
时间:2022-10-18 12:46:06 | 来源:语文通



公交车没带钱优秀作文 篇1公交车没带钱优秀作文 篇2公交车上的陌生人作文 篇3公交车没带钱优秀作文 篇4公交车没带钱优秀作文 篇5公交车没带钱优秀作文 篇6公交车没带钱优秀作文 篇7

公交车没带钱优秀作文 篇1


It was a stormy day. The rain drops hit the lake, and blossomed silver flowers, glittering, beating up pearls, glittering and dazzling.


A little girl stood alone at the station, as if to go to class by herself. She is very slender. The face is goose egg shaped, with a pair of mirror eyes. The eyes are arched, like painted eyebrows. A small, straight nose, a round, angry mouth.


"Woo --" I saw the No. 601 bus coming slowly from the road. The little girl ran slowly. When she crowded into the bus, it was already crowded. The little girl had to grasp the handle.


A lady saw the little girl and got up quickly. Without hesitation, she said, "Come and sit down, little friend!" The little girl hasn't come yet and say thank you! A thick skinned young man with thick eyebrows, big eyes, squinting eyes, dark skin, tall and tall stood like a stone tower and swung to his seat. He took out his mobile phone, smoked a cigarette and shouted, "No, I'm waiting for death!" The lady in white shirt, white skirt and white leather shoes said solemnly, "Hey, please give your seat to this little girl!" The man was annoyed: "I got it first. Who wants to give it to this rickety girl? Besides..." "Enough!" The lady shouted, "You are so lawless!" Other guests began to talk!


"This man has not studied!"


"This man is uneducated!"


"Call his parents here!"


"Forget it, I won't quarrel with you!" Men don't even look at women. The man got out of the car. The little girl also got out of the car.


The man threw the cigarette butt on the street. The little girl ran to the man and said, "Uncle, you are wrong!" The man didn't pay attention to her, just looked at the mobile phone.


The girl sighed and walked towards the class.


It was raining harder and harder, and it was pouring down from the sky. When it hit the land and the lake, the rain sounded like drums.


The little girl's back disappeared slowly in the crowd

公交车没带钱优秀作文 篇2


A drop of water can reflect the radiance of the sun, and an instant can leave an eternal memory. The touching moments I have experienced recently are unforgettable.


Last weekend, there was a lot of traffic in the city center. There were many people waiting for the bus at the bus stop. When the bus came, everyone rushed to the bus. A skinny boy was pushed around, his face flushed, and he pushed forward as if fighting for his life. Suddenly, a hand came out, pressed his shoulder and pushed him onto the car. I was stunned. He was obviously more surprised than I was. He turned his head and stared at the person who pushed him into the car - a tall girl with a smile on her face. The girl gently pushed the little boy and said, "Go up quickly, there are so many people waiting behind!" The little boy responded, blushed, and put money in the car.


After getting on the bus, I finally found a seat in the deepest part of the car. I sat down and looked up. I just saw the girl giving up her seat. Seeing that she helped the old man and let him sit in the position she had just found, the old man repeatedly thanked: "Thank you, girl, thank you..." The old man's voice spread in the quiet car, and the person sitting next to the seat turned his head unnaturally.


I can see it all.


Soon, when the bus arrived, a woman with a baby in her arms, like a mother and son, got on the bus slowly.


"Sister, can you make room for me?" The girl stood next to a seat and asked a woman with heavy makeup. The woman looked away from her mobile phone and frowned. She looked up and saw almost all the people in the car looking at her. She was embarrassed and said, "Sit, sit." Then he stood up. "Thank you!" The girl smiled and her eyes bent like crescent moon. "No, you're welcome." The woman was a little flustered.


"The Bank of China is here, please take your belongings and get ready to get off..." Before I know it, I should get off. I got off the bus quickly, but I couldn't forget the girl's bright smile.


That smile is like a bright moon, a clear spring, which stays in my heart; It is also like a touch of sunshine in the dark, which makes me unforgettable.


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公交车上的陌生人作文 篇3


Who drove the sprinkler to the sky on a cloudy day? In an instant, it began to rain. Like 100000 paratroopers, the raindrops jumped from the sky and landed safely on the ground. I hurriedly got on a bus.


There are so many people on the bus that there are few seats. I stood next to a seat, clutching the armrest.


After a while, a young man came up. He saw that there was still a vacant seat in the "Old, Young, Sick and Pregnant" special seat. He limped to the seat with the handrail. I looked at it and thought contemptuously: Hum, don't think that people will believe you if you pretend to be disabled like this. Your pretending skills are so poor that people can see it at a glance. I advise you not to keep this mentality. It's useless..


He sat for a while and came up with an old man about 70 years old, still holding his grandson about two years old.


The old man glanced around and found that there was no vacant seat. Just as he was about to stop, the conductor said, "Who can offer seats for the old man and his grandson?" No one speaks, no one acts. The conductor then said, "Which handsome man or beautiful woman offered her seat to the old man and his grandson?" No one gave up their seats for them, because most of the people sitting on the bus were over 50 years old. The conductor looked around to see if there was a suitable person. After looking for a long time, she found the young man sitting in the seat of "Old, Young, Sick and Disabled Pregnancy". I also noticed this young man. I suddenly found that since he sat on the seat near the window, he had been looking out of the window without saying a word, and his eyes were full of light sadness. At this time, everyone looked at him. The conductor asked tentatively and carefully: "This handsome man, can you give the old man a seat?" When he heard the voice, he immediately came to his senses. When I saw so many people looking at me, my face turned red. When his eyes met the eyes of the old man, his face became redder. I thought to myself: You should hurry up. Do you want to let or not? While he was hesitating, a young lady stood up and motioned to the old man to sit down. When the old man was about to sit down, the young man stood up and helped the old man to his seat. I thought to myself: That's about the same.


When getting off the bus, the rain was still falling. The young man got off the bus. The breeze gently brushed his trouser legs. At that moment, I found that his left foot was equipped with a robot like prosthesis. At that moment, I was shocked and recalled all my previous thoughts. Compared with him, I really...... Suddenly, a thousand and ten thousand apologies surged in my heart. I really wanted to say sorry to him.


Looking at his back limping away in the rain, I was stunned and did not know how to escape the rain. The rain, thinking rhythmically, seems to be playing a "hymn of rain"!

公交车没带钱优秀作文 篇4


How many unforgettable stories will there be on the journey of life? Maybe it's "sweet", maybe it's "sour", maybe it's "bitter", maybe it's "hot", but no matter what experiences or lessons we have from these things, they will keep us in mind.


One day, I was left by the teacher to make up for a missed lesson and wrote a lot of homework. That afternoon, I also had a PE class, which led to my exhaustion and bad mood.


On my way home, I got on an evening bus. I went up and looked around, but there was still a vacant seat. I happily sat on it and began to comfort myself. I thought that I would write my homework well next time, so that I would not be left to do more homework by the teacher. As soon as I felt relieved, the car arrived at the next stop. The car stopped and an old man came up. The old man looked around and directly walked over after looking at me, I thought to myself: No, this old lady doesn't want to take my seat. Who knew that the old lady came up to me and roared loudly: "You child, the teacher has not taught you to respect the old and love the young? Please give me your seat!" Before I could speak, the old lady shifted her target and pretended to the pedestrians on the bus: "You child, I can't be an old bone without a seat." Seeing this, I was very angry and said angrily, "That's not what you said when you came up to ask me for a seat!" The old lady roared at me: "I'm an old man, and you must give me your seat now." I listened and said angrily, "Why are you like this? I'm very tired today, and I don't think you need a seat very much. You look very healthy." The old granny roared at me, "I don't care if you are tired. You are not my grandson."


At this time, most of the people on the bus turned their eyes to us. It was as if half of them were thinking, "Why is this old man like this?"?

公交车没带钱优秀作文 篇5


Someone once said: "In our life, we are not short of beauty, but lack of eyes to find beauty."




On the weekend, on the way to the interest class, I got on the bus and found a huge crowd. At this time, a person got out of the car in the ringing of the arrival bell. A seat appeared in front of me. My eyes seemed to be shining. I held the handrail and rushed to it in three steps and two steps. Unexpectedly, a young man took one step ahead of me and sat on it safely, so I had to stand.


I began to look at the man in front of me. He looked very young, should be in his twenties, carrying a fashionable bag, and wearing fashionable clothes. He held the mobile phone in his hand, flipping his fingers up and down, with earphones on his ears. He looked at the mobile phone in his hands and smiled from time to time, as if it had nothing to do with him to give up his seat to the elderly and children.


At this time, people nearby began to talk about the young man. An old lady sitting in a seat said, "Why are young people so impolite now? He didn't give up his seat when he saw the little friend just now!" All of a sudden, the whole car seemed to explode. The young people began to talk about the man, saying that he was damaging the image of the young people. The mothers in the car began to educate their children and told them not to follow him.


At this time, he looked at the stop sign and took off the earphones. The commotion in the car continued and came to his ears, but he didn't care at all. He put the earphones in his bag. I guess he should be arriving soon, so I walked over and saw him squint at me with his eyes, which seemed strange.


When the bus arrived, he got off the bus with his bag on his back. At this time, a strange smell suddenly came from the warm car. When everyone was looking for it, my eyes were on the position of the man just now. There was a pile of vomit at the bottom of the position, and the smell was coming from there. The man obviously saw it. Oh, the young man


I stood on the bus for a while, and my heart was filled with guilt. The young man used his body to block the smell for all the people in the bus, but I looked at him with such eyes and psychology. He didn't care about our eyes. I really felt inferior!

公交车没带钱优秀作文 篇6


This summer vacation, my parents are very busy, and I have to go to cram school. My mother can only send me there at most. My father can't spare time for work. He can only go home late every day. What should we do? oh It seems that I can only go home by bus when the tutorial class is over. no way out! My heart is full of complaints.


The first time I took the bus, everything went well. Just one thing that annoys me is waiting for the bus. Maybe I only waited for a few minutes, but I felt that time seemed to have stopped. I deliberately asked me to wait for more time, which made me feel impatient and it was happy. Sometimes I feel that maybe the bus left just a second before I waited, which made me upset: Why didn't you arrive a minute earlier? Even sometimes, I think that if there is a time machine in the world, I would like to go back one minute ago and let me not wait too long! ha-ha! Up to now, I feel that my imagination is a little too rich, which can be said to be fantastic!


When I took the bus, at first, I was a little nervous, my hands and feet were trembling, but later, I gradually found that it was not difficult to take the bus at all! The bus is usually quiet, just like death. However, if we encounter several loud grandmothers talking, the atmosphere on the bus will be very active. They will talk and laugh as if they were performing a comedy for us. However, if these active grandmothers arrive at the station and want to get off, the bus will be as quiet as usual, and there will be no more noise. And I always choose a place where there is no one beside me to sit down and observe people's every move quietly. They are unhappy about what they are happy about and what they are unhappy about. Although I don't know what it is, I can see it from their expressions, which makes me not have to be idle on the bus.


In fact, it is not difficult to take the bus. The difficulty lies in the time when the bus is plentiful. And every time I go by bus, I feel much older than before!

公交车没带钱优秀作文 篇7


Three years ago, when I think of it, I still remember it clearly.


It was the sixth grade summer vacation, because I was going to the summer vacation class, but the summer vacation class was far away from home, and it would take at least an hour to get home. I called my mother to ask him to pick me up, but she said she was not free. She wanted to take care of her brother at home because he was allergic. I had no choice but to say OK, so I walked alone in the street. What should I do? How should I go back? So I walked to the station unconsciously. I said to the boss of the snack bar next to the station, "Can I lend you some money? I'm here for the summer vacation. I will pay you back when I come next time.".


But they all refused me coldly. I had no choice but to ask the driver if I could borrow some money when I got home and I would return it to you. They all shook their heads and refused me. I was almost hopeless. When I asked a young driver, I looked at him with a pleading eye and said that I had no money. When you help me get home, I will pay you back. I really didn't cheat you. I was the driver who was on the summer vacation shift here. After seeing me for a while, he said, OK. I jumped up and said happily, thank you for your driver's sending me home. After that, I said, wait for me. I will go to get the money for you now, But when I came downstairs, I found that the driver was missing. Would he think I cheated him. I waited for a long time, but I didn't see his back.


After going to school, I went to the station to find the driver to return the money to him face to face and told him that I had not lied to him. At the same time, I was grateful for his help. I was grateful to him, willing to trust me, and willing to help me when I was in the most difficult time, but I did not find him. I am very grateful to her for letting me know that there is still love in the world. If I reach out to help others when they are in the most difficult time, I will be most helpful to them. Warm.


Three years later, whenever I see the bus, I will think of the driver who helped me. If I can meet him again, I will say thank you to his face! Thank you for helping me. Thank you for bringing me warmth. You helped me when I was most helpless and desperate. Thank you!