
时间:2022-11-17 12:49:12 | 来源:语文通


父亲节日记 篇1父亲节600字日记 篇2父亲节日记 篇3父亲节日记700字 篇4父亲节日记 篇5父亲节日记400字 篇6父亲节日记400字 篇7父亲节日记 篇8父亲节日记300字 篇9

父亲节日记 篇1


Today is June 15 - Father's Day. How do you help your father celebrate the festival? For my part, I was a little disappointed to my father. I forgot this important festival completely.


I get up in the morning, brush my teeth, wash my face and eat breakfast as usual, and then review Chinese, math and English. I have lunch at noon, play with my brother for a while, play computer games, exercise again, and write a diary in the afternoon. This is my plan for today. After reading this, you may wonder: "Today is just like this? Today is Father's Day. You can't be empty handed with your father, can you?" Oh, oh, I forgot. Until this afternoon, my father called home and asked me what festival it was today? I can only answer him: "I don't know." At that time, I happened to be on QQ, and the system sent a message: QQ shows free Father's Day pendant to express my love for my father. I just know today is Father's Day. However, I didn't answer him, just thinking: My father is always fierce to me. But my mother is very kind to me. I will help her do this and that on Mother's Day to repay Mother's Day. Although my father is very kind to me in some aspects, he is too fierce, so I forget all his good things on such a festival. However, under the guidance of my mother, I think I should express myself. So I plan to draw a picture of "Dad, IU" for him, hoping he can be happy.


Although the gift I can give my father today is very insignificant, it is not worth my father's care for me for many years. However, in the future, I will repay my father with this special gift, which is more obedient to his words.

父亲节600字日记 篇2


Today is the third Sunday in June - Father's Day. As the daughter of my father, it is natural for me to be filial to my father. So I went to my mother to discuss how to make my father happy. However, my mother and I discussed for a long time without finding a way. After that, I had a good idea. I immediately said to my mother, "My father has a lot of beards, which often grow up. And he is busy, so I want to buy a razor for my father. Let him shave his beard as soon as he is free. Mom, what do you say?" "Well, how nice of you to think of it, child!" Don't mention how happy I am.


So my mother and I came to a store together. That shop has so many things! But I thought I was here to buy a razor. So I went straight to the counter where the shavers were displayed. I selected it for a while and saw a silver shaver that was both beautiful and practical, and the price was not expensive. So I took out the money I had brought from thrift, gave it to my boss, took the silver razor and left with my mother. When I walked out of the store, my mother said to me, "It's not good to give your father one thing, but go and buy another, OK?" "Well, I just don't have much money with me." "That doesn't matter. I have money here." So I went to the Blue House with my mother, a shop that specializes in greeting cards and gifts. When I entered the shop, I immediately began to choose. I chose a cute little greeting card. After seeing it, my mother said that my vision was really good.


When I got home, I immediately wrote my blessing words to my father on the card. Then, I put it together with the razor and waited patiently. [organized by]


When my father came home from work, I immediately welcomed him and handed him gifts and cards. When father saw this precious gift, he couldn't wait to see it. After seeing the gift, his mouth opened into an "O" shape. It took him a long time to realize that he kissed me again and again, hugged me again and again. My father also said that I have grown up and become sensible!

父亲节日记 篇3


Today is Father's Day. I decided to give a special gift to my father, who leaves early and returns late every day.


In the morning, Mom and Dad went to work. I ate some food at random, and rolled on the bed with the bear in my arms. I thought: What gift do I want to give Dad? At this time, I remembered my father's favorite detective books. So I put on my clothes, took my pocket money and keys and went to the big world to look for books.


In the big world, I saw all kinds of detective books. At this time, my eyes were attracted by a book called "Tomb Robbing Notes": red characters were written on the dark yellow skin?? Tomb Robbing Notes make the whole book full of mystery. Because I just finished reading [Hide and Seek. The Mist of the Sea] not long ago, it is because I am particularly curious about this kind of book, such as the Underground Palace. I think my father will love this book too! I bought the book at a snap.


When I got home, I looked around and felt that there was something missing. In a flash of inspiration, I took out the "specimen" of ginkgo leaf sandwiched in the dictionary. First, I stick it on A4 paper and cut it along the outline. I cut another piece of paper 1 decimeter long and 2cm wide and stuck it in front of and behind the "specimen". In this way, a beautiful ginkgo leaf bookmark is ready. I put my bookmark on the front page of the book and wrote on it: "Happy Father's Day to my dear father! --- Love your daughter".


After a while, my father came back. I took out a gift and said to my father, "Happy Father's Day!" The father said, "Thank you, daughter!" Say, tightly embrace me, and I, also tightly embrace father!

父亲节日记700字 篇4


Father's Day is coming soon. I plan to surprise my father and express my love for him on Father's Day. To thank him for his care and love for me for so many years.


I especially want to give my father a surprise. I have no good idea. At this time, my mother proposed: "You can issue a certificate to my father." That's a good idea! I decided to start early tomorrow morning.


The next day, I got up early and quietly began to prepare various appliances, including cardboard, non-woven cloth, double-sided tape, ribbon and scissors.


First, I cut two pieces of card paper. One is the same size as the inner page of the ordinary certificate, and the other is slightly larger. Then, I cut a piece of red non-woven fabric according to the size of the large cardboard, and then stick the non-woven fabric onto the large cardboard with double-sided tape. Then, I spread out the yellow nonwoven cloth and began to do the most important work - cut out the word "certificate". Cutting characters is not that simple. If you are not careful, you will make characters "disabled". I was quite experienced. I cut the words out intact and pasted them on the cover. Next, I stuck ribbons on the four corners of the certificate, and then stuck the four corners of the small cardboard between the ribbon and the large cardboard, and then wrote "Congratulations on winning the Best Dad of the Year Award". The certificate is finally ready! I'm so excited. I can't wait to send it to Dad!


In the morning, I took my certificate to school and was praised by my teachers and classmates, which made me embarrassed and would giggle. Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I finally came home at noon. My mother and I agreed to split up. My mother found the march for the award on the Internet. I prepared the certificate and went to the kitchen to call my father out. I asked my father to close his eyes. With the music, my mother began to host the award ceremony. When she said, "Next, Qiaoqiao will award the Best Dad of the Year to", I quickly took the certificate out from behind and let my father open his eyes. Dad was stunned and his expression was blank. Mother clapped and reminded her father, "Hurry to embrace the presenter!" Dad just took the certificate and kissed me. Then, he rushed to the kitchen and shouted: "Fire -" "Ha ha -" My mother and I laughed. The surprise on his face after receiving the gift is the greatest affirmation of my gift. I love my father.

父亲节日记 篇5


Today is Father's Day. The annual Father's Day is coming again. Happy Father's Day!


What gift can I give my father? It is most meaningful to send a greeting card to my father. Because I am still young, it is the time to grow my body and knowledge, and I will not earn money. Therefore, this special gift is the most appropriate and meaningful one for my father! My parents, who gave birth to me, raised me, sent me to school and studied, spent countless human and material resources, and spent countless money, which made me grateful! In order to thank my parents for their upbringing, I bought a greeting card on Father's Day and wrote a few words from my heart: I remember my parents' love for me. At school, I listened to my teachers, observed school discipline, studied hard, learned skills, grew up to be a useful asset of the country, and thanked my parents for their love. Happy Father's Day! I believe my father will be very happy when he sees this special gift! Don't you hate it? Otherwise, he would secretly applaud for me! If not, ask your mother for money and buy expensive gifts for your father. Your father will say, "Who bought these gifts for you?" I think: not only will he not praise me, but I will also cause a lot of abuse!


Happy Father's Day, Dad!

父亲节日记400字 篇6


Father's Day is coming soon. My father's busy figure is swinging around in front of me. How can I express my love for my father? I think about it, oh! By the way, let's use this method. I was thinking of giving my father a surprise.


In the afternoon, when I came to the supermarket, I saw a dazzling array of gifts. I carefully selected for a while, and a beautiful cartoon luminous watch appeared in front of me, thinking that my father must like this gift very much.


I took the gift to the counter and felt my pocket, but it was empty. Alas, I forgot to bring money. The salesgirl aunt seemed to have guessed my mind and said to me, "Little friend, who are you buying such a beautiful gift for?" I said, "Father's Day is coming. I want to buy a gift for my father, but I forgot to bring my money." The salesgirl aunt hesitated for a moment and said, "Little friend, you are very filial. Aunt has a phone call here. Please call your mother and send the money." I called my mother with my mobile phone, but my mother didn't expect that I still remembered to buy a gift for my father. Mom came to the supermarket, and we happily went home with the gifts.


In the evening, when my father fell asleep, I carefully put the gift beside my father's pillow. The next morning, my father got up early to tidy up the house and made breakfast as usual. Seeing me getting up, my father kissed me gently, "My dear son, thank you for your gift!" I also said to my father, "Happy Father's Day!" Having an overheated breakfast, I went to school happily.


Today is my happiest day.

父亲节日记400字 篇7


A year of reincarnation, pinching your fingers, ushered in a Father's Day.


Father, what a great word; Father's love, what a beautiful melody. Dear father, can you find such a festival - Father's Day when you are busy?


Today is my first holiday for my father. I carefully prepared a greeting card and stuck a petal on the upper left corner with tape. It carries fragrance and reposes my affection. With the wind blowing gently, it floats into my father's beautiful and kind heart.


Warm June, thanks for your father's love. When I was elaborately making greeting cards and writing lines, my hands were shaking, my heart was jumping, and the sincere words were touching my heartstrings from time to time!


In fact, Dad's love is also gentle. When my father stroked my head with his rough hands; When my father comforted me with his tender words; When he amused me with humorous language... At that time, I really realized that father's love was also gentle.


Dad is the pillar of the family, when he shouldered the heavy responsibilities of the family with broad shoulders; When I found a white silk on his head; When I found the wrinkles on his face. My heart is full of pain.


For generations, most of the writers and writers were moved by their mothers' selflessness to their children, so they left countless love songs for their selfless motherly love. And what about the father who runs around for the whole family? But nothing remained.


Here, I want to sing loudly about the greatness of father's love!

父亲节日记 篇8


On Father's Day, our family did not go out to play or celebrate, but just sat together and looked at old photos. Although it was dull, it was still meaningful.


On this day, my parents and I sat together and looked through the photos. My father and I opened the photo album and looked at it one by one. Suddenly, I was attracted by an old picture of my father. My father said, "This was taken when I was a student.". He looked at his father wearing black clothes and his young face was filled with a green smile. At that time, his father was really handsome. Now look at his father. He has thick glasses on his eyes and a lot of beard on his face.


Then, we looked at the wedding photos of Mom and Dad again. The wedding photos of Mom and Dad were beautiful, but unfortunately there was no me. "Mom and Dad, let's take the family photo some day." "Good. That's a good idea." Finally, there were my childhood photos. I didn't recognize the person in the photos myself. I felt so black when I was a child. My father told me that it was because I always wanted to play in the sun, so I got sunburnt.


Before I knew it, the album had bottomed out. Today, when I reviewed our family's history, I also recalled many childhood events. My parents and I felt very happy.

父亲节日记300字 篇9


Tomorrow is Father's Day. My father's busy figure is swinging around in front of me. How can I express my love for my father? I think about it. Oh, yes, let's use this method.


Father's Day came as scheduled. I said to my mother, "Mom, today is Father's Day. Let's give Dad a surprise." Mom said, "OK." I stuck to my mother's ear and whispered, "This is how we..."


My mother and I messed up the house, as if we didn't know anything. Dad went home, looked at the house and asked, "Do you know what day it is today?" Mom said, "Let me see, is it World Drug Control Day?" "No." Dad pointed to the day on the clock. I shouted, "It's Ji Yanliang's birthday!" Dad listened, as if his heart was broken.


Father bowed his head and walked into the room. At this time, my mother and I broke into the room and said, "Happy Father's Day!" At this time, my father hugged my mother and me, and we all laughed.


This is the happiest day in my family this year.