This morning, I took a cheerful footsteps and stepped into the school.Enter the office that is filled with Shuxiang.
I picked up the collection of ancient poems and worked hard.Back for a while, writing for a while, his hands and mouth were like a pair of partners, and the cooperation was very tacit.I really intentionally planted flowers, and inadvertently inserted willow and willow.Mom often said to me like this: "Those new ancient poems, don't carry it deliberately, read it a few more times, it will recite inadvertently." Looking at Zhao Dongrui next to him, he kept playing on his mouth and kept fighting.Dellery, read and read.I was also infected with his infection, and repeatedly read those who did not recite.
Looking at the WeChat group at night, Zhao Dongrui had already recited the 184th page of my seventh page.I want to learn from Zhao Dongrui and learn the serious energy of others!
成语典故 奋起直追
成语拼音 fèn qǐ zhí zhuī
成语解释 振作起来,紧紧赶上去。
成语造句 西方务国强盛,处心积虑要宰割我们,我们再不~,必定亡国。(老舍《秦氏三兄弟》第一章)
反义词 踌躇不前、得过且过
成语英译 do all one can to catch up
成语用法 连动式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义
Idioms allusions < /strong> Get up < /font>
Idiom Pinyin < /strong> fèn qǐ zhí zhuī
Idiom Explanation < /strong> Vibrate and catch up tightly.
Idiom Story or Source < /strong>
Idiom Sentence < /strong> The Western country is strong, and we must be slaughtered to be slaughtered.The country must be dead.(Chapter 1 of Lao She's "Three Brothers of the Qin")
Antonym < /strong>> Do All one to catch up
Idiom usage < /strong> Conneys;
1、奋起直追:奋起直追读音为fèn qǐ zhí zhuī,是指振作起来,紧紧赶上去。 振作精神,努力追赶奋起直追 fèn qǐ zhí zhuī词语解释:振作起来,紧紧赶上去。[do all one can to catch up] 振作精神,努力追赶分词解释:紧紧:1.牢固;不放松。 2.严密。 3.事物呈现紧张状态。...奋起直追怎么造句,用奋起直追造句»
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