
时间:2022-09-23 13:19:49 | 来源:语文通



开学第一课作文 篇1《开学第一课》作文 篇2《开学第一课》作文 篇3

开学第一课作文 篇1


Today, my parents and I stayed in front of the TV and watched the program "The First Lesson". Today's theme is: "Parents teach me".


I have seen many parents who have worked hard for their children in this show, so we will have a good filial piety in the future.


My most memorable in the show is "riding a motorcycle to travel".Six years, after walking a way of more than 100,000 kilometers, the father and son have visited Henan, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei, Anhui and other provinces.Originally, the old man didn't want to go to Beijing. As a result, they finally drove their motorcycles to Beijing. The grandpa shouted happily: "Good Beijing! Good Beijing!" His son also added a lean chair behind the motorcycle., Make Grandpa travel comfortably.His son's filial piety moved me. He filial piety to his father not only cared about him considerate, but also to take his father to see the outside world.


Where's the time?Let us cherish every minute and every second, accompany our parents who are accompanied by our parents.


"Filial": It is a traditional virtue in Chinese culture, and it is also a bit of effort to implement in life.Parents taught us to teach us with words that whether they are going home from school every day to call "Mom and Dad", or communicate with parents, pay attention to their parents' health, spend time to accompany their parents ...


Today we are promoted to junior high school and conducted a compulsory course for each junior high school student. In military training, I met a lot of friends and the teacher. Moreover, there were a lot of military training. After the military training, the colorful junior high school life wasTo start, we have to start adapting to new life, and we must know more friends.


After watching this issue of "First Class", I know that in the future, I need to communicate with my parents more, care about my parents, accompany my parents, and don't talk to my parents to make my parents angry.The deepest feeling.

《开学第一课》作文 篇2


Today is September 1st, just after dinner, I stayed in front of the TV and waited for the first lesson of this year.


Among them, what impressed me most was the wonderful class brought by Uncle Aerospace.The uncle of the three astronauts not only showed us the daily life in the space station, but also gave the people in the space a unique physical education class in the space.


When I was very young, I liked astronomical knowledge very much. I liked to listen to my dad to tell me the knowledge of the universe, space, and galaxy. I also like to listen to all kinds of legends related to the sky.Therefore, I have always been curious about space and the universe. I always wondering whether humans will settle in other planets one day in the future?Or would everyone go to live in outer space one day?


Dad said that if I am interested in astronomy, I have to study hard from now, and strive to contribute to Chinese science and technology in the future.After watching the first lesson of school, I was deeply encouraged and felt that my goal was clearer.I am already a senior elementary school student, and I will soon be promoted to the hall of middle school. I must continue to work hard to study for the rise of China!

《开学第一课》作文 篇3


In September of Golden Autumn, the happy summer vacation has passed. The new school seasons that welcome us. On September 1st, we watched a particularly meaningful program "Lesson First Lesson".The theme of the first lesson is: the ideal illumination of the future, divided into four chapters, the ideal is the fire, igniting the revolutionary blood; the ideal is the stones, the paved the journey of the struggle; the ideal is to start a happy life;Liang Xingxing Road.


The program focuses on celebrating the 100 -year -old party and established a well -off society in an all -round way. The winner of the "Seventh Medal", the model of poverty alleviation, the advanced figures of resistance, the model of the era, the hero astronauts, the representative of the air echelon, the "post -00" Olympic athletes and other representatives went to the podiumThrough the "cloud classroom" method, a class with primary and secondary school students in various places.


Among them, the third chapter invited the first batch of immigrant representatives of Fujian Ning, Xie Xingchang; Xiamen University Graduate Chief Teachers Group; the winner of the Seventh Medal -Zhang Guimei told us the story of poverty alleviation in a happy life.Dedication is so selfless.


Xie Xingchang talked about the development and changes in his hometown, and his face was full of happiness and pride.After the transformation of the Xihai Gu immigrants' hard work and rich hands, a dry sandy beach that could not be seen in the past was built into a green sand beach with green trees, grapes, rich people, and prosperous markets.The development of Minning and the transformation of Xihai can be said to be a miracle.This miracle is due to the toughness of the people's water droplets in the Ningxia people, and it also benefits from the hope of the people of Fujian for more than 20 years. With the same ideals and beliefs, sweat and plant hope together, and move towards a new life of a well -off.


From 1999 to the present, the Graduate School of Xiamen University has sent a total of 323 players to continue to carry out the "Zhizhi Double Support" relay in the barren West Haigu area, guarding the children's ideals with knowledge.More than 20 years ago, the local area was tight due to the conditions of running the school. After the late self -study, the students needed a candle to learn. Many children even read the lights of the teacher's dormitory.Great changes.In the show, Sabenin and Xiamen and Fujian Ning connected at the same time. The three places sang a song "Singing and Smile" together, and continued to pass this for 23 years of assistance and love relay stick, so that the flowers of youth flowers bloomedWhere the motherland needs most.


"We will use our lives to defend our national flag, and we will use our lives to defend our motherland!" At the opening ceremony of Huaping Women's High School this year, Zhang Guimei and students were solemnly sworn in the national flag. And this flag is a special gift received by Huaping Women's High -the flag that rose in Tiananmen Square on September 1, 2008. Zhang Guimei stood on the playground of Huaping Gao Gao, telling: At that time, the classmates saw her blackboard characters who laughed into a pot of porridge, but after class, the children chased her and said, "Teacher, you can do it, you really do it, you really do it. . We want the teacher to take class, and we want to ask the teacher to give us class. "Looking at the eyes of a pair of teachers and desire for knowledge, Zhang Guimei firmly strengthened the ideal of being a teacher, and even determined to lead the children out of the mountains. Since the establishment of the school in 2008, Huaping Women's High School has helped nearly 2,000 girls in Dream University. Nowadays, some female graduates, some soldiers are stationed in Tibet, some are police officers in the front line, some return to the mountains of the mountains as a college student village official, and some have become a people's teacher like Zhang Guimei. Zhang Guimei proudly said: "Our female students will stand up all the time!"


Yeah, it is the way they have opened the road of happiness for us. They contribute themselves to the motherland and fight for the party's great Chinese dream for life.And we should also know that the good life at the moment is inseparable from the efforts behind our ancestors and the party, so we must work hard and hope that in the future, we can make a meager power for the motherland.