walks on the street, and the sound of the coins trembling in the pot everywhere in three differences, there are also words "Thank you!" Every time I heard this sound, I would think of the blowing mouth at the time.The old man of Fengqin.
I still remember that day in the summer, that day I helped my mother to do many housework, so my mother gave me 50 yuan, and the pocket money stored in a semester, I was able to buy my thoughts.Twilight toys.
After lunch, I jumped and hopped for the toy shop, and humming in my mouth, "Please sing me, bring to your home ..." Along the way, I saw the fifty yuan in my hand while imagining the toyInadvertently had already arrived at the toy store.
Just when I was thinking about entering the toy shop, when I found some people passing by the door, they inadvertently bypassing, and the face still showed an unknown look.I have not been closer, so I have heard the sound of the Qin Qin, which is so beautiful!I am very doubtful. Why did someone look down on it?I took a closer look to know the truth of the matter.It turned out that an old man was begging!At this time, the old man was closed his eyes, and his brain was shaking everywhere. After a song was blowing, the old man wrapped his tone again.
I can't help but raise my palm. If I want to give some money to the elderly, but if that, I can't buy toys, but I look at the old man again, and determined to give the money to the elderly, butI fully consider that the elderly are likely to be hungry. I bought a lot of little flushing and a cup of soy milk for the elderly with pocket money. In the eyes of many people, the remaining money was given to the elderly.Said: "Thank you, thank you ..."
Although I did not buy toys, I need to be happy than buying toys. This is the happiness of helping others.
1、开心:开心读音为kāi xīn,是指①心情快乐舒畅:同志们住在一起,说说笑笑,十分开心。②戏弄别人,使自己高兴:别拿他开心。开心 kāi xīn词语解释:①心情快乐舒畅:同志们住在一起,说说笑笑,十分开心。②戏弄别人,使自己高兴:别拿他开心。分词解释:自己:1.代词。自身﹐本身。 2.自己人。 3.知己亲近;关系密切。高兴:①愉快而兴奋:听说你要来,我们全家都很高兴。②带着愉快的情绪去做某件事;喜欢:他就是高兴看电影,对看戏不感兴趣。快乐:感到幸福或满意:快乐的微笑 ㄧ祝您生日快乐。戏弄:捉弄;开玩笑:这样戏弄人可不好|不要再戏弄了。十分:1.按十等分划分。 2.犹十成。 3.充分,十足。 4.副词。犹全部。 5.副词。非常,极,很。表示程度高。...开心怎么造句,用开心造句»
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