The flowers in the hundred gardens are beautiful, and the roses are the most beautiful and proud.
One day, the teachers of the flowers announced to everyone in Hua'er School, "From today, everyone has to exercise." The rose heard it, thinking: This is not possible, I can’t let myself make myselfFalling, a piece of green, red, how ugly!I think a way!With!
The next day, the rose came to the school, and the teacher took the classmates to the sports venue. The rose said to the teacher, "The teacher hurts my stomach." The teacher said, "Okay! You don't need to go." RoseHuahua returned to the seat and thought: Great!I don't need to go out!
One day, two days, three days, roses every day. Suddenly one day, one person came here to pick flowers, picking lilies, dandelion, dog tails ... just without roses, roses said angrily, "Hum! Why notChoose me, I look much better than them! "At this time, a faint voice came, and the rose looked down at it. It turned out to be inconspicuous grass!Xiao Cao said: "Sister Rose, can't cover the shortcomings with her own advantages, and show the real self to others. Also, you can't be proud."
Since then, roses have never been proud.
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