
时间:2022-07-26 13:28:15 | 来源:语文通



Today is the third day of the May Day holiday. Until the unblocking from the community, I have not been able to go out yet, but let the naughty spring slip away for more than half, so take this opportunity.Let us familiar with the place where you can no longer be familiar -city walls.


The ancient city wall of Xiangyang is a big famous attraction in Xiangyang. I have been playing on the city wall since I was a child, but I am not greasy. Today, the lawn around the city walls is trimmed very neatly. It looks like a huge green carpet from a distance. People sit on the grass in three or two, old people with white hair, vibrant teenagers, and love and sweet couples. They do their own things, bask in the sun, chat, and listen to songs. Two naughty little boys ran to the white butterfly with the net, smiling, and accidentally planted in the middle of the grass, got up and patted the leaves on the body, and continued to chase. Everything looks so beautiful and quiet. There seems to be no connection between each other, and there seems to be some kind of connection. Oh, it is life, the flower of life that reappears after the epidemic. It is a gorgeous rainbow after the storm, and our lives have gradually returned to peace. The pain that the disaster brings us has quietly gone. The lush grass was plated with a thin layer of gold, the birds on the tree, and the birds on the tree kept screaming. All of this comes from life.


Mrs. City is part of the city wall. When I was a kid, I often wrapped my grandma and asked her to call his wife city. It was not enough to hear it over and over again.Later generations have carved a stone statue for this great lady. It has been standing for many years. Some kind people will put on clothes.Now that she has worn seriously, the surface of the stone statue should also be beaten for a long time, and it has begun to change color. I don't know how long he can hold on and when will he weave, but I will always remember his great achievements, remember the thousands of savings he saved,Thousands of life.The image of the lady had long been printed in my heart. I watched him a little vague features and wanted to cross time and space to ask him, how can the power allow a woman to bring women and children to build the damaged city wall.Of course he wouldn't answer me, his eyes still overlooking the distance.


The stone bricks on the city wall are hard and cold, and each piece has its own story.The ancestors may have stepped on it to defend our homes.After years of baptism, they have been sore, but they still stand stubbornly, guarding our city, which reminds me of Academician Zhong Nanshan.Today, although Nianhua is old, it still contributes to human beings, just like this city wall, it is indestructible and standing.


All the civilizations of human beings are based on life. In ancient times, the generals led troops to fight and guarded the lives of the people. Now, regardless of their safety, medical workers adhere to their positions to save patients' lives. They are like this ancient city wall.When the danger is coming, we can resist everything with the body and protect us.



In Xinghua City, there are still two long-established ancient city walls.In order to let us understand the history of Xinghua Mingcheng Wall, the teacher took us to the site of the city wall site last Sunday.


This time, the teacher took us to visit the city wall on the north side of Dongyue Temple.This wall was built in the Southern Song Dynasty. At first, it was the soil wall. During the Minghong Wushu period, the earth wall was changed to blue bricks. Later, during the Jiajing period, the city wall was reinforced and widening and healed.Essence


Under the leadership of the teacher, we soon came to the site park.I saw the green trees in the park and beautiful environment, and no war occurred in history at all.On the square of the park, there are two large artillery, one of which is a "artillery shell", as if it is about to start war.There is a wall on the west side of the cannon, which is engraved with the introduction of Mingcheng Wall.We followed the teacher to go south, looking at the tall wall from a distance, as if a dragon was like a dragon.We soon came to the foot of the city wall and touched the blue bricks with our hands. Some bricks have been weathered after hundreds of years, and they are covered with knife marks and bullet holes.There are also some dark red bricks in these bricks. It was stained with blood when fighting the city soldiers heroically. The liberation of Xinghua City was exchanged by countless martyrs with life.We climbed up the city wall from the brick steps on the east. Although we only saw the prosperity of Xinghua City today on the wall, I seemed to see the former city guards in order to keep the city and kill the enemy.


Under the setting sun, when we are going to leave the Mingcheng Wall site park, we can see the rows of weeds on the wall swaying slightly in the autumn wind. Maybe they are telling the long history of the city wall ...



On the morning of July 8th, my parents and I took the subway to the ancient city wall. As soon as I got out of the subway station, I saw the wall lying between the high -rise building like a dragon.


When you walk into the city wall, you can smell the ancient atmosphere.The uneven walls write historical traces.Looking up, we are like a little ant under the feet of the dragon.


I hurried to the city wall, and the city wall was wide.In order to facilitate drainage, the ancients made the inner wall relatively short, also known as the women's wall.I looked down, why is anyone engraved on it?I hurriedly told my mother: "Mom, someone is engraved on the city wall." Mom said: "This is not a word carved on it, but a sign left by a promotion when the city wall was repaired from 1984 to 1986." WeAfter walking for a while, I saw a tourist car and boarded the travel car together.The tourist car drove quickly, and the wind in my ears sounded. I seemed to return to ancient times and became a general, sitting on the carriage inspecting the city wall.Suddenly the cold raindrops hit my face back to reality.Not good, it rained and my parents and I quickly left the city wall.



When it comes to Xi'an, when I first think of the terracotta warriors, the "Datang is not night city" also appeared in my mind.


In fact, I have been looking forward to the day when I can come to Datang without the night city. Some people say that Datang does not night the city is just a net red punch place, but in my opinion, it is still a display and publicity of the Tang Dynasty culture.


With the "Underground Elves -Metro" reached the "Datang No Night City Station", I finally came to the "Datang Night City Pedestrian Street", who had been looking forward to it for a long time.


The "Datang No Night City" pedestrian street, 1.5 kilometers in length, divided into two parts from "Yannan One Road", divided into six themes.


I have to say that none of the facilities in Datang Night City are not unforgettable. "Humanoid seal", "robot ice cream", "Dayue City" shopping center, and my favorite "footprint piano".


But here, eating, drinking, and fun are not the most impressive. What makes me most memorable is the display and publicity of the culture here. For example, in the front, there is a beautiful sister singing the unique "Qin Qin" in Shaanxi.


When it comes to culture, it is necessary to mention the "Tang Feng Zen District" north of Yannan.


Here I felt a strong "Tang Dynasty culture". Why? Is it because of the facilities here? No, just because there is a famous building here- "Big Wild Goose Pagoda".


The Great Wild Goose Pagoda, also known as the "Ci En Temple Tower".In the three years of Tang Yonghui (652 years), Xuan Zang preserved the scripture statue of Changan by the Tianzhu Silk Road to build the Big Wild Goose Pagoda.There have been several changes, and the big goose pagoda is the earliest and largest Tang Dynasty Square -style brick tower.


The moment I saw the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, I was deeply shocked by the Big Wild Goose Pagoda.The big goose pagoda at night, under the poetic lighting of the yellow light, its charm was displayed in front of us without reservation.


Looking at the statue of Master Xuanzang again, thinking of the difficult and dangerous obstacles he had experienced on the road to scripture, I admired his firm and unremitting spirit of his goal, so that he finally fulfilled his wish.This is worthy of our learning.


That night, I was deeply immersed in the world of "Datang No Night City", and I couldn't extricate myself for a long time.


However, the "Xi'an Journey" will continue. In the early morning, I boarded the "city wall" of Xi'an.


Xi'an City Wall, also known as Xi'an Mingcheng Wall, is the largest and most complete ancient city wall in China. It is also the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units and national AAAAA -level tourist attractions.


We boarded the city wall from the bell tower and walked south.


On the wall, I saw the most beautiful street view of Xi'an, but the ancient bricks on the city wall, the ancient texture, the car water horse below, the high -rise building, could not help but make people feel incompatible.It wasn't until I understood the history of the city wall that I was moved by the city of Xi'an for the first time.


The popularity of the city wall in ancient times was to defend external invasion and play a role in protecting, that is, because the war on the outside at the time was flying, the current walls of the city were scarred.


The scenery we see is just the current scenery. Perhaps the scenery of the city wall is not beautiful, and it is the original "not good", which only gets the good now, because the existence of the city wall is more.One frame.


Unfortunately, for time, we did not use the footsteps to measure the whole process of the city wall, but hurriedly came down from the Andingmen, and returned the original road.


Here, my journey of Xi'an is over. In just a few days, I learned a lot of historical knowledge about Shaanxi, tasted many specialty foods in Xi'an, and used my "pink pink.The small camera "left a lot of" memory traces ". The most important thing is that I feel the charm of the city of Xi'an.


The trip to Xi'an, this trip.



This summer, I still scratch the book as always.I read a lot of "Little Doudou by the Window", "Smart Sister Stupid Brother" and "Yang Hongying Campus Novel Series Complete Works".Among them, what impressed me most was the most inspired by me, "Annie on the Green Gill Wall" written by the famous Canadian writer "Moncorley".


My favorite is "Marray."Casubo is shocked" chapter!Its main content is: Annie came to the Green Mountain Wall, and Marura saw that she was not a boy and felt very angry.She wanted to send Annie back to the orphanage.Annie also seemed to feel faintly that they didn't want themselves, they didn't like themselves, they had to rush themselves to be an orphanage.Annie knows that they should not be because they are a girl, not a boy.His new owner thinks he cannot do what a boy can do.As a result, Annie began to work hard to please Marray and strive to stay.Each her behavior reflects the fragility and sadness of a little girl after being frustrated!


I was deeply moved by the spirit of Annie!Annie was accidentally obtained by the new owner Marela and Matthew's family. Annie knew that Marray didn't like her.She is still strong and confidently believes that she can make Marela like her.Even Marray didn't like Annie.But at least, Annie has worked hard!I won't regret it!If Annie goes common sense to make Marela like herself, Marura still doesn't like Annie.That's not Anne's fault.


I think it is a pleasure to be like Annie. It is a pleasure to do anything.If we live unhappy, we know how to fight with others all day.The secret of being angry with others, others do not know at all.We are angry, isn't we very bad!Every day, I pursue, scolding people, tears, and what are the fun of life?Living in the world is to let us experience the joy of life.Like Annie, take a name you like for everything, and make your favorite things you like. In this case ------ The world is all what I like, so there is no hate anymoreIntersectionIn my life, I have encountered difficulties.I didn't work hard at all, I just cried, I always felt that I didn't need to work hard, and I would not have a gain if I paid it.


I think we should want Annie to learn.Learn her love for life and love everything!Learning her without fighting in the world, no annoyance!The most important thing is: Annie is confident in herself and thinks that she is great.She believes that Marray will like her.If everyone says that she is not good, she is not discouraged, no discouraged, no discouraged!Annie is my role model!It is my goal.



In the morning light, my mother took my grandmother and me to visit the ancient city wall park of Sichuan.When we walked into the door, we saw the wall of the southeast, which could be called the place where the monuments of Sichuan Society gathered.There are Kui Xing Pavilion, Yuebeing Pavilion on the wall, and the Guanlan Academy under the corner of the city, now Guanlan Primary School.


The ancient city wall park of Chuansha was founded in the Ming Dynasty. At that time, the people of Chuansha were built to resist the invasion of the pirates.According to records, there are four cities in the east, south, west, and north of the old town. It is the sea gate of the town in the east, the south is Yingrui Gate, the west is the Taipingmen, and the north is the arch bridge.EssenceThere are 4 Moon City on the wall, 372 stacks of pheasants, and 12 turrets, which are quite large.


The Quexing Pavilion in the southeast of the park was a pagoda -shaped building with a high three floors. The six -sided eaves were raised. It was the highest building in Chuansha at that time.Kui Xingge has a gourd tower top.According to rumors, in order to keep one side safe, a fixed fire bead was placed in the gourd when building the tower.Since the completion of Ku Kui Pavilion, the Sichuan -Sang place has occurred from a fire police officer.Although it is a historical coincidence, it also puts a mysterious veil for Kui Xingge.


Hidden under the lush trees, there is an ancient building called Yue Beiting.A stone monument is erected in the pavilion of Yuebei Pavilion, which is a bluestone, 165 cm height and 82 cm wide. It is engraved with the invitation of the national hero Yue Fei Ying Shangqiu madman Li Menglong.


Bachelor monks were drunk like mud, and Yushan's head was low.


The wine glass is not a meritorious edition.


There have been many poets who wrote poems about the ancient city walls of Sichuan -Sang. There is such a poem that makes me remember:


Touching the wall of the city wall, the vicissitudes of vicissitudes of the year.


When the moss is slippery, the brick seams are still vibrant.


The city compartment students attack and research, and Yue Beiting saw the high and low.


Now the wall is being repaired, and the old white -haired man laughed.


After visiting, although the ancient city wall park is not large, this place makes me feel very exciting. The city walls are already dilapidated, but it talks to us the national spirit of the local people's resistance. Many people sacrifice in these battles., Moved by this lofty national spirit!



Our last stop in Xi'an is to visit the famous ancient city wall of Xi'an.


From the introduction of the attractions, I learned that the city wall was rectangular, with a height of 12 meters high, 18 meters width, 15 meters width, a total of 11.9 kilometers in the east wall, west wall, south wall, and north wall.There are four gates: Dongchangle Gate, Xi'an Dingmen, Nan Yongning Gate, Bei'an Yuanmen.There are 98 enemies in the city, all around the city, there are 5,984 stacks.Built in the Ming Dynasty, it has a history of more than 600 years. It is the only ancient city wall with the largest existing scale and relatively complete existing scale.


I don't feel much about these numbers, and I don't quite understand what the city wall is.When I came to the city wall and looked up, I immediately understood that the so -called city wall was to protect a city wall.is not that right?You see how tall it!Three or four floors are as high as the foot.You see how thick it!And it is not ordinary thickness. Its thickness is 15 meters, which is greater than its height. It can be lined up side by side!In ancient times without airplanes, tanks, or artillery, this city wall can really be said to be stable as Taishan.Following the stairs near the gate to the top of the city wall, this wide feeling is even more obvious.


On the top of the city wall, I seem to feel like I am standing on the Great Wall!is not that right?There are many similarities between this ancient city wall and the Great Wall!They are so majestic and majestic, they are used to resist the invasion of foreign enemies, and the two sides of the ancient city walls also have walls like the Great Wall. The wall outside the city is very tall, which is much higher than adults.There are rectangular stacks on the wall. These stacks are used to observe the enemy or shoot the enemy for soldiers who have previously guarded the city.There are also some observations on the wall as the Great Wall.


I found a very interesting imagination on the top of the city wall: the wall outside the city was much higher than the wall inside the city.It's strange, why not fix it as high?Later, I came back to see the information that the walls in the city were built just to avoid the soldiers falling down, but they just played a basic safety protection role, so they did not have to be so high.The exterior wall is used to fight against foreign enemies, which is used for war, so it must be built higher than the height of the soldiers so that they can protect the soldiers.In addition, I also saw that the ground on the top of the ancient city wall was oblique, high and low, and it turned out that it was to allow the rain to flow away quickly, and there was no water on the top of the city wall.


This ancient city wall is really clever!More than 600 years ago, our ancestors had such cleverness, and we could build such a scientific and practical city wall.


I stood on the top of the ancient city wall and looked down. The inside and outside the city walls were all high -rise buildings and car.I once again felt the perfect combination of simplicity and modern beauty reflected in the ancient city of Xi'an.


Xi'an, a hurry, brought me a great shock.I will definitely come again!


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My hometown is the northernmost part of Shanxi Province -Datong. This is the capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty. It has a strong ancient capital culture. Today I will introduce the city walls to you.


When I went to kindergarten, I heard my father and mother say, "The government is repairing the ancient city wall." Datong Dongcheng Wall, which was restored in the past few years, was far away from my home, so I had no chance to appreciate it.With the success of the South City Wall, I finally have the opportunity to see the style of Datong City Wall.


On September 23, Datong City held an international automobile culture exhibition. I went to the auto show with my father and mother, and also watched the wall.The walls are not only tall, majestic and solid, but also all kinds of defense facilities, and have become a defense system.


It is said that the final completion of Datong Zhencheng is roughly square, with the edge length of 1.5 kilometers and 1.75 kilometers, a length of 6.5 kilometers, and an area of 2.63 square kilometers. Based on huge stones, the inside of the city wall is rammed by the three -in -soil.A green brick with 17 pounds, the city wall is 14 meters high, and the stack wall is 5 meters long, 0.8 meters high, and 0.5 meters thick. The stack spacing is 0.5 meters, a total of 580 pairs of stacks.Number of villages.There are four gates in Datong Town: Donghe Yangmen, Nan Yongtai Gate, West Qingyuan Gate, Beiwu Dingmen, and each door has its own cities, which is completely in line with the style of the Northern Wei Dynasty.


After the four -week city walls are fully completed, I must visit and experience the strong ancient capital culture hidden in the ancient city of Datong.