
时间:2022-06-30 13:02:59 | 来源:语文通



The ideal is the lamp, which lights up for everyone; the ideal is fire, which ignits everyone's hope of success; the ideal is sail, the promising service guarantee for everyone's development; the ideal is the bell, which sounds the alarm bell next to everyone.


The ideal is the successful metal catalyst, which urges everyone to exercise farther and farther, and never offset.Gou Jian was diligent in the Shu Kingdom, but after returning to the Vietnam Kingdom, Gou Jian was upset, just to better defeat the Shu Kingdom.It happens that because he is diligent in his own ideals, he can defeat the Shu Kingdom two years later; in order to better unify the world, Xunzheng has the current policy of "far away and close attack" in the world.The contemporary national defense plan has also glory to his own life road; Mao Zedong is diligent day and night, just to better build a happy New China, benefit the people, and make them Guotai people.Mao Zedong was often praised by others, and because he struggled for his own ideals.


Everyone should have ideals.With ideals, even though God does not have a lot of you, you also illuminated a fingertips that reflect your lifetime in the end of the end of the end.As a deaf and dumb, Keshan Keller persistently applied to deaf and dumb voluntary work, but persisted in the strong and unyielding daily life, and became a world -renowned book "If I Give me three days of light"; Beethoven's earsEars were deaf, but did not hesitate to become a musician and wrote a bloody "Symphony of Destiny".Many such people in the world are destroyed by fortune, but they are still strong fighting against fortune.Even though the whole body scars, the ideal, supported them to move forward diligently.


As a student, we are all the future of the Chinese nation, and we are all hope of the Chinese nation.Everyone should have the pursuit of perfection, and everyone should have ideals.Think of these revolutionary martyrs who are preferred by the way, think about these risky medical workers, think about these national leaders who benefit the people, which one is not diligent in the best of their own ideals.Isn't it to better develop the flowers of the Chinese nation healthily?


The ideal like a paper plane, flying a paper plane, flying hope.As a new era boy, everyone should also fly their ideals and let the desperate flames spread throughout every corner of the world.


Star fire can be red and new.If you fly your ideals, you have already entered the new journey.The beautiful future is in front of it, so that we will fly ideal, create a happier beautiful New China, and let our country stand in the king of the world.



Dear leaders, dear colleagues:


Hello everyone!


The topic of my speech was "Let Youth Flying with the Workers", my name is ****, from the branch of the Huaxi Rural Cooperation Bank in Huaxi, Guizhou.First of all, thank all the leaders and colleagues to give me the opportunity to show themselves this time! As a young man in the new century, in order to realize his ideals and beliefs, he came to the country's first rural cooperative bank Huaxi Bank Branch.Like fireflies, fluorescent lights are flashing in work and life, and striving to rely on the spirit of the fireflies to reflect the bright brilliance of your life!


In July 2009, I was honored to integrate into the sacred and solemn young team of the country's first Guizhou Rural Cooperation Bank in Guizhou. Before I came here, I knew that a bank that dared to break the old concepts and explored development, banks with vitality, and vitality,, banks with vitality, banks with vitality, banks, banks with vitality, and vitality.The creative bank and the more competitive Guizhou Huaxi Rural Cooperation Bank was converted from the original credit cooperative on May 28, 2004.At that time, I was just a college student who had just graduated from Guizhou University for Nationalities.As a college student, the daily task is to lay a solid foundation. In order to better contribute to the society in the future, I work hard to learn my majors. Before graduating, my major has not only received praise from teachers and classmates in school. IHe also participated in large -scale competitions and won awards.


In June 2009, Huaxi Cooperation Bank went to Guizhou National College to recruit a group of college students who just graduated. With two options, one is to return to the hometown of Hunan, who is full of affection, and the family has made arrangements for me, and the other is to stay in Guizhou and integrate into the youngest financial team of the cooperative bank. Essence To be honest, I hesitated at that time, nothing else, but too far from my loved ones. Whoever did not want to live in my parents' care every day, but I finally decided to stay. Thinking of the youngest rural cooperative bank in the future should be from the future. When our generation grasped, I was deeply responsible, especially as a part of the local college, a member of the Guizhou National Academy, and the burden on my body should be heavier than others, and it was more heavy than others. The first rural cooperative bank can successfully take root and develop in the short five years, which is largely due to the introduction of a series of new policies. Decision makers can be far -sighted, seize market trends, and formulate new policies without losing time. Therefore, I should be stationed here. For my own ideals, for my own pursuit, to return to the land that gives me four years to my college life, I am willing to stay away from my loved ones, and I am willing to choose to pay for youth.


Therefore, I asked to start from the front -line employees and write the beautiful life of a cooperative bank staff with my youth spectrum.Friends, if I ask you what the happiest thing is, maybe you answered a variety of answers, but you will not think of the answer to the front -line employee of a cooperative bank anyway. She said "see a smile and smile"It is the happiest thing to see a smile.Yeah, maybe you will be surprised, but this is indeed my true psychology as a front -line employee.This is the pride of the new generation of the first rural cooperative banker!


As a new front desk employee, I deal with customers at different levels every day. The age, identity, and personality are very different, but I must maintain a good mood every day.The enthusiasm, warmth, and smile are the best impression I left to customers as a front desk teller.I deeply feel the importance of compliance operations. If each employee can operate in accordance with standardized operations, our business still has more room for development.In the work, as a service window employee, you must keep in mind the purpose of "customer first" and "customer -centric", and receive every customer in strict accordance with the service in standardized operations.

  为了自己更快地融入到这支年轻而充满活力的队伍里,在短短的时间里,我每天都在努力学习业务知识,记得第一天上班,我有一种冲动,一种神圣的感觉,一种心潮澎湃。不,我说不清楚,那是一种无法用言语表达的感觉。激动、骄傲、自豪、庄严……都无法表达我“年轻的心”。一直忙到晚上1点多钟才睡觉。而当就在我最忙的那几天,接到父母打来的电话,说要专程来花溪看我这个宝贝丫头,在父母眼中我永远是一个孩子,让他们放心不下。其实我也好久没有见到他们了,也挺想他们,做为子女我应该回去看看他们才对,然而,做为一名一线新员工,为了工作,我得在最短的时间内学好专业知识,让父母放心,让领导同仁们放心。 在这短短地一个月里,我一心只想把工作搞好。每天都在忙碌里充实着自己,还不断告诫自己:璧羽加油!

In order to integrate into this young and dynamic team faster, in a short period of time, I work hard to learn business knowledge every day. Remember to go to work on the first day. I have an impulse and a sacred feeling.A trend of heart.No, I can't say clearly, it is a feeling that cannot be expressed in words.Excite, pride, pride, solemn ... can not express my "young heart".I was busy until more than 1 o'clock in the evening before going to bed.And when I was busy in the busiest day, I received a call from my parents and said that I would like to see Huaxi to see my baby girl. In the eyes of my parents, I will always be a child, so that they can rest assured.In fact, I have n’t seen them for a long time, and I miss them. As a child, I should go back and see them. However, as a first -line new employee, for work, I have to learn professional knowledge in the shortest time.Let parents rest assured and let leaders reassuring.In this short month, I just want to do my job well.I am busy with myself every day, and keep warning myself: Come on!


As a new employee, I know the importance of high -quality services: not only should we fully understand and understand the connotation of services in work, but also use it as the driving force for high -quality civilized services;And improve your service awareness, actively carry out high -quality civilized services, use a smile to welcome and send every customer; we must work hard to strengthen education and training, improve business skills, and contribute to creating a beautiful service environment;Assist in improving the level of financial electronicization and actively publicize the various policies and norms of the Bank to customers.


More than half of 2009, the reform and development of cooperative banks have also entered a brand new historical stage. Facing the cruel market competition, in the new period, as a new front -line employee shoulder a major historical missionEssenceRest assured, Huaxi Rural Cooperation Bank, "dedication", I recognized, "sacrifice", I said value! That's because the new generation of the first rural cooperative bank's young first -line employees had only one expectation, that is:In order to cooperate with the glory of the bank tomorrow! We must stand in an invincible place in the public, that is, to dare to innovate, that is, to improve faster and higher.Together, the pedestrians, facing reality and difficulties together, let us put our attention to history, reality, and future, actively respond to new challenges in the work of the new century, work together, fight side by side, stubborn hard work, selfless dedication, and make work better.Make life richer, make life more exciting, and let youth fly with ideals!


My speech is over, thank you!



The ideal is the cornerstone of everyone's success; ideal is the compass that everyone goes to success; ideals are the balance rod that achieves everyone's success.Without ideals, no success, everyone can struggle towards this ideal as long as they have ideals, and work hard to achieve it.Therefore, ideals and achievements are proportional. If you want to achieve something, you must first establish your ideals.


Therefore, the ideal is the motivation of everyone's life and learning, and ideals are urging.Everyone has their own ideals, and everyone strives for their ideals and struggle.I also have my own ideals. My ideal is to be a children's writer! The kind of traveling while writing!


I want to see the smiling smiles of my little readers when I look through my work; I look forward to seeing the readers who wrote to me that they are confident; I look forward to seeing the readers who meet meAs soon as I embraced, I surrounded me and immersed in the joy of meeting me!


I am working hard and work hard to complete my dream. I hope to get everything I expect so that all this is no longer a dream ...


Perhaps the significance of life lies in the experience. If you have not experienced countless bumps, how can you experience the joy of success; if you have not experienced the severe winter of Xiaoshe, how can you cherish the sunny sun and the sun.How can the mountain roads be appreciated by the broad road? There will always be a fall in life, urging us to grow up instantly, there will always be storms, let us learn to be strong.


"Mobilization" and "discrimination" must be experienced, but after the wind and rain, it must be a rainbow. After the darkness, it will eventually be dawn. The strong eagles soar in the sky, and life is exciting in the ups and downs of frustration.If you want to turn your ideals into reality, you will definitely encounter various difficulties on the way, but it is not a reason to defeat us. We must not give up, but we must also persist! We must also prove it! We must also let the ideals fly high in reality!



Every life has a dream.The dream of the bird is flying to the blue sky; the dream of fish is to swim the sea; the dream of the horse is flying on the endless prairie;


You will never think that my dream is to be a teacher.Although the profession of teachers is ordinary, although the teacher's occupation is poor, and although the education is hard and tired, I think of the face that is immature, I still dream of being a teacher.


In the early morning, when I heard the sound of reading in the classroom, I had a little gratitude in my heart, which was what every teacher wanted to hear.


The classing bell of "Dingling Bell" started. In the greetings of the classmates, the new lesson started. "Today we learn ..." In the teacher's devotion, if any classmate went out, it was depressed, and it was depressed.The teacher will not hesitate to remind you what to do.You are a teacher of a teacher. He wants to cultivate students and become the pillars of the motherland. This is a contribution and pride.


In the days when flowers bloom, let us fly our dreams and add more pride to the motherland!



1、理想:理想读音为lǐ xiǎng,是指①对未来事物的想像或希望(多指有根据的、合理的,跟空想、幻想不同):当一名医生是我的理想。②符合希望的;使人满意的:这件事办得很理想ㄧ这项技术革新还不够理想,要进一步钻研。理想 lǐ xiǎng词语意思:①对未来事物的想像或希望(多指有根据的、合理的,跟空想、幻想不同):当一名医生是我的理想。②符合希望的;使人满意的:这件事办得很理想ㄧ这项技术革新还不够理想,要进一步钻研。分词解释:技术革新:指生产技术上的改进,如工艺规程、机器部件等的改进。也叫技术改革。满意:1.决意,一心一意。 2.意愿得到满足。 3.满以为;原先料想。 4.犹充盈。钻研:深入细致地研究:钻研学术|刻苦钻研的精神。合理:合乎道理或事理:合理使用丨合理密植丨他说的话很合理。符合:(数量、形状、情节等)相合:符合事实 ㄧ这些产品不符合质量标准。...理想怎么造句,用理想造句»

2、飞翔:飞翔读音为fēi xiáng,是指盘旋地飞,泛指飞:展翅飞翔ㄧ鸽子在天空飞翔。飞翔 fēi xiáng词语意思:盘旋地飞,泛指飞:展翅飞翔ㄧ鸽子在天空飞翔。分词解释:泛指:1.谓手指轻弹琴弦。 2.谓不专指一事或一人。天空:1.谓天际空阔。 2.日月星辰罗列的广大空间。鸽子:鸟,翅膀大,善于飞行,品种很多,羽毛有白色、灰色、酱紫色等,以谷类植物的种子为食物,有的可以用来传递书信。常用做和平的象征。盘旋:1.旋转。 2.来回往复。...飞翔怎么造句,用飞翔造句»