I think integrity is not only reflected in learning, but also in all aspects of daily life.
There was a mid -term exam, and the math class was good. I made a lot of good play. Being able to send the test papers 81 points, this test score is not ideal for me. I glanced at the wrong question set, and the wrong reason was caused by negligence. However, I found that I retrieved a cost -effectiveness. After seeing it carefully, I realized that the teacher changed the question. The last answer of my above question was 2.73 × 106 and my answer below was 27.3 ×. 106. At that time, I was very hesitant. Because I agreed with my dad to get 80 points than the math class, I only took 81 points this time. I asked the teacher to change the question. Isn't this trouble for me? But teachers often say "integrity is more critical than anything." Oh! Just when I couldn't choose, everyone's team leader, the book and art stood out. His mathematics test scores were 100 points. It was also the incorrect and correction of the test papers. Mathematics teachers praised him. At that time, no matter how three or seven, I gritted my teeth to find a math teacher. At that time, I thought that the math teacher wanted to deduct me the time map, but did not want to want the teacher to help me add 9 points at that time. At that time, I was also blinded. These 9 points are added to your integrity. "
In the summer of that year, our family went to Shanghai to play. I still remember when I visited a large and medium -sized furniture exhibition, I saw a bed for everyone's feelings and immediately lay up. It was very comfortable. I lay a hard item on one side. Under my waist, when I look up, it is a cash clip. When I turn it on, it is a US dollar, not RMB. I was a bit different at that time, because I was more interested in other Chinese money. I thought for a while, integrity was gold, and I couldn't get this money. Dad realized that I was a bit wrong, and I knew what I was. I also talked about it just after. My father said, "Go, let's go to the general service platform, there is a radio program over there." I came to the general service desk with the money clip. When there was Chinese, the elder sister called many times in Chinese, and no one came to get it. I was smart and thought that the money inside was a US dollar, which may be foreigners. I immediately reminded the elder sister to broadcast in English again. Essence As a result, the broadcast show was rushed over, and the foreigners who lost money rushed over. When he lost and recovered, the foreigner boasted that I was honest and touched my head and said, "This child is very cute and kind -hearted." Everyone who was present was paying attention to praise me, making me overwhelmed.
All of them are full of integrity, and they fully prove the key effects of integrity in doing things.Integrity is not only beautiful, but also a thousand dollars.
1、万金:万金读音为wàn jīn,是指1.极多的钱财。 2.用以形容贵重或比喻贵重之物。万金 wàn jīn词典解释:1.极多的钱财。 2.用以形容贵重或比喻贵重之物。分词解释:贵重:价值高:值得重视:贵重仪器丨贵重物品。钱财:金钱财物。● 金 jīn ㄐㄧㄣˉ◎ 一种化学元素,符号Au,原子序数79,黄赤色,质软:黄金。金子。金笔。◎ 金一类的,具有光泽、延展性,容易传热和导电的固体的通称(汞除外)。:金属。五金(旧指金银铜铁锡)。合金(两种或多种金属混合而成的金属)。金文(铸或刻在商周青铜器上的铭文,旧称“钟鼎文”)。◎ 钱:现金。基金。挥金如土。◎ 指兵器或金属制的乐器:金革(兵器甲铠的总称,引申指战争)。金声(a.钲声;b.钟声)。金鼓(锣鼓)。◎ 中国古代乐器八音之一。◎ 喻尊贵、贵重、难得、持久、坚固、有光泽等:金兰(友情深)。金刚(梵语意译,喻牢固、锐利、能摧毁一切)。金瓯(a.盛酒器;b.喻疆土完整)。金城汤池。◎ 一些动、植物因颜色似金而得名:金鱼。金乌(太阳)。金龟。金丝猴。◎ 中国朝代名:金代。◎ 姓。● 万(萬) wàn ㄨㄢˋ◎ 数目,十个一千:万户侯(中国汉代侯爵的最高一级,享有万户农民的赋税。后泛指高官)。◎ 喻极多:万物。万方(a.指全国和世界各地;b.指姿态多种多样)。日理万机。气象万千。◎ 极,很,绝对:万万。万幸。◎ 姓。● 万(萬) mò ㄇㄛˋ◎ 〔万俟(qí)〕原为中国古代鲜卑族部落名;后为复姓。...
2、诚信:诚信读音为chéng xìn,是指真诚﹔真诚之心。诚信 chéng xìn词语解释:真诚﹔真诚之心。分词解释:真诚:真实诚恳。● 信 xìn ㄒㄧㄣˋ◎ 诚实,不欺骗:信用。信守。信物。信货。信誓旦旦。◎ 不怀疑,认为可靠:信任。信托。信心。信念。◎ 崇奉:信仰。信徒。◎ 消息:信息。杳无音信。◎ 函件:信件。信笺。信鸽。信访。◎ 随便,放任:信手(随手)。信步(随意走动,散步)。信笔。信意。◎ 同“芯2”。◎ 姓。 ● 信 shēn ㄕㄣˉ◎ 古同“伸”,舒展开。◎ 古同“伸”,表白。● 诚(誠) chéng ㄔㄥˊ◎ 真心:诚恳。诚朴。诚实。诚挚。忠诚。心悦诚服。◎ 实在,的确:诚然。诚有此事。...诚信怎么造句,用诚信造句»
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