
时间:2022-10-29 12:56:27 | 来源:语文通



端午节的习俗作文 篇1端午节的风俗作文 篇2端午节的习俗作文 篇3端午节的习俗作文 篇4端午节的习俗作文 篇5端午节习俗的作文 篇6

端午节的习俗作文 篇1


The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China on the fifth day of May every year.


The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is said to be a patriotic poet of the Chu State. When he heard that his country had perished, he couldn't bear the pain of national subjugation and was extremely sad, so he threw himself into the river and died on May 5 of the lunar calendar in 278 BC.


Every Dragon Boat Festival, the main activities are making dumplings and racing dragon boats. Let me start with making zongzi. To make zongzi, first boil the reed leaves, soak the glutinous rice for two to three hours, then wrap the rice in the leaves, and boil it for another hour. Dragon boat racing is more interesting. Each boat is equipped with oarsmen and helmsmen? There are gongs at the stern of the boat. The gongs and drums are used to guide the oarsmen to act in unison. Therefore, during the dragon boat race, the gongs and drums on the river and the shouting of the spectators on both sides of the river are very lively.


Nowadays, every Dragon Boat Festival, people still have to row dragon boats and wrap dumplings in rivers to commemorate the great poet Qu Yuan. It can be seen that the poet's works and patriotic feelings are everlasting.

端午节的风俗作文 篇2


Although the Dragon Boat Festival is a very popular grand festival among the Chinese people, both in the south and north of China, there has been a custom of the Dragon Boat Festival. However, I feel that the Dragon Boat Festival in the south is more interesting than that in the north, with a stronger atmosphere and more characteristics.


Dragon Boat Festival is a festival in memory of the great poet Qu Yuan. Every Dragon Boat Festival, Every family will buy one "Zhongshan Ludou Brown: The round stick shaped palm is as thick as the arm. It uses fresh bamboo leaves to bind palm. There are ingredients in it. It has two tastes: salty dumplings and sweet dumplings. Sweet dumplings have lotus paste, bean paste, chestnut paste and jujube paste. Salty ones are bacon, roast chicken, egg yolk, scallops, winter mushrooms, mung beans, barbecue and other materials. The wrapped dumplings are boiled in a pot. After the dumplings are cooked, you will smell a light bamboo leaf fragrance, which is very fragrant The whole kitchen


Unravel the rattan and peel off the leaves of zongzi. Red zongzi meat is hidden in sweet zongzi, and white zongzi meat in salty zongzi is rising with steam, emitting a unique steaming palm fragrance. Two zongzi are put together on a plate. The piston is made of two bright rubies and white gemstones. The glutinous rice is glittering and translucent under the light and emits a strong and tantalizing aroma of glutinous rice. It's very helpful!


The most sweet food I love most is the sweet rice dumplings like red dates. During the Dragon Boat Festival, my family made a lot of zongzi, and always gave a lot of them to my relatives and friends. Others also gave us their own dumplings as a thank you. Therefore, on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, my family always has glutinous rice dumplings from my aunt and grandmother.


Shi Xi lived for a long time and thought about the Dragon Boat Festival. He watched the hair machine in front of the post house. When stopped and encouraged, Lei Lingling and the beast's head were slightly touched by the snow. Break through the outstanding people?, Jump the waves and compete with the birds. Xiang Dao is not convinced by Long Gang, and he won the championship. This is the Poem of Ferry Race written by Lu Zhao in the Tang Dynasty. It highlights the macro scene of the Dragon Boat Race. However, in my hometown Guangzhou, there is also the custom of rowing dragon boats on the Dragon Boat Festival, commonly known as "picking up dragon boats". On the Dragon Boat Festival, the village will organize a small "dragon boat" competition. Every strong man in every household should participate, and the woman should be on the side, only watching. Five or six narrow, lanky boats, with a big tap in front. More than ten people sat together and paddled hard to reach the destination first. Although it was raining like needles, and the people on the boat were drenched, it was not clear whether it was sweat or rain, but it did not matter. At this critical moment, it is important to win the competition... At noon, the men who have finished rowing the dragon boat will gather in the village's ancestral hall to have a sumptuous "dragon boat meal, but the women in our village have no share in it, so I don't know what the dishes are, because I am a girl.


The "dragon boat" in the village is too childish!


It's not fun for me at all. If you want to watch the dragon boat race, it will be live on TV. More than 20 "traditional dragons" competed on the vast river. The long dragon boat was full of muscular men. The drummer was in the middle, and the people in front shouted for support, which was very powerful and domineering. Magnificent, shocking... The rain is falling and the river is surging. Here, men are brave and strong!


In the north, the custom of "dragon boat hunting" is uncommon, because the rivers in the north are not as many as those in the south, so the Dragon Boat Festival in the north only eats rice dumplings, not as vigorous and lively as those in the south. This is the uniqueness of the Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown.


The Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown, how much joy and joy you have given me!


Dragon Boat Festival dumplings fragrance, dragon boat rings, good things become double!


The Dragon Boat Festival shows the true feelings of hometown, is an ancient tradition, and is a kind of admiration and praise for the patriotic spirit of the poet Qu Yuan. Eating authentic home dumplings, watching the wonderful home dragon boat race, I have a special feeling.

端午节的习俗作文 篇3


The Dragon Boat Festival is on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year. On this day, people will have dragon boat races, eat zongzi, and hang wormwood on their doors. But how much do you know about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival?


According to Jingchu Suishiji, the fifth day of the fifth day of May is also called "Dragon Boat Festival" because it is the best day for climbing high in the midsummer when Shunyang is in the sky. The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional cultural festival popular in China and other countries in the Chinese character cultural circle. The Dragon Boat Festival originated in China. At first, it was a festival for dragon totem worshipping tribes in ancient Baiyue area (the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the south area). Before the Spring and Autumn Period in Baiyue area, it was customary to hold tribal totem sacrifices in the form of dragon boat races on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. Later, because Qu Yuan, a poet of the Chu State (now Hubei) in the Warring States Period, committed suicide by jumping into the Miluo River with a stone on that day, the ruler took the Dragon Boat Festival as a festival to commemorate Qu Yuan in order to establish the label of loyalty and patriotism.


Qu Yuan was a minister of King Huai of Chu in the Spring and Autumn Period. He advocated to give talent and power, enrich the country and strengthen the army, and strongly advocated to unite Qi against Qin. He was strongly opposed by aristocrat Zilan and others. Qu Yuan was expelled from his post, expelled from the capital, and exiled to the Yuan and Xiang rivers. In 278 BC, when the Qin army broke through Kyoto of the State of Chu, Qu Yuan saw his motherland was invaded and felt like a knife in his heart, but he could not bear to abandon his motherland. On May 5, after writing Huaisha, his last masterpiece, he threw himself into the Miluo River with a stone and died, writing a magnificent patriotic movement with his own life. It is said that after the death of Qu Yuan, the people of the State of Chu were so sad that they rushed to the Miluo River to pay tribute to Qu Yuan. The fishermen rowed their boats and fished his real body up and down the river. A fisherman took out rice balls, eggs and other food prepared for Qu Yuan and threw them into the river "plop, plop," saying that if the fish, dragons, shrimps and crabs were fed, they would not bite Doctor Qu. People followed suit. An old doctor took a jar of realgar wine and poured it into the river, saying that he wanted to poison the dragons and water animals to avoid hurting Doctor Qu. Later, for fear that rice balls would be eaten by Jiaolong, people came up with the idea of wrapping rice with neem leaves, wrapped with colored silk, and developed into zongzi. Later, on the fifth day of May every year, there was the custom of dragon boat race, eating rice dumplings and drinking realgar wine to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.


The Dragon Boat Festival, together with the Spring Festival, the Tomb Sweeping Day and the Mid Autumn Festival, is known as the four traditional festivals of the Han people in China. Now you have a deep understanding of the Dragon Boat Festival!

端午节的习俗作文 篇4


What are the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival? The customs of Dragon Boat Festival include hanging Zhong Kui, divination mugwort leaf calamus, dragon boat racing, eating zongzi, drinking realgar wine, and traveling with hundreds of diseases!


Hanging Zhong Kui: It is the custom of Dragon Boat Festival for Zhong Kui to catch ghosts. In the Jianghuai area, every family has a Zhong Kui statue, which is used to quell houses and exorcise evil spirits. Emperor Ming of the Tang Dynasty came back to the palace from Lishan to preach martial arts. He suffered from malaria. He dreamed that two ghosts, one big and one small, wore big red crotch free pants, stole the sachet of Princess Yang and the jade flute of Emperor Ming, and ran around the hall. The big ghost wears a blue robe and a hat. He catches the little ghost, gouges out his eyes and swallows it. When the Emperor of Ming asked, the big ghost said, "The minister's surname is Zhong Kui, that is, he failed in the martial arts examination, and would like to rid his majesty of demons. After the Emperor of Ming woke up, malaria was cured. So he asked Wu Daozi, the painter, to paint a portrait of Zhong Kui catching ghosts according to what he saw in his dream. He told the world to post it on the Dragon Boat Festival to ward off evil spirits.".


Gua Ai Ye calamus: On the Dragon Boat Festival, every family uses calamus, mugwort leaves, pomegranate flowers, garlic, and dragon boat flowers to make a human shape called Ai Ren. Hang the wormwood leaf in the hall, cut it into the shape of a tiger or a tiger, and paste it on it. Women compete to wear it to ward off evil spirits. It uses calamus as a sword. It is inserted in the lintel of the door. It has the magical effect of expelling ghosts and expelling your wealth.


Dragon Boat Race: At that time, Chu people couldn't bear to let Qu Yuan die, so many people rowed boats to catch up and save them. They scrambled to catch up with each other and disappeared when they reached Dongting Lake, which is the origin of dragon boat racing. Later, they rowed dragon boats on May 5 every year to commemorate it. Scatter the fish in the river by rowing a dragon boat to prevent the fish from eating Qu Yuan's body. The practice of ferrying prevailed in Wu and Yue Chu. In the 29th year of the reign of Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, there was a dragon boat race in Taiwan. At that time, the governor of Taiwan, Jiang Yuanjun, hosted a friendly race at the Half Moon Pool of Fahua Temple in Tainan. Now Taiwan holds a dragon boat race every May 5. There are races in Hong Kong. Recently, the British have also followed the Chinese practice by organizing ghost teams for competitions.


Eating zongzi: People in Jingchu cooked glutinous rice or steamed zongzi on May 5 and threw it into the river to worship Qu Yuan and eat it for fear of fish, so they used bamboo tubes to hold glutinous rice and threw it down. Later, they gradually used zongzi leaves to wrap rice instead of bamboo tubes.


Drinking realgar wine: This custom is very popular among people in the Yangtze River valley.


Traveling all kinds of diseases: This custom is popular in the Dragon Boat Festival in Guizhou.


Wearing sachets: Children wear sachets on the Dragon Boat Festival, which not only means to ward off evil spirits and drive away plagues, but also has the style of embellishment on their lapels. There are cinnabar, realgar and incense in the sachet. It is wrapped with silk cloth, and the fragrance is diffused all around. Then it is fastened with five colored silk threads, which are made into a string in different shapes. It is exquisite and eye-catching.

端午节的习俗作文 篇5


My favorite traditional festival is Dragon Boat Festival. Because on the Dragon Boat Festival, for the sake of Qu Yuan, a poet for several years, every family has to make my favorite dumplings. This year's Dragon Boat Festival is still fresh in my memory.


That day, three of our family came to Grandma's for the Dragon Boat Festival. Grandma prepared many materials for making dumplings; There are red beans, glutinous rice, zong leaves, fresh meat... Grandma was very happy to see me here, and said to me with a smile: "Peng Peng, Grandma will teach you how to make zong zi." I was so excited after listening to Grandma's words that I couldn't wait to urge Grandma to pack it for me. Grandma picked up two clean zong leaves, folded them, pinched one side of the zong leaves, and turned them into a small bucket. Pour glutinous rice and red beans into the bucket, then cover the bucket with zong leaves, tie it with ropes, and wrap a zongzi in a short time. Looking at my grandma's skillful craftsmanship, I really admired and envied her, and I was eager to try to pick up two pieces of zong leaves. Making zongzi looks simple, but it is so difficult. I was in a hurry and only made two different dumplings. But Grandma has made many perfect dumplings.


Grandma put my dumplings and her "perfect" dumplings into a big pot to cook. While cooking rice dumplings, Grandma told me the origin of eating rice dumplings on the Dragon Boat Festival: Once upon a time, there was a very patriotic poet whose name was Qu Yuan. Many treacherous ministers were jealous of his talent and said all his bad words in front of King Huai. Soon after, King Huai died and Qu Yuan was driven out of the city. Qu Yuan, seeing his beloved country becoming weaker and weaker, felt that he could not change anything even if he lived in the world, and threw himself into the river in anger. In order to prevent Qu Yuan's body from being eaten by fish, people invented zongzi to feed fish.


After listening to the story, I thought to myself: I also want to learn from Qu Yuan, become a useful person, and do something within my power for my country. With emotion, when the rice dumplings were ready, Grandma put a big pot of rice dumplings on the table. Eating my own four different dumplings, I felt very sweet.


This is my favorite traditional festival - Dragon Boat Festival.

端午节习俗的作文 篇6


When it comes to Dragon Boat Festival, everyone must know. Dragon Boat Festival has many names. For example, the Dragon Boat Festival, Saishi Festival, Chongwu Festival, etc. Dragon Boat Festival has many customs, such as eating rice dumplings, dragon boat racing, wearing five silk thread, eating "five yellow", etc.


Speaking of zongzi, I like it very much. There are two kinds of zongzi I saw, one is bamboo leaf zongzi, the other is bamboo tube zongzi. There are various fillings, including red dates, bean paste, fragrant rice, glutinous rice, and eight treasure porridge. These fillings are sticky, sweet and delicious! I'm afraid your mouth is watering!


I heard from my parents that there is another story about the Dragon Boat Festival. During the Chu State period, it was the fifth day of May. Qu Yuan was wronged and jumped into the Miluo River with a stone in his arms. When the local people heard the news, they rowed to rescue them, but they didn't catch them for half a day. They were afraid that the fish and shrimp would eat Qu Yuan's body, so they rowed dragon boats and threw dumplings on the Miluo River to distract the fish and shrimp.


Later, in memory of Qu Yuan, a great patriot, people have continued the custom of racing dragon boats and eating rice dumplings to this day.