
时间:2022-10-28 13:07:31 | 来源:语文通



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元宵节看花灯作文 篇1


Today is the fifteenth day of the first month, that is, the Lantern Festival. The custom of the Lantern Festival is to eat Yuanxiao and enjoy the lanterns.


After dinner, my mother-in-law and I went to the city living room to watch lanterns. This year, I was frugal. I started with last year's "Sister Pig" - a "talented woman" who can command, dance, and sing. As long as the switch is turned on, she will be happy all the time - twisting her hips, shaking her head, and closing her eyes, a typical narcissism.


In this way, our party came to the city living room, which was already crowded with people to see the lights. The originally open square was really crowded, crowded, noisy and flowing!


There are so many lights here!


Let's talk about animals first! This year's animal stars are "little mice". There are the most lovely "angel" mice - they keep waving a pair of shiny little wings, and they really want to land on the earth one by one; There is the most impressive "handsome boy" mouse - driving a BMW around! There are the coolest mice - they can skate in the square for dozens of times without losing their eyes or shaking their legs! A romantic mouse blowing bubbles while flying an airplane! There are also the poorest mice. These are the little mice who are "sedan bearers". Two small mice are puffing and puffing. The owner is a Garfield cat. This fat cat is sitting in the sedan chair, snoring and sleeping! Two little mice dare to be angry but dare not speak. They have to accompany a smiling face when they are tired. However, I think that smile is more ugly than crying - tired! It's the rat year, who will save us Of course, except for mice, they look like pigs! Sheep! Rabbit! Chicken It seems that the square has become an ocean of animals!


The stars of the cartoon are also here! Duola A Dream is coming, Bikachu is coming, Blue Cat is coming, and even Fuwa are coming from Beijing! They get together and sing! Jump! The square has become a sea of joy!


I'm here too! With my sister pig! I bought a bottle of bubbles, blowing and watching! I blew hard, and all the colorful bubbles flew into the sky! I looked up and saw them rising higher and higher - strange! There are several bubbles above the Zijin Building, red, yellow and green... Can I blow them?


I found a group of people surrounded on my right, and I also pushed to join in the fun! Two uncles were holding a yellow bag, and an aunt was talking about something with a piece of paper in her hand! "What are they doing?" I want to ask my mother, but when I look back, my mother is also staring at me! Wait!


The two uncles opened the yellow bag and turned the mouth of the bag down. "It's strange. They always put things with their pockets facing up. What's the point?" I'm even more puzzled!


An uncle stretched his head to the mouth of the bag and looked at it. I simply squatted on the ground. I saw the mouth of the bag was crossed by two iron wires one by one, and there was a small yellow translucent cube in the center. The aunt who had been commanding beside took out a lighter and put her hand carefully into the pocket - "Huh! Huh!" The small cube was lit, emitting dazzling light!


The pocket became bigger and bigger, gradually like a ball. The two uncles gently held the ball. Suddenly, the ball shook and floated to the sky!

哦!My god!它飞起来了!真的飞起来了!天!

oh MY GOD! It's flying! It's really flying! God!


"This is Kongming Lamp -" I suddenly remembered, "Yes! This is Zhuge Liang's Kongming Lamp!"


I didn't know it until it was launched! Shame shame!


I realized that the little bubbles above the Zijin Building I saw just now were their true colors! That's ridiculous! Childish I will go to school tomorrow, and I will leave the city living room reluctantly!


It's fun to watch lanterns! I really hope the Lantern Festival is Friday next year!


Looking forward! The Lantern Festival will come early next year!

元宵节看花灯作文 篇2


"The sound of firecrackers goes away at the beginning of the year, and the spring breeze warms Tusu". It is also the Spring Festival. Of course, the most happy thing for me in this Spring Festival is to enjoy the traditional lanterns in the famous Confucius Temple.


On the fifth day of the first month, I came to the Confucius Temple as usual to enjoy the lanterns. The Confucius Temple was very crowded and bustling. We walked slowly along the crowd. Looking around, we saw bunches of colorful balloons, colorful lanterns like flowers, aircraft lights with high morale, snakes with high spirits, charming lotus lights, and lovely rabbit lights. Let me see dazzled. Among them, my favorite is today's most creative and vivid dragon lantern. Some are lifelike, some are flying in the sky, some are waving their teeth, some are going deep into the dragon pool... It seems that once you touch it, it will fly to the clouds. I am fascinated by their magic, Then Grandma said to me, "Look how skillful these lantern craftsmen are! These lanterns are all so beautiful, but do you know that they took months of hard work to make them?" "Ah! So long?" I was surprised. "Of course, do you think this little lantern is easy? There are dozens of processes!" I suddenly realized that it is so hard! I admire these folk craftsmen in my heart.


When I left the Confucius Temple, I looked back. Without these industrious and skillful lantern craftsmen and their hard work, we would not have such a beautiful sea of lanterns and a strong flavor of New Year. I said in my heart thank you for bringing us beauty.

元宵节看花灯作文 篇3


The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is the Lantern Festival. The biggest feature of the Lantern Festival is to watch lanterns.


After dinner, my parents and I went to the Culture Square to guess riddles and watch lanterns. The square is crowded and bustling.


I looked up carelessly. Eh, why did Grandma Moon come out? It's cloudy today. How could the moon come out? I think Grandma Moon is happy when she sees the earth. Let's join in the fun. There are many people who guess riddles. Some are chattering, some are holding their chin and pondering, and others seem to know what is really different when their eyes light up.


There are also many lanterns in the street, such as lotus lanterns, ox horn lanterns, machine cat lanterns, paper lanterns, etc. But the most distinctive feature is the ox horn lamp. The ox horn of the ox horn lamp is divided into four colors: bright red, pink, grass green and sapphire blue. When you put it on your head and press the switch, the ox horn will light up. It really looks like a living ox! The most lively one is Kong Mingdeng. Wow


Thousands of Kongming lamps flew to the south, twinkling like stars in the night sky. Some people wrote their wishes on the Kongming Lantern. With the glittering Kongming Lanterns slowly rising into the sky, people's wishes seemed to be released. I asked my father why the lamp was called Kongming Lantern. My father replied, "Kongming Lantern is also called Sky Lantern. It is said that Zhuge Kongming lived in the Three Kingdoms


Invented. When Kongming was besieged in Pingyang by Sima Yi, he couldn't send troops to ask for help. He made floating paper lanterns and attached the message. Later, he escaped. So people called this kind of lamp Kongming Lantern. " "Oh, so it is." It suddenly dawned on me. Later, he felt a natural respect for Zhuge Liang. The lanterns on the Lantern Festival are really beautiful. I like the Lantern Festival.

元宵节看花灯作文 篇4


I went to see lanterns with my family this evening.


There are so many people on the street! People are crowding with each other. It is not too much to use the word "sea of people" to describe this scene!


Wow! What a beautiful golden mouse! Look at this mouse. Its body is yellow and its big eyes are like bulbs. There are two gold ingots on the back of the golden mouse. The golden mouse shakes its head as if to say, "I wish you all a lot of money and good luck!" Two small carp also jumped out of the water to congratulate people! The five young monks in front are beating gongs and drums to welcome the New Year, ha ha! What a "Golden Mouse Gives Treasure"!


"Look! It's Chang'e!" I shouted. Why is the Moon Fairy Chang'e here? It turns out that she is chasing satellites! But I can't catch up! There is a rocket next to it. There are four big words on the rocket: "China's aerospace" With the progress of science and technology and the development of the motherland, flying into space is no longer a dream. Now China's aerospace industry is far ahead of other countries. Let's wish China's aerospace industry a higher level in the new year!


"Wow! Fuwa is coming too!" I said. Five Olympic mascots - Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying and Nini! They stood on a spinning wheel and waved to people. What is depicted on the wheel is a wonderful moment of the Olympic Games! Zhang Yining struggled to play table tennis, Guo Jingjing won the Olympic gold medal, and Liu Xiang was a hurdler. In 2008, the Olympic Games will be held in the capital Beijing. Let's look forward to the success of the Olympics!


"Sister, look, it's Mickey Mouse," said the younger brother happily. Six Mickey Mouse are holding a tug of war! Mickey Mouse's big character of spring one after another, doesn't it mean the coming of spring?


Wow! What a lifelike dragon! The dragon is flying high in the clouds, hovering, and two swaying carp are also watching the dragon. The lifelike dragon is daunting.


Isn't this the little carp jumping over the Dragon's Gate? Look! A small carp broke through the wind and waves and came to Longmen. It tells us that only by perseverance can we realize our beautiful ideal!


On the way home, I also thought about the profound enlightenment from those lanterns.

元宵节看花灯作文 篇5


"In a round dress, Huazhufeng is wearing makeup. The lights in the Sixth Street are noisy with children. I am not a long gown, but I am also in the laughter of tourists." Flower lanterns have been one of the favorite activities of people since ancient times. This Spring Festival, my mother took me and my neighbors to Yuexiu Park to enjoy the flower lights.


This year's Yuexiu Park lights will be very beautiful. Among them, my favorite is "Feng Dance Yuexiu"! Fengwu Yuexiu is a large water lantern show. What Fengwu Yuexiu shows is a beautiful and colorful phoenix. It is colorful and radiant, just like a bright pearl in Yuexiu Park.


Beside the phoenix dance Yuexiu is a small lantern show on the land - birds singing and flowers fragrant. The song of birds and the fragrance of flowers are lanterns composed of circles with colorful flowers and a beautiful and colorful little phoenix. This little phoenix did not spread its colorful feathers like the big one, but tightened its colorful feathers and stared at the distance with its head held high, as if looking at its family.


These lanterns are not the only ones in Yuexiu Park! For example: Dragon and phoenix bring good luck, add to the cake, eagle catch chicken, rocket robot lantern, good luck


When we returned to the gate of Yuexiu Park, there were more and more people, and we had to walk next to each other. My little partner and I were curious about the crowding ahead, so we stepped on the flower base and went down! Yuexiu Park is already crowded and bustling.


This is the beautiful and bright Lantern Festival, this is the colorful Lantern Festival, this is the Lantern Festival that I will never forget!

元宵节看花灯作文 篇6


The February 2 Lantern Festival is a unique folk traditional festival in Ningxi. It is said that it started in the Southern Song Dynasty and has a history of more than 700 years.


Ningxi is scheduled for February. It is said that because the Lantern Festival is held everywhere on the 15th day of the first month, Ningxi has deliberately postponed the Lantern Festival to the Second Spring Dragon Festival in the early February. In this way, we can not only learn from the experience of other places, but also let others have the opportunity to come to Ningxi to see the lights. Therefore, there is a unique custom that all Chinese Lantern Festival are three or five, and Ningxi Lantern Festival is only two. In this section, the lanterns on the 6th Street are lit and the drum music in the 8th House covers the sky. This is a couplet describing the grand occasion of the traditional Ningxi Lantern Festival. Guningxi Street is divided into eight houses, and the annual lantern party is hosted by eight houses in turn.


Generally, the lights are put on on the second day of February, and on the eighth day of the month, the lights go off. On the day of putting on the lights, each house should erect a lamp post high, and hang nine big red lanterns on the T-shaped light frame, which is called the Nine Linked Lights. In addition, each house also builds a void pavilion at the street corner to house the Baojie God or the God of Wealth. A drummer pavilion was built nearby, where a group of drummers played from morning till evening.


During the Lantern Festival, Spring Festival couplets and colored lanterns should be pasted at the door of every household. There are many traditional colored lanterns, such as gauze lanterns, lantern, glass palace lanterns, lotus lanterns, rice lanterns, horse lanterns and various animal lanterns. The first night of the Lantern Festival is called Naojie. Eight Houses organize their own gongs and drums teams to play along the street, or beat gongs and drums in the empty pavilion of their own houses to announce the opening of the Lantern Festival in February this year. The next night will welcome the master (the statue of god). Generally, a big welcome is held on the fourth night of the first day of the lunar calendar to set off the climax of the Lantern Festival, because the fourth day of the lunar calendar is the Ningxi Market. There are especially many foreign people coming to watch the lanterns or visit relatives and friends at the borders of Yongjia, Leqing, Xianju, Linhai and Huangyan.


This night, each house will organize a team of hundreds of people to welcome the lights, and each team will strike thirteen gongs from both sides.