
时间:2022-07-07 14:04:08 | 来源:语文通



Longgang, an ordinary town, has an ordinary old alley, but it is a storage tank for my childhood memory. It is extraordinary.


The alley was like a snake, winding in the middle of an old house and a residential area.I live in an old yard in the old alley. Because I live in the back, I can appreciate the scenery of the alley every day.


The lane roads are paved with gray -white stone bricks. They are different and not put together. They can also easily pull them out and expose the land under the dried dried land.It is precisely because the ground is so loose that whenever God puts on a black coat and starts to cry, the entire road will become muddy. Every time I go home when it rains, the shoes are always covered with mud.It is mud footprints, and there is inevitable education.The high or short wall is blocked on both sides of the alley, with the moss marks, and a bunch of green vines hanging on the wall, just like a simple screen.There is a bamboo garden in the wall, the bamboo garden is repairing the bamboo, and the heavens are thin. There are also a few gorgeous peach blossom apricot flowers. It is colorful. It seems to be beckoning to me from the wall.The wind in the alley will never be in a hurry, the high wall, the carved eaves, the years and the wind and rain have worn the scenery of the year, and the old house in the alley preserves the traces of history.The child ran around in the alley and played their games.


There are a few stray cats in the corner of the alley. I often tease them to play, and so on outside at night.A cat cat particularly attracted my attention. He was bloated and too fat. He especially liked to sleep. It always put his front foot forward, lowered his body, and stretched his waist.


There is a grandfather who always traveled to sell sugar gourds in each alley. I often buy it with playmates.It is a clear weather, so the sun is shining on the sugar gourd, like a golden cover, and the hawthorn inside seems to be a crystal clear red light ball, which is very cute.


There are no dispersed feasts in the world. This is the case with the old alley, because it is too old to refurbish. On the day we walked, my father deliberately opened it very slowly.But it is not cluttered at all, but it is a bit confused.The compact houses are all wooden houses, which are built on a plate and one plate. The corners are covered with moss, and the chicks under the eaves have been wailing, perhaps sadness for their upcoming moving.The door god was posted in front of the house, and the gossip mirror was placed under the window.Is the alley renovation for hundreds of years?


That alley always appears in my dream, just like the ancient girl, hiding in a secluded boudoir, and easily refused to show up. I only fell asleep.Seeing it, touching its atmosphere.That alley is not a path in the mountains, ruined, weeds are raising ...


The memories brought by Laosen are the old photos of the faded. It is the stray cat in the alley that squints with a lazy waist, and it is also the sip of the old grandfather's rock sugar gourd.The alley is noisy and crowded, and it is warm, simple, the changes of the times, the high -rise buildings from the ground replaced the old house, and quietly replaced the hustle and bustle.smell.



1、巷子:巷子读音为xiàng zi,是指1.小街道;胡同。 2.指狭窄的通道。 〈方〉∶小街道巷子口巷子 xiàng zǐ词语解释:1.小街道;胡同。 2.指狭窄的通道。[alleyway] 〈方〉∶小街道巷子口分词解释:胡同:小街道;里弄。北方对小街小巷的通称:串胡同。狭窄:1.宽度小。 2.范围小。 3.心胸﹑见识等不宏大宽广。街道:①旁边有房屋的比较宽阔的道路。②关于街巷居民的:街道工作。通道:①传输信息的数据通路。②计算机系统中传送信息和数据的装置。主要有主存储器读写通道和输入、输出通道。能接收中央处理器的命令,独立执行通道程序,协助中央处理器控制与管理外部设备。③来往的路或供上下的楼梯。...巷子怎么造句,用巷子造句»