
时间:2022-11-18 12:56:56 | 来源:语文通


大学生实习周记范文:会计实习周记 篇1实习的第五个星期——意外的收获 篇2大学生实习周记 篇3大学生实习周记200字 篇4大学生实习周记 篇5实习周记 篇6大学生实习周记 篇7大学生实习周记 篇8大学生实习周记 篇9

大学生实习周记范文:会计实习周记 篇1


Weekly Journal of Accounting Practice (I)


Today is Saturday. Pick a sunny morning and write down my internship experience in the first week. Internship, although not a real job, is a starting point of my working career and an indispensable stage for me to transition from a student to a worker.


On the first day of entering the company, everything was strange and fresh. Strange faces, unknown but friendly with a smile. A very enthusiastic colleague, I called her Chunchun, took me around, showed me the overall structure and various departments of the company, and introduced me to several colleagues. She was a very lively little girl, and I liked her very much.


At the end of the first day, I was taken to an elder sister named Gao in the finance department by the company's leader, and was told that I would follow her in the future. I was very happy, because my sister welcomed me warmly and took me to lunch with her. In the afternoon, my sister talked to me about her work profile and her main responsibilities, which I kept in mind, because this may be my future responsibilities.


A week has passed quickly. During this week, I try to adapt myself to the environment and integrate into the collective as quickly as possible. Only by dealing with my boss and colleagues, can I help my work.


Weekly Journal of Accounting Practice (II)


The time passed quickly. The second week was over in a flash. Because I just entered the company, I didn't involve some important things, but I didn't feel discouraged or overqualified. I think that only by starting from the most basic, accumulating bit by bit, doing well in every little thing I am responsible for, and reassuring leaders and colleagues, can we achieve a great cause in the future. "No small steps can lead to thousands of miles", "rivers and seas can only become big if they do not refuse small streams", "how can we sweep the world without sweeping a house?" That's the truth.


In the morning, I can basically guarantee to arrive at the company in advance. I will help the teacher clean up his desk some time before starting work, and then drag the office a bit, so that the teacher can work more comfortably, feel more happy, and teach me more things.


At noon, I would help my colleagues order meals together, and ordered different meals according to their own tastes. My colleagues were also very satisfied with the food I ordered. In the afternoon, when the company has express delivery, I will be responsible for contacting the express delivery, filling in the express bill and sending the goods in time, which has been praised by the leaders.


This week is basically spent in busyness and triviality. Although it is a few trivial things, it is very different from the school's constant dealings with books. I feel a sense of freshness. I need to experience every little thing personally. The results obtained by paying my own labor are very valuable and worthwhile.


Weekly Journal of Accounting Practice (III)


Today is the third week, and one third of the internship cycle has passed. I am basically familiar with the environment of the company, and I can basically call the names of my colleagues. My work efficiency has improved a lot because I don't have to look around to find something when I go to a place. It seems that integrating into the environment is very helpful for doing a good job.


My work this week has not changed much from the previous two weeks. I am mainly responsible for answering customers' calls, ordering meals, purchasing office supplies, exchanging change, sending and receiving express delivery, recording some small expenses, keeping some change, etc. Although the work content has not changed much, the work efficiency has improved a lot. Sister Gao Lan, my teacher, also taught me some new things,


For example, what forms should I fill in when I go to the bank, and the criteria for filling in them, but they did not let me actually operate. She said that she should be able to take me to the bank next week.


In these three weeks, I have spent every day very fully, because I have contacted people and things that I have not been able to contact in school. I also deeply realize the importance of translating knowledge from books into practice. Only when theory and practice are combined, the knowledge learned will not be on paper. I believe that the next week will be more fulfilling and meaningful.


Weekly Journal of Accounting Practice (IV)


In my slow learning and progress, my internship period has been one month. In this week, I gained a lot. Not only did I do things better and more skillfully, but also I got along more and more well with my colleagues. In addition, my teacher Gao took me to the bank to teach me how to fill in cheques, cash journals, bank journals, and how to correct mistakes. Although the teachers in these universities have taught us, after Mr. Gao explained and operated for me, I have a better grasp and a deeper understanding.


At the beginning of this week, I slowly began to contact some real accounting knowledge and put it into time. I was exposed to the actual operation of cash journal, bank journal and red letter correction method, but it was Mr. Gao who was doing it, and I learned it slowly. Next week, Mr. Gao said that he would let me practice. This week I also sent and received many express deliveries for the company. Because I contacted the express in time and filled in the form correctly, I improved the efficiency of the company and was praised by my colleagues.


This week has passed so quickly. I am busy but happy every day. Everyone is busy and cooperates with each other. Each of them is indispensable. They perform their own duties and fulfill their own responsibilities. They get along well with each other. I think it is very rewarding.


Weekly Journal of Accounting Practice (V)


It's time for me to write down my experience for one week. Today is the fifth week, and half of the internship period has passed. It's really a snap of my fingers. Last week, Mr. Gao mainly instructed me how to register cash journals, how to register bank journals, how to fill in cheques, how to correct mistakes, etc. This week, Miss Gao said that she would let me operate alone. When she found a problem, she would correct it for me. She asked me if I had any problems. Although I was a little nervous, I patted my chest and said it was OK.


Although cash journal and bank journal seem simple, they still encounter a lot of trouble in real operation. For example, pay attention to the registration direction of debit and credit, the number of "0", the number of decimal places, etc. At the beginning, because I was not skilled, I often filled in the wrong decimal places, so the borrower and the lender were always uneven. I had to use the red ink correction method, but sometimes the red ink correction method was too many times to continue to do the account, so I had to make a new one. Fortunately, Miss Gao guided me patiently and corrected my mistakes. I am grateful to her.


The first four weeks were spent in dealing with some trivial matters, which was relatively smooth. But this week I nodded a little. I still had many problems in actual operation. It seems that there is a gap between theory and practice. I decided to practice more in the future, so as to improve the work efficiency.


Weekly Journal of Accounting Practice (VI)


The closer to the end of the internship, the faster time will pass. This week is the sixth week of internship, according to the requirements of the school


Please, half of my internship period has passed. Looking back on the past six weeks, I began to get familiar with the environment from an intern who was very strange to people and the environment. He was familiar with the people and things around him and could handle some things independently. When I first entered the company, I started by wiping the table, serving tea and water, and cleaning the office. Later, with the guidance and tireless teaching of Mr. Gao, I gradually became able to handle some things independently and take the lead in some aspects. I felt that I had made great progress and was very proud of it.


This week, I still followed Mr. Gao to learn some work that the cashier should do. Last week, when I was filling in the bank journal, I often made mistakes in the cash journal, making a fuss. But after a week of practice and practice, I can basically ensure that there are no mistakes. Teacher Gao is also satisfied with my progress.


Since this week is the fifth week of review, I have become more proficient after a week of training, so it is a little easier than the previous week. But I did not relax my requirements, but took advantage of my free time to ask as many questions as possible that I did not understand, and felt that time passed quickly. I look forward to my new harvest next week.


Weekly Journal of Accounting Practice (VII)


I will leave my internship company in three weeks. I feel that time is passing faster and faster, and I feel more reluctant to part with the company's colleagues, especially my teacher Gao.


Next week is the Spring Festival, which is the most important festival for Chinese people, so the company also needs to arrange something, buy some Spring Festival couplets, lanterns and other things to increase the festival atmosphere. It is inevitable to take some money out of the company's reserve fund. Since I have been in the company for a period of time, a small amount of cash is kept by me, So the money for buying decorations is that I came to register and gave the money to another colleague to buy and get the documents back for reimbursement. For the money given, I count it twice to make sure it is correct, and I will check the receipts that my colleagues get back to make sure they are correct.


Although I have been in the company for nearly two months, I still insist on going to the company early in the morning as I first came here. First, I clean the office, and then I help my colleagues clean it up. I know that everything is important to stick to it. If you don't stick to it, it will not only leave a bad impression on the company, but also cause a bad impact on the school, which will damage the reputation of the school. Therefore, I must be strict with myself at all times, in order to win for myself and maintain the reputation of the school.


I spent another unforgettable seventh week in completing my duties conscientiously.


Weekly Journal of Accounting Practice (VIII)


This week, my internship of more than two months is coming to an end. I am very reluctant to leave this company and my colleagues who have been together for so long, because they not only taught me business knowledge, but also taught me a lot of sense of life.


Sister Gao taught me how to fill in some vouchers this week. When it comes to vouchers, I think this should be my strong point. Because I have done simulated accounting practice in school before, I don't think much of the filling of vouchers. I think I can master only a few original vouchers with my amazing memory and theories learned in college. This impetuous attitude made me ignore the correct filling of accounting entries, so that when Mr. Gao asked me to try to make vouchers myself, I felt at a loss, and then I thought of Mr. Gao's hard work.


Because of my carelessness during the day, I failed in my work. This week, I went home every day and studied hard to make up lessons. I reviewed the Principles of Accounting again and wrote some common accounting entries again


Until you are thoroughly familiar. While learning about the company's business processing, I try to handle the business myself.


Through my internship in the last few weeks, I have become very proficient in the previous business, but I still feel frustrated when I contact new business. Although I learned so much theoretical knowledge in school, it still needs a process to really apply it to practice. I decided to practice quickly in the remaining two weeks.


Weekly Journal of Accounting Practice (IX)


This week is the penultimate week of my internship cycle. After this week, there is only one week left for me to go back to school. At the end of the day, I found that I still had a lot of things I didn't practice. I really wanted to extend the time for a few more weeks, but it was impossible because I had to go back to school to report my practice.


After so many weeks, I have deeply realized the particularity of the accounting profession. Accounting is a highly practical and operational discipline. If you do not carry out practical operation drills, but only rely on some theoretical things in books to engage in the accounting industry, your work will be very unsuitable, so that unexpected mistakes will occur in your work. It can be seen how important accounting prudence is. This week, I was still engaged in the preparation of the original vouchers last week. Because of the lessons of last week and the fact that I secretly supplemented the knowledge on books in the dormitory, this week's operation is much better than last week's. In addition, I have also deepened my practical experience of the red letter correction method. In the past, in school, it was OK to just use a red pen to cross it out and write the word "invalid", but in the company, it was necessary to use a red pen to adjust it, and then stamp the seal of the responsible person, so that it could be invalid. As for the filling in of figures, Mr. Gao repeatedly told me that my handwriting must be clear and elegant, that I should fill in according to the format, and that I should not stagger, and that I should be clear about the detailed entries and general ledger names when bookkeeping. I dare not be careless, because it is related to the business of an enterprise.


After this week's internship, I basically got a general understanding of the whole process from voucher preparation to bookkeeping, and summarized the context of manual bookkeeping in combination with book knowledge. Through my own efforts, my internship has become more and more convenient, and I feel very relieved.

实习的第五个星期——意外的收获 篇2


Time flies, and I have been practicing for more than a month. Looking back on the past few weeks, I learned a lot. Although there were some small complaints, my efforts did not fail the people who wanted to, and I did not waste the past time. I would like to thank my colleagues for their encouragement and help when I was in the most difficult time, which helped me overcome my phone phobia. With their help, I learned a lot of knowledge that is not available in textbooks. I believe this will be a treasure in my future life and work.


After more than one month of business contact, I feel that I am more proficient when picking up the phone, and it is easier to adjust my mind. According to the work tasks of each month, he began to make a weekly plan for himself, started to implement according to the regulations, and made a clear plan for each step of his own. The seemingly simple work plan covers a lot of content. A work plan must be implementable, and each work goal must be achievable rather than empty talk. This is not only for the superiors, but also for themselves. Only after the goals are achieved can the work become more dynamic.

大学生实习周记 篇3


Weekly record of the first week


The last year of graduation is the beginning of our real internship life, the beginning of reporting our achievements in school in the past three years, and the beginning of stepping into the society to make a great achievement.


I am full of confidence in the society and in myself. I have participated in many job fairs and interviewed many companies, but the loss time after time has almost wiped out my enthusiasm from that school. I can remember the time when I was studying in school, but it is impossible to go back to the past. I drag this heavy step to shuttle between this prosperous city every day. It's like a fly without a head bumping around, no goal, no direction, time is so cruel, a week has passed like this, there is no successful harvest, there are only failures and helplessness.


Weekly record of the second week


The earth is always turning, and the time is passing in seconds, while I am still worried about my work. I go to interviews every day, go to Internet cafes to submit resumes online, and do the same thing repeatedly, and the results are the same. But I still didn't give up, but continued to look for a job that suited me. I spent almost the same amount of money. At this time, I was extremely anxious, and I was not too shy to ask people at home. Finally, I did my best and let me find a job. When I came to the company in a strange environment, strange people and things, I felt a little stiff and tried to make my smile less clumsy.


The first day was not like what I imagined. The HR manager took us to get familiar with the company environment and meet new colleagues. It seems that everyone is very busy. Maybe it is the peak season of business.


Weekly record of the third week


After a week of internship, I also had some understanding of the company's operation process, although I had not yet operated specifically,


However, when I was exposed to new affairs, I was no longer at a loss and learned how to deal with some emergencies. Know how to deal with things in a certain way, and understand the importance of taking the initiative from the work process. When you can choose, you should take the initiative in your own hands. I believe that when we first started the internship, we all did "chores" like copying and typing, sorting documents, etc. Because we didn't know the work content and process of the company at the beginning, doing "chores" became a must for the internship. Although the work is complicated, we have learned a lot from it. So things are big or small. As long as you actively learn to work hard, do your job well, study hard, ask hard, and do hard, you will have unexpected gains.


Week of the fourth week


After a week of miscellaneous work, I had an overall understanding of the company's operation process and business. Therefore, there was a small change in our work content this week. In addition to simple technical data collation, there was also how to do a good job in the design of this product. I thought it was necessary to measure the specific size with tools, and then draw it through AUTOCAD, But the result is not as simple as imagined. The boss always asks me to check again and again whether there are other errors in the drawing. After several days of inspection, I began to feel tired sitting in front of the computer all day long. I was tired of looking at the boring graphics when facing the computer all day long, but I still insisted on doing it and carefully checked. In this way, I survived a boring week.


Week 5


As the saying goes, spring is the season of a year, and morning is the season of a day. It is also the beginning of a week. I got up in the morning to breathe the fresh air outside the window, came to the factory to start a new work, and assembled the part drawings of last week. I thought it was a very simple thing, but the fact is not as simple as imagined. Many problems occurred in the assembly process, which can make me dirty, I don't know where to start. For example, there are many other problems such as different sizes and large gaps during assembly. I saw many defects and mistakes at one time, so I had to revise them slowly to find out if there were any other mistakes. After several days of hard work, the work of revising and checking is nearing the end. I always hope that my drawings will not make other mistakes. Although this week is over, I still have something worth learning. It's really not easy.


Week 6


The figure is ready. Next, we start production and debugging. There are so many problems and mistakes! The product has just come out for debugging, and there are some problems. Later it became clear what was going on. However, we can learn a lot of knowledge and experience that we can't learn in school through this matter. In the original design drawing, this part is not only for drawing, but also for understanding some information about the market, such as price, how to make some commonly used blanks convenient and simple, and how to design them into a good and convenient product. Also consider the errors in the processing process, as well as some knowledge of heat treatment, etc. If we do not think of these results, it will be unimaginable. The second most important thing is the economic loss of the company.

大学生实习周记200字 篇4


After another week, I always have a lot of experience, knowledge and feelings. Perhaps in these days of internship, I am also growing up gradually. In recognition of the gradual maturity of learning. Everyone will constantly recognize themselves in the time trend, which is just a matter of time. Therefore, treat people sincerely, always be considerate of others, and act in a manner of others everywhere. They are able to integrate themselves into the group without shame to learn from the masses of workers. If you want to survive in today's society, you must absorb new ideas and knowledge, constantly update ideas, and tend to improve. This is conducive to the real combination of ideas and practical actions. Only in the thought practice can I take the lead in the industry I want to engage in in the shortest time and play an irreplaceable role, because I will pay more for it than others to create more value. I also deserve the reward and valuable experience I deserve.

大学生实习周记 篇5


I feel a little better this week. Although the incident of last week made me feel bad, it has passed. There is no need to put it in my heart to make myself feel bad.


This week, I came into contact with another new product, KB. This is a liquid crystal display dyeing machine computer. It is a newly developed product. Most of the components used are patch elements with low power consumption, which may be due to limited technical strength. This product has many shortcomings and design defects.


It seems that if a company's technical strength is too small, its competitiveness will be much smaller.


In terms of graduation design, I decided to make a single chip clock control circuit. The most pitiful thing is that I have to work overtime frequently recently. Once I got back to the dormitory, it was already over nine o'clock at night. I was very tired and didn't have much mood to collect information. It seems that the collection of data can only be postponed to next week.


The design of the hardware circuit is not difficult, but the key is the software programming. It seems that we need to go online to find some information. After all, what we learned in school cannot be dealt with.

实习周记 篇6












one天我拿着简历来到公司的人事部,内心紧张的等待答复。当得知自己被录用时,可以用欣喜若狂来形容。因为此前我已经被用人单位无情地拒绝过好多次,他们的理由大多是需要有工作经验者。虽*作文迷 www..cn*然我一














大学生实习周记 篇7














大学生实习周记 篇8


Weekly journal (1)


The first week of internship is an adaptation period. Mainly understand the background, products and development direction of some companies. In addition, try to communicate more with colleagues and learn a lot from the conversation. My colleagues are very enthusiastic and take care of me. They often offer their help when I encounter difficulties, which makes me very moved.


A few days later, I started to do some business related work with the help of my colleagues, mainly to help me deal with simple things on the side. That is to lay a foundation. Don't underestimate these tasks. Although they are simple, they can't be neglected. Everything is important because they are closely linked. In order to ensure success in the end, we should lay a good foundation for each step ahead.


In order to really learn knowledge, I am very strict with myself to do everything well. Even if it is simple, I will seriously consider it several times. Therefore, although it is not done quickly, it can ensure that colleagues are satisfied. Colleagues usually do not urge, but arrange the tasks well, and then leave them to me to handle, and also provide some help from time to time. When I get familiar with it, I can do things more easily.


The first week of internship, I can simply sum up in a few words, that is: see more, ask more, observe more, think more!


On the one hand, we should develop our ability to think about problems independently. When we encounter problems, we should consciously work hard to solve them independently, so that we can have a more profound solution to the problems, and we will benefit a lot when we solve them.


On the other hand, we should carry forward the team spirit. The company is a whole, and the company's products are the crystallization of the team. Everyone needs to better communicate and exchange with others, help each other, and work together to achieve the common goal. Only by uniting the wisdom of everyone can the maximum efficiency be achieved.


Weekly journal (2)


Since the second week of internship, it has gradually entered the state. I started to contact some businesses independently. The company also knew that I was a new novice in sales, so what I was asked to do at the beginning was mainly to communicate with customers by phone.


From now on, we need to talk with customers. We should be able to understand customers' intentions and accurately convey the company and its product related information to customers. This requires me to be quite familiar with some business processes and product features of the company itself. So I go to work earlier than my colleagues every day. I have prepared some materials that have been checked at any time. Of course, it would be better if this information could be put in my mind. So I read it several times as soon as I have time and slowly memorize it in my mind.


The work is still going smoothly. Usually, we have to accept many calls every day. The calls are usually short, so we just need to give a brief introduction. Of course, some customers need more detailed information. So I need to give a description of the overall situation, and try to make the other party understand our products better. The most important thing is to make them feel that our products are excellent. Although I think my eloquence is not good, I can describe things clearly, which also makes the customer satisfied. And every time I hang up the phone to make the customer satisfied, I feel very confident. Although I have been dry mouthed, I think that maybe I just finished a business, even though it is worth working hard.


Work is hard, especially one or two days before the weekend. There are so many phones. It seems that everyone wants to finish something before the weekend, so that they can rest at ease when the holiday comes.


It's easy to get confused when there are too many phones. Fortunately, there are colleagues working together. More often, they help me, and sometimes I help them. We help each other to solve the problem much easier.


At the weekend, the manager invited me to have a meal. He took good care of me and said he was very satisfied with my work during this period.


Weekly journal (3)


After two weeks of training, I found that I had made rapid progress. Even though I had never contacted a sales position before, I also had a deeper understanding of the sales industry. This week, I still communicated with customers by phone. Occasionally, I also go out to interview customers.


Because of his always introverted nature, the first interview with the customer seemed tense and not smooth. However, after one experience, he made a lot of progress. With the encouragement of the manager and colleagues, he tried to deal with it boldly, which was much better gradually. No more stage fright on strange occasions. Today, in the face of customers who are much more experienced than I am, we can also make them familiar with our products through concise and clear expressions, so that they will have a stronger interest in our products.


This is often the case with people. If they have not experienced it, they will never know what it is like, whether it is really so difficult or not. So, no matter what, even if it is something completely unfamiliar to them, they must try to do it as long as they have the opportunity. Because I have no experience, I need to do more preparations. In addition, don't be afraid of failure, as long as you work hard. When you become proficient, success will come naturally. For example, in my first interview with customers, although I did not do well or failed, I benefited a lot from this attempt, which greatly promoted the success of my subsequent tasks. I also test my level and adaptability through constant experience and attempts.

大学生实习周记 篇9


First week


It has been a week since the internship, and I still remember that on the first day when I just entered the company, I felt quite fresh about everything. For students like us who have no practical experience, everything was a challenge. I gradually understand that sometimes the reality is much simpler and more direct than the theory, but in most cases, the actual operation is more complex and indirect than the theory. It is usually because I understand the key point and gist of the theory I have learned in others' actual operation


My internship unit is Cambridge Electronics Company, and in the school, I have never been exposed to any knowledge in this regard. As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning. Fortunately, the colleagues and leaders of the company are very friendly and willing to help me and share their experience. First, I found information about small transformers, read it carefully, and visited the production to understand each production process and each process. Moreover, the company's leaders also taught us a lesson. First, they introduced the company's management system and rules and regulations.


At the beginning of my internship in the electronics factory, I first realized the word "tired", but gradually got used to it. Because most of our classmates are only sons and have not experienced much wind and rain, it can be said that most of them have been walking under the umbrella all the time. This internship organized by the department can give these students a real sense of the sour, sweet, bitter and hot in real life; But I am glad to see that we students did not retreat when they encountered difficulties in the internship, but bravely faced the reality and challenged the difficulties. The practice has honed our will, making our will now much stronger than before, and we really realize the taste of "plum blossom fragrance comes from suffering".


In the first week, we were almost all winding thread. Although we were tired, we were really tired.


Second week

在第二个星期里厂方主管直接定日产量给我们学生 ,而且整条生产拉完生由我们自己去管理、按排,我们的肩上每日扛着非常重的责任,一方面要完成每日产能任务,而且要保质量;另一方面要鼓励同学完成任务,而且还要平衡同我们的心态,合理保证同学们的休息时间,因为在人数是基本上固定不变的条件上,做不完成就要加长时间完成,这样各位同学之间的脑海里又各有所想法,这就要靠我们学生代表如何来处理好这样的问题,可以说这是我们学生代表遇到前所未有的难题。在同学们的共同努力下,这些问题我们都能一一解决。剑桥电子厂真正为我们提供了难得的锻炼机会,为我们踏上就业的人生路上打下坚实的基础。 第二周,我们都接受了任务 ,不管有多难,还是坚持完成了。

In the second week, the director of the factory will directly set the daily output for our students, and we will manage and arrange the whole production line by ourselves. We shoulder a very heavy responsibility every day. On the one hand, we should complete the daily production capacity task and ensure the quality; On the other hand, students should be encouraged to complete tasks, and we should also balance our mentality, and reasonably ensure the rest time of students, because on the condition that the number of students is basically fixed, it will take longer to complete the task if the number of students is not completed, so that each student has his own ideas, which depends on how our student representatives deal with such problems. It can be said that this is an unprecedented problem for our student representatives. With the joint efforts of the students, we can solve these problems one by one. Cambridge Electronics Factory has really provided us with a rare opportunity to exercise and laid a solid foundation for our career path. In the second week, we all accepted the task. No matter how difficult it was, we still stuck to it.


Week 3

在此期间,我在流水线上同样学到了很多东西,我从末出现无故缺勤。我勤奋好学。 谦虚谨慎,认真听取老同志的指导,对于别人提出的工作建议虚心听取。并能够仔细观察、切身体验、独立思考、综合分析,并努力学到把学样学到的知道应用到实际工作中,尽力做到理论和实际相结合的最佳状态,培养了我执着的敬业精神和勤奋踏实的工作作风。也培养了我的耐心和素质。能够做到服从指挥,与同事友好相处,尊重领导,工作认真负责,责任心强,能保质保量完成工作任务。并始终坚持一条原则:要么不做,要做就要做最好 。

During this period, I also learned a lot on the assembly line, and I never missed work for no reason. I am diligent and eager to learn. Be modest and prudent, listen carefully to the guidance of old comrades, and listen modestly to the work suggestions put forward by others. And I was able to observe carefully, experience personally, think independently, and analyze comprehensively, and tried to learn how to apply what I learned in the model to practical work. I tried my best to achieve the best state of combining theory with practice, and cultivated my persistent dedication and hard working style. It also cultivates my patience and quality. Be able to obey the command, get along well with colleagues, respect leaders, work conscientiously and responsibly, have a strong sense of responsibility, and complete tasks with quality and quantity guaranteed. And always adhere to one principle: either do not do, to do the best.


Fourth week

在这周里,第一个是我懂得了什么叫做团队精神,在流水线上工作是不能随便离岗或停顿下来,如果流水线上有一个人离岗或停顿将会影响整条生产线的速度,连累到整条拉的同学,同时质量也要有所保证,不能马虎,哪怕是看起来不大重要,都有可能被 qc 、 qa 检查出来重新返工,哪样浪费整条生产线上的同学的时间,这就使同学们学会了办事情谨慎、认真、仔细的对待,学会了团结,分工和互相协调,使同学们体会到团队精神在工作中的重要性,其实 我们一条线就是一个完整的团队,个人与团队的关系,就像小溪和大海,个人只有完全地融入团队,才能充分地发挥个人的作用。

In this week, the first thing I learned is what team spirit is. Working on the assembly line cannot be left or stopped at will. If one person leaves or stops on the assembly line, the speed of the whole production line will be affected, and the whole production line will be involved. At the same time, the quality must be guaranteed. Don't be careless. Even if it seems unimportant, QC and QA may check it out and rework it, What kind of waste of students' time on the whole production line? This enabled students to learn to handle things carefully, seriously and carefully, to learn unity, division of labor and mutual coordination, so that students realized the importance of team spirit in their work. In fact, our line is a complete team. The relationship between individuals and teams is like a brook and the sea. Individuals can only fully integrate into the team, In order to give full play to the role of individuals.