
时间:2022-06-22 13:27:11 | 来源:语文通



The blue sky and white clouds are reflected in the land resources, and a cloud of clouds takes a walk in the air. The familiar singing singer came from the field ...


Step into that little road again.That is the mud road, small, narrow, and only tolerate two people walking hand in hand.On the right side of the road is the crops of the villagers, and there is a small world that does not belong to my grandfather.On the left side of the road is a rural bungalow, the family leaned against the family.Grandpa's room is at the end of the road, I am very lucky, so I can appreciate the scenery along the way!


Every time I step on that way, the villagers always say that your grandfather is working in the field and go there to find him!I always smiled and said, "Go home and change your posture first!" Yes, Grandpa went out early in the morning.There are snow -white cotton towels hanging on the neck, a large cup on the trouser belt, a pair of canvas shoes, a dark blue jacket, and a camisole.It looks like a flattering old man!


I love you very much, my grandpa!do you remember?After childhood, you always hold my little hand and walk on the road here, and gradually, step by step, singing nursery rhymes and walking into the field.You spread this blue outer cover on the ground and ask me to sit down.I do n’t have to catch the grasshopper, you have to look at me with a smile, and said, "Zhong! My little granddaughter grows up and will undoubtedly become an individual athlete!"


"Yo! There is a grasshopper, come and hurry up, watch me grasp it.""Pop!" I pounced forward and fell a "face facing mud".You laughed and said, "Look at me." You rushed to me and optimistic about a grasshopper.Staring, staring firmly, squatting slowly, moving forward one by one, stopping, holding half of his hands and holding it, grasping it!I jumped up happily and put it in the small basket that was almost edited for me. I am very happy!


I love you very much, my grandpa!do you remember?When I was a child, there were two big rocking chairs in the yard.In the middle, Zhang Xiao's desk is put in the middle, you take out the iron teapot and 2 small cups.Although I know that I won't drink it, but fall up, fan the fan, help me tell me the little story on that day ...


I understand that the little stories you talked about are all your most true portrayal. You have been diligent and simple for a lifetime, considering others everywhere, and when did you think about yourself?


After the setting sun, you pulled my little hand again, gradually, step by step, singing nursery rhymes, walking towards home ...



1、喜爱:喜爱读音为xǐ ài,是指对人或事物产生好感或兴趣。 指对某人或事物有好感或者产生兴趣他喜爱小农场喜爱漫游喜爱 xǐ ài词语解释:对人或事物产生好感或兴趣。[like;love;be fond of] 指对某人或事物有好感或者产生兴趣他喜爱小农场喜爱漫游分词解释:事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。感或:见“感忽”。产生:1.生育;分娩。 2.出产。 3.由已有的事物中生出新的事物;出现。 4.出生。兴趣:力求认识某种事物或从事某项活动的心理倾向。它以需要为基础,由对事物的认识和获得在情绪体验上得到满足而产生。有对事物或活动本身感到兴趣的直接兴趣和对活动结果感到兴趣的间接兴趣。...喜爱怎么造句,用喜爱造句»