
时间:2022-07-30 13:19:00 | 来源:语文通



"One year old in the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze was sent to Baili Tu Su, and thousands of household pupils were always changed to the old runes." This poem depicts the scene of the Spring Festival.Beautiful hometown -Huaiji.The method of the Spring Festival is the same.Let me accompany you today!There is a saying in Huaiji "Gan Ba, washing the stubbornness." This means that the family stayed at home to clean and sanitary at home and welcomed the New Year.It is one of the customs of Huaiji New Year, and this day is clean and hygienic.Eliminating the dust of the dust for one year has removed the bad luck for one year.


New Year's Eve is really lively! My brother posted a red Tongtong Spring Federation at the door, and the couplet was celebrating the New Year, and it was also a festive atmosphere. Father and mothers are preparing for reunion dinner in advance. The children put firecrackers and play games outside. After a while, the reunion meal was done, and I left back along the strong aroma. Everyone is habitually making the reunion meals rich, including chicken, fish, beef and mutton and vegetables. Everyone is accustomed to leftovers and leftovers, and they have been more than years old. After the reunion dinner, the size will watch TV series, chat in the large living room, and keep the year together. After 12 o'clock on New Year's Eve, the firecrackers gradually put in the morning, and the sound of firecrackers was endless day and night. People in the village will go to tea, fruit, soup, etc. to their ancestors. Suddenly, I heard the sound of "Bang! Bang! Bang!" The shape of the fireworks is different, some flashes in the air like a color lamp, some are like two flying dragons straight up to the clouds, and some seem to be the brightest stars in a blink of an eye. The fireworks are finished, but everyone is still immersed in the excitement and excitement of watching the fireworks!


On the first day of the New Year, compared to New Year's Eve.It is not like the firecrackers and fireworks on the New Year's Eve.On this day, everyone will put on new clothes and meet with each other. When children and big families worship their early years, they will give red envelopes.Everyone usually has three meals on this day and does not visit relatives and friends.


On the second day of the New Year, the "Spring Festival" has gradually become prosperous since the Spring Festival. Every family kills the chicken "New Year", which means to get angry. The lunch of this day is called "the beginning of the year", and the dishes are diverse, taking auspicious meaning. After the "New Year's Dinner", everyone gradually visited relatives and friends to visit relatives' homes for worship. The street is full of red and small lanterns, and the lion dance performance of Huaiji is unique. Lion dance performances and other activities will be the seventh day of the New Year. Burst! The lion dance young people hold Leo and shouted gongs to every household to worship in their early years. On the seventh day of the New Year, it is called "Ren Day". After the "Ren Day" in the past, the festival atmosphere gradually became shallow. On the fifteenth day of the first month, the Lantern Festival. Another orgasm of the Spring Festival. On this day, everyone will eat dumplings and guess the lantern fans. The handsomeness has the custom of the Lantern Festival. Lower handsome will appear in the people of the people, dancing, dance horses, dance spring cattle, tea scenes and martial arts performances. The dance spring cattle is really interesting. One person supports a bull head in front, and one person shakes his tail in the back of the arched back; a man with a plowing frame is expelled from the spring cattle; the clusters of spring cattle are also loud, and the group of spring cattle songs is surging. happiness.


After the Lantern Festival, all the counties were repaired in the past, but everyone praised it as if the memories of the festival were unlimited, and it seemed to look forward to the next festival.



1、怀集:怀集读音为huái jí,是指怀柔安集。《汉书·郑吉传》:“吉 於是中 西域 而立莫府,治 乌垒城,镇抚诸国,诛伐怀集之。”晋 袁宏《后汉纪·章帝纪上》:“昔 安封侯 竇融 怀集 羌 胡,开其欢心,子孙於今乐闻。”《资治通鉴·陈武帝永定二年》:“高凉 太守 冯寳 卒,海隅扰乱。寳 妻 洗氏 怀集部落,数州晏然。”...