
时间:2022-11-21 13:03:29 | 来源:语文通



奥特曼作文 篇1我心爱的奥特曼 篇2我喜欢的奥特曼作文 篇3我喜欢的奥特曼作文 篇4我喜欢的奥特曼作文 篇5奥特曼作文 篇6我喜欢的奥特曼作文 篇7我喜欢的奥特曼作文 篇8奥特曼的作文大全 篇9

奥特曼作文 篇1


During the Spring Festival, I went to play with my sister. As soon as I entered the door, I saw a chow barking at me. Then my sister said to me, "This dog's name is Altman."


I walked to Altman and gently stroked its brown and yellow fur with my hands. It was very soft to touch. His eyes were black and bright, the tip of his nose was black and black, and his sharp teeth would be exposed with a big mouth. It also has strong legs and its body is as powerful as a small lion, so my sister gave him a very vivid name of "Altman".


Altman looks fierce, but he is gentle and responsible.


I called out "Altman". He immediately ran to me, shook his head and tail, licked me, and smelled around me. He seemed to be sure that I was his good friend, and then looked up at me. "Woof woof" cried, as if to say to me, "Happy New Year!" I was happy to throw him a bone from the table. He rushed up and smelled it with his nose, then picked it up with his paws, and then pressed his front paws on the bone to lick it. Finally, he ate it with gusto. After eating, I'm glad to hug you. In fact, he didn't have enough to eat.


The biggest advantage of Altman is that he will do a very good job when handing over his tasks. Once, when his sister asked him to go to the door to meet the guests, he would wait for more than two hours. When the guests came, he would carefully smell the smell of the guests. Finally, he asked her to open the door.


Now, as soon as I see the three words "Altman", the appearance of "Altman" will appear in front of me.

我心爱的奥特曼 篇2


On Sunday, when my father came back from the company, he came in and shouted: "Jiaxi, I heard that you have achieved good results in the final exam, and I will reward you with a robot Altman." I jumped up happily!


I took Altman and put it on my desk to carefully examine it. It turns out that he is Altman, a hero who has swept the world. Altman was tall and powerful, wearing red tights. Wearing a gray steel helmet, dark blue eyes are aggressive, showing a school of heroic spirit. I stared at Altman and accidentally touched the button on his body. Altman began to speak: I am a robot, little master. How can Altman talk? My father told me that Altman has a speaking function. If you want to chat with him, you can just press the speaking button. I tried to find that he can really talk to me. I was so happy that I danced in my composition.


One day, I was playing with my mobile phone while doing my homework in my room. When I saw Altman with my eyes, I felt that he seemed to say to me, "Young master, you can't play with your mobile phone while doing your homework. It's easy to be distracted. You must concentrate on your homework. You should play with your mobile phone after you finish your homework.". So I immediately put my mobile phone aside and continued to do my homework.


When I am bored, I will give Altman various poses. First, I painted the helmet green with a watercolor pen, which is my favorite color. Next, I put Altman's hand in the shape of a fist... At this time, he is even more handsome than the one his father bought.


I couldn't put it down holding the robot Altman, who also accompanied me wholeheartedly. We are inseparable friends.


This is my beloved - Altman.

我喜欢的奥特曼作文 篇3


This morning, after I woke up, I suddenly found a pattern on the back of my hand. Eh? Isn't this the mark of Altman Galaxy? At this moment, a frightened "help" came into my ears, and then a huge foot appeared in front of my window. Ah! I felt a strange feeling appeared on me. I saw a silver flash and a Milky Way Flash Sword appeared. Now I changed!


A powerful figure appeared in front of people. Many children shouted excitedly: "Galaxy! Galaxy Altman!" When I returned to my senses, I found that there was Godzilla, the king of monsters. No matter, come out of the Galaxy Trident! As soon as I took out my weapon, Godzilla's fire came at me. Ha ha! I fly. Can you beat me?


But on second thoughts, although it can't beat me, it can beat these innocent human beings! So I pondered for a moment, and thought of the way to deal with it. To resist the fire, I must gather my whole body's energy and spray it out. So I put the trident into the energy stone, and sure enough, the fire stopped.


I used the Milky Way cross light to destroy other energy stones. After returning to the ground, I first invited Godzilla to taste the power of the Milky Way Flame Bomb, and then invited him to have a "big meal" of the Milky Way Lightning Shock. This was too much for Godzilla. Finally, I used my unique skill - the Milky Way Flash Bomb to send Godzilla back to hell, so that the hell emissaries would not have a hard trip.


I was immersed in the joy of defeating Godzilla. Unexpectedly, there was a sudden pain on my body. I opened my eyes and found my mother standing by the bed with the "golden strip". Alas, it was just a dream!

我喜欢的奥特曼作文 篇4


In my impression, Sun Wukong and Altman are both very powerful. But I don't know which of them is more powerful. So I wanted them to fight each other to see who was better.


Let's go. The next day I'll go to find the Monkey King. I found Monkey King in the Water Curtain Cave of Huaguo Mountain and told him that there was a man named Altman who wanted to fight with you. He also said that if you dare not, you are a coward. Sun Wukong was so angry that he cried out and agreed at that time. I also told Sun Wukong that he would fight alone in the big garden of the city at seven tomorrow. Then, I rode my bike to find Altman and told him that there was a Monkey King who wanted to duel with him. He would be in the big garden at seven tomorrow morning.


After a day of running, I was tired too. When I got home, I fell asleep on the bed. The next day, I got up at daybreak and took the bus to the big garden in the city. By the time they got there, both of them had arrived. They both asked me to be the referee, and I agreed. At my command, the two of them fought, but for a long time they were neck and neck. Ultraman sent out a laser, and Monkey King blocked it with a gold hoop. In this way, we played for ninety-nine eighty-one consecutive days. As a result, they both fell down with serious injuries. I hurriedly dialed 120 and saw Buddha driving a car with Bodhisattva sitting on it. After they came down, they took a pill for Sun Wukong and Altman respectively, and they got better immediately.


Buddha Tathagata also taught me a political lesson, saying that I should not lie to provoke them to fight, which would lead to chaos in order. I bowed my head to admit my mistake. Buddha patted my head and said, "If you know your mistakes and can correct them, you are a good child.".

我喜欢的奥特曼作文 篇5


This afternoon, my parents went out on business. I did some homework. During the break, I played an episode of Jess Altman on my home computer.


In the cartoon, there are two monsters. One of them becomes a man and comes to the earth, while the other monster casts a shadow on the earth. One day, the shadowy monster appeared, ready to invade our earth. The monster sent out two laser beams, breaking the two houses into two parts. When the winning team found out, the captain sent several members to fight monsters. Through observation, the team members found that the monster was too powerful to be subdued by ordinary lasers. So they deformed the plane and used their unique skills, but they did not have an impact on the monster. The team tried their best to decide that several planes would attack at the same time. As a result, they were still bounced back by the monster's laser, and the plane exploded instead. At the moment of crisis, Jess Altman turned around, caught the team members, sent them to the land, and then fought with the monster. The players on the ground also used laser guns and Altman to fight against the monster. The monster could not resist, was seriously injured, and soon stopped breathing and disappeared on the earth.


Another monster that turned into a human saw that the monster it controlled was dead, so it also turned into a monster to fight with Jess Altman. The two of them were torn together, and neither of them would let the other. Suddenly, the monster made a unique move, and Altman quickly used the latest protective shield to protect himself. When the monster saw that he could not beat Jess, he turned and ran away, but Jess blocked his way and killed him with a laser.


The monster was killed, Altman returned, and the earth was calm again.


Jess Altman is amazing!

奥特曼作文 篇6


My little brother is plump, and his dark eyes are like two black gemstones. His eyes narrowed as he laughed. His nose was very flat. His small mouth was red and his round face smiled. There is also a pair of small ears. It's interesting that he walks with a skipping gait!


My brother likes Altman. There are all kinds of Altman things in his home, such as: Altman's CDs, Altman's shoes, Altman's puzzles, Altman guns, Altman books... They are inseparable from Altman.


Once, my little brother and I went skating in Liuji Square. I slipped along, and he followed me like a follower. But after five minutes, something unexpected happened. I looked back, ah? Why is my little brother missing? I used to be like a follower, but now I can't see any of them? I thought: Oh, I forgot to tell him that I would gather at the stairway. This is over. I will be beaten by my mother when I go back. So I immediately contacted my mother, and four or five people from my family came out. "Everyone looks for it separately," I said sadly. "Will the little brother be taken away by the bad guys?" "We've looked all around." Everyone said breathlessly. I was looking down from a high place and saw a shop of "Diga Altman". It suddenly occurred to me that my little brother might be in that shop. Because the little brother's favorite Altman is Diga Altman. I made up my mind to go and have a look. I immediately said to my mother; "Mom, my little brother likes Altman very much. I'll look for him there."

我三步并作两步地直奔奥特曼店,一眼就看到他正在津津有味地看着他喜爱的迪伽奥特曼动画片呢!害得大家虚惊一场、满头大汗。· 你们说我的弟弟是不是一个小奥特曼迷呢?

I went straight to the Altman store three steps at a time and saw him watching his favorite Diga Altman cartoons with great interest! It caused everyone to make a false alarm and sweat· Do you think my brother is a little Altman fan?

我喜欢的奥特曼作文 篇7


My family has a lovely little boy with a round head, dark skin and big ears... He is my brother Yi Hangmo.


My younger brother recently liked watching Altman's cartoons, and he was fascinated by them, which seemed endless.


Take the last time for example. Our family came to my uncle's house to play. At this time, several children in the neighborhood were watching Altman's cartoons, and their voices were very loud. When my brother heard the noise at home, he stopped playing with us and ran to his home to watch.


When it was time for lunch, my aunt asked my cousin to come back for lunch. So I followed. We searched everywhere, and finally we found it! I hurriedly said to my younger brother, "Yi Hangmo, go home to have a meal, eat well, and then come back. Today there are ham sausages, chicken legs... It's so rich! If you don't eat, you won't have any!" Without looking back, he stared at the TV and said, "I will not go back. After watching the cartoon, I will go back to eat." My sister and I tried to persuade him to go back with us as if we were talking crosstalk. He just refused to go home for dinner. We had to go home and explain the situation to our aunt. She had no choice but to say to her brother, "Now go back to lunch, go home and watch, blow the air conditioner and eat ice cream. How comfortable! Your sisters will play Altman with you later!" After thinking for a while, he agreed to go home with us for lunch.


After lunch, we took our brother to the second floor. We watched TV on it, but my sister and I didn't want to watch it, but it was too boring, so we had to watch it with him. Unexpectedly, we were also fascinated! Although the plot is relatively simple, it is a bit suspensive. We are all thinking about how the monster came into being? Whenever Altman is about to be defeated, we are worried about him; Whenever Altman wins, we applaud him. It seems that other people are going to ask us to go down for dinner in the evening.


Now, every time we watch TV, as long as he is there, my sister and I naturally tune into Altman cartoons. Because whether it is voluntary or passive, it depends on Altman!

我喜欢的奥特曼作文 篇8


I have a Fuwa, Huanhuan, and Altman, a defender of world peace. They are my two favorite toys.


One night, after I fell asleep, guess what happened. Then Altman said to the Fuwa beside him, "Huanhuan," "I have long wanted to ask you why you wear this red dress every day. Do you have any other clothes? Your hair is still in a mess, and I don't know how to tidy it up. Look at me, the clothes I wear are great! Every day I will make myself energetic, which is also a kind of respect for others." The Fuwa "Huanhuan" smiled and said to Altman, "You don't know, my name is Huanhuan. It is the mascot of the 2008 Olympic Games - the big brother of the five Fuwa. My red clothes represent the Olympic flame. You see, my hair is the shape of fire. Beautiful! Do you think I feel red?" Altman thought for a moment and said, "Red makes me feel warm, like the sun shining on me." Huanhuan said, "You are also right, but not all. Red gives people a warm and unrestrained feeling, which makes you feel our enthusiasm." Altman said, "Yes, you look very enthusiastic. Can we become good friends? Are you willing to be friends with me?" "Of course, what I like most is all kinds of ball games. I am the symbol of passion and unrestrained, and the wind and fire are my personality." Huanhuan answered. "You said you were the boss. What are your four brothers and sisters called?" Altman asked. "My four brothers are called Beibei, Jingjing, Yingying and Nini. Our names are 'Welcome to Beijing'." Huanhuan said with a happy smile on her face.


Unconsciously, it was already light, and Huanhuan said: "Altman, it was already light, so we should rest, and our little master should wake up, so let's continue talking at night!" "All right." Altman also fell asleep.


I rubbed my eyes, got up, looked at Huanhuan and Altman on my desk, and said, "Good morning. It's time for you to get up and sleep late. I'm going to school. Have fun! Don't fight."

奥特曼的作文大全 篇9


This morning, on my way to school, I found everything was shaking a little, and the leaves of the big trees were falling. I look back, wow! It was two huge monsters that ran to my school. I recognized them at a glance. They were all evil machines Gomorra and the skeleton King Red, who had boundless strength and disturbed the peace of the universe.


I saw Gomorrah and King De on TV. They are really big! I look like a small ant in front of them. The ground shakes every step they take, and the pace is very big. I have tried my best to run, but it seems that they are about to trample me to death. I ran and saw a pyramid. I ran into it quickly. There were three stone statues of Altman, but two of them had been destroyed by monsters. There was still the last Altman soldier left. I quickly raised the transformation prop Spark Mirror, and I became Dijia Altman.


I was as tall as monsters when I turned into Dega Altman. King Reid rushed to me immediately. I jumped up, grabbed the monster's head with my arm and spun it around. Then I threw it out at once. I defeated King Reid with the light flow of Dilashum when it got up.


Gomorra suddenly rushed to me from the other side. He wanted to use his unique skill to deal with me. The color timer reminded me that my transformation time was about to end, and I was going to be late for school. I quickly turned into a glittering Dijia, and then defeated him with Zapelio light line.


I finally defeated the monster. I hurried to school. At the end of the third class, I thought I heard a voice talking in my ear. I guess it must be Dega Altman. He said to me, "Thank you for helping me. Next time there are monsters, you must inform me that I have to go first. The Kingdom of Light still needs me! Goodbye!" "Goodbye! I hope you will come to Shenzhen again." I said loudly. This is really a happy day!