
时间:2022-11-22 12:51:31 | 来源:语文通



小学难忘的老师作文500字左右 篇1难忘的小学老师作文 篇2小学难忘的老师作文500字左右 篇3难忘的小学老师小学作文 篇4难忘的小学老师小学作文 篇5难忘我的小学老师 篇6难忘的老师小学优秀作文500字 篇7

小学难忘的老师作文500字左右 篇1


Shien, like a spring rain, "sneaks into the night with the wind, moistening things silently." This piece of spring rain can always leave a piece of moisture in our students' hearts and moisten our hearts. And in my mind, there is such a spring rain, which was waved by a piano teacher.


My piano teacher, surnamed Lu, is a famous musician in the city. He is kind, funny and humorous. As a teacher, he has no airs at all and always gets along with us students. He is strict. He always carefully teaches us the wrong tone, rather than criticizing us.


Last summer vacation, I welcomed my first piano grade examination. Practicing the piano four hours a day without moving, makes me miserable. For a while, I was even tired of seeing the black and white elves dancing on the staff. At this time, Mr. LU noticed my abnormality and patiently guided me out of the depression.


With the help and encouragement of the teacher, my old problems began to fade away from me. The piano finally played a beautiful sound full of confidence instead of impetuous noise. The efforts of Mr. Lu and I were not wasted. I did well in the piano grade examination and was praised by the judges! Without Mr. Lu's training, how could I have made such achievements?


Teachers also always like to pay out of their own pocket and let us students hold concerts. When a pair of young hands draw on the keys, the teacher's eyes always show a happy look. It is because of his daily careful teaching and attention to us that we can confidently express ourselves in front of others.


In the future, when I step onto the stage again to show my piano skills to the world, I will be grateful. I will never forget those two figures in the piano room, those little hands that were seized by calloused hands and knocked out the music; The owner of the calloused hand is my mentor!

难忘的小学老师作文 篇2


There are unforgettable things, unforgettable friends, unforgettable teachers and unforgettable alma mater during the six years, but the only thing that can not be missing is the unforgettable teachers. Maybe everyone wants to ask me who is my unforgettable teacher? Then I'll tell you! She is Miss Chen, who is loved by everyone and who sees flowers blooming.


Ms. Chen is not special, but her responsible spirit deeply touched me.


Ms. Chen has long black and beautiful hair, big eyes like two sapphires, a wide nose and a mouth that can be said to be accessible, and a pair of ordinary ears. Ms. Chen is a little fat, but she looks good when she smiles. Funny to laugh at, teacher Chen also has a fierce side!


"Ding Ling, Ding Ling" The students rushed into the classroom, playing, playing and eating. The whole thing was a mess. At the moment, I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. I thought: What if Mr. Chen comes? Suddenly, the classroom was so quiet that I could hear a needle fall to the ground. I looked up and saw that it was Teacher Chen. Teacher Chen said, "Oh, it seems that you can't do physical education. You just don't go to the room for three days and take your notebook..." Well, we are a typical case of self inflicted punishment. Look, Mr. Chen has a fierce side.


After class, instead of going straight to the office like other teachers, Mr. Chen played chess with us. Mr. Chen is so kind, responsible and considerate of us every minute.


Six years have passed and I will graduate soon. I will never forget Mr. Chen.

小学难忘的老师作文500字左右 篇3


"The silks of spring silkworms will be exhausted when they die, and the wax torches will become ashes and tears will dry." The word "teacher" is respected by people. They are engaged in education in obscurity. It is the diligent gardener who cultivates the flowers of the motherland; It is the flame that lights the candle; It is the mother who takes care of the baby. They impart knowledge selflessly. They are a light on our life path, illuminating the direction of our progress. In this short and unforgettable primary school life, Mr. Wang is my most unforgettable teacher.


Miss Wang, she is of medium stature. With her bright big eyes, she can see through every student's heart at a glance. His nose is high, he speaks fluent Mandarin and wears ponytails. She laughed and was very kind. She became serious and let the students keep away from her. For me, Mr. Wang is very unforgettable.


At that time, I was just entering the primary school. I was so curious about everything. In the next few days, we all played crazily. On this day, I was playing with my classmates. My foot slipped and I fell down heavily. My arm was in severe pain. I cried loudly. Other students were also frightened by the sudden situation. Hearing the news, Mr. Wang came to see me in agony. Without saying a word, he picked me up and went straight to the medical room. The medical staff said, "No, go to the Second Hospital.". After the assignment, Mr. Wang took me to the Second Hospital. It was also registered and filmed. The doctor put me in a cast. Teacher Wang was tired and exhausted. He comforted me and told my mother


Because my arm was put in plaster, Miss Wang helped me carry my schoolbag every day. Even though she was busy with her work, she sent me to my family by hand. Until I was completely recovered.


Such a teacher, Wang, is conscientious in her work and more like her children to her students. Mr. Wang worked hard like a bee and always cared about us. This is Mr. Wang, who has been with us for five years, and I will never forget him.


I love you, Miss Wang!

难忘的小学老师小学作文 篇4


Six years of primary school left me with many good memories. But the most unforgettable thing is the cultivation and teaching of the teachers in his alma mater over the past six years.


We all like Mr. Chen very much. Because she is a gentle and strict head teacher. Therefore, I gradually like Chinese lessons. I remember that when I first entered the university, I was still young and didn't know much. I didn't take classes seriously. I thought I was in kindergarten. It was Mr. Chen who taught me bit by bit, which made me understand that I am a pupil and should have a certain ability to restrain myself. How amiable Mr. Chen is! Unlike other teachers, they are always angry with their students. But Mr. Chen is different. No matter the time is advancing or going back, Mr. Chen is still so gentle


When you taught us to the fourth grade, we were very worried about changing the head teacher. Because other classes have changed. During the class, a classmate asked you: "Mr. Chen, will you always teach us? You didn't speak, just nodded slightly.


However, you do implement the contract. He has taught us for six years. Six years, what a long time! You have cultivated us for six years without complaint. But you don't know that your white hair and wrinkles are increasing day by day. I couldn't help feeling sad at the thought. Because some of them are probably made for me. Even every time we ask to rub your sour shoulders, you always refuse. Do you know how much we want to rub your shoulders? Why do you always refuse? I can't find the answer. I really want to rub your shoulders once in the last time.


Ah, with you, the garden is so beautiful and the earth is full of spring! Mr. Chen, please open the window and have a look. The spring scenery in the garden is saluted to you!


You have paid too much for us. How can we repay you? The only thing we can do is to offer our heart to you. The names carved on the boards may not be immortal, and the names carved on the stones may not be immortal; Teacher, your name is engraved on our hearts, which really lasts forever.


Mr. Chen, let's kiss you; Mr. Chen, let's hug you; Mr. Chen, let's thank you! But you just smiled and shook your head, saying: "Not tired." Mr. Chen, you take care of us like your mother, but you don't want to return. We are your children, we want nothing but to thank you! Can you promise? Even if you can't, you promised to teach us for six years and did it. Then, please promise us again -- please wait until we come back to see you! Please wait for us.


Please wait for us to come with our own honor. Show up in front of you! Because, we want to see your smile!


Add, subtract, multiply and divide. Your contribution does not count. You use the nectar of knowledge to water our ideal flowers. You use the spring of your mind to cultivate the beautiful fruit of our sentiment. At this time of departure, I would like to offer my deep blessing to you: Mr. Chen, you have worked hard! The bird you have cultivated for six years is about to leave you. We can only express our wishes in thousands of words.

难忘的小学老师小学作文 篇5


My primary school Chinese teacher's surname is Chen Mingshu. I still remember that when I was a child, I always wrote the teacher's name as Sister Chen.


Mr. Chen has a very cute nickname called Doudou, which is taken by several boys in our class. They said that because the name of teacher Chen's QQ is Chen Doudou. Miss Chen really likes McDull. There is always a small McDull pillow on her chair. There is a McDull doll in front of the computer. When playing a movie, of course, McDull is her favorite.


Mr. Chen likes to be clean and tidy. Her clothes and hair are always kept fresh and clean, which makes people feel fresh and pleasant at the first sight. Miss Chen always has a faint fragrance. I like the smell when she approaches me. She likes to wear a white spotted dress and a pair of white canvas shoes. I also have the same clothes and cloth shoes as my teacher. When Miss Chen walked into the school with high ponytail, black glasses, and light steps, if the unknown students saw her, they would think she was a senior sister.


Her way of education is different from that of many teachers. There is no student who does not listen to her class. Because the teacher is humorous when she teaches, she can always tell us the knowledge that we don't understand very well lively and interesting, and let us understand at once. There will be some expression packs in her PPT, but these expression packs will not distract us, instead, they will increase the interest of the class. Teacher Chen likes to encourage us to learn. As long as she goes to training, she will buy some small gifts for us. Of course, Mr. Chen is also strict. If we talk quietly in class, the teacher will not punish or scold us. She would look at the talking classmate, always looking at him in panic. Just think, she stared at you in a class, and no matter how talkative her classmates are, they dare not speak in the teacher's class. I just want to say that the teacher's eyes are full of magic.


I still remember that in the summer vacation of 20XX, five of our classmates and Mr. Chen participated in the strategy competition to go far away. After the preliminaries, only Class 5, Grade 5, Grade 5, Tianxin Island Primary School got this rare opportunity. There were many groups participating in the competition, and we were eliminated one round after another. The teacher accompanied us to advance step by step and entered the final. Finally, we won. After the introduction, the teacher took us to KFC to discuss what we would bring to Beijing. After the discussion, the teacher invited us to eat an ice cream cone and a glass of ice drink. The best summer was the cone that Mr. Chen invited me to eat. Cold sweet, sweet to the heart.


Because of Mr. Chen, I also like McDull. I especially like what McDull said. If people all over the world don't believe you, I will believe you; People all over the world do not love you, and I will love you. I love you to the heart, I believe you believe to the toe. Yes, with Miss Chen, I can feel her love for me. Of course, I love her too.

难忘我的小学老师 篇6


Zhang Kexin


My primary school Chinese teacher's surname is Chen Mingshu. I still remember that when I was a child, I always wrote the teacher's name as Sister Chen.


Mr. Chen has a very cute nickname called Doudou, which is taken by several boys in our class. They said that teacher Chen's QQ name is Chen Doudou. Miss Chen really likes McDull. There is always a small McDull pillow on her chair. There is a McDull doll in front of the computer. When playing a movie, of course, McDull is her favorite.


Mr. Chen likes to be clean and tidy. Her clothes and hair are always kept fresh and clean, which makes people feel fresh and pleasant at the first sight. Miss Chen always has a faint fragrance. I like the smell when she approaches me. She likes to wear a white spotted dress and a pair of white canvas shoes. I also have the same clothes and cloth shoes as my teacher. When Miss Chen walked into the school with high ponytail, black glasses, and light steps, if the unknown students saw her, they would think she was a senior sister.


Her way of education is different from that of many teachers. There is no student who does not listen to her class. Because the teacher is humorous when she teaches, she can always tell us the knowledge that we don't understand very well lively and interesting, and let us understand at once. There will be some expression packs in her PPT, but these expression packs will not distract us, instead, they will increase the interest of the class. Teacher Chen likes to encourage us to learn. As long as she goes to training, she will buy some small gifts for us. Of course, Mr. Chen is also strict. If we talk quietly in class, the teacher will not punish or scold us. She would look at the talking classmate, always looking at him in panic. Just think, she stared at you in a class, and no matter how talkative her classmates are, they dare not speak in the teacher's class. I just want to say that the teacher's eyes are full of magic.


I still remember that in the summer vacation of 2018, five of our students and Mr. Chen participated in the strategy competition of "going far away". After the preliminaries, only Class 5, Grade 5, Grade 5, Tianxin Island Primary School got this rare opportunity. There were many groups participating in the competition, and we were eliminated one round after another. The teacher accompanied us to advance step by step and entered the final. Finally, we won. After the introduction, the teacher took us to KFC to discuss what we would bring to Beijing. After the discussion, the teacher invited us to eat an ice cream cone and a glass of ice drink. The best summer was the cone that Mr. Chen invited me to eat. Cold sweet, sweet to the heart.


Because of Mr. Chen, I also like McDull. I especially like what McDull said: "If people around the world don't believe in you, I will believe in you; if people around the world don't love you, I will love you. I love you to the heart, and I believe you to the toe." Yes, with Miss Chen, I can feel her love for me. Of course, I love her too.

难忘的老师小学优秀作文500字 篇7


Like flowing water, the time has passed for 12 years. It has passed through my brilliant childhood and taken away countless past events and people with deep memories, but it will never take away my most unforgettable teacher Zhou.


Mr. Zhou is not tall. He has black curly hair and bright eyes. He looks very energetic

周老师对待我们就像朋友一样, 我们对她也十分的信任。有一次,我的三科成绩都在下降,心里很着急不知该怎么办,这时我想起了周老师平时对我们说的有什么不开心,烦恼的事都可以告诉她,我鼓起了勇气找到了周老师,她正在休息。周老师见我进来便问我有什么事,我说我想找她谈心。周老师听了很高兴,立刻把我带到了会议室。我坐下后把心里的不愉快全说出来了,周老师帮我分析了,我也知道了怎样提高成绩,周老师并告诉我上课要多举手回答问题,对自己要充满信心,不管回答的对与错,都要大胆回答。回答对了很开心,很有信心。回答错了也不要气垒,不要灰心,争取下一次回答正确。听了老师的这些话,我真的从此 改变了,我的成绩提高了,上课也爱回答问题了,我为此真的很高兴。 而让我有这么大变化的正是周老师的那些话,我从心底感谢周老师。是她让我对自己充满信心;是她让我学会怎样面对挫折;是她让我广交朋友。在这短短的两年里,我似乎学到了在普通学校几年也学不到的东西,那也许就是这个学校与其它学校的不同吧!

Teacher Zhou treats us like friends, and we trust her very much. Once, my grades in all three subjects were declining, and I was worried about what to do. At this time, I remembered what teacher Zhou said to us that we were unhappy about. I could tell her anything that bothered me. I mustered the courage to find teacher Zhou, who was resting. When Mr. Zhou saw me coming in, he asked me what I wanted to do. I said I wanted to talk to her. Teacher Zhou was very happy and took me to the meeting room immediately. After I sat down, I said all my unhappiness. Teacher Zhou helped me analyze it and I also knew how to improve my grades. Teacher Zhou told me to raise my hand more to answer questions in class and be confident of myself. I should answer boldly, no matter whether the answer is right or wrong. I am very happy and confident that the answer is correct. Don't be discouraged if you answer wrong, and try to answer correctly next time. After listening to the teacher's words, I have really changed. My grades have improved and I love answering questions in class. I am really happy for this. It was Mr. Zhou's words that made me change so much. I thank Mr. Zhou from the bottom of my heart. It is she who makes me confident in myself; It was she who taught me how to face setbacks; It was she who let me make friends. In these two short years, I seem to have learned something that I can't learn in ordinary schools for a few years. Maybe it is the difference between this school and other schools!


I said to the teacher in my heart: Teacher, you have worked hard, teacher, I will not forget you!