
时间:2022-06-14 14:10:44 | 来源:语文通



This is one of the "Outstanding Young Growth Endless Reading Series" series.There is a celebrity saying before each small story, and then write a series of small stories based on it.This reading is divided into 3 parts, namely "knowing the wrong way can change me", "I am a little Lotte", "good grades make me more confident."Tell us the importance of good habits in a funny language and vivid techniques. This book also makes me realize that it is not terrible to make mistakes. It is most important to have good habits.


"Following mistakes is the tuition fee that must be delivered by progress." Luna Celesky's words are indeed famous.In the process of growing up, people will inevitably make mistakes. Only by accepting setbacks and punishment, learning from it, and then correction in time can it be successful.If you are taboo and doctors, you ca n’t know the mistakes, do n’t want to accept punishment, and even take it for granted that your approach is correct. In the end, you can only go farther and farther on the wrong road, and eventually make a big mistake.


It is easy to wash dishes, but the bowl was broken for the first time.I blame myself. Later, with the encouragement of my mother, I slowly explored the skills of washing dishes and mastered the category of dishes, the temperature of the water, and the amount of detergent.Clean as new.From this little thing, I know that the bowl I broke is the tuition I paid.In life, in the process of understanding errors and correcting errors, we must adhere to the correct path and form a good habit.



1、必须:必须读音为bì xū,是指①表示事理上和情理上的必要;一定要:学习必须刻苦钻研。②加强命令语气:明天你必须来。‖‘必须’的否定是‘无须’、‘不须’或‘不必’。必须 bì xū词语意思:①表示事理上和情理上的必要;一定要:学习必须刻苦钻研。②加强命令语气:明天你必须来。‖‘必须’的否定是‘无须’、‘不须’或‘不必’。分词解释:必要:不可缺少;非这样不行:开展批评和自我批评是十分必要的ㄧ为了集体的利益,必要时可以牺牲个人的利益。明天:1.指月光满天。 2.今天的下一天。 3.不远的将来;未来。无须:副词。表示劝告或者制止:无须提醒|无须顾虑|无须东奔西走。加强:使更坚强或更有效:加强团结ㄧ加强领导ㄧ加强爱国主义教育。刻苦钻研:刻苦:下苦功。下苦功,深入研究。...必须怎么造句,用必须造句»

2、成功:成功读音为chéng gōng,是指1.成就功业或事业。 2.成就的功业,既成之功。 3.事情获得预期结果。 4.成效。 5.收获。 成就功业、政绩或事业入于太庙,还矢先王,而告以成功。——宋. 欧阳修《新五代史.伶官传.序》成功 chéng gōng词语意思:1.成就功业或事业。 2.成就的功业,既成之功。 3.事情获得预期结果。 4.成效。 5.收获。[succeed;achieve success] 成就功业、政绩或事业入于太庙,还矢先王,而告以成功。——宋. 欧阳修《新五代史.伶官传.序》分词解释:事情:1.事物的真相;实情。 2.事理人情。 3.人类生活中的一切活动和所遇到的一切社会现象。 4.犹工作,职业。成效:效果;功效:成效卓著|初见成效。预期:1.预先期待。 2.事情发生之前的日期。获得:取得;得到(多用于抽象事物):获得好评 ㄧ获得宝贵的经验 ㄧ获得显著的成绩。...成功怎么造句,用成功造句»