
时间:2022-06-29 13:57:09 | 来源:语文通



Traveling is a kind of life, a kind of open -minded and relaxing life.That travel experience made me can't wait to share and want to "get out".


In the summer of last year, I went to Shanghai Badaling Great Wall to play with my dad.


When you enter the ticket inspection, look at it from a distance. On both sides, a dragon like a dragon in the middle of the mountains and mountains is located on the long Great Wall walls on the Badalling.I chose to climb the tall and steep part of the left.


At the beginning, I was like a flying arrow that left the string, and like a runaway horse, as if stepping on the wind wheel, rushing forward with a fog, and throwing my father from behind.


But only to the fourth city gate, I was tired of getting angry and exhausted. One hand holding the tractor with the edge of the city wall, the other hand holding the knee joint, bowing waist, panting with a big mouth, a big mouth, and a big mouth gasp.Gas a big breath.At this time, I was sweating and sweating a lot in the hot sun.Just when I was discouraged, when I wanted to abandon, my father chased it: "Don't be discouraged, do you remember the competence of the one? Continue to cheer!"


I thought about it for a while, nothing wrong!Just persevere, things will be successful!I rest a little, and then chase my father again.


When we trembled into the last stairs, we finally reached the highest point.Here, I saw the most beautiful scenery: the clouds in the distance steaming Xia Wei, the surplus of the sunset shot out of the golden light from the edge of the sunset and gaps, and it was extremely colorful.The mountains and rivers are at the bottom of my feet, and the clouds seem to be close at hand.A clear mountain wind rushed, and it was extremely comfortable, and the back of the sweat was full of coolness.Suddenly I felt that I had a big mind that attracted everything.


This time, the vacation travel experience not only wanted me to face the courage to face the dilemma, but also to the taste of pleasure after success.how?What are your experience in my "sun" vacation travel experience?Welcome to leave a message on the evaluation area!



1、旅行:旅行读音为lǚ xíng,是指1.群行;结伴而行。 2.远行;去外地办事﹑谋生或游览。 3.远行的人。 远行;去外地办事或游览横越全州的旅行旅行 lǚ xíng词语意思:1.群行;结伴而行。 2.远行;去外地办事﹑谋生或游览。 3.远行的人。[travel;journey;tour] 远行;去外地办事或游览横越全州的旅行分词解释:谋生:谋求生活的门路:以手艺谋生。办事:做事:办事机构ㄧ办事认真 ㄧ我们是给群众办事的。游览:漫步观赏:游览故宫|游览黄山。外地:1.指京城以外的地方。 2.犹外乡。...旅行怎么造句,用旅行造句»