
时间:2022-08-02 13:24:32 | 来源:语文通



Today is a good weather in wind and sunshine. Our family go to West Lake to see the scenery.The West Lake under the blue sky and white clouds looks particularly charming.There are long dragons in the ticket office of the cruise ship. Everyone wants to take a cruise to watch the West Lake, and we are no exception.


On the boat, the owner immediately took a few cups of Longjing tea for us. The hot tea was held in his hands, as if immediately reduced the chill brought by the winter girl.The cruise ship moved towards Santan Yinyue and looked at it from a distance. Santan Yinyue was so small, just like the three antennas stood in the center of the lake.Looking closely, I realized that it was a few stone jars, like a string of large sugar gourds.


Leaving Santan Yinyue, we came to "Flower Port View Fish"."Flower Port Watching Fish", as the name suggests, is watching fish in Huagang.We got out of the cruise and walked towards Yuchi."Wow! It's a big fish!" With my yell, everyone looked here, and it really was a big fish. It is estimated that there are tens of pounds weigh.I immediately bought a bag of toast and rubbed into a small ball to feed the fish.The fish saw the bread ball, like the arrow of Li Xian, and flew over "嗖", and ate the bread. It seemed that he was afraid of other "little cats" to "grab" his food.At this time, it was dark.Suddenly, a burst of water burst out of the water, it turned out to be the fountain! Really beautiful.



1、西湖:西湖读音为xī hú,是指在浙江省杭州市区西。汉时称“明圣湖”,唐时因在城西,始称“西湖”。面积5.66平方千米。环湖有南高峰、北高峰、玉皇山等,湖中有孤山和苏堤、白堤,将湖分成五部分。湖光山色,优美如画。有三潭印月、苏堤春晓、平湖秋月、双峰插云、柳浪闻莺、花港观鱼、曲院风荷、断桥残雪、南屏晚钟、雷峰夕照十景,近又增添新十景。为全国重点风景名胜区。西湖 xī hú词语解释:在浙江省杭州市区西。汉时称“明圣湖”,唐时因在城西,始称“西湖”。面积5.66平方千米。环湖有南高峰、北高峰、玉皇山等,湖中有孤山和苏堤、白堤,将湖分成五部分。湖光山色,优美如画。有三潭印月、苏堤春晓、平湖秋月、双峰插云、柳浪闻莺、花港观鱼、曲院风荷、断桥残雪、南屏晚钟、雷峰夕照十景,近又增添新十景。为全国重点风景名胜区。分词解释:面积:几何学的基本度量之一。是用以度量平面或曲面上一块区域大小的正数。通常以边长为单位长的正方形的面积为度量单位。千米:公制长度单位。一千米等于一公里,合我国二市里。分成:(分成儿)按成数分钱财、物品等:四六分成ㄧ三七分成。风景:一定地域内由山水、花草、树木、建筑物以及某些自然现象(如雨、雪)形成的可供人观赏的景象:风景点ㄧ风景区ㄧ风景宜人ㄧ秋天的西山,风景格外美丽。...西湖怎么造句,用西湖造句»