrain and launched a tense and exciting gun battle with the Red Team.I cooperated with my teammates to "kill" two enemies, but in the end we lost the game with a difference.I was unwilling to fight back again.

In the afternoon, I played interesting games such as slippery grass and real -life CS, and the most impressed by the real -life CS war.The instructor divided us into the red and blue teams, and the students were ready to go out for a long time, eager to try.With the instructor's order, our blue team quickly occupied a favorable terrain and launched a tense and exciting gun battle with the Red Team.I cooperated with my teammates to "kill" two enemies, but in the end we lost the game with a difference.I was unwilling to fight back again.


In the summer camp, I also learned to stack the army quilt, washing clothes, and made many new friends.Here and my friends and I greet various challenges, so that I know the significance of unity, persistence and bravery.


This is really an unforgettable summer camp!

This is really an unforgettable summer camp!



This week, I came to the flower wall village of Xiangshan with the first summer camp in Xiangshan, Niu Tong.


Flower Wall Village is located at the junction of Maoyang Township and Sizhou Tou Town.During the Southern Song Dynasty, because the emperor gave a large amount of funds in Huaqiao Village, the walls of the flower wall village were carved with patterns, most of which were dragons.The flower wall village is named.Gucun Secretary explained to us because shortly after liberation, a huge typhoon occurred in Xiangshan.Before the typhoon, the houses where the flower walls stayed were wooden houses.That typhoon collapsed almost all houses.So all the houses with flower walls are destroyed.At the same time, the typhoon caused a large number of casualties.Because there are not enough funds to be used to rebuild the flower wall.Therefore, we can't see the flower wall now.


This trip to Xiangshan came to the beach to grab crabs, go to fishing ports to see fishing boats, and go to the beach to play sand.We are happy.


What I remember most was the "Japan Invasion Army's Crime Exhibition Hall" on the afternoon of the fourth day. There were heavy crimes that Japan committed in Xiangshan. The Japanese invading army killed more than 3,000 innocent people in Xiangshan. Among the people who killed, almost every woman's innocent people were raped by the Japanese invading army. In the exhibition hall, many photos and many real objects are displayed. Many photos are about pictures that the Japanese aggressive army was sweeping. In those photos, the above content tells how cruel the Japanese aggressive army is, and our Chinese Xiangshan is beyond recognition by the Japanese invading army. In the physical evidence, there is a physical evidence that makes me remember the most. It was a few cotton clothes. The owner of this cotton was forced to work for the Japanese invading army during the Anti -Japanese War. On the side of the physical evidence, there is a small brand with text introduction. The owner of the cotton was arrested by the Japanese invading army in winter and was forced to work for the Japanese invading army. Because the Japanese invading army did not give him clothes in the four seasons, he could only wear this cotton clothes. Whether it is summer or not. The surging crimes made by the Japanese invading army in Xiangshan made me very angry.


Now, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has lifted the right to collective self -defense.Abe will repeat history.Our children should study hard now, grow up to serve the motherland, and prevent Japan from invading our motherland again.let's move.