
时间:2022-11-01 12:49:51 | 来源:语文通


初心记叙文作文500字 篇1初心作文500字初三记叙文 篇2以初心为作文600字 篇3与初心有关的作文 篇4关于初心的作文六年级600字 篇5不忘初心初中作文 篇6初心记叙文作文500字 篇7初心记叙文作文500字 篇8初心的初三作文600字 篇9初心的初三作文600字 篇10

初心记叙文作文500字 篇1


Stick to your original intention, and you will succeed one day.




On the remote cliff, there is a "grass" growing on the cliff. To be exact, it is an unopened orchid. It is different from the weeds around it. It needs to produce the most beautiful flowers to dress up the barren cliff.


But the weeds around mocked it wantonly: "You are just a grass, just like us!" "Just like you, don't want to blossom!" "Ouch, this is the funniest thing I've ever heard!"


The orchid is silent, but it knows that only when it really blooms can they have nothing to say. It wants to blossom, it wants to prove itself!


Every day after that, it worked hard to grow. In the daytime, it bears the scorching sun to produce nutrition; At night, it endures loneliness and absorbs water. In rainy days, it tries to absorb the nectar; In dry days, it keeps taking root. But even so, it still failed to blossom. But it did not give up, and still worked hard day after day, year after year.


That day, he woke up from his sleep and bathed in the warm sunshine. At this time, a bee flew in, saw it, and could not help sighing: "What a beautiful orchid!" It looked up and saw the blooming petals on its head. Then it shed tears, tears of pride. All these efforts are worthwhile. It proves itself!


Soon after, the cliff was full of orchids, one after another, one after another, ushering in spring. Many people come from thousands of miles to watch this beautiful orchid garden, and they can't help admiring the beauty here. Soon, the cliff was developed into a scenic spot, attracting many people to watch.


These orchids have always kept their original intention: only by flowering can they prove themselves. (Sun Zhibo, Lushan Middle School)

初心作文500字初三记叙文 篇2


Should we persist in our original intention?


A man went on an outing when he was in primary school. He saw beautiful fruits hanging all over the branches. He sighed, "It's good to learn from farmers!" Before he went to college, he persuaded his parents to apply for the Department of Agronomy without hesitation, and jumped into the "Farming Gate" happily. For decades, his research on hybrid rice with high quality and yield has been introduced to the world. From the hobby of primary school to the achievement, this kind of thing will happen, but it can't happen so easily. Or maybe it is easy to appear, but many people do not have this condition or half of them change it by weighing the advantages and disadvantages.


I believe we must have asked in primary schools and kindergartens: "What is your dream?" How many people are still working hard in this direction, and how many people even forget what they answered before. Therefore, the success is not accidental. If it is true love, there will be disdainful persistence. If you work hard because you have talent and do not love from the bottom of your heart to achieve success, few people like this. But if you have talent for something, it is indeed a stable road.


When I was in primary school, I had a talent for table tennis. I said that I would play table tennis every day. I really often played table tennis. After about three years, I stopped playing it when I was in junior high school. In fact, it is possible to squeeze time out. But I don't really love it. I just have a sense of superiority in table tennis because of my talent. Learning and hobbies are different, I just take table tennis as a hobby.


The original intention is very important, even determines a life, but it may also change with the growth of life. If you really love it, stick to it.

以初心为作文600字 篇3


I don't know when, the Civilized Lake at the foot of Xiangshan has become my favorite place to go in my spare time.


The Civilized Lake is composed of four springs: Longquan, Mengquan, Huiquan and Shunquan. Each spring forms a pool of its own. It is surrounded by five steps, one floor and ten steps, one pavilion. The towering ancient trees surround the small pavilions scattered in the middle and around the lake. The Zhu Pavilion is surrounded by green trees, blue sky and clear water, and few visitors. It is really a good place to find peace. "You can wash your heart by riding on the foot of Mengquan" is the artistic conception.


I like to go to Wenming Lake to read. On a pleasant weekend, at four or five o'clock in the morning, I took some ancient books or English articles with me to see the familiar lake trees. My heart was like a wanderer returning home. It was quiet for a moment. The wind was gentle and the water was not happy. The lake dimly reflects the green mountains behind, and the willows and willows on the shore are also green. Each side is based on the other side, but they blend with each other. The dark red pavilion hidden in the green room is fascinating and fun.


The beautiful song of the birds in this morning is particularly beautiful. It seems that they have absorbed the spirit of this treasure land. They all contain fragrance and green. With a gentle gentle turn, the fragrance seems to diffuse and the green seems to flow down. I am used to the city, but I am a little cautious, for fear that I will disturb the immortal practitioners by the civilized lake.


Sit down at a leisurely pavilion, open a book, and recite in a low voice: "Either life scarves a car or oars a boat. It is not only graceful to seek a gully, but also rugged to pass through a hill. The wood is happy to prosper, and the spring begins to trickle." Before, I had never understood why Tao Yuanming gave up his splendor and wealth and went into seclusion in the mountains. But now, in the same green mountains and waters, I seem to have a vague understanding. Compared with the full and bright nature in front of us, the intrigues and insidious arrows in the ancient officialdom are so dull and boring. Human beings are born in nature. Poets' seclusion is to return to the original. Only in the embrace of nature can we find our own nature, touch the softness of our hearts and feel the true meaning of life.


Walking between mountains and rivers is the return of the soul. The civilized lake, which is quiet in the noisy, can really put aside the earthly world and ordinary customs, find the true nature of the dust and find a new heart.

与初心有关的作文 篇4


Ah! You are just like a flower in full bloom at the beginning. Although it is beautiful, it is difficult to keep it. I sigh from the bottom of my heart.


Today, my mother gave me a "clean up" in Chinese.


When she turned to the first page, she suddenly saw a light and said: "The handwriting is good!"


But the more she turned back, the more angry she became. She blamed me for every book: the front was very neat, but the back was like a mess. After introspection, I thought of the word "Beginnings" that Mr. Gao often said recently. Yes! It was because I gradually forgot the "original intention" in my later study and life that my words became more and more chaotic. It seems that I have to find it quickly!


Although I forget the "original mind" in my homework and writing, I am 99% sure of myself in one aspect, that is, my good "original mind" for the class has never changed.


In primary school, my mother was my teacher. In order to "avoid suspicion", she never approved my papers, and I never took any responsibility in the class, just an ordinary "common people".


In junior high school, I wanted to make more contributions to the class. When I first entered the experiment, I thought to myself: if I were a leader, I would feel that my energy was not enough. Later, I took the initiative to work as a class clerk. From the day when the teacher assigned the task, I decided to do my job well and take the initiative to serve the class carefully. Because of my enthusiasm, initiative and considerate service, most of my teachers and classmates praised me, and I was also rated as an excellent class officer and a good student.

关于初心的作文六年级600字 篇5


We sometimes go in a hurry, so we often forget our original intention. At this time, we may need to stop for a while to calm down and have a good talk with ourselves. Only in this way can we have greater strength to face the ups and downs in life.


When I was a child, my parents signed up for a dance class, and my mother sent me to the dance room every day after school. In fact, it was very tiring to practice dancing, especially where I was not good at it. The teacher asked me to repeat the practice over and over again. I have to endure not only physical fatigue but also mental torture.


I often shed tears secretly for this, but I never mentioned it to my parents, because I know I like dancing. If I want to practice dancing well, these efforts are essential. It may be because of this belief in dance that I successfully completed the dance course, participated in some dance competitions and won some awards.


Later, I realized that it was my love of dance that gave me enough strength to persevere. I haven't forgotten my original wish. I can stick to it even though the process is full of difficulties.


I think of my junior high school deskmate. My deskmate is a fat girl. Her handwriting is excellent and she has won many awards. She told me that she had practiced calligraphy since she was very young, and her father was very strict with her. Every time she can't practice well, her father will ask her to rewrite it again and again. In fact, how much she longed to play freely like a child of the same age at that time. In fact, only now did she understand her father's good intentions and she really fell in love with calligraphy, which has become an integral part of her life.


Parents have a good wish to treat their children. They hope their children can make a difference when they grow up. They may provide children with multiple choices. In fact, as long as the children like it, they will do their best to help them persist. So sometimes we are tired in life, but we should think about our parents, who have always protected our dreams.


Never forget our original intention, let's face the challenges in life bravely.

不忘初心初中作文 篇6


"Time flies like an arrow." In a twinkling of an eye, we have passed the first hurdle of our life - the junior high school.


Before the exam, the students all stepped up their review to face the junior high school. With their unremitting efforts, they all won their ideal results. But the so-called "people have joys and sorrows", we still have joys and sorrows. Not everyone can achieve what they want, such as me.


One week before the exam, I worked hard and tried my best to get excellent grades and enter the ideal class. In the examination room, I could also play normally, but I didn't receive any news after waiting patiently day and night.


I couldn't help feeling resentful - why did I work so hard but get nothing? In the morning, I got up early and waited for the notice. Half an hour, an hour has slipped away from our fingertips, but the phone still did not ring. I was so worried that I didn't know what to do. After learning that the notice was over, tears in my eyes could not help but flow down. I lay in my mother's arms and could not calm down for a long time


While patting my back, my mother said to me meaningfully: "Son, it's OK. Although it's a pity that you didn't get into the key class, the fact is so cruel and ruthless. You should learn to face it. In the three years of junior high school, I believe you can be stronger than the students in the key class. You should remember that your own strength is really strong. Come on, you can."


My mother's words touched my heart. The fate is like this. Some things are like this. It's better to change yourself than to change others. It's better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail! Go chasing and running towards the goal

初心记叙文作文500字 篇7


I remember that it was a very hot summer. A little boy heard his mother practicing the piano at home.


The notes are like a stream of air, which breaks through the acupuncture points of the body. The body is as light as a cloud, and like a spring. In the hot summer, they cleanse the body and mind, drive away the heat, and bring him all kinds of surprises. He wanted to play beautiful music like his mother.


So I began to practice the piano in the big class.


At first, he was full of fighting spirit and confidence, and thought that it would only take a few minutes to play a song. But he was wrong. When he saw the "little tadpole" on the music score, he suddenly stopped playing. But his mother patiently taught him, and he found that persistence and seriousness are victory.


Time is like a child with long feet, running fast. Seven years have passed in a flash. The boy has also grown up. But the original intention at that time no longer exists.


On the first day of junior high school, the pressure of learning is increasing day by day. A large number of homework and frequent exams, so that he did not have much time at his disposal, if there is, it will become a rest.


Indeed, there was no time. The original intention at that time was also covered by a layer of ash. The piano was evenly covered with ash, and no one touched it.


However, frequent learning can make people feel confused. One day, he inadvertently looked at it and tried to play again.


The moving notes gently warmed his heart, and he felt extremely comfortable. Just like the day when I first heard and felt the sound of the piano, all the annoyance and depression flew away like smoke and cloud.


So I decided to pick up the original intention and play it again. Whenever I have a little leisure, I will open the piano and keep company with the notes


Now, the dust on the piano has been wiped away, and the spotless keys are like my original intention. (Qian Xinyi, Xiapu School)

初心记叙文作文500字 篇8


What is the original intention? I asked myself many times.




I still remember that time, I lost confidence in learning because I failed several exams. Every day seems to be a waste of time.


"Do you still remember your heroic spirit, your firm will, and your previous sweat? What was your original intention?" Grandma asked.


"My original intention is to study hard and be a person of high social status in the future!" I replied. "When you waste your youth, ask yourself what you want. Don't you have the original pursuit?" Hearing this, I was stunned, as if I understood Grandma's meaning.


From that time on, I made up my mind to change my current situation and work hard. Whenever Grandma opened the door, she would find my efforts; In the school, if I have any questions and knowledge, I will consult the teacher. Day by day, I have been pursuing my original intention. In the process, I also intend to give up. But looking at those successful people, I can't help biting my lips. Finally, I got good grades in an exam. I can't help but be confident of myself and enthusiastic about learning.


The original intention is everyone's most primitive wish. If you want to realize it, you can only achieve it by working hard and never giving up. But my original intention, encouraged and reminded by my grandmother, is sticking to it step by step and realizing


What is the original intention? The original intention is to become better, we must work hard! (Zhuang Tingzhe, Daxie Middle School)

初心的初三作文600字 篇9


Walking in a treacherous city is like stepping on the spot in a swamp. I am used to red and white, but I always want to protect the pure land in my heart with my own strength.


In such a dirty world, the dream of becoming a lawyer is almost unreachable. I want to be a lawyer, attacking all unfair events, washing with water, annihilating all the evil things I have seen, but at this moment, I am shaken.


When I saw a group of people watching a fallen old man without help, my heart was cold; When I saw a man cheating merchants with counterfeit money, my heart was broken; When I saw the peddlers cheating customers by shoddy goods, my heart went numb. The world is full of people's evil, but the beauty of human nature is hidden in their hearts. How can a small lawyer wash the world?


I was walking on my way home. Suddenly, a dazzling light made me close my eyes. When I opened it again, I found that it was a rolling screen with the following words: the people's police successfully captured a fraud gang with the help of the people. My heart was lifted, the fraud gang? Enthusiastic masses? It seems that there are still good people in the world! I took a breath. These people risked being retaliated to provide clues. How much courage it took! I seem to get some motivation to settle my original wavering mind. On the way home, I saw all kinds of people, but to my surprise, they were all doing good. Some helped grandpa cross the road, some helped grandma clean up, some volunteered to maintain social security, and some even picked up garbage with a big bag on the ground. Perhaps, what they do is just some small things, but they fully embody the beauty of human nature. They are like stars twinkling in the dark sky, emitting bright light. I will try my best to realize my dream of becoming a lawyer, because I will try my best to create a clean spring, remove mud from people's hearts, and leave purity and beauty behind.


Wake up, but the original heart will last forever.

初心的初三作文600字 篇10


The original intention is that a person will not flinch in the face of difficulties; Don't be proud in the face of success. If there is no original intention, people will become sophisticated and smooth.


The original intention is to persist in the face of difficulties‘ It takes only a few steps to make thousands of miles; There is no sea without small streams. ' When Tang Sanzang learned scriptures in the western sky, he never forgot his original intention in the face of all kinds of beauties, did not retreat in the face of all kinds of dangerous mountain roads, and finally completed the cultivation and brought the scriptures back to the Tang Dynasty, injecting new vitality into Buddhist culture. Wang Xizhi practiced calligraphy every day and insisted every day. No matter the cold wind or the hot summer, he dyed the pool in front of the door black and finally became a calligrapher. It can be seen from this that we can never forget our original intention. Whenever I think of this story when I am slack, it always makes me full of fighting spirit. Keep going.


At first, Tao Yuanming was indifferent to fame and wealth. Instead of bowing down for five bushels of rice, he resigned in anger and went to live in seclusion in the mountains. Only then did he have a 'leisurely view of the South Mountain under the east fence of picking chrysanthemums' The leisurely mood and leisure. Zhuge Liang, as the prime minister, never forgot the original intention of strengthening the Shuhan, and did not mean fame and wealth; Madame Curie has won many awards, but she can let her daughter play with the medals issued by the British royal family. What a great honor! She did not forget her determination to engage in scientific research. Whenever I fail in the exam, it always tells me in another way that the score is not important, just try your best.


The original intention is also a kind of faith. Since I was young, I dreamed that I could become a speaker. Once, there was a speech contest in the city, and the teacher wanted me to participate. I have been hesitating all the time. At this time, my father came to me and said, 'Strengthen your faith and take this opportunity to exercise yourself.' Yeah! Be firm in your beliefs. When I returned to school the next day, I signed up. On the day of the competition, I was in a cold sweat when facing the silent crowd. Suddenly, I felt a look of encouragement. It seemed to say: 'Firmly believe in yourself, and you will do well. I take a deep breath: Ladies and gentlemen


The original intention makes me full of fighting spirit and persevere in the face of difficulties; The original intention makes me indifferent to the importance of scores; First, let me strengthen my faith, forge ahead and realize my ideal.