
时间:2022-10-18 12:46:06 | 来源:语文通



春节回家作文 篇1春节回家作文 篇2春节回家作文 篇3

春节回家作文 篇1


Spring Festival is coming, my parents and I went home together.


We saw a lot of scenery along the highway. I saw a big, bare, gray tree in the distance, which was already slightly green in the sun. I saw many high poles on both sides of the road, like the Eiffel Tower. The long wires connected them like a staff. Many birds were tired of flying and stopped on them, like many happy notes. I also saw large plastic greenhouses in the fields, where some farmer uncles planted nutritious vegetables and fruits. I couldn't help drooling at the thought of the exuberant strawberries in the greenhouses.


The car was driving fast, passing villages one after another. I saw that the houses in the village were all small buildings with beautiful tiles, bright windows and strong iron doors, which looked very impressive. My father said that in the past, the houses in the countryside were short and dilapidated, but now the farmers are really getting richer.


There are many kinds of cars running on the expressway, which are easy to get stuck and cause accidents. I have been thinking, how can we avoid traffic jams? If a folding helicopter propeller is installed on the roof of each car, it can stretch out directly in case of traffic jam and fly into the air to continue driving, how wonderful it would be!


I was immersed in imagination and unconsciously came to Zhengzhou. Dad has driven the car off the highway and will be home soon. What a pleasant trip!

春节回家作文 篇2


The Spring Festival is coming, and the transportation industry also ushers in a spring festival rush. The staff in other places are busy going home for the New Year.


It is of special significance for every Chinese to return home during the Spring Festival, have family reunions and have a happy New Year. During the more than one month around the Spring Festival every year, hundreds of millions of people come to China. The Spring Festival is a happy occasion, and reunion is a happy one. When it comes to the ups and downs on the Spring Festival journey and the expectations we have been looking forward to along the way, it is hard to say.

你可看到那拥挤的车站?那些归心似箭的人们,挤着、挨着,脸上千百种表情,每种表情的背后都有 www.bai www..cn huawen.cn 各自回家的故事。他们要么在焦急地联系走散的亲人,要么正拿着揉得变形的面包;有挑着扁担的老人,也有拿着大包小包的孩子们……厚重的行囊里,满装着他们归家的迫切与期待。说到这里,我们心里都不免有一个疑问:回家,到底是什么?

Can you see the crowded station? Those who are eager to return are crowded and close together, with thousands of expressions on their faces. Behind each expression is WWW.BAI WWW.. CN HUAWEN The story of CNs going home. They are either anxiously contacting the separated relatives or holding the crumpled bread; There are old people carrying carrying poles, and there are children carrying large and small bags... The heavy luggage is full of their eagerness and expectation to return home. Speaking of this, we all have a question in mind: What is going home?


What is going home?或许我们该问问那个高兴地挥手的老奶奶。其实在前一秒,她都焦急得要哭了。她和儿子、媳妇、孙子一起到火车站回家过年,但由于车站人太多,媳妇背着小孙子走散了。她和儿子着急得要命,找了很久才在拥挤的人群中找到媳妇和孙子熟悉的身影。那一刻,她高兴得不知所措,用力地挥手。她从大悲到大喜,脸上360度的变化被人一点不漏地拍了下来。回家的故事里,有艰辛。

What is going home? Maybe we should ask the old lady who waved happily. In fact, a second ago, she was so worried that she wanted to cry. She went home to the railway station with her son, daughter-in-law and grandson for the Spring Festival, but because there were too many people at the station, the daughter-in-law left with her grandson on her back. She and her son were so worried that they found the familiar figures of their daughter-in-law and grandson in the crowded crowd for a long time. At that moment, she was so happy that she was at a loss and waved vigorously. From great sadness to great joy, her face was photographed 360 degrees. There are hardships in the story of going home.


What is going home


Maybe we should ask the uncle with a note on his forehead. The uncle wrote four words on the paper with a pen: It's good to go home. It's stuck on his forehead, with a smile on his face, a ticket in his mouth, and a bag in his hand. He said that he had been waiting in line for three days to get a ticket, even if it was a standing ticket, he was still very happy. Oh, there is joy in the story of going home.


What is going home?或许我们该问问那个在火车中挤着的姑娘。那个姑娘在火车上挤了十几个小时,小身板在人群中被紧挤着,她穿着厚厚的羽绒服,脸色苍白,顺着脖子淌汗,衣服领子几乎都被汗打透了。好不容易到站了,人们才发现这个姑娘已经难受地休克了。这就是“你可以休克但不能倒下”,因为回家的路要走,她是回家的人,多远的路,多重的行李,多冷的寒风,多饿的肚子都不能把她压倒,因为她有一颗颗归家似箭的心!原来,回家的故事里,有坚持。


What's in the story of going home


The Spring Festival of 20XX came at a brisk pace. In this cold winter, people were again carrying heavy bags on their way home. On the way home, there are many stories about going home, many stories about going home. In these stories, there are hardships, joy, persistence... They all cover the hearts of people who return home with a veil of love. Go home - let love light the way home!

春节回家作文 篇3

在上海的第三个年头到尾声,冬天一如既往难熬,倒是关于世界末日的讨论没有曾经预料的那么热烈。 我突然想起之前在猫的天空之城留下的慢递明信片,定的是末日前一天送到,只是完全想不起来写了什么。很多只言片语都是这样消失的吧。

At the end of the third year in Shanghai, winter was as tough as ever, but the discussion about the end of the world was not as warm as once expected. It suddenly occurred to me that the postcard I left behind in Cat's Sky City was scheduled to be delivered the day before the end of the day, but I couldn't remember what I had written. Many words disappear in this way.

就像那些消失在记忆里的人们。 或许某时某刻会如约而又突然地出现? 20xx年夏天,我在去学校书报亭领录取通知书的路上捡到100块钱,我把这作为预示选择正确的彩头揣进兜里,当日收拾行李,次日就坐车离开。

Just like those people who disappear in memory. Maybe at some time, it will happen suddenly as promised? In the summer of 20XX, I picked up 100 yuan on the way to the school newspaper booth to get the admission notice. I put it in my pocket as a sign of the right choice. I packed my bags that day and left the next day by car.

学校在杨浦区,前门是杨浦公园,如果算上稀奇古怪的宿舍区,学校正好包围下杨浦公园。但事实是,吃一个包子的时间就足够将主校区逛上一圈。 据说新校区建在浦东,这和我们已经没关系了吧? 入学时候的事情都还没来得及全部忘掉,就要面临毕业了。 那时候我们站在人群里军训,现在站在人群里递简历;那时候我们从座位上站起来慷慨陈词,现在从座位上站起来转身离去;那时候上海世博还是最热话题,现在早已一一拆去建了新的商业区…… 那时候,这个城市还是新的,现在,这个城市对别人来说是新的。 走过的南京路和外滩还是一样人头攒动,吃过的七宝和苏州大概也没有新的小吃品种。或者我太小看了这个世界的日新月异? 总之就是这么过来了,脚印连成串,刚印下就消散。

The school is in Yangpu District, and Yangpu Park is at the front door. If you count the strange dormitory area, the school just surrounds Yangpu Park. But the fact is, one steamed bun is enough time to visit the main campus. It is said that the new campus is built in Pudong, which has nothing to do with us, right? Before we can forget all the things when we entered school, we will face graduation. At that time, we stood in the crowd for military training, and now we stand in the crowd to hand in resumes; At that time, we stood up from our seats to make a speech. Now we stand up from our seats and turn around to leave; At that time, the Shanghai World Expo was the hottest topic. Now, it has been demolished one by one to build new business districts... At that time, the city was still new. Now, the city is new to others. Nanjing Road and the Bund are still crowded, and Qibao and Suzhou probably have no new snacks. Or do I underestimate the rapid changes in the world? In a word, it came here in this way. The footprints were in a string and disappeared as soon as they were printed.

让这个世界疯狂旋转吧,也许真能转出个世界末日来。 我遇到的第一个面试官是出版社社长,他是个军人。他问的第一个问题是:你是农村户口?我说,是。

Let the world spin around like crazy. Maybe it can turn out the end of the world. The first interviewer I met was the president of the publishing house. He was a soldier. The first question he asked was: Are you a rural hukou? I said, yes.

他说:你别担心,我只是随便问问,不会根据这个来选择人的。刚才面试过的那个人跟你是一起来的吧?他是什么户口? …… 后来,我出大门就被门卫扣起来了,因为是骑着车出门而非推着车出门的。被扣押大半个小时,那个警卫先是威胁我的人身安全,后是警告说要扣留我的自行车。后来朋友报了警,才算走脱。

He said: Don't worry. I just ask casually. I won't choose people based on this. Did the person you interviewed come with you just now? What account is he Later, when I got out of the gate, I was detained by the guard because I went out by bike instead of pushing it. After being detained for more than half an hour, the guard first threatened my personal safety and then warned me to detain my bike. Later, my friend called the police and got away.


The police said that this is not for you to ride a bike, but there is such a rule.

我想,我能理解,只要我们推着我们的车,领导们推着领导们的车。 人生第一次面试就此结束,第二天编辑部打电话通知上班,我说,你们那个地方,我不敢去。 我朋友直接没接电话。 第二次面试,是个出版界大佬新开的公司,在我们学校只招IT专员和发行助理。我想,曲线救国吧,简历上写求职发行助理。面试官是三个,两个姑娘,一个大叔。

I think I can understand that as long as we push our cars, leaders push their cars. This was the end of the first interview in my life. The next day, the editorial department called to inform me that I was afraid to go to your place. My friend didn't answer the phone directly. The second interview was a new company opened by a big man in the publishing industry. In our school, only IT specialists and distribution assistants were recruited. I think the curve can save the country. The resume says that the candidate is a distribution assistant. The interviewers are three, two girls and an uncle.


One of the girls asked: Tell me about the book distribution you know.

我就按照我所知道的说了一通。 姑娘问:然后呢? 我胡编乱造一通。 她接着问然后呢然后呢然后呢……到后来我终于说不下去停了下来。我想的是,都怪平时学艺不精。

I told you what I know. The girl asked: Then what? I made up all this nonsense. She continued to ask, and then, and then, and then, and then, and finally, I could not go on and stopped. What I think is, it's all because they are not good at learning skills.

姑娘停顿一下,说:我一直问你然后,是因为你还没回答要收钱。 …… 后来另一个姑娘问:你的人生规划呢? 我非常诚实地回答:在发行部好好实习,希望以后能转岗到编辑部去。 这个姑娘立刻问:那如果我们培养了你,你跑了呢? 这个问题和军人社长的问题一样。 后来的结果是,第二个星期我接到电话,让去编辑部面试。我脑子里突然蹦出那个一直坐在一旁笑眯眯很少说话的大叔。 再去面试,和面试官顺利沟通,聊下来

The girl paused for a moment and said, "I have been asking you all the time because you haven't answered for money yet." Then another girl asked, "Where is your life plan?"? I answered very honestly: I have a good internship in the distribution department, and I hope I can transfer to the editorial department in the future. The girl immediately asked: What if we trained you and you ran away? This problem is the same as that of the president of the military. As a result, the next week I received a call to go to the editorial department for an interview. My mind suddenly popped out of the uncle who had been sitting beside smiling and seldom talking. Go to the interview again, communicate with the interviewer smoothly and chat