This afternoon, the basketball bought by our class is here. The teacher said that everyone needs the help of everyone to give the basketball full.
When I entered the classroom, I saw two uncle moved two boxes of basketball from the office. There were several pheasants and many basketball nets in each box.I asked my mother: "Can I help?" Mom said, "Of course it is okay." So I couldn't wait to take a pheasant and a flat basketball, insert the pins into the basketball, and then hold it with my left hand and hit it.Below the cylinder, hold the tube with the right hand, keep pulling upwards, and pressing down.After a while, I finally filled the Qi of this basketball, but this was the first step.The second step is to put basketball into the net.Although this step looks simple, it is really difficult.As the saying goes: Everything is difficult at the beginning, and I did not succeed several times.My mother told me: "I want to hold the main line of this net, and then put the basketball into the nets and pull it. I pretended it. My mother said as she said, I learned the look of my mother, and I pretended to be installed in a while.Essence
Everyone picked up the firewood and the flames were high. With our work together, we finally put the basketball full of basketball and packed them in the bag.Qi giving basketball, it looks very easy to look, it is actually very tired.
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