
时间:2022-11-23 13:06:52 | 来源:语文通



勇敢作文 篇1勇敢作文 篇2勇敢的作文 篇3勇敢作文 篇4勇敢作文 篇5勇敢作文 篇6勇敢作文 篇7勇敢的作文 篇8

勇敢作文 篇1


There are still many people who tend to be snobbish for their personal reputation and interests. In order to better please the superior leaders, they often do things they do not want to do or are unwilling to do. Therefore, they cannot bravely say the word "no".


It is often said that disobeying the elders' words or not listening to the teacher's instructions is impolite and a bad habit, but it is not completely wrong to express your views and ideas bravely, so we should bravely say "no".


Since ancient times, many heroes have been able to sacrifice themselves for their honor, national honor and national interests. Wen Tianxiang is such a hero. Although he was captured and subjected to harsh criminal law, he never gave in, bravely and firmly said the word "no" in his heart, leaving the rebels helpless. The deeds of such heroes are still popular today. It is true that "no one has died since ancient times, so stay loyal to history".

而现代虽然仍有这种英雄,不过难免会有 https://m.paomian.net/ 些妥协的人。就拿我们这些高中生而言吧,虽然我们的年龄已经到达了自己拿主意,自己应有自己的想法和计划的时候,但是仍有不少同学没想法、没主见,永远都是别人说什么他就做什么,这不是一种好的现象。我们现在是国家的接班人,现在也是一个锻炼的时机,我们应该把握现在,不要盲目地从事各种事情,在不对的事实面前还应该勇敢地说出“不”。

Although Hyundai still has such heroes, it is inevitable to have HTTPS://M.PAOMIAN NET/Some compromise people. Take us high school students for example. Although we are old enough to make our own ideas and plans, there are still many students who have no ideas and opinions. They always do what others say. This is not a good phenomenon. Now that we are the successors of the country, it is also a time to exercise. We should seize the moment, not blindly engage in all kinds of things, and bravely say "no" in the face of wrong facts.


There is no absolute right in the world. Even the greatest people will make mistakes. Therefore, we should not compromise in front of everything. We should say "no" in front of incorrect things.

勇敢作文 篇2


Some people think that being brave means fighting against a tiger, while others think that being brave means defeating yourself, while I think being brave means challenging what you didn't dare to do before.


From my heart, I was afraid of the dark and dared not sleep by myself. That night, my mother suddenly said to me, "Son, you are 10 years old and you should sleep by yourself." I heard that, and ten thousand people disagreed. My mother insisted on going back to the hut despite my bitter pleas. I was lying alone on the bed in the big room. At first, I saw that it was dark outside, and the leaves were blowing with a terrible sound. I hurriedly got into the bed and put my head inside. Although I was not afraid for a long time, it was too hot to bear. So, I carefully exposed my head. The light outside was shining hazily in my room. It seemed that there were several small monsters flying towards me where the light hit. I had an ominous premonition, so I kept still and listened carefully.


The sun is coming out soon. I dare not speak. I pray silently in my heart. My eyes are closed. I am afraid that if I move, I will be seen and eat me. After a while, nothing happened. I moved a little and my body was stiff. There was no change. No monster attacked me. The stone in my heart finally fell to the ground. At this time, I looked carefully at my house. The bright spots that frightened me were actually the shadows of the moonlight, while the jumping monsters were clearly the residual light from the headlights of the street.


Seeing all this clearly, I can't help laughing. It turns out that the night is not terrible, but my timidity.


I don't know when I fell asleep without my mother's company. This time, I slept more soundly because I was timid because I successfully challenged. I believe I will be more brave in the future.

勇敢的作文 篇3


It's disgusting. What I fear most is insects, because some of them have many legs, and some have countless small eyes. They look disgusting. They are everywhere, in the bathroom at home, in the mountains, in the woods, in our classrooms, and even in the swimming pool.


The insects I fear most are spiders. They have many legs and eyes. They look terrible. One day we went out for a picnic. A spider crept into our picnic cloth quietly. When we opened the picnic cloth, spiders jumped out like grasshoppers and lay on my feet. I screamed. The trees and grass beside them seemed to be swarms of spiders trying to kill me I was so worried that my legs became weak and my palms kept sweating. I didn't dare to look on both sides and just throw my feet away to get rid of the spider, but the spider was lying on my feet without any reaction. I thought, "How can this spider be so stubborn? It's really hard to deal with it."


I thought about how to do this. Finally, I came up with a good idea: "Get the spider down, put it in a box, and put some food for it. Keep it like this." I did not hesitate to take out an empty paper box. I took out a small shovel and produced spiders from my feet with lightning speed. The spiders tried to resist, but they could not resist. They still entered the paper box. I quickly took a transparent plastic cover and fastened it on the paper box. I took out a section of wide adhesive tape and stuck it on the box to stick the cover tightly. In, I poked several holes in the cover.


This solved the problem. I grew up with spiders. I stayed with spiders every day. In fact, spiders are not terrible. They are just a small life. There is nothing terrible about spiders. From now on, I am not afraid of spiders!

勇敢作文 篇4


The four characters of gentleness and bravery have appeared many times in my circle of friends, and I really like them. Just now, when I posted the circle of friends, I also said that although the last article said gentleness, courage fell behind.


We all need to be gentle and brave. In fact, if we count down to 100 days, we will really feel nervous. If we are especially nervous, we will be very anxious. We don't have any motivation to learn. We rely on a common mind. Only when we are very quiet, can we learn from it.


In the afternoon, I finally looked at the sets of test papers that the political teacher gave me in the group. It was because I was really tired behind me, and I didn't have the energy to bother myself any more. So I finally calmed down to have a look at the test paper. So I finally calmed down to do a problem. But I never did a math problem. In fact, the most important thing to promote at present is math problems, and there is a lot of room for promotion, As long as you really have patience and confidence to learn.


Therefore, the four words of gentleness and bravery are very necessary to support me on the way of learning. I like these four words, and I constantly remind myself to be such a person. I should be gentle with the people around me who are worthy of love. I must be gentle with them. I cannot lose control, lose my temper, and let my bad feelings be blamed on the people I love. They are the people who love themselves most. They should not bear their bad feelings. They should learn from my market behavior, I am a gentle person, because they should be treated gently. I should bravely face all the setbacks around me, including feelings and learning.

勇敢作文 篇5


I am brave, dare to jump from the fence, dare to "kick" horizontally, dare to climb trees, dare... I am a real tomboy, then I realized that it is really brave.


Last summer vacation, I spent time at my grandmother's house. Yes, my friend Xiao Yue and I went to collect plant specimens in the forest. In the forest, strange grass and leaves were collected. As I was leaving, there was a "black belt" not far away. After careful consideration, the "black belt" was kicked onto a tree and fell heavily.


The "black belt" moved. I looked carefully. Ah, it was a snake! I screamed, threw away the specimen, and ran away. I heard the hissing sound behind me. I struggled to "run" in the trees. Suddenly, I heard behind me shouting: "Xiaowen, don't be afraid, I'll deal with it!" Then, the sound of "hissing" came quickly. I turned around and saw the snake swimming towards Xiaoyue. "Damn it! Can Xiao Yue fight it?" I couldn't help worrying. Xiao Yue held a stick in her hand and stared at the big snake swimming and fighting, while I stood there, not knowing what to do.


I said to him, "Hurry up! Are you brave?" On several occasions, when I saw the snake sticking out its red tongue, my legs began to tremble and could not move.


The snake coiled back, "suddenly" flicked, "flew" all of a sudden, and became a "flying snake" in the air. Xiaoyue was not willing to be outdone. She aimed at the head of the snake and hit it right on its celestial cover. The fatal blow made it dizzy. Xiaoyue was quick and deft. She stepped on the head of the snake and crushed it, but the snake did not move. Xiaoyue put down the stick, picked up the specimen, put it into her hand, and gently comforted me: "Xiaowen, don't be afraid, I killed the snake, let's go home." I was so frightened that I was at a loss. I followed Xiao Yue back with adoration.


I understand that it is really brave, and I also understand my illusion of being "brave" and overconfident!

勇敢作文 篇6


The grass sprouts with strong faith, the flowers are budding with amazing perseverance, and the trees are growing with strong will. What makes them "stronger in the wind and rain, stronger in their determination to appease hunger with wild vegetables"? Because they took a brave step.


I am a happy person. When others ask me for the secret of happiness, I always answer with a smile: "Brave.".


Courage is a song. My voice always ripples on the road, at school and at home. When I feel wronged, it is the object of my talk. When I am afraid, it is the light in my heart. When I am happy, it is the partner of sharing. It can make me happy every day.


I still remember that day, I participated in a singing competition organized by the school. Everyone thought I could win, but unexpectedly, I failed. At that time, I shut myself in the room like a deflated ball. Tears broke through the gate and poured down. At this time, it was the singing that made me regain my confidence. I picked up the pen holder, on the balcony, facing the sun, and sang my favorite song. As I sang, I could not help but shed tears again. But this was not because of disappointment, but because of my own strength. I tasted the salty tears, but they were my sweet life experiences one by one, making me more brave in the future life.


During the day, I stood on the stage again and sang with my heart. Finally, I won. I know I will win, because I have already taken a brave step. In the future, I will not hesitate any more and let courage fly in my heart.


Up to now, I still remember that when I took that brave step, the sun shone on me, and happiness would slowly ripple in my heart.

勇敢作文 篇7


I would rather the blue sky covered my eyes and walked on without fear.




The days walked gently, but only slightly slipped out some traces. I have been trying to make others understand me, but I finally lost. Up to now, I have never cared about these views, but I am quiet, no longer afraid of loneliness, no longer afraid of those stinging rumors. Because there is a persistent waiting in my heart, I think if I were just a purple alfalfa, open on the brilliant grassland, but shining with sad displacement. However, after all, I am full of hope - even if those hopes are slim - I am still full of hope. So, such a fragile me, with a top brave heart.




I don't remember where I saw it, but I gave it to myself. I know that many times, we can only be alone, so we should work hard to be brave and love ourselves bravely. Therefore, I rarely cry alone, and then haggle over those words that are nothing. When my heart is very painful, I hide in the corner of music. Those clear voices and gentle tunes flow into my heart little by little, and then suddenly bloom those small and happy flowers, swaying colors in the wind. I know that I need happiness, only happiness. No matter how sad it is, I always smile and say, "It doesn't matter, everything will be fine." Then, it really got better. In my eyes, everything seemed to be safely stretched out like the call of spring, spreading all the good things. In every corner, bright sunlight grows. Perhaps, because sorrow is too much for me, because life is too unhappy, my life is doomed to be brave.


I am doomed to march forward like this.

勇敢的作文 篇8


Childhood is like a song, recording the footprints of my growth. Among them, there is a beautiful song with the word "brave" written on it, which reminds me of that brave attempt.


I remember when I was eight years old, I went to a calligraphy class. It was nine o'clock after I learned calligraphy. My mother was not at home when something happened, so I had to go home by myself.


As soon as I walked out of the calligraphy classroom, I saw that it was dark outside, but I had to go home. This is, I can not help but panic, my feet tremble slightly. Suddenly, I heard the voice of "rustling" and "rustling," and I couldn't help but be more alert. Is it a snake? I thought: I'm dead. What should I do if a snake comes out? Hey! It was a false alarm. It was the sound of the wind blowing the leaves. This is, fear and fear come into my mind. I feel the blood is flowing backwards all over my body, the cells are spreading, and the nerves are tight


Walking, walking, I saw someone in front. Could it be a child abductor? My tears ran out like a galloping wild horse. Thinking, I couldn't help closing my eyes.


Suddenly, Defoe's famous saying appeared in front of me, "The psychology of fear of danger is ten thousand times more terrible than the danger itself," right! As long as I get rid of my fear, I can go home. I tried hard to take a deep breath, and tried to open my eyes slowly, so I returned home. My mind is sweeter than honey.


That time I went home alone, that brave attempt, let me understand: a person, no matter what he does, as long as he is not afraid of difficulties, overcome difficulties, he can succeed.