
时间:2022-06-07 13:35:24 | 来源:语文通



1. In 1866, in different places in the sea, some ships found a shiny monster. It was hundreds of meters long and occasionally surfaced.After many ships were attacked by this monster, the U.S. government sent the frigates "Lincoln" to track and hunt.French biologist Aronnas was invited to participate. The professor of the Paris Natural History Museum once discussed the marine monster and believed that it was a huge unicorn.


2. People made a series of conjectures and finally decided to use Lincoln to attack the monster and the author was invited to use him for his use.


3. The author participated in this adventure and his servant "Conseel" and also introduced the personality of "Consel" as a person's personality.Then they boarded the boat together and saw the entire process of driving the boat


4. Nide Lan is the captain and an excellent seafarer. He is careful and introduced some things about monsters


5. The "Lincoln" swimmed in the sea for three weeks, but found nothing.The sailor is a bit discouraged,


6. One day they met this monster this monster and sent a strong light. They drove their horsepower like a monster, but this monster was very disobedient. Lincoln walked and chased after about three days.Three nights they thought they could no longer see the monster anymore, but at about 8 o'clock, they saw the Link Lynch low -speed approaching him when he was very close to him.When the sailor threw a fish fork to him and made a loud voice, the monster light disappeared. Then a huge waves came to the author and was rushed into the sea.


7. The professor swims there in the return. He first met Consen.Nide Lan took it to the movement of the island. This is what they knew that Lincoln was broken. He could not master the direction.Seeing a person came out of it, but when they saw them, they would go to the eight and tall and big strong men.


8. When the professor woke up, he found himself lying in a iron house with Conseli and Nid Lan beside him.He was puzzled.The two strangers came in to pay tribute to them, but the professor tried several languages, and they couldn't understand.When they were in trouble, their owners appeared.He was tall and bright, and introduced himself in French.His name is Nemo, who claims to have a relationship with the entire human.He said that although they have become his captives, they still enjoy freedom.Just to keep them secret, he will not release them, and he requires them to live.


9. Although the professor is sad to lose freedom, he is still attracted by the mysterious submarine and the mystery of the sea floor.At the invitation of Nemo, the three of them visited the "Nautilus" he personally designed and built, although its components were put together, but the hull was strong and the structure was reasonable.There are beautiful living rooms in the boat, comfortable sleeper, book reading rooms and entertainment frequent submarines.Food is also taken from the ocean, and some delicious fish professors have never tasted.The cloth is woven from marine fibers, and the tobacco leaves come from seaweed.Nemo also asked them to visit the equipment for hunting marine animals and easy to walk on the bottom of the sea.


10. The "Nautilus" sneaks in the Pacific Ocean.Through the glass windows, the professor views the strange and litter of the sea and the deep -sea creatures.When passing through the island of Klispo, Nemo sent a note to invite the three of them to hunt at the bottom of the sea.So they put on diving clothes, carried oxygen cylinders, handed special, walked through the pressure cockpit, and walked on the underwater plain.Nemo raised a gun and shot a large sea otter, and then killed two dolphins -like animals, and returned.


11. When the submarine arrives near Kalimantan, the food is short.The three of them decided to go ashore to find vegetables and spectacles.At first, they were lucky. They killed several wild boars and picked a lot of fruits.Just as they raised a bonfire on the beach to prepare to prepare barbecue, they were suddenly attacked by people.They hurried into the boat and drove towards the submarine mooring in the sea.But the earth was urgent to take the raft.Even if they taught them to climb the submarine and got off the parts, the people in the native were still around the submarine and refused to dissipate.In the early morning of the next day, when the submarine opened the cabin to ventilate, people really climbed on the boat.But as soon as their hands touched the railing, they screamed and retreated. The original metal rails were all power -over.


12. The submarine enters the Indian Ocean. Near in Sri Lanka, Nemo invites them to teach them to visit pearls at the bottom of the sea. The maximum value can reach $ 2 million.The professor watched the Indian beads on the bottom of the sea.Suddenly, a giant shark opened his blood basin and hit the Indians. Nemo held his hands and fought on his body.Nemo immediately took the pearls out of the water and took out a few pearls from his pocket to him.The professor respects the spirit of Nimo Sher in his heart and knows that Nemo has actually did not cut off his relationship with humans.


13. The "Nautilus" took less than 20 minutes from the Red Sea to the China Sea.It sneaked through the underwater channel discovered through Nemo, and there was no Suez Canal at that time.


14. Along the way, the professor discovered many amazing things.When the boat reached Kangdi Island, Nemo took out a lot of gold from the cabinet and sent someone to send it out of the boat.Later, when the submarine entered the Atlantic Ocean and was moored on the bottom of the Victoria Bay, Nemo sent his crew to dive from the bottom of the sea to the bottom of the sea.It turned out that Nemo used the treasures in the sacrifice to relieve the poor and engaged in scientific adventure.On the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, Nemo accompanied the professor to visit the mainland of the mainland, the Daxi continent.They watched the wonderful scenery of sulfur lard from the bottom of the sea, and also looked at Pompeii City, which had been ruined.



1、摘抄:摘抄读音为zhāi chāo,是指见“摘钞”。摘抄 zhāi chāo词语解释:见“摘钞”。(1) [extracts;excerpts]∶有选择地抄录的原文日记摘抄(2) [take passages]∶摘要抄录文章中的段落摘抄一段日记分词解释:摘钞:1.亦作“摘抄”。 2.择要抄录。● 摘 zhāi ㄓㄞˉ◎ 采取,拿下:采摘。摘取。摘桃子。摘除。◎ 选取:摘要。摘录。摘编。文摘。摘引。寻章摘句。指摘(挑出缺点)。◎ 借:摘兑。东摘西借。● 抄 chāo ㄔㄠˉ◎ 誊写,照原文写:抄本。抄写。抄袭。传抄。◎ 搜查而没收:抄没(mò)。抄家。抄斩。◎ 走简捷的路:抄近。抄小道。包抄。◎ 同“绰2”。...摘抄怎么造句,用摘抄造句»

2、海底两万里:海底两万里读音为hǎi dǐ liǎng wàn lǐ,是指长篇科幻小说。法国凡尔纳作于1870年。尼摩船长设计建造了一艘奇特的潜艇,搭救了生物学家阿龙纳斯等人后,一起开始海底旅行。他们从太平洋出发,经过珊瑚岛、印度洋、红海、地中海,历经艰险,进入大西洋,一路看到许多罕见的海生动植物。最后,终于到达挪威海岸。海底两万里 hǎi dǐ liǎng wàn lǐ分词解释:长篇科幻小说。法国凡尔纳作于1870年。尼摩船长设计建造了一艘奇特的潜艇,搭救了生物学家阿龙纳斯等人后,一起开始海底旅行。他们从太平洋出发,经过珊瑚岛、印度洋、红海、地中海,历经艰险,进入大西洋,一路看到许多罕见的海生动植物。最后,终于到达挪威海岸。分词解释:罕见:难得见到;很少见到:人迹罕见丨罕见的奇迹。珊瑚岛:海洋岛的一种,由珊瑚礁构成的岛屿,或在珊瑚礁上形成的沙岛。中国的西沙群岛、南沙群岛,太平洋中的波利尼西亚群岛等均属于珊瑚岛。建造:建筑;修建:建造房屋 ㄧ建造花园。到达:谓到了某一地点或某一阶段。历经:经历;多次经过:历经劫难ㄧ小庙历经百余年的风雨剥蚀,已残破不堪。...