
时间:2022-06-30 13:03:01 | 来源:语文通



Yi Qingyin's day left day after day. I sat by the window and looked at the gorgeous colorful lighting effects in the city.San.The weak aura touched my memories of my brother.






He ran first, I followed.His thick body was wrapped in a layer of cotton, and his thick legs were very difficult, like a dull big black bear.Just as you are sweating and giving your marathon competition for your body, your brother is very tired of sports culture.But why did he follow?After ten laps, my brother really couldn't move. He fell on the ground with one hip, and the stone road was dirty.


Because I rely on the wall to stare at him: the brothers' lush black hair faintly deposited tens of thousands of crystal clear sweats.My heart was wet, and his eyes were gone.Just crooked his head, panting his mouth, and a large smoke in the cold winter permeated the air.I was very warm, he said in detail: "Are you afraid now?"


Chinese Go


My brother and I played chess in the same Go classroom.I just entered the four paragraphs, I was high, and I couldn't shout in my ears, "I am four paragraphs!"


One day, I actively stated that playing chess with my brother began.


For the next dozens of minutes, my brother thought about his mind with his mind, like the mountains in the mountains sitting quietly, and did not leave at all. The subtle discussions surrounding were staggered in a ball, but it would not be harmed in the ear.Many students came around and coaxed.But my mood seemed to spread through the thin strips, and I was disappointed.The sunspots seem to have a lot of chassis, with three sides of the four, occupying four corners.I was very proud of the spring breeze and smiled. At first glance, White occupied the big piece in the middle.I was frightened. The original brother helped me two or three rows of disk below, but a city wall was firmly built. The large area was derived from the loss of the region. Only a few outer fields were given to me.In the city wall, Black hugged a ball, and fighting hard, but it could not be defeated.My face was as gray and sad, my brother hung on his face, and the brilliant smile gradually became stiff.He turned his head, and the teacher taught attentive lectures, and quietly told me a trick."I won!"


I was immersed in happiness, but I didn't notice a smile on my brother's face.




That year, my brother saved my life. I was fun in nature. Many naughty little red balls could kill me all morning.I held the red number with both hands and waved left and right.Learning to put down the ball, I seemed to be lying on the ball with a lot of grandfather, which was extremely comfortable and like massage.I was excited and rolled all the time.


The elder brother piled up the wood on the side, and he was very satisfied with his own works. When he saw that I was going to the ground, he rushed forward. Whether he was destroyed by Lego Battle, he held me with his hand. He was still frightened.He was angry and grabbed my fleshy feet, but in the end, he ran to his mother to report merit.



1、哥哥:哥哥读音为gē ge,是指①同父母(或只同父、只同母)而年纪比自己大的男子。②同族同辈而年纪比自己大的男子:叔伯哥哥ㄧ远房哥哥。哥哥 gē gē词语解释:①同父母(或只同父、只同母)而年纪比自己大的男子。②同族同辈而年纪比自己大的男子:叔伯哥哥ㄧ远房哥哥。分词解释:年纪:1.纪年年数。 2.年号。 3.年龄。 4.年代;时代。远房:指血统疏远的宗族人员。男子:1.犹男人。男性的成年人。 2.儿子。 3.丈夫。 4.指刚强有作为的男人。 5.古称无官爵的成年男人。 6.指嫡长子。同辈:1.犹同列,同僚。 2.犹同伴,伙伴。 3.年辈相同。...哥哥怎么造句,用哥哥造句»

2、画像:画像读音为huà xiàng,是指画人像:给他画个像。 画人像给孩子画像画像 huà xiàng词语解释:画人像:给他画个像。[draw a portrait;portray] 画人像给孩子画像分词解释:人像:1.在照相材料上产生的人体的任何照片。 2.人的形体的表现(如在素描、油画、模型、雕塑、刺绣中),特指人体形象,尤指裸体人像的表现。● 画(畫) huà ㄏㄨㄚˋ◎ 绘图:绘画。画图。画像。画地为牢。画脂镂冰(在凝固的油脂或冰上绘画雕刻,一融化就都没有了,喻劳而无功)。◎ 图像:画面。画片。画坛。画板。画卷(juàn )(a.成卷轴形的画;b.喻壮丽的景色或动人的场面)。画外音。图画。诗中有画。◎ 写,签押,署名:画到。画卯。画押。画供。◎ 用手、脚或器具做出某种动作:比画。指手画脚。“曲终收拨当心画”。◎ 字的一笔称一画:笔画。◎ 同“划1”。● 像 xiàng ㄒㄧㄤˋ◎ 相似:好像。相(xiāng )像。像生(a.仿天然产物制成的工艺品;b.中国宋、元两代以说唱为业的女艺人)。◎ 比照人物做成的图形:画像。塑像。雕像。绣像。肖像。◎ 比如,比方:像这样的事是值得注意的。...画像怎么造句,用画像造句»

3、组合:组合读音为zǔ hé,是指①由几个部分或个体结合成整体:组合起来|劳动组合。②从m个不同的元素里,每次取出n个元素,不管以怎样的顺序并成一组,均称为组合。其所有不同组合的种数用符号c^n_m表示,c^n_m=p^n_mp_n=m(m-1)…(m-n+1)n!=m!n!(m-n)!。此外,规定c^0_m=1。组合 zǔ hé词语解释:①由几个部分或个体结合成整体:组合起来|劳动组合。②从m个不同的元素里,每次取出n个元素,不管以怎样的顺序并成一组,均称为组合。其所有不同组合的种数用符号c^n_m表示,c^n_m=p^n_mp_n=m(m-1)…(m-n+1)n!=m!n!(m-n)!。此外,规定c^0_m=1。分词解释:整体:指整个集体或整个事物的全部。不管:1.不顾,不考虑。 2.不过问。 3.不关,不涉及。 4.连词。不论。顺序:1.顺理而有序;和谐而不紊乱。 2.次序,次第。 3.犹顺利。此外:除了所说的事物或情况之外的。...组合的近义词,组合的同义词是什么»