训诫与斥责。 清 吴炽昌 《客窗闲话·难女》:“女子何可逞强,擅用杀手,败人衣食!老夫正训斥之。”《官场现形记》第四四回:“及至被接帖大爷训斥一番,登时哑口无言。” 夏衍 《上海屋檐下》第一幕:“今天就为我少扣了三毛五分钱的存工,就给那工务课长训斥了一顿。”
Admonish and reprimand. Wu Chichang of the Qing Dynasty, "Gossip at the Guest Window - A Difficult Girl": "How can a woman be brave, use a killer, and defeat people's food and clothing? I'm reprimanding her." The fourth chapter of Official Appearance: "When I was reprimanded by the post receiving master, I was speechless." In the first act of Xia Yan's "Under the eaves of Shanghai": "Today, I was scolded by the head of the Public Works Department for having deducted 35 cents less from my savings."
1. “要不要我们训斥他一顿?”
1. "Shall we scold him?"
2. 她因迟到而受到老板严厉训斥。
2. She was severely reprimanded by her boss for being late.
3. 他担心,由于健忘又要挨她的训斥了。
3. He worried that he would be scolded by her again for his forgetfulness.
4. 他们训斥我们没有聪明的日本人的那种远见。
4. They scolded us for not having the foresight of intelligent Japanese.
5. 要赞扬某人,用白纸黑字。要训斥某人,打电话。
5. Praise someone in black and white. To reprimand someone, call.
6. 我把他狠狠地训斥了一番,这样的事不会再发生了。
6. I severely reprimanded him, and this will never happen again.
7. 他立刻被带出场,由于他暴烈性子他受到狠狠的训斥。
7. He was immediately taken out of the court and was severely reprimanded for his violent nature.
8. 一些法院认为非重大之行为失当应予训斥而不是解雇。
8. Some courts hold that minor misconduct should be reprimanded rather than dismissed.
9. 三月二十日我召见了多勃雷宁,把他狠狠地训斥了一顿。
9. On March 20, I summoned Dobrynin and gave him a good scolding.
10. 第二天,比德韦尔去上班时,他竟被召去受了一番训斥。
10. The next day, when Bidwell went to work, he was called to be reprimanded.
1.reprimand; rebuke; dress down; slating; lesson
◎ 训斥 xùnchì
[reprimand;rebuke;berate] 严厉的或正式的谴责,尖锐的申斥
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