
时间:2022-08-05 13:30:04 | 来源:语文通



Grandma's mobile phone is very old, and it is a domestic mobile phone bought 800 yuan four years ago.The memory is small and the pixels are very low.If it is just a phone call, it is enough.But since Grandma learned to surf the Internet and chat with WeChat.The "IQ" of her mobile phone is not enough.


Grandma has been using old -age machines a few years ago, except for calling.The advantage of the elderly machine is that the sound is very loud. You can also use the elderly as a flashlight, and you can also listen to the drama with the elderly.But since I left my grandmother to school in Zhengzhou, I called her whenever I wanted grandma.It is tens of minutes, and a lot of phone bills are spent every time.So Dad bought a smartphone for his grandmother, and then downloaded WeChat on his mobile phone.I used my grandmother for a long time to teach my grandmother to use WeChat.Since then, if Grandma wants me, call me with WeChat.As long as I am not busy, I will video call with my grandma.Tell Grandma what he ate, the fun of the school, our own academic performance ... We are like face -to -face, happy and convenient.


Four years have passed, and I am going to the fifth grade.Grandma's mobile phone is also old. Sometimes we can automatically break the video mobile phone, and the picture quality is not clear.A few days ago, my father and I went to the technology market.


I told Dad to change a new phone for grandma.After my father agreed, I bought one for my grandmother with my New Year's money. The memory is larger, the pixels are higher, and the more beautiful mobile phones.After a few days, I must bring the new phone back to my hometown and give it to grandma.



My grandma particularly loves to play mobile phones, let's take a look!


My grandma has a pair of kind eyes as a pair of hands like a bark.However, her mobile phone like a bark is flexible.Since my grandmother has a mobile phone, I have brushed Douyin at the door every day.Every time she looked at Douyin, she stared at the screen with her eyes, and sometimes others called her and could not hear it.


One day, when I was playing, I suddenly had a little hungry, and immediately ran to the kitchen.Hey? Grandma is not in the kitchen.Where did you go? I was thinking about it. I heard a singing in the door of the door. Listening, I thought: That must be the voice of my grandmother playing with a mobile phone at the door.I immediately pulled my legs and ran away. Sure enough, my grandma seriously played with the phone at the door.Her hand is moving on the screen, from time to time, she jumps up with the music


Another time, when I was playing with the same time, Zheng Huan, who was playing, suddenly heard a wonderful voice, and after a while, I heard my grandmother calling his father: "Zhongfu, you come, come, come onTake a look, this song is so nice, you can take a look. "As soon as Dad heard his grandmother's cry, he ran quickly.


Do you see, do my grandma love to play mobile phones?



In the past, grandma's entertainment activities were just watching TV, playing mahjong, and talking about the neighborhood neighbors, similar to the lives of most elderly people.But the advent of smartphones broke her inherent lifestyle in the past, and now she has become a full "drama fan."With a smartphone, grandma no longer has to go to the TV to wait for the drama, just download a video software directly on the mobile phone.In the case of smooth networks, as long as you gently gently, enter the TV drama name you want to watch in the search bar, and you can play immediately.In order to watch a few episodes of online dramas a day, fashionable grandma also recharged into a member.


Smart mobile phones can not only help grandma watching the show, but also convenient for grandma to chat.One day, I saw my grandmother sending a WeChat to a person, but the word is always writing wrong, and writing a few words for several minutes.Suddenly, I was smart and thought of a feature of WeChat -video chat! I said to grandma, "Grandma, WeChat has a video chat function. You don’t need to write it after you learn., I can see it! "Grandma listened, I was particularly pleasant, and said," Sample, fast, teach me! "So, I started the handle teaching mode:" Plug in the '+' first, there is a phone call, there is a phone callIcon, click, choose a video to chat. "Grandma said according to me, here, point, there, it really connected! Her expression at the time could not be described, I could only say, stunned!


The development of science and technology not only facilitates human beings, but also solves the knot of the communication between the new humans and the elderly, so that the quality of life of the elderly also improves.Grandma's life becomes more interesting and more exciting because of the arrival of smartphones.



I have a fashionable grandma, singing pop songs, dancing square dance, and never reconciled to young people.This does not have recently bought her a high -end. Atmospheric.


Watching Grandma mobile phone laughed into a flower, but she was unhappy a few days later because no one hit her mobile phone, and we were used to hitting their hits.In order to make grandma happy, I deliberately hit my grandmother's mobile phone today.After a while, the grandma's excitement came from the mobile phone: "Hey! Who are you?" "I am Zhang Chunchang", "Hey! Hey! Hey!"I hung up the phone and told my dad that I guess my new mobile phone did not know how to use it.


When we went to the grandma's house for dinner at noon, Grandma said that her mobile phone was broken, and the phone could not hear the other party's voice. I took my grandmother's mobile phone and saw the sound of the phone.Strange.So I adjusted my grandmother's mobile phone and asked her to make a phone call.



Grandma saw the whole family had their own mobile phones, so she wanted to have a "fashionable thing".So, Dad bought her a mobile phone, and I became a little teacher who guided her grandmother to use her mobile phone.


"Let's make a phone call for your aunt first." Grandma said we put on the old flower mirror and turned on the phone.I taught my grandmother to find a "call" on the mobile phone screen, and then enter the aunt's phone number. But before the number was lost, the mobile phone sang the song. It turned out that the ringtone rang, and the grandma was frightened.I quickly said, "Grandma, answer the phone quickly!" Grandma panicked, picked up the phone and shouted, "Hey, who are you? How can you sing, don't talk?" "Grandma, you haven't pressed that green yetThe phone logo, that is, the answer key! "I couldn't laugh and laugh.Grandma quickly pressed a key, raised her ears, listened for a while, and muttered, "Well? Why don't you talk?" I picked up the phone


When I heard, "Duda -Dudes — Dudes-" It turned out that the grandmother hung up the phone. Fortunately, it was an advertising sales phone without delay.


Under my concentration guidance, grandma finally learned to send WeChat, take photos, call, etc. with mobile phones, etc.Now, Grandpa and Grandma holding the mobile phone all day, becoming a veritable "Internet addiction old age".


One day, the grandmother who was holding the mobile phone and the grandma suddenly asked me: "Jiahui, my phone responds slowly, is there something wrong?"The word "virus" quickly put the phone aside and said very worried: "Oh, oops, why don't you tell me early, it is troublesome to be infected!"


Alas, grandma uses a mobile phone, a joke!



Last year, Dad changed his mobile phone to his grandma, grandma loved it, she took me home, brought it to the market, and took me when I went to the park.The community is also brought, just like it, day after day, the mobile phone becomes a good friend of grandma.

Last year, Dad changed his mobile phone to his grandma, grandma loved it, she took me home, brought it to the market, and took me when I went to the park.The community is also brought, just like it, day after day, the mobile phone becomes a good friend of grandma.


However, in a clear afternoon, my grandma and I came to the pedestrian street to buy and buy! Two or three hours, the shopping task was completed, and we took the subway home. On the way, Grandma wanted to take out her mobile phone to swipe the screen and pass the time, and touched my pocket! The phone was gone. Grandma thought about it and said, "It is likely to be lost at the last two shopping points in the pedestrian street." In the next stop, we hurried to the car, and my grandmother pulled me all the way. She murmured to herself during the run: "What to do and what to do. A mobile phone is not important. It is important that the mobile phone is bound to Alipay, bank card and other information." She can see that she is extremely anxious. We carefully inspected two laps at the possible place and did not get any valuable clues. My grandma and I rushed to turn like an ant group on a hot pot. Suddenly, I remembered my phone watch, so I dialed my grandmother's phone, "Die ..." once, twice, three times ... finally answered, grandma asked excitedly: "It's you Did you pick up my mobile phone? "A young man came from the microphone:" My phone was picked up by me, please go to the flyover of the pedestrian street to pick up the phone, I am waiting for you. "Finally , Grandma and I thanked Grandpa and took away the mobile phone.

However, in a clear afternoon, my grandma and I came to the pedestrian street to buy and buy! Two or three hours, the shopping task was completed, and we took the subway home. On the way, Grandma wanted to take out her mobile phone to swipe the screen and pass the time, and touched my pocket! The phone was gone. Grandma thought about it and said, "It is likely to be lost at the last two shopping points in the pedestrian street." In the next stop, we hurried to the car, and my grandmother pulled me all the way. She murmured to herself during the run: "What to do and what to do. A mobile phone is not important. It is important that the mobile phone is bound to Alipay, bank card and other information." She can see that she is extremely anxious. We carefully inspected two laps at the possible place and did not get any valuable clues. My grandma and I rushed to turn like an ant group on a hot pot. Suddenly, I remembered my phone watch, so I dialed my grandmother's phone, "Die ..." once, twice, three times ... finally answered, grandma asked excitedly: "It's you Did you pick up my mobile phone? "A young man came from the microphone:" My phone was picked up by me, please go to the flyover of the pedestrian street to pick up the phone, I am waiting for you. "Finally , Grandma and I thanked Grandpa and took away the mobile phone.


The mobile phone was found, and my grandma and I were very happy. I also learned from my grandfather in the future to be a good child who is not aging.

The mobile phone was found, and my grandma and I were very happy. I also learned from my grandfather in the future to be a good child who is not aging.



Last year, Dad changed his mobile phone to his grandma, grandma loved it, she took me home, brought it to the market, and took me when I went to the park.The community is also brought, just like it, day after day, the mobile phone becomes a good friend of grandma.

Last year, Dad changed his mobile phone to his grandma, grandma loved it, she took me home, brought it to the market, and took me when I went to the park.The community is also brought, just like it, day after day, the mobile phone becomes a good friend of grandma.


However, in a clear afternoon, my grandma and I came to the pedestrian street to buy and buy! Two or three hours, the shopping task was completed, and we took the subway home. On the way, Grandma wanted to take out her mobile phone to swipe the screen and pass the time, and touched my pocket! The phone was gone. Grandma thought about it and said, "It is likely to be lost at the last two shopping points in the pedestrian street." In the next stop, we hurried to the car, and my grandmother pulled me all the way. She murmured to herself during the run: "What to do and what to do. A mobile phone is not important. It is important that the mobile phone is bound to Alipay, bank card and other information." She can see that she is extremely anxious. We carefully inspected two laps at the possible place and did not get any valuable clues. My grandma and I rushed to turn like an ant group on a hot pot. Suddenly, I remembered my phone watch, so I dialed my grandmother's phone, "Die ..." once, twice, three times ... finally answered, grandma asked excitedly: "It's you Did you pick up my mobile phone? "A young man came from the microphone:" My phone was picked up by me, please go to the flyover of the pedestrian street to pick up the phone, I am waiting for you. "Finally , Grandma and I thanked Grandpa and took away the mobile phone.

However, in a clear afternoon, my grandma and I came to the pedestrian street to buy and buy! Two or three hours, the shopping task was completed, and we took the subway home. On the way, Grandma wanted to take out her mobile phone to swipe the screen and pass the time, and touched my pocket! The phone was gone. Grandma thought about it and said, "It is likely to be lost at the last two shopping points in the pedestrian street." In the next stop, we hurried to the car, and my grandmother pulled me all the way. She murmured to herself during the run: "What to do and what to do. A mobile phone is not important. It is important that the mobile phone is bound to Alipay, bank card and other information." She can see that she is extremely anxious. We carefully inspected two laps at the possible place and did not get any valuable clues. My grandma and I rushed to turn like an ant group on a hot pot. Suddenly, I remembered my phone watch, so I dialed my grandmother's phone, "Die ..." once, twice, three times ... finally answered, grandma asked excitedly: "It's you Did you pick up my mobile phone? "A young man came from the microphone:" My phone was picked up by me, please go to the flyover of the pedestrian street to pick up the phone, I am waiting for you. "Finally , Grandma and I thanked Grandpa and took away the mobile phone.


The mobile phone was found, and my grandma and I were very happy. I also learned from my grandfather in the future to be a good child who is not aging.

The mobile phone was found, and my grandma and I were very happy. I also learned from my grandfather in the future to be a good child who is not aging.


晚上,我好不容易求来一颗糖吃。我看着那诱人的“大白兔”奶糖,扒开薄米皮衣,吃了,就连米薄衣也不错嘛!我来了兴致,往嘴里塞了下去,可是,悲剧来了…… 当我正津津有味地品尝着这“绝世珍宝”时,一心急咬了下去,心知不好,又慌忙之中牙一抖——“啊啊啊!” 结果,我是把牙咬进了糖里,又猛的往上拔,而糖又很粘牙,导致本就松动老兵牙更是有命没毛。但它掉下来也是算了,可是,它就疼,流血,唉,哀啊……

In the evening, I finally asked for a sugar.I watched the seductive "big white rabbit" milk sugar, cut off the thin rice leather clothes, and eaten, even the rice thin clothes were pretty good! I am interested and stuffed it in my mouth, but the tragedy came ...When I was tasting this "peerless treasure" with interest, I bit my heart, and my heart was not good, and my teeth shook in a hurry- "Ahhhh!" As a result, I bit my teeth into sugarInside, the sugar was very sticky, and the sugar was very sticky, which caused the veterans to loosen the teeth of the veterans.But it is also calculated, but it hurts, bleeding, alas, sorrow ...


So, when I went to the Dental Hospital, when I saw a doctor, I asked me, "Is it true?" My mother said, "Eat sugar tooth sticking to the stick." The dentist laughed and said, "I have never seen you from my birthday.This case! "I despised silently:" Let's! "


After finishing it, I remember a word in my small book. I only tell you that it is not allowed to leak! "Today, I pulled up my teeth, the teeth were pulled by two people, and the main doctor was a"Big white rabbit "toffee, the deputy assistant is SB dentist. There is no anesthesia, but the tooth extraction is not a pliers, but the part of the mouth in charge of the mouth!So, when people ask, "Yeah? How about your incisor? I haven't seen you say that the tooth seedlings have grown a few days ago?" I said, "Sugar sticks off." Everyone saw everyone smiled and broke his belly, meMy heart is dripping blood ...


However, I don't need to go to the hospital to spend money to extract teeth. Just stick to it with sugar, save a few days of KFC!



At the door of my school, various stalls are often filled. The teacher rushed these vendors more than once, but by the evening of Sunday, we were going to school., Especially those barbecue, business is even more popular.No, I really can't stand the temptation of the fragrance of barbecue. Before the schoolbag returned to the classroom, I squeezed into a stall with a special -fried chicken neck.


I licked my mouth and patted my belly and said, "Today, the young lady will be full of mouth." The vendor's eyes lighted up, pointing at the chicken neck in the oil pan and said, "Classmates, you come to me, you can find it, you can find it. By the way, keep you forget it. "Then, the vendor put the oil -stained hand on the apron. "I want three strings!" "I want too!" "I have two strings!" Although the black pan is black and black, who would care! Suddenly, the stalls were surrounded by three layers of three layers in the classmates. Essence I don't show weakness either, I asked for two skewers. Just listening to the sound of "squeak", the twenty skewed chicken necks were drowned in the dark oil pan. The fragrance and pungent oil fume permeated around us. Suddenly, the vendor's "关" closed the pot lid, stretched out the black hands, and said, "A string of one yuan, getting money, getting money." The vendor said proudly: "Yeah, I can't buy it in other stalls. I need to patronize more in the future." I said that I took the classmates' coins and banknotes. Then, the vendors used pliers to pinch the golden chicken necks, and brushed a layer of sesame oil with a pupa. Then, he reached into a few broken, dark bottles and cans piled up a pair of gray powder and sprinkled it on the chicken neck. My eyes kept staring, and I didn't blink in a blink of time, and saliva turned early in the corner of my mouth. As soon as the boss was doing well, I asked for two skewers. I picked up a sip and bite it. The hot chili peppers and the soft and juicy chicken were so delicious. I finished it with three, five, and two. "Great, I will come next time!" I thought secretly.


Look at the time, and it's almost class.I wiped the oil on my mouth, pretended to eat nothing, and returned to the classroom without love.Not long after, the teacher came, and she did not ask who went to buy food on the side of the road today.I was happy for a while.


Suddenly, my stomach was painful, her limbs were weak, my face was pale, and my forehead sweated.Gradually, I wanted to vomit, but my brain was blank, mixed with dizziness, and the objects in front kept floating. I couldn't catch it.I ca n’t eat this dinner. The teacher quickly sent me to the hospital. In front of the doctor, I talked about the truth.After the doctor understood my situation, he hung me a hanging bottle, and I gradually stopped the pain.The doctor said seriously: "Barbecue foods are harmful to health. First of all, barbecue foods are not nutritious, and secondly contains carcinogens. Besides, it is easy to infect parasites." When I heard it, my face flushed.Because the teacher also emphasized how harmful barbecue foods are, but I think the teacher is alarmist. Today, I finally realize that I finally realize it at the cost of my illness.


The next day, I restored the joy of the past and ran towards the school.At the school gate, I saw many classmates around the barbecue stall again. I really wanted to hold these people who had drummed pockets fiercely, but I didn't have that courage. I just wanted to say, "The hawkerWe, please don't make money, build a beautiful home with us! "



My grandma is a mobile phone fan, and she has a kind of obsession with the mobile phone "not see a day, such as three autumn".Just look down if you don't believe it!


After completing the class at three in the afternoon, her grandma started her "daily trilogy".Step 1: Put on the slippers and swing into the living room.Step 2: Lying on the sofa to keep a perfect posture.Step 3: Open the mobile phone and watch mobile news and TV series interestingly.This is not the case. She was particularly devoted when she watched her mobile phone. When she was happy, she laughed at the sky. When she was unhappy, she glanced at the phone angrily, and sometimes published a few comments.Grandma is okay to watch the phone for a while, and it has a lot to do with us when I watch it. You see, she saw at 6 pm from 3 pm, and she still "stayed without discarding" the mobile phone.My stomach was so hungry that I couldn't help but quietly said to my grandmother, "Grandma, don't you cook?" This sentence made the grandmother wake up like a dream.The meal is used as one heart, either the sugar is used as salt or the dish.You said, is this too obsessed?


In the morning, when I was in bed together, I heard the sound of "Ding Dong, Ding Dong". Is my family who entered the thief? Impossible, my family can be on the seventh floor! I quietly opened the door, and I saw my grandmother lying on the sofa holding.The mobile phone, look at it intently, don't mention it so much! I advise Grandma to say, "Grandma, you can sleep first! It's only six o'clock!"You can not eat it for a day, but you can't watch the phone! "I had to shake my head to sleep.


Grandma, I want to say to you, the mobile phone can be seen, but there must be restraint, arrange time reasonably, pay attention to rest!



1、奶奶:奶奶读音为nǎi nai,是指亦作“嬭嬭”。1.母亲。2.祖母。3.也尊称祖母辈的妇女。4.对已婚妇女的尊称。犹夫人、太太。5.为婢仆对女主人的称谓。6.对女子的昵称。犹姐姐。7.乳房。奶奶 nǎi nǎi词语解释:亦作“嬭嬭”。1.母亲。2.祖母。3.也尊称祖母辈的妇女。4.对已婚妇女的尊称。犹夫人、太太。5.为婢仆对女主人的称谓。6.对女子的昵称。犹姐姐。7.乳房。(1) [grandmother]∶祖母。也称跟祖母辈分相同或年纪相仿的妇女(2) [breast] 〈方〉∶指乳房(3) [your daughter-in-law] 〈方〉∶少奶奶分词解释:姐姐:①同父母(或只同父、只同母)而年纪比自己大的女子。②同族同辈而年纪比自己大的女子(一般不包括可以称做嫂的人):叔伯姐姐。夫人:古代诸侯的妻子称夫人,明清时一二品官的妻子封夫人,后来用来尊称一般人的妻子。现在多用于外交场合。尊称:1.尊贵的称谓或称号;敬称。 2.尊敬地称呼。乳房:1.人和哺乳动物所特有的哺乳器官。发育成熟的女子和雌性哺乳动物的乳房比较膨大。 2.生长石钟乳的山洞。...奶奶怎么造句,用奶奶造句»

2、手机:手机读音为shǒu jī,是指手持式移动电话机的简称。 电话的口承、耳承和相应的话筒、听筒都装在单个把手上手机 shǒu jī词语意思:手持式移动电话机的简称。[handset] 电话的口承、耳承和相应的话筒、听筒都装在单个把手上分词解释:电话机:完成话音和声频电信号相互转换的装置。由送话器、受话器、感应线圈、极化铃、叉簧等组成。呼叫时用户拿起送、受话器,叉簧弹起,接通电路,发出呼叫信号。自动电话机通过号码按钮发出呼叫信号,控制交换机自动接通受话方,并具有重发和存储多个常用号码等功能。移动:1.改换原来的位置。 2.调动。简称:①较复杂的名称的简化形式。如中专(中等专业学校)、奥运会(奥林匹克运动会)。②简单地称呼:化学肥料简称化肥。...手机怎么造句,用手机造句»