
时间:2022-10-21 13:05:14 | 来源:语文通



快乐来自于爱心小学作文 篇1快乐来自于生活作文 篇2快乐来自于生活作文 篇3快乐来自于爱心小学作文 篇4

快乐来自于爱心小学作文 篇1


There is a country in the world where people never say "I love you" to their relatives, so I think people in this country lack a romantic complex of love since I was young. But when I grew up, I found that love can not be explained by one sentence "I love you". As for love, it can not be summarized in one or two sentences.


Love is the greatest thing in the world. A heart that knows how to love others has infinite power.


Happiness comes from this infinite power.


When you walk on the street and walk in a leisurely pace, imagine going to the countryside with the girl at the same table on Sunday. A blind man who comes to you accidentally falls down in front of you. You gently walk forward to help her, see her crystal clear eyes and angel like smile, and then hear the sound of nature that has never been heard before: "Thank you!" At this moment, you will have an impulse to send her home. This impulse makes you full of strength, and makes your idle and empty heart be poured into a clear spring like a dry river. Happiness flows out of your heart and bursts into your whole body like water breaking the dike.


Maybe it's out of pity, maybe it's out of sympathy, maybe it's out of love, maybe it's out of a touch of memory. You did this, a simple action, to help an angel like girl up, to send her home, and therefore know her. This is not because you knew that she had clear eyes, nor did you deliberately violate her beautiful face, but because you did a good deed unconsciously at that time, because your heart was full of love. So, then you will feel full of power, and then you will feel happy.


People who do not understand love can often say a lot of love philosophy. People who do not know how to love others can often make up how they have helped others. People who are really kind and loving often act without thinking, and explain clearly with simple and clear actions what others question. This reminds me of the affectation of the "Da Vinci" furniture company recently, not to mention how much love the company's people have. We should broaden our tolerance for capitalists. However, there are obvious mistakes but we don't take simple and responsible actions, which is different from shameless Americans. Sometimes the so-called capitalists really think that the Chinese people are fooled.


Without love and honesty, money can only be left to you at the end of your life!


Happiness will not accept people without love.

快乐来自于生活作文 篇2


The hidden and revealed happiness of the brilliant colors in life is everywhere. Little by little, as long as you learn to enjoy it, it is a magnificent shock.


I have a cousin. She is very cheerful and has a different attitude. She likes to wear sports clothes and occasionally wears a very cute brooch that doesn't match well. She looks like a little sun.


She is full of confidence in life and will enjoy it.


Every time I go out for dinner, the small shoulder bag is full of stuff. I open it curiously, and it is full of various types of skin care products. I asked her if it was necessary to eat like this? She righteously threw me a sentence: This is called life. Do you know how to enjoy it? As she spoke, she picked up a lipstick and applied it, revealing her white teeth and laughing happily.


That sentence made me think for a long time.


When I went to her house again, her bedroom was full of beautiful things, just like a small shop. The shelves were full of succulent plants. After scanning, I found an unusual sticker on the wall. It was a small rabbit. I asked my cousin, who said it was convenient to put things there without dirtying the wall. After that, she laughed happily. She is like this. She may send a WeChat message to express her dissatisfaction because she lost the game; He giggled for a long time because he found a sock under his pillow that he had been looking for for a long time; I bought a piece of clothes that I really like, but I didn't change it for several weeks


The same is true of life. If you react to something, it will give you countless times more enjoyment than if you ignore it. If you were pricked by a cactus ball, you should have been "pathetic". If you subconsciously went to look for paper towels without any emotional reaction, then, I think, your world is boring, lonely, and not fun.


The spring breeze is warm, so we should [composition fans] learn how to face the sea with the subtlety of spring flowers.


Summer is hot and cicadas are noisy. Learn to taste the coolness of ice cream in small bites.


The autumn wind is rustling. Learn to walk on the path of fallen leaves.


Snow flies in winter, and the frost is thick and the snow is thick. Learn to forget the rotten earth and wait for the tender shoots of spring.


Forget the sad eyes sinking into the sea, learn to enjoy life like shackles, learn to enjoy life in subtle ways, and you will be very happy.

快乐来自于生活作文 篇3


On Thursday afternoon, March 12, 2020, our Class 5 held an activity - boiling tea eggs.


This is the second time such an activity has been held, but last time it was salted duck eggs.


The teacher assigned us the materials to prepare tea eggs the day before the activity. First, everyone had to prepare two or more eggs. I was assigned to bring black tea. I used the "Lan Guiren" brought by my mother from Hainan to cook tea eggs.


The next morning, the teacher put all the materials brought by the whole class in several plastic bags, and then the tea eggs were first boiled in the teacher's office. As long as the last class, the whole class could have a big meal.


"Ding Lingling". The bell rang for class. Everyone is very happy, because we can have delicious tea eggs in this class.


The teacher first asked the class cadres to write eight characters on the blackboard, "Experience life and enjoy happiness". Next, the class cadres will introduce us to the history of tea eggs... Of course, we must first send tea eggs to the teacher who has been tired all day. The teacher will send some students to the second floor office first, and then to the third floor office. After that, it is time for the whole class to open the food world.


The teacher sent the soft and delicious tea eggs to us one by one. Some of the students in the class were tasting them carefully, and some ate them at a gulp. I looked at the tea eggs and observed them carefully. I found that the eggshells of the tea eggs had many cracks, and the color of the shells was a little like coffee. I opened the eggshells carefully, and a strong smell came out, which was even more fragrant than the tea eggs when they were just boiling, I couldn't help eating it right away. I took a small bite first and tasted it carefully. The second, third and fourth bites were all delicious! I feel satisfied and happy, and my mouth is still aftertaste.


The activity is over, but there is still the fragrance of tea eggs in the classroom. Thank you for holding this tea egg activity, which made the students feel happy!

快乐来自于爱心小学作文 篇4


There is no lack of happiness or love in my life. But in my memory, love is selfless and eternal. This kind of love is full of pure friendship. This kind of love is full of laughter and laughter. This kind of love does not require return. This kind of love is sweet.


During the mid-term exam last semester, the students came to the classroom early and sat in their seats to prepare for the exam. I was no exception. I also arranged the pens and erasers for the exam one by one, but I couldn't find the ruler after looking for it for a long time. "Ruler, where's my ruler?" I sat on the desk blankly, thinking it was terrible. I would have to use a ruler for the math test later. At this moment, I was so worried. Beads of sweat were streaming down my forehead, and my palms were sweating. There are 10 minutes left before the exam.


Just when I was extremely anxious, I heard a footsteps approaching me, and a voice sounded in my ear: "Alas, what's wrong with you? Why are you sweating? Are you too nervous about the exam?" I said hesitantly: "No, I can't find my ruler. What can I do with the drawing questions later? At this moment, the teacher came in, and no one was whispering in the examination room except us. Everyone was very attentive. Plus, the teacher was in front, so it was impossible to borrow a ruler. I looked at her, and kept my eyes on her. At that moment, she took her ruler out of her pen bag, tightly held it with both hands, and put all her hopes on her With one effort, the ruler bent and broke into two parts with a snap. She shook her hand and handed me half of it, saying, "Take it. You can take the exam first." I took it over and saw that it was clearly a new ruler, and it was very delicate and beautiful. I said to her, "This is your new ruler. How can you give up?" However, she said, "Take it and use it. It doesn't matter. We are friends. I am very happy to help friends." Holding a half ruler, I was extremely happy and moved, and enjoyed this love, the purest and most selfless love from my friends. Then the exam bell rang. I smiled gratefully at her, and she stretched out two fingers to hit one at me μ Font style.


Happiness, where happiness comes from, comes from love, from the love of friends to help each other. Love is like a song floating in the night sky, which makes people in trouble obtain spiritual comfort; Love is like a sweet dew sprinkled on the long drought land, which makes people with withered hearts feel emotional nourishment. There is always friendship in the world, and love is around us!


Let the love of friendship continue in the sunshine!