
时间:2022-06-23 13:24:52 | 来源:语文通


在我们身边,有很多美有让人流连忘返的绿岳麓山,有让人赞叹不已的西湖公园,但今天我要向大家说一说令人着迷的党校 。

On our side, there are many beautiful Green Yuyuushan, which is amazing, but today I want to tell you that it is fascinating.Party school.

党校位于我们小学的东边,一进党校,一根笔直的旗杆就出现在你的眼前。银色银闪闪的,像一位得胜的将军 。旗杆旁种植两颗红紫木,它们被精心修剪过,既像云朵 ,也像两名士兵似的在一在旗杆左右,很神气。 听丫丫老师说,从上往下看,由花草组成的图案很像党徽,有时间我一定要去看一看。可是什么树木组成的党徽图案呢?后来我才知道,原来是由红叶石楠、红紫木、女桢组成的呀 !

The party school is located on the east of our elementary school. As soon as the party school enters the party school, a straight flagpole appears in front of you.Silver and silver, like a victorious general.Two red -purple trees are planted next to the flagpole. They have been carefully trimmed, both like clouds, but also like two soldiers on the flagpole.Listening to Teacher Yaya said that from top to bottom, the pattern composed of flowers and plants is very similar to the party emblem. I must take a look at it when I have time.But what kind of party emblem patterns formed? Later, I knew that it turned out to be composed of red leaves, red purple wood, and women!


My brother and I flew to the side of Xiaochi. The water of Xiaochi was true, such as emerald; the water of Xiaochi was quiet; like glass.There is a willow tree on the right side of Xiaochi, and the willow tree looks like a little girl. It has long hair and fluttering with the wind. I can't help but think of "Jasper makeup becomes a tree height and tens of thousands of hanging green silk." This poem.

左边的桂花树也很美。一到8月, 桂花金黄金黄的,整个党校都飘着桂花香 。

The osmanthus tree on the left is also beautiful.From from January to August, the osmanthus blossoms were golden, and the whole party school was fragrant.

龙头喷泉就更美了。一到小长假, 龙头喷泉就开放了 ,音乐时儿粗野,时而温和。喷泉的形状也跟着音乐舞动,喷泉跟着音乐的节奏变化,灯光随着喷泉变化,喷泉一飞冲天时,灯光是热情的黄色,喷泉柔和时,灯光是温和的橙色 。

The faucet fountain is even more beautiful.As soon as the small holiday, the faucet fountain was open, and the music was rough and sometimes mild.The shape of the fountain also dances with the music, and the fountain changes with the rhythm of music. As the fountain changes, the fountain is flying in the sky, and the light is warm yellow. When the fountain is soft, the light is mild orange.

这样美丽的地方你能忍住不来看看吗?我猜你一定忍不住 。

Can you hold back a beautiful place like this? I guess you can't help it.



1、真美:真美读音为zhēn měi,是指谓自然优美。真美 zhēn měi词语解释:谓自然优美。分词解释:自然:①即“自然界”。广义指具有无穷多样性的一切存在物,与宇宙、物质、存在、客观实在等范畴同义,包括人类社会。狭义指与人类社会相区别的物质世界。通常分为非生命系统和生命系统。被人类活动改变了的自然界,通常称为第二自然或人化自然。②天然而非人工的:自然铜|自然力|自然风光|自然资源。③自然而然;按事物内部规律发展变化:自然免疫|顺其自然|自然消亡|他自然能想出办法来。④自若,不拘束,不呆板:动作自然|表情自然|他表演得很自然。⑤副词。当然:你是他父亲,他自然听你的|你去请他,他自然会来。⑥连词。表示转折:我们不能过分强调条件,自然,也不能不讲条件|写文章要注意表达形式,自然,更重要的还是内容。优美:①美好;美妙:姿态优美|风景优美。②亦称“秀美”。美学范畴之一。与“崇高”相对。指事物呈现出婉约柔和、纤巧雅致的特性,以此唤起人们亲切、愉悦、平和、自由的审美感受。● 真 zhēn ㄓㄣˉ◎ 与客观事实相符合,与“假”、“伪”相对:真诚。真谛。真挚。真心。逼真。认真。真才实学。真知灼见。◎ 确实,的确:真好。真正。真切。◎ 清楚,显明:看得真。咬字很真。◎ 本性,本原:纯真。天真。◎ 人的肖像:传(chuán )真。写真。◎ 汉字的楷书:真字。真书。真草隶篆。◎ 姓。● 美 měi ㄇㄟˇ◎ 好,善:美德。美学。美谈。审美。美丽。美容(美化容貌)。美不胜收。◎ 得意,高兴:美滋滋的。◎ 称赞,以为好:赞美。美言。美誉。◎ 指“亚美利加洲”(简称“美洲”):北美。南美。◎ 指“美国”:美元。美籍华人。...真美怎么造句,用真美造句»

2、这儿:这儿读音为zhèr,是指1.这里。指比较近的处所。 2.这时候。指比较近的时间。 这里,多用于口语打这儿以后,他就没有来过这儿 zhè ér词语解释:1.这里。指比较近的处所。 2.这时候。指比较近的时间。[here] 这里,多用于口语打这儿以后,他就没有来过分词解释:这里:亦作“这裡”。1.指比较近的处所。2.指示程度。较近:明显切近。时间:①物质存在的可用钟表来量度的属性。某一过程的发生、发展、终止,既反映了过程的持续性也反映了顺序性。过程的持续性表现为时间间隔,顺序性表现为日期和时刻。②见“时间与空间”。处所:1.停留或居住的地方;地方。 2.指某方面﹑某部分。...这儿怎么造句,用这儿造句»